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Law S/N - Without Title

Original Language Title: Ley S/N - Sin Titulo

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Santiago, November 9, 1877.-

As the National Congress has approved the following lei project:


It is stated that the exception contained in paragraph 2 of Article 6. of the lei of 4 August 1874, refers only to the funds whose titles were already inscribed in legal form at the date of the promulgation of that lei, being, therefore, absolutely forbidden to the individuals to acquire land of indigenous within the limits set out in paragraph 1. 6.°

Subparagraph 2 of the article 14 of the lei of 13 October 1875i, therefore, the prohibition that speaks the preceding paragraph is also extended to the territories between the Tolten river and the northern border of the province of Valdivia.

The prohibitions of this lei are not applicable to the acquisitions that the State may make.

I, therefore, listened to the Council of State, have had the right to punish it; therefore, please proceed as lei of the Republic, for which purpose it will appear in the Official Journal. -

Hannibal Pinto. -

José Alfonso. -