LAW NO. 20,735 MODIFIES SOME ASPECTS OF THE ARMED FORCES 'PREVISIONS, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PUBLIC SECURITY AND CHILE' S GENDARMERIE Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Article 1. Add to Article 5 (b) of the decree with force of law No. 31, 1953, of the Ministry of National Defense, which establishes the Organic Law governing the National Defense Security Fund, the following fourth indent, new: " The retirement or montepio beneficiaries over 65 years of age will not be affected by the discount indicated in this letter. ' Article 2.-Substitute Article 11 (d) of the decree with force of law No. 4, 1968, of the Ministry of National Defense, which establishes rules for the operation and financing of the Fund for the Revaluation of Pensions of the Forces Armed, for the following: " (d) With 0.5% on the total retirement and montepio pensions paid by the National Defense Forecasting Fund, including pension-related pensions. This discount will only be made until the beneficiary of the respective pension is 65 years of age. " Article 3.-Add to the end of point (c) of Article 10 of Law No 16.258, after the final point, which becomes followed, the following sentence: " This discount shall only be made until the beneficiary of the respective pension complies with the 65 years of age. ' Article 4.-The following amendments are made to Article 7 of Law No. 12.856, which is created by the Health Council of the Armed Forces, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text is established by Supreme Decree No. 265 of 1977, of the Ministry of National Defense: (1) Substitute the first paragraph of the following paragraph: " Article 7.-For the purpose of attending the costs of medical and dental care, hospital and outpatient care of pensioners for retirement or montepio and of employees of the Caja de The National Defense Security and Social Security System of the Armed Forces, as well as that of their legal family burdens, and the parents of those pensioners living at their expense, are established as a (2) Add the following number 7: " 7.-With 0.5% on the basis of the following resources: retirement and montepio pensions paid by this same Welfare Fund, to those over 65 years of age. " Article 5.-The following amendments to Law No. 18,948, Constitutional Organic of the Armed Forces: 1) Add to Article 11 the following second and third incissos: " The Staff of the Armed Forces Plant, which He will take on a new position as a health professional, governed by Law No. 15,076. It will be affected, in relation to these new services, to the pension system established in Decree Law No. 3,500 of 1980. In matters of health, it will be governed by the decree with force of law No. 1, 2005, of the Ministry of Health, which fixes the recast, coordinated and systematized text of Decree Law No. 2,763, 1979, and of laws No. 18,933 and No. 18.469, as appropriate. In the field of accidents at work and occupational diseases, it will continue to affect the provisions contained in the decree with force of law No. 1, 1997, of the Ministry of National Defense. For the purposes of the foregoing paragraph, Article 2 of Law No 18,458 shall not apply. " (2) The following amendments to Article 77: (a) Intercalase in its second indent, following the expression "Institutions of National Defense", the following: "or of the Order and Public Security Forces". b) Add, at the end of your third indent, the following sentence, replacing the separate point with a comma: " provided that these periods have been listed in the National Defense Forecast Box or the Carabinieri's Social Security Directorate, according to (c) Defeat his fourth, seventh and eighth incites, passing the present fifth, sixth and ninth incissos, to be fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively. (d) To replace, in the current fifth indent, which has become the fourth indent, the phrase "the two previous incites" by "the previous paragraph". 3. In Article 78, following the following point, the following: " Computable services, the last two years or four semesters of professional studies of the Officers of Justice, Health, Health, Dental, Veterinary, Religious Service, of the Escalaphones of the Armed Forces. The corresponding impositions shall be the responsibility of the persons concerned and shall be calculated on the basis of grade 14 of the salary scale of the Armed Forces. "4. Eliminate from the final paragraph of Article 79 the sentence" of two years, if they are widows, (5) Replace Article 88a by the following: " Article 88a.