Law No. 12,265 PROVIDES FOR THE SALE IN PUBLIC OF THE MOVABLE BODY THINGS MADE AVAILABLE TO THE COURTS OF THE CRIME OF GREATER OR LESSER AMOUNTS AND THAT THEY HAVE NOT FALLEN IN COMISO For the National Congress has given its approval to the next Project Articles 1. The movable body things made available to the Courts of the Crime of Major or Minor and that have not fallen in comiso, will be sold in public auction according to this law. The money that will be obtained will belong to the Institute of Criminal Sciences, to whom it will be delivered without further formalities. Article 2.o To proceed with the review provided for in the previous article, it is required: 1.o There is a strong resolution that will terminate the process; 2.o That six months have elapsed, at least, since the date of that resolution, and 3.o That in the case no the thing has been claimed by legitimate rightholder about it. Article 3. The Secretaries of the Criminal Courts shall identify in an inventory all the things that are made available to the Tribunal. Article 4. The auctions shall be carried out twice a year, by the Secretaries of the respective Courts and their product shall deposit it in the current account of the Court, who shall pay a cheque to the Institute of Criminal Sciences. Article 5.o The value of the notices and other expenses incurred by the Secretaries of the Courts shall be the responsibility of the Institute of Criminal Sciences, which shall provide the means to carry out the auctions in a timely manner. Article 6.o The Institute of Criminal Sciences may appoint one or more delegates to collaborate with the Secretaries of the Courts to make their work more rapid and expeditious and to intervene in the auctions. And because I've had to approve and sanction it, do it and take it into effect as the law of the Republic. Santiago, twenty-four of October thousand nine hundred and fifty-six.-CARLOS IBÁÑEZ OF THE CAMP.-Mariano Fontecilla.