REFORM THE ORGANIC CODE OF COURTS Having present that the H. National Congress |! |has given its approval to the following P r o y c t o d e l e y: " Article 1.-Create a court of guarantee with |! |seat in each of the following communes of the |! |territory of the Republic, with the number of judges |! |and with the competition that in each case are indicated: First Region of Tarapaca: Arica, with five judges, with competence over the communes of General Lagos, Putre, Arica and Camarones. Iquique, with five judges, with competence over the same commune. Second Region of Antofagasta: Tocopilla, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Calama, with three judges, with competence over the communes of Calama, Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama. Antofagasta, with seven judges, with competence over the communes of Mejillones, Sierra Gorda and Antofagasta. Third Region of Atacama: Diego de Almagro, with a judge, with competence in the same commune. Copiapo, with four judges, with competence over the communes of Copiapo and Tierra Amarilla. Vallenar, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Vallenar and Alto del Carmen. Fourth Region of Coquimbo: La Serena, with three judges, with competence over the communes of La Serena and La Higuera. Vicuna, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Vicuña and Paihuano. Coquimbo, with three judges, with competence over the same commune. Ovalle, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Ovalle, Rio Hurtado, Punitaqui and Monte Patria. Illapel, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Illapel and Salamanca. Fifth Region of Valparaiso: La Ligua, with a judge, with competence over the communes of La Ligua, Cabildo, Paudo and Zapallar. Calera, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Nogales, Calera, La Cruz and Hijuelas. San Felipe, with two judges, with competence over the communes of San Felipe, Catemu, Santa Maria, Panquehue and Llay-LLay. The Andes, with two judges, with competence over the communes of San Esteban, Rinconada, Calle Larga and Los Andes. Quillota, with two judges, with competence over the same commune. Limache, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Limache and Olmue. Viña del Mar, with six judges, with competence over the communes of Viña del Mar and Concon. Valparaiso, with nine judges, with competence over the communes of Valparaiso and Juan Fernandez. Quilpue, with two judges, with competence over the same commune. German villa, with two judges, with competence over the same commune. Casablanca, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. San Antonio, with four judges, with competence over the municipalities of Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo, Cartagena, San Antonio and Santo Domingo. Sixth Region of the Liberator General Bernardo O ' Higgins: Graneros, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Mostazal, Graneros and Codegua. Rancagua, with six judges, with competence over the communes of Rancagua, Machali, Coltauco, Donihue, Coinco and Olivar. San Vicente, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Pichidegua and San Vicente. Rengo, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Requinoa, Quinta de Tilcoco, Malloa and Rengo. San Fernando, with two judges, with competence over the communes of San Fernando, Placilla and Chimbarongo. Santa Cruz, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Santa Cruz, Nancagua, Lolol and Chepica. Seventh Maule Region: Curic, with four judges, with competence over the communes of Teno, Rauco, Curico, Romeral and Sagrada Familia. Molina, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Constitution, with two judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Constitution and Empedrado. Talca, with four judges, with competition over the communes of Rio Claro, Pencahue, Talca, Pelarco, San Clemente, Maule and San Rafael. San Javier, with a judge, with competence over the communes of San Javier and Villa Alegre. Cauquenes, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Linares, with three judges, with competence over the communes of Colbun, Yerbas Good, Linares and Longavi. Parral, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Parral and Retiro. Eighth Bio Bio Region: San Carlos, with a judge, with jurisdiction over the communes of San Carlos, Niquén and San Fabian. Chillan, with four judges, with competition over the communes of San Nicolas, Chillan, Coihuana, Pinto and Chillan Viejo. Yungay, with a judge, with competence over the communes of El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay and Tucapel. Take, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Talcahuano, with four judges, with competence over the same commune. Conception, with seven judges, with competence over the communes of Penco and Concepción. San Pedro de la Paz, with three judges, with competence over the same commune. Chiguayante, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Chiguayante and Hualqui. Colonel, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Los Angeles, with four judges, with competition over the Los Angeles, Quilleco and Antuco communes. Arauco, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Canete, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Cañete, Contulmo and Tirua. Ninth Region of La Araucania: Angol, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Angol and Renaico. Victory, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. New Imperial, with a judge, with competence over the communes of New Imperial and Teodoro Schmidt. Temuco, with six judges, with competence over the communes of Temuco, Vilcun, Melipeuco, Cunco and Padre Las Casas. Lautaro, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Galvarino, Perquenco and Lautaro. Pitrufquen, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Freire, Pitrufquen and Gorbea. Loncar, with a judge, with competence over the same commune. Villarrica, with two judges, with competence over the same commune. Tenth Region of Los Lagos: Mariquina, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Mariquina and Lanco. Valdivia, with three judges, with competence over the communes of Valdivia and Corral. The Lakes, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Mafil, Los Lagos and Futhrone. Osorno, with four judges, with competence over the communes of San Juan de la Costa, San Pablo, Osorno and Puyehue. Rio Negro, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Rio Negro, Puerto Octay and Purranque. Puerto Varas, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Fresia, Frutillar, Puerto Varas and Llanquihue. Puerto Montt, with four judges, with competence over the communes of Puerto Montt and Cochamo. Ancud, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Ancud and Quemchi. Castro, with a judge, with competence over the communes of Dalcahue, Castro, Chonchi, Puqueldon and Queilen. Eleventh Region of Aisen by General Carlos Ibanez del Campo: Coihaique, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Coihaique and Rio Ibanez. Twelfth Magellan Region and the Chilean Antarctic: Punta Arenas, with four judges, with competence over the communes of Laguna Blanca, San Gregorio, Rio Verde, Punta Arenas, Navarino and Antarctica. Metropolitan Region of Santiago: |! | Colina, with four judges, with competence over the communes of Ttil Til, Colina and Lampa. Puente Alto, with seven judges, with competence over the communes of Puente Alto, San Jose de Maipo and Pirque. San Bernardo, with ten judges, with competence over the communes of San Bernardo, Calera de Tango, Buin and Paine. Melipilla, with three judges, with competence over the communes of Melipilla, San Pedro and Alhue. Talagante, with seven judges, with competence over the communes of Talagante, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, Penaflor and Father Hurtado. Curacavi, with two judges, with competence over the communes of Curacavi and Maria Pinto. There will also be, with a seat in the commune of Santiago, the following courts of guarantee: |! | First Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with six judges, with competence over the commune of Pudahuel. Second Santiago Guarantee Court, with fifteen judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Quilicura, Huechuraba, Renca and Conchali. Third Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Independence and Recoleta. Fourth Santiago Guarantee Court, with seventeen judges, with competence over the communes of Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las Condes and La Reina. Fifth Santiago Guarantee Court, with ten judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Cerro Navia and Lo Prado. Sixth Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight judges, with jurisdiction over the Central and Fifth Station communes. Seventh Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight judges, with competence over the Santiago commune. Eighth Santiago Guarantee Court, with nine judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Providencia and Nunoa. Ninth Santiago Guarantee Court, with seventeen judges, with competence over the communes of Maipú and Cerrillos. Tenth Santiago Guarantee Court, with five judges, with competence over the communes of Lo Espejo and Pedro Aguirre Cerda. 11th Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight judges, with competence over the communes of San Miguel, La Cisterna and El Bosque. Twelfth Santiago Guarantee Court, with six judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of San Joaquin and La Granja. Thirteenth Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with twelve judges, with jurisdiction over the communes of Macul and Penalolen. 14th Santiago Guarantee Court, with fifteen judges, with competence over the commune of La Florida. Fifteenth Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with eight judges, with competence over the communes of San Ramón and La Pintana. Article 2.-Create the following letters, with a seat in the communes and with the competition shown below: Litueche, with competence over the communes of Christmas, Litueche and La Estrella. Peralillo, with competence over the communes of Marchihue, Paredones, Peralillo, Palmilla and Pumanque. Cabrero, con compéterci a on the same commune. Tolten, with competence over the same commune. Puren, with competence over the communes of Púren and Los Sauces. Hualaihue, with competence over the same commune. Swans, with competence over the communes of Guaitecas, Cisnes and Lago Verde. The courts that are created under this article will have the following staffing plant: a judge, a secretary, an officer first, two second officers, two third-party officers and a ward officer, with the degrees of the Base Salary Scale. Monthly of the staff of the Judicial Branch that is responsible for each count, without prejudice to the increases in the allocation that the law determines. Article 3.