Authorized return impositions National Caja Employees Public employees, employees under laws 4,113 and 4,156, and who have more than two years of services. As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following BILL OF LAW: Article 1 of the National Public Works and Journalists Box will return employees under their regime, with more than two years of service in the administration. Public, who cease or have ceased in the performance of their duties, pursuant to the application of Article 15 of Law 4,113, and of Law 4,156, the totality of the discounts made to their salaries, in accordance with Article 4 (a) of the decree-law number 767. These returns will be made without interest and at a discount of ten per cent (10%). Article 2.o Employees who cease to be rejoined to the Public Administration shall reinstate the National Fund of Public Employees and Journalists the amount of what they have received for the refund of the discount under this law. This refund may only be made within two years of the date on which the refund referred to in Article 1 (1) of this Law has been effected. Employees who do not make this refund shall not be entitled to be counted on the time during which they made the returned impositions, for the purposes of regulating the benefits granted by the Fund. Article 3. This law shall apply from its publication in the Official Journal. And because I've had to approve and sanction it, do it and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, eight of September, thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven.-Carlos Ibanez C.-Enrique Balmaceda.