LAW NO. 21.117 AMENDS LAW NO. 20,959, WHICH EXTENDS THE APPLICATION OF LAW NO. 20,243, WHICH LAYS DOWN RULES ON THE MORAL AND PROPERTY RIGHTS OF PERFORMERS OF ARTISTIC EXECUTIONS FIXED IN AUDIOVISUAL FORMAT, TO EXTEND AND TO MAKE THE RIGHT OF AUDIOVISUAL ARTISTS AND CREATORS EFFECTIVE, TO RECEIVE REMUNERATION FOR THEIR CREATIONS Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the bill originating in a motion of the H. Diaz Diaz, Florcita Alarcon Rojas, Nino Baltolu Rasera, Alejandro Bernales Maldonado, Miguel Angel Calisto Águila, Luciano Cruz-Coke Carvallo, Hugo Rey Martínez and Renzo Trisotto Martínez and the H. Diputadas, Carolina Marzan Pinto and Marisela Santibanez Novoa, Draft Law: " Single Article.-Amend Article 2 of the Law No. 20,959, which extends the application of Law No 20.243, which lays down rules on the moral and property rights of performers of artistic executions fixed in audiovisual format, in the following sense: 1. Intercalase the expression 'national and' between 'cinematographic' and 'foreign' vocablos. 2. The sentence "shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 29 of Law No 17.336, acting as a retainer" by the expression "shall be the exclusive charge of the exhibitor". " And because it has had good to approve and sanction it, therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, October 17, 2018.-SEBASTIAN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Consuelo Valdés Chadwick, Minister of Cultures, Arts and Heritage. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Juan Carlos Silva Aldunate, Undersecretary of Cultures and the Arts.