-In the cases indicated in this article, the judge of letters of the respective jurisdiction shall, in addition to his own functions, comply with those of a judge of guarantee, without the court being altered in his organization or in its operation, except as soon as it is necessary to exercise the new powers entrusted to the judge. In the First Region of Tarapaca, the judge of letters of the commune of Pozo Almonte. In the Second Region of Antofagasta, the judges of letters of the communes of Maria Elena and Taltal. In the Third Region of Atacama, the judges of letters from the communes of Chanaral, Freirina and Caldera. In the Fourth Region of Coquimbo, the judges of letters of the communes of Andacollo, Combarbala and Los Vilos. In the Quinta Region of Valparaiso, the judges of letters from the communes of Quintero, Petorca, Putaendo and Easter Island. In the Sixth Region of the Liberator General Bernardo O ' Higgins, the judges of letters of the communes of the same, Lithuanian, Pichilemu and Peralillo. In the Seventh Region of the Maule, the judges of letters of the communes of Licanten, Curepto and Chanco. In the Eighth Region of Bio Bio, the judges of letters from the communes of Quirihue, Coelemu, Bulnes, Florida, Lota, Santa Juana, Yumbel, Laja, Cabrero, Birth, Mulchen, Santa Barbara, Lebu and Curanilahue. In the Ninth Region of the Araucania, the judges of letters from the communes of Collipulli, Púren, Traiguen, Curaconín tin, Carahue, Tolten and Pucon. In the Tenth Region of Los Lagos, the judges of letters from the communes of Panguipulli, Paillaco, La Union, Rio Bueno, Los Muermos, Maullin, Calbuco, Hualaihue, Chaiten, Quinchao and Quellón. In the Eleventh Region of General Carlos Ibanez del Campo, the judges of letters from the communes of Cisnes, Chile Chico, Aisen and Cochrane. In the Twelfth Region of Magellan and Antarctic Chilena, the judges of letters of the communes of Natales and Porvenir. Article 4.-Create a court of oral judgment |! |in the criminal with seat in each of the following |! |communes of the territory of the Republic, with the number |! |of judges and with the competence that in each case is |! |indicate: First Region of Tarapaca: Arica, with six judges, with competition over the |! |communes of General Lagos, Putre, Arica and Camarones. Iquique, with nine judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Huara, Wala, Colcolane, Iquique, Pozo |! | Almonte and Pica. Second Region of Antofagasta: Calama, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Calama, Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama. Antofagasta, with nine judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Tocopilla, Maria Elena, Mejillones, |! | Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta and Taltal. Third Region of Atacama: Copiapo, with nine judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Chanaral, Diego de Almagro, Caldera, |! | Copiapo, Tierra Amarilla, Huasco, Vallenar, Freirina |! |and Alto del Carmen. Fourth Region of Coquimbo: La Serena, with nine judges, with competition over |! |the communes of La Higuera, Vicuña, La Serena, Coquimbo, |! | Andacollo and Paihuano. Ovalle, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Ovalle, Rio Hurtado, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, |! | Combarbala, Canela, Illapel, Los Vilos and Salamanca. Fifth Valparaiso Region: San Felipe, with three judges, with competition over |! |the communes of the province of San Felipe. The Andes, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of the province of Los Andes. Quillota, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of La Ligua, Petorca, Cabildo, Paorácó, |! | Zapallar, Nogales, Calera, La Cruz, Quillota, Hijuelas, |! | Limache and Olmue. Vina del Mar, with twelve judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puchuncavi, Quintero, Vina del Mar, |! | German Villa, Quilpue and Concon. Valparaiso, with twelve judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Juan Fernández, Valparaiso, Casablanca e |! | Easter Island. San Antonio, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo, Cartagena, |! | San Antonio and Santo Domingo. Sixth Region of the Liberator General Bernardo |! | O ' Higgins: Rancagua, with twelve judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Rancagua, |! | Machali, Las Cabras, Coltauco, Donihue, Olivar, Coinco, |! | Requinoa, Malmö, Quinta de Tilcoco, Pichidegua, San |! | Vicente, Malloa and Rengo. San Fernando, with three judges, with competition |! |on the communes of San Fernando, Placilla and |! | Chimbarongo. Santa Cruz, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Santa Cruz, Navidad, Litueche, La |! | Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchigue, Paredones, Peralillo, |! | Palmilla, Pumanque, Nancagua, Lolol and Chepica. Seventh Region of the Maule: Curico, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Teno, Vichuquén, Hualane, Rauco, Curico, |! | Romeral, Licanten, Sagrada Familia and Molina. Talca, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Curepto, Rio Claro, Constitución, Pencahue, |! | Talca, Pelarco, San Clemente, Maule, Empedrado and San |! | Rafael. Linares, with six judges, with competition over the |! |communes of San Javier, Villa Alegre, Colbun, Yerbas |! | Good, Linares and Longavi. Cauquenes, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Chanco, Cauquenes, Pelluhue, Retiro and |! | Parral. Eighth Bio Bio Region: Chillán, with six judges, with competence over the |! |comunas of Cobquecura, Quirihue, Ninhue, San Carlos, |! | Niquén, San Fabian, San Nicolas, Tregrego, Portezuelo, |! | Chillan, Coihuana, Coelemu, Ranquil, Pinto, Quillón, |! | Bulnes, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay, Tucapel |! |and Chillan Viejo. Conception, with eighteen judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Tomé, Penco, Florida, Concepción, |! | Coronel, Hualqui, Lota, Santa Juana, Talcahuano, San |! | Pedro de la Paz y Chiguayante. Los Angeles, with six judges, with competition over |! |the communes of San Rosendo, Yumbel, Cabrero, Laja, Los |! | Angeles, Antuco, Quilleco, Birth, Negrete, Mulchen, |! | Santa Barbara and Quilaco. Canete, with six judges, with competition over the |! |comunas de Arauco, Curanilahue, Lebu, Los Alamos, |! | Cañete, Contulmo and Tirua. Ninth Region of the Araucania: Angol, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Púren, Los |! | Sauces, Ercilla, Lumaco, Traiguen and Victoria. Temuco, with nine judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Lonquimay, Curacretin, Galvarino, Perquenco, |! | Carahue, Nueva Imperial, Temuco, Lautaro, Vilcun, |! | Melipeuco, Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt, Freire, Cunco, |! | Tolten, Pittrufquen, Gorbea and Father Las Casas. Villarrica, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Loncar, Villarrica, Pucón and Curarrehue. 10th Lakes Region: Valdivia, with six judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Mariquina, Lanco, Panguipulli, Mafil, |! | Valdivia, the Lakes, Corral, Paillaco, Futhrone, La |! | Union, Lake Ranco and Rio Bueno. Osorno, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of San Juan de la Costa, San Pablo, Osorno, |! | Puyehue, Rio Negro, Puerto Octay and Purranque. Puerto Montt, with six judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Fresia, Frutillar, Puerto Varas, |! | Llanquihue, Los Muermos, Puerto Montt, Cochamo, Maullin, |! | Calbuco, Hualaihue, Chaiten, Futaleufu and Palena. Castro, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Castro, Curaco de |! | Velez, Quinchao, Chonchi, Puqueldon, Queilen and Quellon. Eleventh Region of Aisen by General Carlos Ibanez |! |del Campo: Coihaique, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Guaitecas, Cisnes, Aisen, Lago Verde, |! | Coihaique, Rio Ibanez, Chile Chico, Cochrane, Tortel and |! | O ' Higgins. Twelfth Magellan Region and Antarctica |! | Chilena: Punta Arenas, with six judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Natales, Torres del Paine, Laguna |! | Blanca, San Gregorio, Rio Verde, Punta Arenas, |! | Primavera, Porvenir, Timaukel, Navarino and Antarctica. Metropolitan Region of Santiago: |! | Colina, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Ttil Til, Colina and Lampa. Puente Alto, with nine judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puente Alto, San Jose de Maipo and |! | Pirque. San Bernardo, with nine judges, with competition |! |over the communes of San Bernardo, Calera de Tango, |! | Buin and Paine. Melipilla, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Melipilla, San Pedro, Alhue, Curacavi and |! | Maria Pinto. Talagante, with six judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Talagante, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, |! | Penaflor and Father Hurtado. There will also be, with seat in the commune of |! | Santiago, the following courts of oral judgment |! |in the penal: First Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with eighteen judges, with competence on |! |the communes of Lo Prado, Cerro Navia and Pudahuel. 2nd Court of Oral Judgment in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with twenty-one judges, with jurisdiction over |! |the communes of Quilicura, Huechuraba, Renca, Conchali, |! | Independence and Recoleta. Third Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with twenty-four judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las |! | Condes, Providencia, Nunoa and La Reina. 4th Court of Oral Judgment in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with fifteen judges, with jurisdiction over the |! |communes of Quinta Normal, Station Central and Santiago. Fifth Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with eighteen judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Maipú and Cerrillos. Sixth Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with twenty-seven judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Lo Espejo, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, |! | San Miguel, San Joaquin, La Cisterna, San Ramon, La |! | Farm, El Bosque and La Pintana. Seventh Oral Trial Court in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with twenty-seven judges, with jurisdiction over |! |the communes of Macul, Penalolen and La Florida. Article 5.