LAW NO. 20,162 CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM THAT ESTABLISHES THE OBLIGATION OF PARVULARY EDUCATION IN ITS SECOND LEVEL OF TRANSITION. The first one, of the Honorable Senators Jaime Naranjo Ortiz and Carlos Ominami Pascual, corresponding to Bulletin 3.682-07, and the second one, of the Honorable Senator Mariano Ruiz-Esquide Jara and the former Senators Mrs. Carmen Frei Ruiz-Tagle and Messrs Nicolas Diaz Sanchez, Ricardo Hormazabal Sanchez and Sergio Paez Verdugo, corresponding to Bulletin No. 1.737-07. Draft Constitutional Reform: Single Article.-Enter the following amendments to the Constitution of the Republic: 1) Replace the fourth paragraph of Article 19, paragraph 10, by the following: " For the State it is mandatory promote parvulary education and guarantee free access and fiscal financing to the second level of transition, without this being a requirement for entry into basic education. " 2) New, the following: " Twenty-first. The reform introduced in Article 19 (10), in relation to the second level of transition of the parvulary education, will enter into force gradually, in the form that the law provides. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate, take effect as the Law of the Republic and have its provisions incorporated into the Political Constitution of the Republic, in accordance with the provisions of the final of Article 129 of this constitutional body. Santiago, January 22, 2007.-MICHELLE BACHELET, President of the Republic.-Yasna Provoste Campillay, Minister of Education.-Paulina Veloso Valenzuela, Minister General Secretary of the Presidency. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute intently, Juan Cavada Artigues, Undersecretary of Education (S).