-The following may be assigned to the montepio: In the first degree, the widow or widower. The surviving spouse of a pensioner, to be a beneficiary of a montepio pension, must have married the deceased at least three years before the date of his death. This limitation shall not apply if, at the time of death, common children exist or if the spouse is pregnant, or if the deceased person dies in a given act of the service. In the second degree, the children. The children, to be beneficiaries of montepio, must be single and meet one of the following requirements: a) Being under 18 years of age. b) Be older than 18 years of age and under 24, if they are students of regular courses of basic, medium, technical or higher education. The quality of the student must be given to the date of death of the deceased or to acquire it before the age of 24. (c) Be invalid or not absolute, regardless of age. For these purposes, absolute invalidity or incapacity may occur after the death of the deceased, but before they meet the maximum ages set out in (a) or (b) of this paragraph, as appropriate. The invalidity of the montepio allocatarios shall be declared as such only when it is accredited by the Medical or Health Commission of the Institution to which the causative belonged. In the third degree, parents, provided that they are responsible for the death of the imposing family, are recognized by the competent body. In the absence of a widow or widower, with a right to a montepio, the children shall take place; in the absence of such children, the parents responsible for the family allowance. The second and third-degree allocatees will receive their diminished pension by twenty-five per cent. If the deceased is a widow or widower with a right to a montepio and a child of earlier marriages or non-marriage, the pension shall be distributed between that, that and those, in the following form: (a) Each child of former marriages or non-marriage receive the proportion of the pension that would have been paid to the widow or widower, if there were no such children, determined as the ratio between 40% and the total number of second-graders. (b) The widow or widower shall receive 100% of the montepio's pension, unless there are children of previous marriages or non-marriage, in which case the percentage of the montepio pension to be applied shall be determined in accordance with the above in point (a) above. In the pensions of montepio there will be the right to abide. In the case of unmarried or divorced staff, without children, who dies as a result of a particular act of service, the parents shall be entitled to montepio. In the case of several persons called to the same degree, the pension shall be divided equally between them. The staff who die in active service shall be entitled to their own funds to be paid, in accordance with the degree of prior notice, the salary and other remuneration which they have enjoyed up to the date of the respective cessation, issue immediately after the montepio has been granted or at the latest within the next ninety days. The resolution giving the montepio shall be issued within the period of six months from the date of death. ' Article 6.-The following amendments are introduced in the decree with force of law No. 1 (G), 1968, of the Ministry of National Defense, on Staff Regulations of the Armed Forces, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by Supreme Decree No. 148 of 1986 of the Ministry of National Defense: 1. Substitute the second paragraph of Article 177, by the following: " Personnel returning to the service in other places or jobs of the Armed Forces, Carabinieri or Police of Investigations, for a period of not less than three years uninterrupted and who are also entitled to a retirement pension, will be entitled to have their previous pension reliqued for once, increasing for each new year of service, at a rate of 3.33% of the amount that is lower between their last received pension, adjusted in accordance with the decree law No. 2,547, 1979, and the average remuneration received during the last thirty-six months corresponding to the new services provided. However, the increase in the pension for the purpose of the relief may not exceed 50% of the amount that is lower between the last pension received, adjusted in accordance with the decree of Law No 2,547 of 1979, and the average of Remuneration received during the last thirty-six months corresponding to the new services provided. In order to benefit from this benefit, the staff must carry out or integrate the corresponding impositions, and the rules of Law No 10,986 will apply to it. The same right will enjoy the staff of the reserve (2) Reposition Article 202 by the following: " Article 202.-The allocatees of montepio shall not be entitled to impetre pension, or shall cease in the enjoyment thereof, when they are in any of the following cases: 1. To have contracted marriage. 2nd. To be a son or daughter over 18 years of age. However, these descendants may continue to enjoy the pension until they are 24 years of age, provided that they are following regular courses in basic, medium, technical or higher education. Without prejudice to the foregoing, this age limit shall not apply where they are affected by absolute invalidity or incapacity. This invalidity shall be declared as such only if it is accredited by the Medical or Health Commission of the Institution to which the deceased belonged. 3rd. There is an enforceable judgment declaring the annulment of the marriage or the divorce. 4th. To be unworthy of succeeding the causative, declared by judicial sentence. The allocatees who have lost the enjoyment of the montepio shall not be able to recover it for any reason, even in the event of nullity of the marriage which was the reason for such loss. "3) Reposition, in Article 204, the expression" article 200 " by the sentence "Article 88a of Law No 18,948". Article 7.