-Create a court of letters of minors with seat in the commune of Coihaique and competition on the communes of Coihaique and Rio Ibanez. This court will have the following personnel plant: a judge, a secretary, an officer first, a second officer, a ward officer, a social worker and a recipient, with the degrees of the Power Staff Monthly Base Wages Scale. Court of Justice which, without prejudice to any increases in the allocation, may be determined by the law. Article 6.-The courts of guarantee that are created |! |in this law will have the following plant of personnel, |! |according to the number of judges that conform them: Courts with a judge: a judge, an official |! |of the third series of the Escalafon Secondary and seven |! |employees of the Staff of Employees |! |of the Judiciary. Courts with two judges: two judges, two |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eight officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of the Judicial Branch Employees. Courts with three judges: three judges, three |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eight officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of the Judicial Branch Employees. Judged with four judges: four judges, three |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eleven officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with five judges: five judges, four |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and fourteen officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with six judges: six judges, four |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and sixteen officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with seven judges: seven judges, four |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and nineteen officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with eight judges: eight judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and twenty-three officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Tried with nine judges: nine judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and twenty-four officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with ten judges: ten judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and twenty-eight officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with twelve judges: twelve judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and thirty-three officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with fifteen judges: fifteen judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and thirty-eight officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Judged with seventeen judges: seventeen judges, |! |five officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and forty-two officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Judicial Branch Employees. The Court of Appeals, for reasons of |! |good service, attended the workload that each |! |judged present, and prior technical report of the |! | Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary, will be able to |! officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Employees of the Judicial Branch of a |! |court of guarantee to another located within the territory |! |jurisdictional of the same Court. Judged with eighteen judges: eighteen judges, |! |five officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and forty-three officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Article 7.-The courts of oral judgment in the |! |criminal that are created in this law will have the following |! |plant of personnel, according to the number of judges |! |that conform them: Courts with three judges: three judges, two |! |officials of the Third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eight officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with six judges: six judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eleven officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with nine judges: nine judges, five |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and fourteen officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with twelve judges: twelve judges, six |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and eighteen officials of the Escalafon of the |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with fifteen judges: fifteen judges, six |! |officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and twenty-seven officials of the Escalafon del |! | Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with eighteen judges: eighteen judges, |! |six officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and twenty-nine officials of the |! | Staff of Judicial Branch Employees. Courts with twenty-one judges: twenty-one judges, |! |six officials of the third series of the Escalafon |! | Secondary and thirty-three officials of the Escalafon |! |of the Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with twenty-four judges: twenty-four |! |judges, six officials of the third series of the |! | Secondary Escalafon and thirty-five officials of the |! | Staff of the Staff of Employees of the Judiciary. Courts with twenty-seven judges: twenty-seven |! |judges, six officials of the third series of the |! | Secondary Escalafon and thirty-eight officials of the |! | Staff of the Staff of Judicial Branch Employees. The respective Court of Appeals, for reasons of |! |good service, addressed the workload that each |! |judged present and prior technical report of the |! | Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary, will be able to |! Escalafon officials |! |of the Staff of the Judicial Power Employees of a |! |court of oral judgment in the criminal to another or a |! |court of guarantee located within the territory |! |jurisdictional of the same Court. Article 8.-Incorporate the following article 5 ° |! | A, new, to decree law No. 3.058, 1979, which modifies |! |the system of remuneration of the Judiciary: |! | |! | " Article 5 A.-Judges and staff of the |! |courts of guarantee and of the Oral trial courts |! |in the criminal that is immediately mentioned will have the |! |degrees of the Salary Scale Monthly Basis of the |! | Higher Staff of the Judiciary that |! |are indicated below: a) The judges, the degree corresponding to the seat of the court. b) The administrators of courts seat of Court of Appeals, grade VII. c) The administrators of provincial capital seat courts and subadministrators of courts seat of Court of Appeals, grade VIII. d) The administrators of courts seat of commune or group of communes, subadministrators of courts seat of provincial capital and heads of courts units of Court of Appeals, grade IX. e) Subadministrators of courts seat of commune or group of communes and heads of courts units seat of provincial capital, grade X. f) The heads of units of courts seat of commune or group of communes, grade XI. ''. Article 9º.-Incorporate the following article 5 ° |! | B, new, to decree law No. 3.058, 1979, which modifies |! |the system of remuneration of the Judiciary: |! | " Article 5 B.-The staff of the courts of |! |guarantee and the courts of Oral judgment in the criminal |! |that is immediately mentioned will have the degrees of the |! | Scale of Salaries Monthly Bases of the Staff of |! | Employees of the Judiciary, which are indicated to |! Appellate Court seat, grade XI. (b) The court or tribunal officers of the provincial and administrative capital of the province and the administrative 1st of the courts or courts of the Court of Appeals, grade XII. (c) The court or tribunal officers seat of commune or group of communes, administrative 1st of courts or courts seat of provincial capital and administrative 2nd of courts or courts seat of Court of Appeals, degree XIII. d) Administrative 1st of courts or courts seat of commune or group of communes, administrative 2nd of courts or courts seat of provincial capital and administrative 3rd of courts or courts seat of Court of Appeals, degree XIV. e) The administrative 2nd of the courts or courts seat of commune or group of communes and administrative 3rd of courts or courts seat of provincial capital, grade XV. f) The 3º administrative courts or courts seat of commune or group of communes, assistants of court hearings or courts seat of Appeals Court, secretariats and telephonists of courts or courts seat of Court of Appeals, grade XVI. (g) Assistants of hearings of courts of capital of the province, secretariats and telephonists of courts or tribesmen Provincial capital seat and auxiliary staff of courts or courts seat of Court of Appeals, grade XVII. (h) Assistants of court or tribunal hearings of commune or group of communes, secretaries and telephone courts of courts or courts seat of commune or group of communes and auxiliary staff of courts or courts capital of province and commune or group of communes, grade XVIII. '' Article 10.-The courts of the crime of Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Rancagua, Chillán, Concepción, Talcahuano, Temuco, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Santiago, San Miguel and Puente Alto. Delete the following letters: 4th court of letters of Iquique, 2nd court of letters of Santa Cruz, 2nd court of letters of Rengo, 3rd court of letters of Linares, 2nd court of letters of San Carlos, 2nd court of letters of Angol, 4th Court of letters of Osorno, 2nd court of letters of Puerto Varas, 4th court of letters of Punta Arenas, 3rd court of letters of Saint Bernard and 2nd court of letters of Melipilla. Article 11.-Enter the following |! |modifications in the Organic Code of Courts: "Article 5 Remove in the first paragraph the expression" in the |! |temporary order ". Replace the second paragraph with the following: " Integrate the Judiciary, as courts |! |ordinary of justice, the Supreme Court, the Courts of |! | Appeals, the Presidents and Ministers of Court, the |! |oral courts in the criminal, the The courts of letters and |! |the courts of guarantee. " Article 11 The expression 'the acts of |! |instruction' shall be replaced by 'the proceedings'. Title II Incorporate, following Article 13, the |! |following Title II, new: "Title II Of the Courts of Warranty and of the Courts |! |oral in the criminal". Add the following paragraphs, with the |! |denomination and articles listed below: " Paragraph 1 of the guarantee courts. Article 14.