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CREATES A BONUS FOR THE HIRING OF LABOR IN REGIONS I, XV, XI, XII AND PROVINCES OF CHILOE AND PALENA Having present that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: Article 1.-Set up, from from the 1st of |! |January of the year 2012 and until December 31 of the year |! | 2025, for current or future employers of the |! | First Region, XV Region, of the provinces of Chiloé |! |and Palena, in the X Region, of the XI Region and of the |! | XII Region, a bonus equivalent to the |! |percentage that has the following paragraph, applied over |! |the portion of the Taxable remuneration that does not |! |exceed $182,000, that they pay their workers |! |with domicile and permanent work, even those |! |with partial days, in the Region or province |! |respective. At the end of 2013, this amount will be |! |readjust on the 1st of January of each year, according to |! |the variation of the Consumer Price Index that is |! |project for such annuity according to the report issued to the |! |effect by the Central Bank of Chile. The percentage referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be 17%. This benefit will be incompatible with the one that |! |establishes article 14 of the law No. 18,392 regarding |! |this same subject matter, the employer must opt for one |! |or another, within the period of twelve months of published the |! |present law. If the employer does not exercise that option |! |within the time limit, it shall be understood to opt for the benefit |! |of article 14 of the law No. 18,392. In no case a |! |employer will be able to receive both benefits |! |simultaneously. The exercise of the option must be |! |informed to the respective Regional Treasury. Except for this bonus are those |! |persons hired as workers of houses |! |private. Likewise, they will be excluded from this benefit |! |the Public Sector, the Great and Medium Mining of Copper |! |and of the Iron, the companies in which the State or its |! |companies have input or representation of more than 30%, |! |the mining companies that have hired, direct or |! indirectly, more than one hundred workers each, the |! |banking companies, the financial corporations, the |! |insurance companies, the companies that are engaged in the |! |reductive fishing, the fund managers |! |pensions, pension health institutions, the |! |exchange houses, the companies insurance, the |! |employers who perceive bonus of decree law No. |! | 701, of 1974, and professionals and workers |! |independents. In case of persons hired by more |! |from an employer, the benefit may be exercised only |! |regarding one of them, which will correspond, in case of |! |discrepancy, to the oldest in the link |! |work. The bonus will be paid through the Service of |! | Treasurries, being applicable to the effect the provisions in |! |article 61 of the law No. 18,768. The Institute for Pension Standards and the |! | Pension Fund Administrators, must report |! |the Service of the Treasury, through magnetic means |! |or electronic, the corresponding quotes to the |! |paid bonuses monthly per worker, to |! no later than the fifth working day of the month following the month of the |! |credit to the personal accounts. Please enable the Treasury to make |! |payment of the bonus by deposit in the |! |current account, savings in time or the view that |! |owns the employer. In case the employer does not have |! |any of the accounts indicated, such payment will be made |! |by registered cheque sent by mail to your |! |address, upon request to the Service of the Treasury. Article 2.-The bonus of this law shall not be paid to employers who incur a lack of timely compliance with the pre-viewing payments to be made to their employees. In such a case, they will lose only the benefit corresponding to the month in which the remuneration was paid to those. The out-of-term payment of the pre-viewing contributions will not give the employer the right to retroactively claim the benefit set out in this law. It shall constitute a crime of fraud against the Fiscus and shall be punishable by a lesser charge, in its mid-to-maximum degrees, in obtaining the bonus for which this article is dealt with through the inclusion of non-existent or non-existent workers. in another area, the untruth as to the amount of remuneration actually paid and taxable by the company. They shall be jointly and severally liable for the civil obligations arising from previous conduct either by the general manager or by the material or intellectual author of the event, such as the accountant certifying the respective plant. The audit of the benefit established in this law will be the Treasury Department. For these purposes, such a Service may require employers to provide any background they deem relevant through any medium of support. In the regions of Aysén and Magallanes and in the provinces of Chiloé and Palena, this bonus will be paid only in cases where the remuneration is 20% higher than the monthly minimum wage in the country. Article 3.-All the rules prior to this law regarding the bonus to the labor force in the provinces and regions referred to in article 1. Article 4.-Facultate to the Treasurer General of the Republic to dictate the instructions which are necessary for the proper application of the benefit provided for in this Law. '; Article 5.-To opt for the payment of the bonus, the employers must submit an affidavit stating that they have not been convicted, in the last six months, for anti-union practices or infringement of the rights of the worker. And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 20 January 2003.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Nicolas Eyzaguirre Guzmán, Minister of Finance.-José Miguel Insulza Salinas, Minister of the Interior.-Jorge Rodríguez Grossi, Minister of Economy, Development and Reconstruction. What I transcribe to you for a knowledge.-Salutes intently to Ud., Maria Eugenia Wagner Brizzi, Undersecretary of Finance.