-Enter the following amendments to Article 7 of Law No. 19,465, which establishes the Health System of the Armed Forces: 1) Replace, in point (c), the final comma and the letter "and" that follows you by a semicolon. 2. Substitute, in point (d), the end point by a comma. 3. the following point (e): " (e) The persons responsible for the household allocation of the staff referred to in the preceding letters, commissioned abroad, provided that the family allowance of Article 200 (d) of the decree is received by them; force of law No. 1, 1997, of the Ministry of National Defense, which establishes the status of the personnel of the Armed Forces, and they are studying in institutions of basic, middle, technical and higher education, recognized by the State where they are complies with the Commission. '; Article 8.-The personnel of the Armed Forces Plant who, after the entry into force of this law, is appointed as a teacher will be affected, in relation to these new services, to the pension system established in Decree Law No. 3,500, of 1980. In matters of health, it will be governed by the decree with force of law No. 1, 2005, of the Ministry of Health, which fixes the recast, coordinated and systematized text of Decree Law No. 2,763, 1979, and of laws No. 18,933 and No. 18.469, as appropriate. In the field of accidents of work and occupational diseases, it will continue to affect the provisions contained in the decree with force of law No. 1, 1997, of the Ministry of National Defense, which establishes the status of the personnel of the Forces Armed. For the purposes of this Article, Article 2 of Law No 18,458 shall not apply. Article 9º.-The following amendments are introduced in Law No. 18.961, Constitutional Organic of Carabineros of Chile: 1) Eliminate from the third paragraph of Article 58 the expression "two years if they are widows and". 2) Intercalase, in the First of Article 61, following the expression "Institutions of National Defense", the following: "or of the Forces of Order and Public Security". 3. in Article 61, second indent, replacing the separate point by a comma, the following final sentence: " provided that such periods have been listed in the National Defence Forecast Box or the Directorate of Carabineros de Chile, as appropriate. " 4. Rule out the third indent of Article 61. 5. Substitute in the fourth indent of Article 61 the words "the preceding two points" by "the preceding paragraph". (6) Intercalase the following fifth indent in Article 62, passing the current fifth indent to be sixth: " The last two years or four semesters of professional studies of the Officers of Justice shall be considered to be computable services, Health, Dental, Veterinary, Religious Service, Carabinieri Escalaphones. The corresponding impositions shall be the responsibility of the persons concerned and shall be calculated on the basis of grade 14 of the salary scale of the Carabineros. "7) Reposition Article 70a by the following:" Article 70a.-The montepio has the following dispatchers of the deceased: In the first degree, the widow or widower. The surviving spouse of a pensioner, to be a beneficiary of a montepio pension, must have married the deceased at least three years before the date of his death. This limitation shall not apply if, at the time of death, common children exist or if the spouse is pregnant, or if the deceased person dies in a given act of the service. In the second degree, the children. The children, to be beneficiaries of montepio, must be single and meet one of the following requirements: a) Being under 18 years of age. b) Be older than 18 years of age and under 24, if they are students of regular courses of basic, medium, technical or higher education. The quality of the student must be given to the date of death of the deceased or to acquire it before the age of 24. (c) Be invalid or not absolute, regardless of age. For these purposes, absolute invalidity or incapacity may occur after the death of the deceased, but before they meet the maximum ages set out in (a) or (b) of this paragraph, as appropriate. The invalidity of the montepio allocatarios shall be declared as such only when it is accredited by the competent Medical or Health Commission of the Institution to which the causative belonged. In the third degree, parents, provided that they are responsible for the death of the imposing family, are recognized by the competent body. In the absence of a widow or widower with a right to montepio, the children shall be born; the parents responsible for the family allowance shall be absent. The second and third-degree allocatees will receive their diminished pension by twenty-five per cent. If the deceased is a widow or widower with a right to a montepio and a child of earlier marriages or non-marriage, the pension shall be distributed between that, that and those, in the following form: (a) Each child of former marriages or non-marriage receive the proportion of the pension that would have been paid to the widow or widower, if there were no such children, determined as the ratio between 40% and the total number of second-graders. (b) The widow or widower shall receive 100% of the