-The courts of guarantee shall be |! |conformed by one or more judges with jurisdiction in a |! |same jurisdictional territory, who act and resolve |! |unipersonally the matters submitted to his |! |knowledge. The following shall be the responsibility of the judges: a) Ensure the rights of the accused and others |! |interveners in the criminal proceedings, according to the law |! |criminal proceedings; b) personally direct the hearings that |! |proceed, in accordance with the criminal procedural law; c) Sentence, when corresponds, in the |! |abbreviated procedure that contemplates the procedural law |! |penalties; d) Know and fail the criminal offenses of |! |compliance with the procedure contained in the law |! |criminal proceedings, and e) Know and resolve all issues and |! |matters that this Code and criminal procedural law |! |entrusts. Article 15.-The distribution of the causes between |! |the judges of the courts of guarantee shall be made of |! |agreement to an objective and general procedure, which |! |shall be annually approved by the committee of judges |! |of the court on a proposal of the judge president, or only by |! |the latter, as appropriate. Article 16.-There will be a court of guarantee |! |with seat in each of the following communes of the |! |territory of the Republic, with the number of judges |! |and with the competence that in each case are indicated: First Region of Tarapaca: Arica, with five judges, with competence over the |! |communes of General Lagos, Putre, Arica and Camarones. Iquique, with five judges, with competition over |! |the same commune. Second Region of Antofagasta: Tocopilla, with a judge, with competence over the |! |same commune. Calama, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Calama, Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama. Antofagasta, with seven judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Mejillones, Sierra Gorda and |! | Antofagasta. Third Region of Atacama: Diego de Almagro, with a judge, with competition in |! |the same commune. Copiapo, with four judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Copiapo and Tierra Amarilla. Vallenar, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Vallenar and Alto del Carmen. Fourth Region of Coquimbo: La Serena, with three judges, with competition over |! |the communes of La Serena and La Higuera. Vicuna, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Vicuna and Paihuano. Coquimbo, with three judges, with competition over |! |the same commune. Ovalle, with two judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Ovalle, Hurtado River, Punitaqui and Monte |! | Fatherland. Illapel, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Illapel and Salamanca. Fifth Region of Valparaiso: La Ligua, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of La Ligua, Cabildo, Paasado and Zapallar. Calera, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Nogales, Calera, La Cruz and Hijuelas. San Felipe, with two judges, with competition |! |on the communes of San Felipe, Catemu, Santa Maria, |! | Panquehue and Llay-LLay. Los Andes, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of San Esteban, Rinconada, Calle Larga and |! | Los Andes. Quillota, with two judges, with competition over |! |the same commune. Limache, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Limache and Olmue. Viña del Mar, with six judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Viña del Mar and Concon. Valparaiso, with nine judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Valparaiso and Juan Fernández. Quilpue, with two judges, with competition over |! |the same commune. German villa, with two judges, with competition |! |on the same commune. Casablanca, with a judge, with competence over |! |the same commune. San Antonio, with four judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo, |! | Cartagena, San Antonio and Santo Domingo. Sixth Region of the Liberator General Bernardo |! | O ' Higgins: Graneros, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Mostazal, Graneros and Codegua. Rancagua, with six judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Rancagua, Machali, Donihue, Coinco and |! | Olivar. San Vicente, with a judge, with jurisdiction over |! |the communes of Coltauco, Pichidegua and San Vicente. Rengo, with two judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Requinoa, Quinta de Tilcoco, Malloa and Rengo. San Fernando, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of San Fernando, Placilla and Chimbarongo. Santa Cruz, with a judge, with competence over |! |the communes of Santa Cruz, Nancagua, Lolol and Chepica. Seventh Maule Region: Curic, with four judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Teno, Rauco, Curico, Romeral and Sagrada |! | Family. Molina, with a judge, with competence over the same |! |commune. Constitution, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Constitution and Empedrado. Talca, with four judges, with competition over the |! |communes of Rio Claro, Pencahue, Talca, Pelarco, San |! | Clemente, Maule and San Rafael. San Javier, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of San Javier and Villa Alegre. Cauquenes, with a judge, with competence over the |! |same commune. Linares, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Colbun, Yerbas Good, Linares and Longavi. Parral, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Parral and Retiro. Eighth Bio Bio Region: San Carlos, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of San Carlos, Niquén and San Fabian. Chillan, with four judges, with competition over |! |the communes of San Nicolas, Chillan, Coihuana, Pinto and |! | Chillan Viejo. Yungay, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay and Tucapel. Take, with a judge, with competence over the same |! |commune. Talcahuano, with four judges, with competition |! |on the same commune. Conception, with seven judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Penco and Concepción. San Pedro de la Paz, with three judges, with |! |competition on the same commune. Chiguayante, with two judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Chiguayante and Hualqui. Colonel, with a judge, with competence over the |! |same commune. Los Angeles, with four judges, with competition |! |over the communes of Los Angeles, Quilleco and Antuco. Arauco, with a judge, with competence over the |! |same commune. Canete, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Cañete, Contulmo and Tirua. Novena Region of La Araucania: Angol, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Angol and Renaico. Victoria, with a judge, with competence over the same |! |commune. New Imperial, with a judge, with competence over |! |the communes of New Imperial and Teodoro Schmidt. Temuco, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Temuco, Vilcun, Melipeuco, Cunco and Padre Las |! | Casas. Lautaro, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Galvarino, Perquenco and Lautaro. Pitrufquen, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Freire, Pitrufquen and Gorbea. Loncar, with a judge, with competence over the |! |same commune. Villarrica, with two judges, with competence over |! |the same commune. Tenth Region of Los Lagos: Mariquina, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Mariquina and Lanco. Valdivia, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Valdivia and Corral. The Lakes, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Mafil, The Lakes and the Future. Osorno, with four judges, with competition over |! |the communes of San Juan de la Costa, San Pablo, Osorno |! |y Puyehue. Rio Negro, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Rio Negro, Puerto Octay and Purranque. Puerto Varas, with a judge, with competence over |! |the communes of Fresia, Frutillar, Puerto Varas and |! | Llanquihue. Puerto Montt, with four judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puerto Montt and Cochamo. Ancud, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Ancud and Quemchi. Castro, with a judge, with competence over the |! |communes of Dalcahue, Castro, Chonchi, Puqueldon and |! | Queilen. Eleventh Region of Aisen by General Carlos Ibanez |! |del Campo: Coihaiqu e, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Coihaique and Rio Ibanez. Twelfth Magellan Region and the Antarctic |! | Chilena: Punta Arenas, with four judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Laguna Blanca, San Gregorio, Rio |! | Verde, Punta Arenas, Navarino and Antarctica. Metropolitan Region of Santiago: |! | Colina, with four judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Ttil Til, Colina and Lampa. Puente Alto, with seven judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puente Alto, San Jose de Maipo and |! | Pirque. San Bernardo, with ten judges, with competition |! |on the communes of San Bernardo, Calera de Tango, |! | Buin and Paine. Melipilla, with three judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Melipilla, San Pedro and Alhue. Talagante, with seven judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Talagante, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, |! | Penaflor and Father Hurtado. Curacavi, with two judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Curacavi and Maria Pinto. There will also be, with seat in the commune of |! | Santiago, the following courts of guarantee: |! | First Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with six |! |judges, with competence over the commune of Pudahuel. Second Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |fifteen judges, with competence over the communes of |! | Quilicura, Huechuraba, Renca and Conchali. Third Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |eight judges, with competence over the communes of |! | Independence and Recoleta. Fourth Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |seventeen judges, with competence over communes |! |de Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las Condes and La Reina. Fifth Santiago Guarantee Court, with ten |! |judges, with competence over the communes of Cerro |! | Navia and Lo Prado. Sixth Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight |! |judges, with competence over the communes of Station |! | Central and Fifth Normal. Seventh Santiago Guarantee Court, with eight |! |judges, with competition over the commune of Santiago. 8th Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |nine judges, with competence over the communes of |! | Providence and Nunoa. Ninth Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with |! |seventeen judges, with competence over the communes |! |of Maipu and Cerrillos. 10th Santiago Guarantee Court, with five |! |judges, with competence over the communes of Lo Espejo |! |and Pedro Aguirre Cerda. 11th Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |eight judges, with competence over the communes of San |! | Miguel, La Cisterna and El Bosque. 