I read No. 2,230, which grants a supplement to the Interior Budget, to pay for expenses made in the National Congress. I read No. 2,230.-As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following LEI PROJECT: SINGLE ARTICLE. A supplement of twenty-one |! |a hundred and twenty-two pesos twenty cents to item 51 of |! |the item 1.a of the Budget of the Ministry of the |! | Interior, to pay the following expenses, of character |! |ordinary, that have been made with the funds |! |intended for ordinary secretarial expenses: |! | Gratification to the servitude i guard |! |special.-House Agreement dated February 20, 1909 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ $5,224.50 Lamp of the dining room and its electrical connections and Installation___ 3,565.80 Various facilities made in the building by the House Lumsden________________________ 891.90 Balustrades of marble for the vestibulo___ 3,000.00 Lamp of bronze for the halls___________ 7,000.00 Sillas for the Diplomatic Tribune i for the Reserved _______________ 1,440.00 ___________ Total $21,122.20 As soon as the Council of State has heard, I have had to approve it; therefore, promulgate i take effect as I read from the Republic. Santiago, 6 December 1909.-PEDRO MONTT.-Ismael Tocornal.