IT PROHIBITS THE USE OF FIREWORKS, BY WAY OF REFORM OF LAW NO 17,798, ON THE CONTROL OF WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES, AND PROHIBITS THE SALE TO THE PUBLIC OF FIREWORKS AND REGULATES THE PERFORMANCE OF MASS PYROTECHNIC SPECTACLES. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: '' Article 1.-Amend Law No 17,798, on Arms Control and Explosives, in the form that follows: 1. Intercalase in the first paragraph of Article 1, following the word 'explosives' and before the conjunction '' and '', preceded by a comma (,), the phrase '' fireworks and pyrotechnic articles ''. next: (a) In its letter (e), replace at the end the conjunction '' y '' and the comma (,) above, by a semicolon (;). (b) in point (f), replace the final point (.) with a comma (,) followed by the conjunction 'and' '. (c) Add the following point (g), new:' g) Fireworks, pyrotechnic articles and other artefacts of a similar nature, their parts and pieces. In this case, the provisions of Articles 8, 14 A, 19 and 25 of this Law shall not apply. '' 3. Add the following Article 3º A, new: ' Article 3 A.-Fireworks, pyrotechnic articles and other similar devices, which are imported, manufactured, transported, stored or distributed in the country, must comply with the requirements and technical specifications laid down in the Regulation. Prohibit the manufacture, import, marketing, distribution, sale, delivery to any title and use of fireworks, pyrotechnic articles and other similar artifacts, their parts or parts, included in the groups Numbers 1 and 2 of the Supplementary Regulation of this Law, contained in the Supreme Decree Nº77, 1982, of the Ministry of National Defense. '' Article 2.-It shall be competent for the knowledge of the infractions as laid down in Article 3º A of Law No 17,798, the local police judge of the place where they have been committed, applying to this effect the procedure on faults established in Law No 18.287, and public action was granted for the complaint. The infringements shall be punishable by a fine of 10 to 50 monthly tax units, without prejudice to the right of the judge to decree, in the event of recidivism, the closure, for up to 30 days, of the industrial, artisanal, commercial or the importer in which the rule was infringed. In the event that the infringement has an impact on the manufacture of these elements, the penalty shall be fine of 25 to 75 monthly tax units and the final closure of the establishment. The judge must, in any case, decree the comiso of the seized species, which will be made available to the Directorate General of National Mobilization, for the purposes that it considers pertinent, through the Authorities Fiscalizadoras a referred to in Law No 17,798 and its Rules of Procedure. Transitional Article.-The President of the Republic shall, within 90 days of the date of validity of this law, carry out the appropriate adjustments and complements necessary to adapt the text of the decree to this legislation. Nº77, 1982, of the Ministry of National Defense, on regulations of the Law of Control of Arms and Explosives. Having complied with the provisions of Article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of Mexico, and because I have had to approve and sanction it, I therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, May 12, 2000.-RICARDO LAGOS ESCOBAR, President of the Republic.-Mario Fernández Baeza, Minister of National Defense.-Michelle Bachelet Jeria, Minister of Health. What is transcribed for his knowledge.-Gabriel Gaspar Tapia, Undersecretary of War. Constitutional Court |! | Bill amending Law No. 17,798 on |! | Control of Arms and Explosives, in respect of fireworks |! |artificial, pyrotechnic articles and other artifacts |! |of similar nature |! | The Registrar of the Court Constitutional, who |! |subscribes, certifies that the Honorable Chamber of Deputies |! |sent the bill enunciated in the rubric, approved |! |by the National Congress, so that this Tribunal |! |exercised the control of the constitutionality regarding |! |from article 2, and that by judgment of April 25, of the |! | 2000, stated: 1. That the article 2 of the draft submitted is |! |constitutional. 2. That the new article 3º A of law Nº17.798, |! |that is added by article 1, Nº3, of the project |! |remitted, is constitutional in the understanding that is |! |points out in recital 9º of this sentence. Santiago, April 26, 2000.-Rafael Larraín Cruz, |! | Secretary.