12th Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |six judges, with competence over the communes of San |! | Joaquin and La Granja. Thirteenth Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with |! |twelve judges, with competence over the communes of Macul |! |and Penalolen. 14th Santiago Guarantee Court, with |! |fifteen judges, with competition over La |! | Florida commune. Fifteenth Court of Guarantee of Santiago, with |! |eight judges, with competence over the communes of San |! | Ramon and La Pintana. 2nd paragraph Of the oral courts in the criminal proceedings. Article 17.-The oral courts in the criminal case |! |will operate in one or more rooms integrated by three |! |members. Each room will be led by a presiding judge |! |de sala, who will have the attributions to which he alludes the |! |article 92 and the others of order that the procedural law |! |criminal indicate. The integration of the rooms of these courts |! |will be determined by annual draw which will be carried out |! |during the month of January each year. The distribution of the causes among the various |! |rooms will be done according to an objective procedure and |! |general that must be annually approved by the committee |! |of judges of the court, on a proposal of the presiding judge. Article 18.-Corresponding to oral courts |! |in the criminal: a) Know and judge causes by crime or simple |! |delivery; b) Resolve all incidents that are promoted |! |during oral judgment, and c) Know and resolve other matters than the law |! |criminal prosecution entrusts them. Article 19.-The decisions of the courts |! |oral in the criminal will be governed, in what is not |! |contrary to the rules of this paragraph, by the rules |! |on agreements in the Courts of Appeals contained |! |in articles 72, 81, 83, 84 and 89 of this Code. Article 20.-The oral court in the criminal case may |! |impose the death penalty only if there is unanimous agreement |! |of all members of the room. When it is simple |! |majority, the penalty will be applied immediately below in |! |grade. If the court pronounces a death sentence |! |will proceed, then deliberate on whether the |! |convict seems worthy of indulgence and on what penalty |! |provided to his guilt could replace the |! |death. The result of this deliberation will be |! |consigned in a trade that the court will transmit |! |timely to the Ministry of Justice, along with |! |a copy of the final judgment. The Ministry will bring the record to the |! | President of the Republic to resolve if |! |ha or no place to the commutation of penalty or pardon. Article 21.-There will be an oral court in the criminal case |! |with seat in each of the following communes of the |! |territory of the Republic, with the number of judges and |! |with the competence that in each case are indicated: First Region of Tarapaca: Arica, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of General Lagos, Putre, Arica and Camarones. Iquique, with nine judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Huara, Wala, Colcolane, Iquique, Pozo |! | Almonte and Pica. Second Region of Antofagasta: Calama, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Calama, Ollague and San Pedro de Atacama. Antofagasta, with nine judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Tocopilla, Maria Elena, Mejillones, |! | Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta and Taltal. Third Region of Atacama: Copiapo, with nine judges, with competition over |! |the communes of Chanaral, Diego de Almagro, Caldera, |! | Copiapo, Tierra Amarilla, Huasco, Vallenar, Freirina |! |and Alto del Carmen. Fourth Region of Coquimbo: La Serena, with nine judges, with competition over |! |the communes of La Higuera, Vicuña, La Serena, Coquimbo, |! | Andacollo and Paihuano. Ovalle, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Ovalle, Rio Hurtado, Punitaqui, Monte Patria, |! | Combarbala, Canela, Illapel, Los Vilos and Salamanca. Fifth Valparaiso Region: San Felipe, with three judges, with competition over |! |the communes of the province of San Felipe. The Andes, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of the province of Los Andes. Quillota, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of La Ligua, Petorca, Cabildo, Paorácó, |! | Zapallar, Nogales, Calera, La Cruz, Quillota, Hijuelas, |! | Limache and Olmue. Vina del Mar, with twelve judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puchuncavi, Quintero, Vina del Mar, |! | German Villa, Quilpue and Concon. Valparaiso, with twelve judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Juan Fernández, Valparaiso, Casablanca e |! | Easter Island. San Antonio, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Algarrobo, El Quisco, El Tabo, Cartagena, |! | San Antonio and Santo Domingo. Sixth Region of the Liberator General Bernardo |! | O ' Higgins: Rancagua, with twelve judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Rancagua, |! | Machali, Las Cabras, Coltauco, Donihue, Olivar, Coinco, |! | Requinoa, Malmö, Quinta de Tilcoco, Pichidegua, San |! | Vicente, Malloa and Rengo. San Fernando, with three judges, with competition |! |on the communes of San Fernando, Placilla and |! | Chimbarongo. Santa Cruz, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Santa Cruz, Navidad, Litueche, La |! | Estrella, Pichilemu, Marchigue, Paredones, Peralillo, |! | Palmilla, Pumanque, Nancagua, Lolol and Chepica. Seventh Region of the Maule: Curico, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Teno, Vichuquén, Hualane, Rauco, Curico, |! | Romeral, Licanten, Sagrada Familia and Molina. Talca, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Curepto, Rio Claro, Constitución, Pencahue, |! | Talca, Pelarco, San Clemente, Maule, Empedrado and San |! | Rafael. Linares, with six judges, with competition over the |! |communes of San Javier, Villa Alegre, Colbun, Yerbas |! | Good, Linares and Longavi. Cauquenes, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Chanco, Cauquenes, Pelluhue, Retiro and |! | Parral. Eighth Bio Bio Region: Chillán, with six judges, with competence over the |! |comunas of Cobquecura, Quirihue, Ninhue, San Carlos, |! | Niquén, San Fabian, San Nicolas, Tregrego, Portezuelo, |! | Chillan, Coihuana, Coelemu, Ranquil, Pinto, Quillón, |! | Bulnes, San Ignacio, El Carmen, Pemuco, Yungay, Tucapel |! |and Chillan Viejo. Conception, with eighteen judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Tomé, Penco, Florida, Concepción, |! | Coronel, Hualqui, Lota, Santa Juana, Talcahuano, San |! | Pedro de la Paz y Chiguayante. Los Angeles, with six judges, with competition over |! |the communes of San Rosendo, Yumbel, Cabrero, Laja, Los |! | Angeles, Antuco, Quilleco, Birth, Negrete, Mulchen, |! | Santa Barbara and Quilaco. Canete, with six judges, with competition over the |! |comunas de Arauco, Curanilahue, Lebu, Los Alamos, |! | Cañete, Contulmo and Tirua. Novena Region of La Araucania: Angol, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Angol, Renaico, Collipulli, Puren, Los |! | Sauces, Ercilla, Lumaco, Traiguen and Victoria. Temuco, with nine judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Lonquimay, Curacretin, Galvarino, Perquenco, |! | Carahue, Nueva Imperial, Temuco, Lautaro, Vilcun, |! | Melipeuco, Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt, Freire, Cunco, |! | Tolten, Pittrufquen, Gorbea and Father Las Casas. Villarrica, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Loncar, Villarrica, Pucón and Curarrehue. Tenth Region of Los Lagos: Valdivia, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Mariquina, Lanco, Panguipulli, Mafil, |! | Valdivia , The Lakes, Corral, Paillaco, Futhrone, La |! | Union, Lake Ranco and Rio Bueno. Osorno, with six judges, with competence over the |! |communes of San Juan de la Costa, San Pablo, Osorno, |! | Puyehue, Rio Negro, Puerto Octay and Purranque. Puerto Montt, with six judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Fresia, Frutillar, Puerto Varas, |! | Llanquihue, Los Muermos, Puerto Montt, Cochamo, Maullin, |! | Calbuco, Hualaihue, Chaiten, Futaleufu and Palena. Castro, with three judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Ancud, Quemchi, Dalcahue, Castro, Curaco de |! | Velez, Quinchao, Chonchi, Puqueldon, Queilen and Quellon. Eleventh Region of Aisen by General Carlos Ibanez |! |del Campo: Coihaique, with three judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Guaitecas, Cisnes, Aisen, Lago Verde, |! | Coihaique, Rio Ibanez, Chile Chico, Cochrane, Tortel and |! | OHiggins. Twelfth Magellan Region and Antarctica |! | Chilena: Punta Arenas, with six judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Natales, Torres del Paine, Laguna |! | Blanca, San Gregorio, Rio Verde, Punta Arenas, |! | Primavera, Porvenir, Timaukel, Navarino and Antarctica. Metropolitan Region of Santiago: |! | Colina, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Ttil Til, Colina and Lampa. Puente Alto, with nine judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Puente Alto, San Jose de Maipo and |! | Pirque. San Bernardo, with nine judges, with competition |! |over the communes of San Bernardo, Calera de Tango, Buin |! |y Paine. Melipilla, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Melipilla, San Pedro, Alhue, Curacavi and |! | Maria Pinto. Talagante, with six judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Talagante, El Monte, Isla de Maipo, |! | Penaflor and Father Hurtado. " There will also be, with seat in the commune of |! | Santiago, the following courts of oral judgment |! |in the penal: First Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with eighteen judges, with competence on |! |the communes of Lo Prado, Cerro Navia and Pudahuel. 2nd Court of Oral Judgment in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with twenty-one judges, with jurisdiction over |! |the communes of Quilicura, Huechuraba, Renca, Conchali, |! | Independence and Recoleta. Third Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with twenty-four judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las |! | Condes, Providencia, Nunoa and La Reina. 4th Court of Oral Judgment in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with fifteen judges, with competence over the |! |communes of Quinta Normal, Central Station and Santiago. Fifth Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with eighteen judges, with competence over |! |the communes of Maipú and Cerrillos. Sixth Tribunal of Trial Oral in the Criminal of |! | Santiago, with twenty-seven judges, with competition |! |on the communes of Lo Espejo, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, |! | San Miguel, San Joaquin, La Cisterna, San Ramon, La |! | Farm, El Bosque and La Pintana. Seventh Oral Trial Court in the Criminal Court of |! | Santiago, with twenty-seven judges, with jurisdiction over |! |the communes of Macul, Penalolen and La Florida. Article 21 A.