LAW NO. 17.867 GRANTS AMNESTY TO DON JUAN AUGUSTO ILLANES DONOSO As soon as the National Congress has given its approval to the following BILL OF LAW: " Single article. He was convicted of the judgment of 21 December 1950 of the First Court of Letters of Antofagasta, confirmed by the I. Court of Appeals of Iquique on June 13, 1951, relapsed in the process Role 14.293 of the said Court of Letters of Antofagasta. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, publish and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, twenty-eight of November of a thousand nine hundred and seventy-two.-SALVADOR ALLENDE GOSSENS.-SERGIO INSUNZA BARRIOS. I say it to U. for your knowledge.-God save U.-José Antonio Viera Gallo, Assistant Secretary of Justice.