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Original Language Title: COMPLEMENTA LA PROMULGACION DE LA LEY Nº 20.191

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LAW NO. 20,191 COMPLEMENTS THE ENACTMENT OF LAW NO. 20.191 1. On Saturday, June 2, 2007, the partial enactment of Law 20.191 was published in the Official Journal. 2. This partial enactment was due to the requirement that a group of deputies filed before the Constitutional Court. 3. On June 13, 2007, the Constitutional Court rejected the stated requirement. The respective judgment was communicated to the Executive Office by trade No. 1137 of 13 June 2007. For the same reason, the circumstance that justified the enactment has disappeared. 4. On the merits of the foregoing, it must be done to supplement the enactment of Law No. 20.191, incorporating to this the rules that were excluded for the indicated reason, according to the provisions of article 93 (sixth) of the Constitution Policy of the Republic, in relation to Article 40 of the Organic Law of the Constitutional Court. Therefore, promulgate and have as an integral part of the single article of Law No 20.191, the following provisions: 1) Number 2), as follows: " 2) Amend Article 19, as follows: (a) Introduces the following point first, passing the current one to be second indent: " Article 19.-In the case of Article 23 (1), the court may only impose in a complementary manner the sanction of hospitalization on a semi-finished basis, after the second year of the time of the sentence. ", and (b) In the current first indent, which becomes second, add, between the words" the "and" cases ", the expression" other "."; 2) The number 1. Article 23, which incorporates numeral 3), of the following wording: " 1. If the extension of the sentence exceeds five years of deprivation of liberty, the court must apply the penalty of hospitalization under a closed system with a program of social reinsertion. " Santiago, 15 June 2007.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Carlos Maldonado Curti, Minister of Justice. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Veronica Baraona del Pedregal, Deputy Secretary of Justice.