-When necessary to facilitate |! |the timely application of criminal justice, of |! |conformity to criteria of distance, physical access and |! |difficulties of transfer of those involved in the |! |process, the oral courts in the criminal will be |! |will be and will operate in locations located outside |! |of your seat. It will be up to the respective Court of Appeals |! |determine annually the periodicity and form with which |! |the oral courts in the criminal will give compliance to |! |the provisions in this article. Without prejudice to this, the |! | Court may have at any time the |! |constitution and functioning of an oral court in the |! |criminal in a locality outside its seat, when the |! |better care of one or more cases so advise. The Court of Appeal will adopt this preliminary measure |! |report of the Administrative Corporation of Power |! | Judicial and the presiding judges of the committees of |! |judges of the oral courts in the criminal |! |corresponding. Paragraph 3 of the Judges Committee Article 22.-In the courts of guarantee in the |! |that serve three or more judges and in each oral court in |! |the criminal, there will be a committee of judges, which will be |! |integrated in the following form: In those courts or By |! |five judges or less, the committee of judges will settle |! |for all of them. In those courts conformed by |! |more than five judges, the committee will make up the five |! |judges who are elected by the majority of the court, |! |every two years. Among the members of the committee of judges will be elected to the |! |judge president, who will last two years in office and |! |can be re-elected for a new term. If any of the members of the committee are absent |! |of judges or will take charge for any cause, it will be |! |replaced, provisional or definitively as the case may be, |! |by the judge who has obtained the highest vote |! |after those who have result-elect and, in his |! |defect, by the oldest judge of those who do not |! |integrate into the committee of judges. In case of absence or |! |impossibility of the presiding judge, it will be pleaded in the |! |charge by the oldest judge if she will not exceed the |! |three months, or will proceed to a new election for that |! |charge if the impediment exceeds that deadline. The agreements of the committee of judges will be adopted by |! |majority of votes; in case of tie will decide the vote of the |! |judge president. Article 23.-The committee of judges shall be responsible for: a) Approve the objective and general procedure to |! |referred to in Articles 15 and 17, if any; b) Designate, of the terna that the judge presents to him |! |president, to the administrator of the court; c) Qualify annually to the administrator of the |! |tribunal; d) Resolver about removal of the |! |administrator; e) Designate the court or tribunal staff, a |! |erna proposal from the administrator; f) Know of the appeal that will be filed in |! |against the administrator's resolution to remove the |! |subadministrator, the unit heads or the |! |court employees or court; g) Decide on the draft annual budget plan |! |that the presiding judge present to you, to be proposed to |! |the Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary, and h) Know of all other matters I pointed out |! |the law. In the courts of guarantee in which they are performed |! |one or two judges, the attributions indicated in the |! |letters b), c), d) and f) shall correspond to the President of the |! |the respective Court of Appeals. In turn, the |! |attributions provided in the literals a), e), g) and h) |! |will be settled in the judge who will fulfill the function of |! |presiding judge. Paragraph 4 of the Judge Chairman of the Committee of Judges Article 24.-The presiding judge of the committee of |! |judges shall be responsible for the proper |! |functioning of the court or tribunal. In the performance of this function, you will have the |! |following duties and attributions: a) Chair the committee of judges; b) Relate to the Administrative Corporation |! |of the Judiciary in all matters pertaining to the |! |competence of this; c) Propose to the committee of judges the procedure |! |objective and general to which they refer Articles 15 and |! | 17; d) Elaborate annually a management account |! |court jurisdictional; e) Approve administrative management criteria |! |you are proposed by the court administrator and |! |monitor your execution; f) Approve the distribution of staff who |! |present the court administrator; g) Qualify the personal, having in view the |! |assessment presented to you by the administrator of the |! |tribunal; h) Submit to the committee of judges a terna for the |! |appointment of the court administrator; i) Evaluate annually the management of the administrator, |! |and j) Propose to the committee of judges the removal of the |! |court administrator. The performance of the presiding judge function of the |! |committee of judges of the court or tribunal may mean |! |a proportional reduction of his jurisdictional work, |! |as determined by the committee of judges. In the case of the courts of guarantee in which a single judge is held, the judge shall have the powers |! |of the presiding judge, with the exception of those referred to in points (a) and (c). The privileges of the letters h) |! |and j) will be exercised by the judge before the President of the Court |! |of respective Appeals. In those court of guarantee formed by |! |two judges, the privileges of the presiding judge, with |! |the same exceptions as mentioned in the previous paragraph, |! |will be based annually on one of them, starting with |! |the oldest. Paragraph 5 Of the administrative organization of the courts of the courts of |! |guarantee and of the oral courts in the penal article 25.-The courts of guarantee and the |! |oral courts in the criminal will be organized in units |! effective and efficient compliance |! |of the following functions: 1.-Room, which will consist of the organization and |! |attendance at the conduct of the hearings. 2.-Public attention, intended to grant a |! |adequate attention, orientation and information to the public |! |that it concurs to the court or tribunal, especially to the |! |victim, to the defender and to the accused, to receive the |! |information that they deliver and handle the |! |correspondence from the court or tribunal. 3.-Services, which will bring together the support tasks |! |technical of the computer network of the court or tribunal, |! |of accounting and support to the administrative activity |! |of the court or tribunal, and the coordination and |! |supply of all the physical needs and |! |materials for the conduct of the hearings. 4.-Administration of causes, which will consist of |! |develop all work relating to the handling of causes and |! |records of criminal proceedings in the court or tribunal, |! |including the The management of the dates and rooms |! |for the hearings; the basic judicial file, the |! |income and the role number of the new causes; to the |! |first court hearing of the detainees; to the |! |daily update of the database that contain |! |the causes of the court or tribunal, and the statistics |! |basic of the court or tribunal. 5.-Support for witnesses and experts, intended to provide |! |adequate and prompt attention, information and guidance to |! |the witnesses and experts summoned to testify in the |! |course of an oral trial. This function will exist |! |only in the oral courts in the penal. Article 26.-Corresponding to the Corporation |! | Administrative of the Judiciary determine, in the |! |occasion referred to in the second paragraph of the article |! | 498, the administrative units with which each court or |! |court will count for the compliance with the functions |! |as mentioned in the previous article. ' Article 28 Substitute the word "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Replace, in your apapite room, the expression |! | "Four" by "Three". Article 29 Substitute the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Replace, in letter A, the numeral "Three" by |! | "Four". Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. Article 30 Replace the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Article 31 Substitute the word "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Article 32 Substitute the word "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. Suffer in the acapite thirteen of the letter C, which |! |happens to be letter B, the following paragraph: "from the Fifth |! | Region, and over the Christmas commune, from the Sixth |! | Region,". Article 33 Substitute the word "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. Replace in the first paragraph of the letter C, |! |that happens to be B, the expression "Two judged" by "A |! |judged". Replace the fifth and final acapites of the |! |letter C, which has become B, for the following: " A courthouse with a seat in the commune of Santa |! | Cruz, with competition over the communes of Santa Cruz, |! | Chepica and Lolol. A court with a seat in the commune of Pichilemu, |! |with competence over the same commune. A court with a seat in the commune of Litueche, |! |with competition over the communes of Christmas, Litieche and |! | The Star. A court with a seat in the commune of Peralillo, |! |with competition on the communes of Marchihue, |! | Paredones, Pummanque, Palmilla and Peralillo. " Article 34 Substitute the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Replace, in the eighth acapite, the expression |! | "Three" by "Two". Article 35 Replace the word "jurisdiction" with |! | "competence". Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. Replace, in the first paragraph of the letter C, |! |that has become B, the expression "Two judged" by |! | "A judged". Replace, in the acapite once of the letter C, that |! |has become B, the phrase "the communes of Yumbel and |! | Cabrero" by "the same commune". Replace, in the acapite eighteen of the same |! |letter C, which happened to be B, the expression Two judged by |! | "A judged". Replace, in the nineteenth letter of the letter |! | C, which has become B, the comma (,) and the conjunction and, |! |by a semicolon (;). Replace, in the last acapite of the same letter |! | C, which happened to be B, the endpoint (.) by a comma (,) |! |and the conjunction and. Add, to the referred letter, the following acapite |! |final: "A judged with seat in the commune of Cabrero, with |! |competition over the same commune." Article 36 Substitute the term jurisdiction by |! |jurisdiction. Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. In the first document of the letter C, which has passed to |! |be B, replace the expression "Two judged" by |! | "A judged" and the comma (,) existing between "Angol" and |! | "Renaico" conjunction and, and remove the |! |expression " The Sauces and Puren and the comma (,) that the |! |precedes. In the referred letter C, which has become B, |! |interleave a second, new, acapite of the following |! |tenor: "A judged with seat in the commune of Puren, with |! |competition over the communes of Púren and Los Sauces;". Interleave, in the same letter C, which happened to be B, |! |as acapite seventh new, the following: "A judged with seat in the commune of Tolten, |! |with competence over the same commune;". Remove it, in the seventh acapite, that has passed to |! |be ninth, the expression "and Tolten", replacing the |! |comma (,) existing between "Pittrufquen" and "Gorbea", |! |by the conjunction "and". Article 37 Substitute the term jurisdiction by "jurisdiction". Replace, in your second and ninth acapites, the |! |expression "Four" for "Two". Replace, in his acapite once, the phrase "with |! |jurisdiction over the communes of Puerto Montt, Cochamo |! |y Hualaihue," for the following: "with competence over |! |the communes of Puerto Montt and Cochamo." Replace, in his acapite twelve, the expression "Two |! |judged" by "A judged." Replace, in the acapite nineteen, the comma (,) |! |and the conjunction "and", by a semicolon (;). Replace, in the acapite twenty, the endpoint |! | (.) by a comma (,) followed by the conjunction "and". Add, as final act, the following: "A court with seat in the commune of Hualaihue, |! |with competence over the same commune." Article 38 Substitute the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Replace, in the final part of the acapite second, |! |the expression "the province of Coihaique" by |! | "Coihaique and Rio Ibanez". Replace, in the third article, the expression |! | "the communes of the province of Aisen" by "the same |! |commune". Replace, in the apapite room, the expression |! | "the communes of the province General Carrera, and" by |! "the same commune,". Replace in the fifth acapite, the endpoint |! | (.) by a comma and the "y" conjunction. Add the following final acapite, new: "A judged with seat in the commune of Cisnes, |! |with competence over the communes of Cisnes, Guaitecas and |! | Green Lake." Article 39 Substitute the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Replace, in the second one, the expression |! | "Four" by "Three". Article 40 Substitute the expression "jurisdiction" by |! | "competence". Delete the letter B, passing the current letter C a |! |be letter B. Reposition, in the first paragraph of the letter C, |! |that happens to be B, the expression "Three" for "Two". Replace, in the capapite of the letter C, |! |what happens to be B, the expression "Two judged" by "A |! |judged". Article 43 Eliminate the first indent. Replace the current third indent, which passes to |! |be second, by the following: " The civil courts of the Metropolitan Region |! |of Santiago to which a territory is established |! exclusive jurisdictional, they will be able to practice, in the |! subject to their knowledge, performances in |! |any of the communes that integrate it. " Replace the fourth paragraph, which becomes |! |third, by the following: " With the prior agreement of the Court of Appeals |! |that corresponds, and for no more than once a year, the |! | President of the Republic may modify the limits |! |of the territorial jurisdiction of the courts to which it is |! |refers to the first paragraph. " Article 45 Derogase points (d) and (e). Article 46 Reside by the following: "Article 46.-The judges of letters that comply, |! |in addition to their own functions, those of judge of |! |guarantee, will have the competence noted in the article |! | 14 of this Code." Article 50 Eliminate the number 1. Substitute the first paragraph of the No. 2 °, by the following |! |: " Of the civil causes in which they are part or have |! |interest the President of the Republic, the ex |! | Presidents of the Republic, the Ministers of State, |! |the Intendants and Governors, the Diplomatic Agents |! |Chileans, Ambassadors and Diplomatic Ministers |! |accredited with the Government of the Republic or in |! |transit through their territory, the Archbishops, the Bishops, |! |the Vicars Generals, the Provisors and the Vicars |! | Capitulars. " Remove the No. 3. Replace the No. 4, by the following: "4th of the civil suits against |! |the judges of letters to make effective the |! |civil liability resulting from the exercise of their |! |ministerial functions." Article 51 Eliminate, in the 2nd, the expression "accusations |! |o", and add the expression "judicial" below |! |of the word "prosecutor". Article 52 Replace, at the end of the 2nd, the comma (,) and the |! |conjunction "and" by a point (.) apart and interleave, |! |as No. 3, passing the current to be No. 4, the following: "3rd of the Passive Extradition." Article 53 Eliminate, in the 2nd, the expression "accusations |! |o", and add the expression "judicial" to |! |continuation of the word "prosecutors". Delete, in the No. 3, the expression "of |! |passive extradition" and the comma (,) that the antecede. Article 58 Add-in, after the words "prosecutors" and |! | "prosecutor", the words "judicial" and "judicial", |! |respectively. Article 62 Add, in the first paragraph, below |! |the expression "prosecutors" the expression "judicial". Article 64 Eliminate the expression "and the consultation". Article 66 Eliminate, in the sixth indent, the phrase "and the |! |query"; the expression "accusations and", and add, |! |following the expression "Fiscal" the word |! | "judicial". Article 73 Derogase. Article 88 Derogase. Article 93 Attaché, in the final paragraph, following the |! |expression "fiscal" the word "judicial". Article 102 Add, in the first paragraph, below |! |the expressions "fiscal" and "prosecutors", the words |! | "judicial" and "judicial", respectively. Article 103 Substitute for the following: " Article 103.-It is applicable to the Supreme Court lo |! for the oral courts agreements in |! |the criminal in articles 19 and 20, and of the Courts of |! | Appeals in articles 72, 74 and following, up to |! |the 89 inclusive. ". Article 164 Reposition by the following: " Article 164.-When different |! |convictions against the same imputed, |! |the courts that will dictate the failures after the |! |first will not be able to consider circumstances |! |modifiers that if the processes have accumulated no |! |could have been taken into account. They must also |! |regulate the penalty in such a way that the set of penalties does not |! |may exceed that which has been reciprocated by |! |have been jointly tried the crimes. In the cases of the previous paragraph, the court that |! |will dictate the subsequent ruling must modify it, ex officio |! |or at the request of the affected, in order to adapt it to the |! |there willing. ". Articles 165, 168, 170 and 170 bis Article 173 Substitute in the first paragraph the expression |! | "judge of the crime" by "court with jurisdiction in the |! |criminal". Article 175 Eliminate the third indent. Add the following final paragraph: "The provisions in this article will not apply to |! |the courts of warranty or the oral courts in |! |the criminal, which will be governed by the special rules that |! |regulate them." Article 179 Eliminate in the first paragraph the phrase "proceed |! |ex officio in certain cases, nor". Article 180 Derogase. Article 206 Add, as article 206, new, the following: " Article 206.-In all cases in which the judge |! |of warranty is lacking or cannot intervene in certain |! |causes, shall be subrogated by another judge of the same court. If the court of guarantee I will answer with a single judge, |! |this will be subrogated by the judge of the court with |! |common competence of the same commune or grouping of |! |communes and, in the absence of this, by the attorney secretary of |! |the latter. " Article 207 Add, as article 207, new, the following: " Article 207.-When it cannot take place |! |provided in the preceding article, the subrogation is |! |will do by a judge of the court of guarantee of the commune |! to the jurisdiction of the same |! | Court of Appeals. In the absence of this one, the judge of the court with |! |common competence of the commune or group of communes |! |closer and, in his defect, the lawyer of |! |the latter court. In default of all the designated in the rules |! |above, the subrogation will be done by the judges of |! |guarantee of the remaining communes of the same |! |jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals to which |! |belong, in order of closeness. For the purposes foreseen in this article, the |! | Appeals Courts will set the order of |! |territorial proximity of the various courts of |! |guarantee, considering the ease and speed of the |! |communications between their places. ". Article 208 Add, as article 208, new, the following: " Article 208.-When not applicable |! |none of the above rules, act as |! |surrogacy a judge of warranty, in the absence of this a judge |! |of letters with common competence or, in default of both, |! |the attorney secretary of the latter, who are dependent on the |! | nearest Court of Appeals. They shall govern with this |! |object the rules provided for by the second, |! |third and fourth points of Article 216. " Article 209 Add the following new article: " Article 209.-The judges of a court of |! |guarantee may only subrogate other judges of |! |guarantee, in the cases provided for in articles 206 to |! | 208, and to judges of oral courts in the in the |! |cases referred to in the following Article. '; Article 210 Add the following new article: " Article 210.-In all cases in which a room |! |of an oral court in the criminal cannot be constituted |! |according to the law for lack of judges who integrate it, |! |subrogara a judge belonging The same oral court |! |and, in the absence of this, a judge of another oral court in the |! |criminal of the jurisdiction of the same Court, for which |! |the criteria of closeness |! |territorial will be applied analogously in article 207. For these |! |ends, it will be considered the place to be held |! |the oral judgment in question. In the absence of a judge of an oral court in the criminal case |! |of the same jurisdiction, a judge of |! |court of guarantee of the same commune or grouping of |! |communes, that has not intervened in the phase of |! |investigation. If it is not possible to apply any of the |! |rules provided in the above, be it because |! |the judges belonging to other oral courts in |! |the criminal or the courts of guarantee cannot be |! |know of the respective cause or for reasons of |! |functioning of each other, will act as a surrogate |! |a judge belonging to some oral court in the criminal |! |that depends on the Court of Appeals nearest or, a |! |lack of this, a judge of a court of guarantee of that |! |other jurisdiction. They shall govern, for that purpose, the rules |! |provided for in the second, third and fourth points of the |! |article 216. In default of the preceding rules, it will be |! |applicable to the provisions of article 213 or, if this does not |! |as possible, will be delayed the realization of the |! |oral judgment until the nearest opportunity in that |! |some of such dispositions The following shall be applicable. ' Article 210 A Add the following new article: "Article 210 A.-Judges belonging to the |! |oral courts in the criminal proceedings will only subsuge others |! |judges from those courts, pursuant to the provisions |! |in the previous article." Article 210 B Add the following new article: " Article 210 B.-Yes on the occasion of the application |! |of the rules provided for in the above articles |! |there be more than one judge who shall subrogate the judge of the |! |court of guarantee or the judge of the oral court in the |! |criminal, the subrogation will be done in order of seniority, |! |beginning with the least ancient. " Article 214 Add the following final point: " In the courts of guarantee and in the courts |! |oral in the criminal will correspond to the head of the unit |! |administrative who has in charge the function of |! |administration of causes to put on record of the |! subrogation and report monthly of it to the Court |! |of Appeals. ". Article 230 Replace the term "public ministry" with |! | "judicial prosecutor". Article 248 Add the following new article: " Article 248.-For all the purposes of this |! | Code shall be understood to mean references made to the |! |legal judges or judges of letters also include a |! |the judges of the courts of guarantee and the judges of the |! |oral courts in the penal, except the cases in which the |! |law expressly states the contrary. " Article 253 Reposition in the first paragraph the expression |! | "the prosecutor of the Court of Appeals" by "judicial prosecutor |! |of the Court of Appeals". Article 257 Add the term "judicial" below |! |of the word "prosecutors". Article 259 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word "prosecutor". Article 260 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word "prosecutor". Article 265 Add, in the first paragraph, the expressions |! | "judicial" and "judicial" following the |! |words "fiscal" and "prosecutors", respectively. Interleave, in the second paragraph, between the |! |expressions "archivists," and "procurators of the |! |number", the following sentence: "administrators, |! |subadministrators and heads of court units with |! |jurisdiction in the criminal," Attaché, in the third indent, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word |! | "prosecutors". Article 267 Replaced by the following: " Article 267.-The Primary Escalafon shall have the following categories: First Category: President, Ministers and Prosecutor |! |judicial of the Supreme Court. Second Category: President, Ministers and Prosecutors |! |court of the Courts of Appeals, and relators and |! |secretary of the Supreme Court. Third Category: Judges of oral courts in |! |the city penalty seat of Court of Appeals, |! |court judges of city courts seat of Court |! |of Appeals, judges of courts of city guarantee |! |seat of Court of Appeals and relators and |! |Appeals Court secretaries. Fourth Category: Judges of oral courts in the |! |city criminal seat of provincial capital seat, judges |! |lawyers of courts of provincial capital city and |! |judges of courts of city guarantee seat of |! |provincial capital. Fifth Category: Judges of oral courts in the |! |criminal of commune or group of communes, legal judges |! |of courts of commune or group of communes, judges of |! |courts of guarantee of commune or group of communes, |! |and secretaries of City letter courts seat of |! | Court of Appeals. Sixth Category: Letters of Court of Letters |! |of provincial capital, prosecretary of the Court |! | Supreme and secretary attorney of the prosecutor of that same |! |court. Seventh Category: Letters of Letters of Letters of |! |commune or group of communes. The relators of the Supreme Court and the Courts |! |of Appeals will be incorporated into the categories that |! |respectively are assigned to them in the terms of the |! |article 285. " Article 269 Intercalase, in the first paragraph, the following |! | Third Series, new, passing the current Third |! | Series, Fourth Series and Fifth Series, to be Fourth Series, |! | Fifth Series and Sixth Series, respectively:: " Third Series: Administrators, |! |subadministrators and heads of court units with |! |jurisdiction in the criminal. " Interleave, in the second paragraph, between commas (,), |! |following the word "strings", the phrase " with |! |exce "The third". Add the following final paragraph: " The third series, you will have the following |! |categories: First category: Oral Courts Administrator in |! |the penalty and city warranty courts seat of |! | Court of Appeals. Second Category: Courts Manager |! |oral in the criminal and city warranty courts |! |provincial capital seat and deputy administrator of |! |oral courts in the criminal and court of guarantee |! |city seat of court Appeals. Third category: Courts Manager |! |oral in the criminal and city warranty courts |! |commune seat or community pool, |! |subadministrator of oral courts in the criminal and |! |courts of city guarantee seat of capital of |! |province, and head of unit of oral courts in the |! |criminal and court of city guarantee seat of |! | Court of Appeals. Fourth category: Subadministrator of courts |! |oral in the criminal and city warranty courts |! |commune seat or community grouping, and head of |! |unit of oral courts in the criminal and courts of |! |seat city guarantee Provincial capital. Fifth category: Head of unit of courts |! |oral in the penal and city guarantee courts |! |seat of commune or group of communes. ". Article 273 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word "prosecutor". Add, in the fourth paragraph, letter c), the |! |expression "judicial" following the word |! | "prosecutor". Add, in the same paragraph (d), the |! |expression "judicial" following the word |! | "prosecutors". Add, in the final paragraph, below the |! |expression "your president" the phrase "or in your default, |! |the oldest secretary of any of the |! |courts whose judges integrate the commission." Article 276 Attaché, in points (a) and (b) of the eighth and |! |in the ninth indent, the expression "judicial" to |! |continuation of the expression "fiscal". Article 277 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "Registrar of the court" by "secretary or |! |administrator of the court". Add, in the incissos second and third, the |! |expression "judicial" following the word |! | "prosecutor". Article 279 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word "prosecutor". Add, in the second indent, the expression "or the |! |administrator" following the expression |! | "secretary". Article 282 Add, in the second indent, the expression |! | "judicial" following the word "prosecutor". Article 283 Add the term "judicial" below |! |of the word "prosecutor". Article 284 Attaché, in the first indent, letter a), a |! |continuation of the expression "prosecutors" the word |! | "judicial". Replace, in the first paragraph, letters a) and b), |! |the expression "with the judge of civil or criminal letters" |! |by the expression "with the judge of oral court in the |! |criminal, the judge of letters or the judge of trial of |! |guarantee". Add, in the first point, letter d), a |! |continuation of the expression "fiscal" the word |! | "judicial". Article 285 bis Add, in the final paragraph, below the |! |expression "fiscal" the word "judicial". Article 288 Incorporate the following article 288, new: " Article 288.-The terns to provide the charges |! |of the third series of the Secondary Escalafon will be formed |! |as follows: a) For members of the first category, with the |! |official of the category immediately above that |! |figure first on merit list and express |! |his interest in the position and with two members of the same |! |category of the charge which is about to provide or the |! |immediately inferior, which have been opposed to the |! |contest, chosen according to article 281; b) For members of the second category, with the |! |official of the category immediately preceding that |! |figure first on merit list and express |! |your interest in the charge and with two members of the same |! |category of the charge that is about to provide or of the |! |immediately inferior, that have been opposed to the |! |contest, chosen according to article 281; c) For members of the third category, with the |! |official of the category immediately above that |! |figure first on merit list and express |! |your interest in the charge and with one or two members of the |! |same charge category as it is to provide or |! |the immediately inferior, which is have opposed the |! |contest, chosen according to article 281, or with |! |one or two foreign professionals to the Judiciary that |! |have opposed the contest, chosen according to the |! |same procedure referred to in article 284 bis |! |for the charges of judges; d) For members of the fourth and fifth |! |category, with the official of the category |! |immediately above that figure first in |! |merit list and express your interest in the charge and |! |with one or two members of the same category of the |! |charge that is about to provide or immediately |! |lower, than have been opposed to the contest, chosen from |! |conformity to article 281, or with one or two |! |professionals extraneous to the Judiciary that have been |! |opposed to the contest, chosen according to the same |! |procedure contemplated in article 284 bis for |! |the charges of judges. ". