ADDS PARAGRAPH TO ARTICLE 377 OF THE LABOR CODE. For the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Single article. Add to Article 377 of the Labour Code the following new points: " However, the directors of the Officers and Crew of the National Merchant Navy will be able to perceive during the exercise of their mandate, an assignment of charge of the respective union. This allowance may not exceed, in its amount, the salaries, salaries, allowances, allowances and other benefits which the director may have due in the case of working effectively for the undertaking and shall be affected by all the impositions and discounts on wages, salaries and other work wages established in the laws. The charge corresponding to the ship will be charged by the respective union. The allocation referred to in the preceding points shall only be made where the director is unable to work within the undertaking due to the requirements of the trade union work. The Provincial Labour Inspectorate will determine the amount of the allocation, at the request of the majority of the syndicated members, and the maximum number of directors who in each union will qualify for this benefit, all in accordance with the the procedure laid down in the regulation of this law. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, fifteen of September, thousand nine hundred and sixty-one.-JORGE ALESSANDRI RODRIGUEZ.-Hugo Galvez