montepio's pension, unless there are children of previous marriages or non-marriage, in which case the percentage of the montepio pension to be applied shall be determined in accordance with the above in point (a) above. In the case of unmarried or divorced staff, without children, who dies as a result of a particular act of service, the parents shall be entitled to montepio. In the case of several persons called to the same degree, the pension shall be divided equally between them. The staff who die in active service shall be entitled to their own funds to be paid, in accordance with the degree of prior notice, the salary and other remuneration which they have enjoyed up to the date of the respective cessation, issue immediately after the montepio has been granted or, at the latest, within the next ninety days. The resolution giving the montepio shall be issued within the period of six months from the date of death. ' Article 10.-The following amendments are introduced in the decree with force of law No. 2, 1968, of the Ministry of the Interior, on the Staff Regulations of the Chilean Carabineros, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the Supreme Decree No. 412, 1991, of the Ministry of National Defense: 1. The second and third points of Article 70 are replaced by the following: " Staff returning to the service in other places or jobs of the Armed Forces, Carabineros or Police of Investigations, for a period of not less than three years You will be entitled to have your previous pension reliqued for once, increasing for each new year of service by 3.33% of the amount that is lower between your last pension. Pension received, adjusted in accordance with the decree law No. 2,547, 1979, and the average of Remuneration received during the last thirty-six months corresponding to the new services provided. However, the increase in the pension for the purpose of the relief may not exceed 50% of the amount that is lower between the last pension received, adjusted in accordance with the decree of Law No 2,547 of 1979, and the average of Remuneration received during the last thirty-six months corresponding to the new services provided. In order to benefit from this benefit, the staff must carry out or integrate the corresponding impositions, and the rules of Law No 10,986 will apply to it. In the case of the staff of the Carabineros of Chile, called to the service since the withdrawal, referred to in article 16 of Law No. 18.961, Constitutional Organic of Carabineros of Chile, and in the articles 32a and following of this Statute, may reliquate in that condition and preserve the right enshrined in the preceding paragraph to be exercised at a later date, for one time. " 2) Amend Article 83 as follows: (a) Defeat your third indent. b) Reposition in its final point, the expression "the two previous incissos" by "the previous paragraph". 3) Add to Article 85 the following final, new: " We will consider the last two years or four semesters of professional studies of the Officers of Justice, Health, Dental Health, Veterinary, Religious Service, of the Escalaphones of the Carabineros. The corresponding impositions shall be the responsibility of the persons concerned and shall be calculated on the basis of grade 14 of the salary scale of the Carabineros. "4) Eliminate, in the fourth indent of Article 94, the expression" of two years if they are widows and ". 5) Article 121 is replaced by the following: " Article 121.-The following may be assigned to the montepio: first, the widow or, where appropriate, the widower. The surviving spouse of a pensioner, to be a beneficiary of a montepio pension, must have married the deceased at least three years before the date of his death. This limitation shall not apply if, at the time of death, common children exist or if the spouse is pregnant, or if the deceased person dies in a given act of the service. In the second degree, the children. Children, to be beneficiaries of montepio, must be single and meet one of the following requirements: a) Being under 18 years of age. b) Be older than 18 years of age and under 24, if they are students of regular courses of basic, medium, technical or higher education. The quality of the student must be given to the date of death of the deceased or to acquire it before the age of 24. (c) Be invalid or not absolute, regardless of age. For these purposes, absolute invalidity or incapacity may occur after the death of the deceased, but before they meet the maximum ages set out in (a) or (b) of this paragraph, as appropriate. The invalidity of the montepio allocatarios shall be declared as such only when it is accredited by the competent Medical or Health Commission of the Institution to which the causative belonged. In the third degree, parents, provided that they are responsible for the death of the imposing family, are recognized by the competent body. In the absence of widowed or widowed, the children will succeed; in the absence of such children, the parents responsible for the family allowance. The second and third-degree allocatees will receive their diminished pension by twenty-five per cent. If the deceased is a widow or widower with a right to a montepio and a child of earlier marriages or non-marriage, the pension shall be distributed between that, that and those, in the following form: (a) Each child of former marriages or non-marriage receive the proportion of the pension that would have been paid to the widow or widower, if there were no such children, determined as the ratio between 40% and the total number of second-graders. (b) The widow or widower shall receive 100% of the montepio's pension, unless there are children of previous marriages or non-marriage, in which case the percentage of the montepio pension to be applied shall be determined in accordance with the above in point (a) above. In the case of unmarried or divorced staff who die as a result of a given act of the service, the parents shall be entitled to montepio. In the case of several persons called to the same degree, the pension shall be divided equally between them. The staff who die in active service shall be entitled to their own funds to be paid, in accordance with the degree of precedence referred to above, the salary and other remuneration which they have enjoyed up to the date of the respective cessation, issue immediately after the montepio has been granted or at the latest within the 90-day period. The resolution giving the montepio must be given within six months from the date of death. ' 6) Replace Article 125 by the following: " Article 125.-The allocatees of montepio shall not be entitled to impetre pension or cease in the enjoyment of it, when they are in any of the following cases: 1. 2. To be a son or daughter over 18 years of age. However, these descendants may continue to enjoy the pension until they are 24 years of age, provided that they are following regular courses in basic, medium, technical or higher education. Without prejudice to the foregoing, this age limit shall not apply where they are affected by absolute invalidity or incapacity. This invalidity shall be declared as such only if it is accredited by the Medical or Health Commission of the Institution to which the deceased belonged. 3. An enforceable sentence for which the marriage or divorce is declared invalid. 4. To be unworthy of succeeding the deceased, declared by judicial sentence. The allocators who have lost the enjoyment of the montepio shall not be able to recover it for any reason, even in the event of nullity of the marriage which was the reason for such loss. " Article 11.-The following second and third, new, points are introduced in Article 20 (a) of Decree Law No. 844, 1975, which is created by the Carabinieri Department of Forecasting, passing its point and comma to be a separate point: " The percentage of the compulsory monthly discount referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be reduced to the percentage resulting from the application of the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 9 of this Law, where the pensioner or beneficiary of montepio is 65 years of age age. By way of derogation from the foregoing paragraph, the discount for the financing of medical, hospital and dental benefits shall be continued by determining the percentage laid down in the first subparagraph. " Article 12.-The personnel of the Chilean Carabinieri Plant and Police of Investigations of Chile, which, after the entry into force of this law, will be appointed as a professor, will be affected, in relation to these new services, to the system The pension is set out in Decree Law No. 3,500 of 1980. In matters of health, it will be governed by the decree with force of law No. 1, 2005, of the Ministry of Health, which fixes the recast, coordinated and systematized text of Decree Law No. 2,763, 1979, and of laws No. 18,933 and No. 18.469, as appropriate. In the case of accidents at work and occupational diseases, it will continue to affect the provisions contained in their respective Staff Regulations. For the purposes of the foregoing paragraph, Article 2 of Law No 18.458shall not apply. Article 13.-The following amendments to the Law No. 18,458, which establishes the National Defense Staff Contingency Regime indicating: 1) In Article 1: (a) Substitute, in point (f), the end point and comma by the expression ", (b) Eliminate point (g), passing the current point (h) to be (g). (2) Add, in Article 3, following the words "Ministry of National Defence", the words "or the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security". 3) Article 10 as follows: (a) Intercalase, between expressions "or jobs" and "institutions", the phrase ", whether in plant quality or contracts or subject to the Labour Code," (b) Intercalase, between the words "National Defense" and "or which relate to the government", phrase "or the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security." Article 14.-The Staff of the Carabinieri Plant, who takes over a new position as a health professional, governed by Law No. 15,076, will be affected, in relation to these new services, to the pension system established in the decree Law No. 3,500, from 1980. In matters of health, it will be governed by the decree with force of law No. 1, 2005, of the Ministry of Health, which fixes the recast, coordinated and systematized text of Decree Law No. 2,763, 1979, and of laws No. 18,933 and No. 18.469, as appropriate. In the case of accidents at work and occupational diseases, the provisions contained in the Staff Regulations will continue to be affected. For the purposes of the foregoing paragraph, Article 2 of Law No 18,458 shall not apply. Article 15. During the first financial year, the largest fiscal expenditure representing the implementation of this law will be financed from the budget of the respective institutions and, in what will be lacking, from the Treasury Department. Public. In the following years, the resources will be provided in the respective budget laws. Article 16. This law shall begin to apply on the first day of the third month following its publication in the Official Journal. TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS Article 1.-In the 24 months following the date of entry into force of this law, the amendments introduced by Articles 1 and 11, in the case of pensioners of the National Defense or the Carabinieri Forecast Directorate, respectively, will be applied in the form and graduality shown below. In the first 12 months following the entry into force of this law, for retirement or montepio beneficiaries over 65 years of age, the following shall apply: (a) To those who receive a pension of less than $453,217.-monthly shall apply the provisions of Articles 1 and 11 respectively. b) To those who receive pensions equal to or greater than $453,217.-and up to $670,936.-monthly, in the case of pension beneficiaries of the National Defense Forecast Fund, the rate of contribution for the retirement fund noted in the article First of this law will be reduced to 3%, and in the case of pension beneficiaries of the Carabinieri's Social Security Directorate, the percentage of the mandatory monthly discount indicated in Article 11 of this law will be reduced to 5.5%. c) To those who receive pensions in excess of $670,936.-monthly, in the case of pension beneficiaries of the National Defense Forecast Fund, the rate of contribution for the retirement fund indicated in article 1 of this law will be reduced to 4%, and in the case of pension beneficiaries of the Social Security Carabineros, the percentage of the mandatory monthly discount indicated in article 11 of this law will be reduced to 6.5%. From the thirteenth month following the date of entry into force of this law and up to the following month, for retirement or montepio beneficiaries, over the age of 65 years, the following shall apply: (a) To those who receive the pension pensions equal to or less than $670,936.-monthly, the provisions of Articles 1 and 11, respectively, shall apply to them. b) To those who receive pensions in excess of $670,936.-Monthly, in the case of pension beneficiaries of the National Defense Forecast Fund, the rate of contribution for the retirement fund indicated in article 1 of this law will be reduced to the 2%, and in the case of pension beneficiaries of the Carabinieri's Social Security Directorate, the percentage of the compulsory monthly discount indicated in Article 11 of this law will be reduced to 4.5%. However, with respect to the beneficiaries of retirement and montepio in the Directorate of the Carabinieri's Forecast, the discount for the financing of medical, hospital and dental benefits will continue to be determined on the percentage Article 20 of Decree Law No 844 of 1975, set out in point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 20. At the twenty-fifth month following the date of entry into force of this law, the provisions of Articles 1 and 11, respectively, of this Law shall be governed in full. Article 2.-Staff who are in service to the date of entry into force of this law will not be affected by the modifications introduced by article 5, numbers 2, 3 and 4; article 9, numbers 1, 4, 5 and 6; article 10, numbers 2, 3 and 4, and article 13, numbers 2 and 3, all of this law. Likewise, the personnel who, at the date of entry into force of this law, are assigned to the pension and health system of the National Defense Security Fund or the Chilean Carabinieri Forecast Directorate, as appropriate, continue to affect their respective pension and health care system. Article 3.-The staff who, at the date of entry into force of this law, are appointed in one or more positions under the remuneration regime of Law No. 15,076 and subsequently cease one of them, and be appointed in another, without mediating discontinuity between the cessation and the new appointment, will remain affected both the National Defense Security Fund and the Armed Forces Health System. The same rule will apply to the one who is currently assigned to the pension system of the Carabinieri and his health system, which will continue, likewise, to affect the remuneration regime of the law, in which This new appointment shall not be considered as a new entry, in the terms set out in Articles 5, number 1, and 14 of this law. Likewise, the extension without a solution of continuity of the Staff to Contrafficking and the contracts of the teachers, as well as the contracts of the staff governed under the regime of remuneration of the law No. 15,076, that to the Date of publication of this law will be affected by these modalities of appointments or hiring, which will continue to affect the pension system of the National Defense Forecasting Fund, or of the Directorate of the Chile, as appropriate, in the terms modified in this law. Article 4.-The persons who, enjoying retirement pension from the Directorate of Social Security of Chile, would have returned to the service to January 8, 2014, as staff to contract or in any other, in other places or jobs of the Armed Forces, Forces of Order and Public Security and Gendarmerie or other institutions or institutions whose regulations allow them to reliquate their pensions in the National Defense Security Fund or in the Directorate of Social Security of the Carabinieri Chile, will retain the right to reliquate your retirement pension, for once, on the terms prior to the publication of this law, whether they have completed, or subsequently comply with, the requirements set out in the decree with force of law No. 2, 1968, of the Ministry of the Interior, on the Staff Regulations of the Carabinieri Chile, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the Supreme Decree No. 412, 1991, of the Ministry of National Defense. For the staff of the Carabineros of Chile, who, as of January 8, 2014, has returned to the service since the withdrawal, in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Law No. 18.961, Constitutional Organic of Carabineros of Chile, and in the article 32 bis and following of the decree with force of law No. 2, 1968, of the Ministry of the Interior, on the Staff Regulations of the Chilean Carabineros, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the supreme decree No. 412, 1991, of the Ministry of National Defense, may be able to reliquate in this condition and to preserve the right to reliquidar its retirement pension, in the terms in force prior to the date of publication of this law, to be exercised at a later date. Article 5.-The modifications contained in Articles 5, number 5; 9th, number 7, and 10, numbers 5 and 6 of this law, shall not affect those who at the time of their entry into force are enjoying a pension of montepio, according to the provisions of Article 88a of Law No. 18,948; article 202 of the decree with force of law No. 1 (G), 1968, of the Ministry of National Defense, on Staff Regulations of the Armed Forces, whose text recast, coordinated and systematized was set by the Supreme Decree No. 148 of 1986 of the Ministry of National Defense; Article 70a of the Law Nº 18.961, and articles 121 and 125 of the decree with force of law No. 2, 1968, of the Ministry of the Interior, on the Staff Regulations of the Chilean Carabineros, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was established by the Supreme Decree No. 412, 1991, from the Ministry of National Defense. Likewise, these modifications will not affect those who, at the date of entry into force of this law, have fulfilled all the requirements to be beneficiaries of montepio. Article 6.-The amendment contained in Article 6 (1) of this Law shall not affect personnel who, as of 8 January 2014, have returned to service in other places or jobs, even if they have not completed the three years of established services In article 177 of the decree with force of law No. 1 (G), 1968, of the Ministry of National Defense, on Staff Regulations of the Armed Forces, whose consolidated, coordinated and systematized text was fixed by the supreme decree No. 148, of 1986, "The Ministry of National Defense." And for how much I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 20 February 2014.-SEBASTIÁN PINERA ECHENIQUE, President of the Republic.-Alfonso Vargas Lyng, Minister of National Defence (S).-Andres Chadwick Piñera, Minister of the Interior and Public Security.-Felipe Larraín Bascunan, Minister of Hacienda.-Juan Ignacio Pina Rochefort, Minister of Justice (S). What is transcribed for his knowledge.-Alfonso Vargas Lyng, Undersecretary for the Armed Forces. Constitutional Court Draft law amending certain aspects of the law of the Armed Forces, Forces of Order and Public Security and Gendarmerie of Chile, contained in Bulletin No. 8643-02 The Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, who subscribes, certifies that the Chamber of Deputies sent the bill enunciated in the rubric, approved by the National Congress, so that this Tribunal would exercise the preventive control of constitutionality with respect to the article 23, article first and third of the same and that by judgment of January 31, 2014, in the cars Rol Nº 2621-14-CPR, declared: 1. That the articles 5º; 7º; first of the article 8th to the point followed that figure following the expressions "as appropriate"; article 9º; first point of the article 12th to the point followed that appears following the expressions "as appropriate"; first indent of Article 14º up to the point followed which follows the expressions "as appropriate"; point 1 of the second transitional article and the fifth transitional article are organic and constitutional standards. 2. That no pronouncement shall be issued with respect to the other rules of the project examined, for not referring to matters of the constitutional organic law, as has been reasoned in recital 13. Santiago, January 31, 2014.-Marta de la Fuente Olguin, Secretaría.