THE HOUSE CORPORATION WILL GIVE FOR THE CANCELLATION OF THE MORTGAGE THAT, IN ITS FAVOR, HAS CONSTITUTED THE SOCIETY OF BENEFICENCE OF THE LADIES OF CAUQUENES. only. The Housing Corporation will give by cancelled the mortgage that in its favor has constituted the Society of Beneficence of the Senoras de Cauquenes, as guarantee of the loan that for $800,000 will grant it for repairs in the local of the Asylum Elders of that city according to deed dated July 15, 1957, entered in the Register of Mortgage to fojas 61, No. 62, of the year 1957, and in the Register of Bans to Fojas 52, No. 59, of the year 1957. In order to comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Housing Corporation will consult in its 1961 budget, the sums necessary to cover the amount that the aforementioned debt is reduced to the date of this law. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, at twenty-eight of September of a thousand nine hundred and sixty.-JORGE ALESSANDRI RODRIGUEZ.-Ernesto Pinto Lagarrigue.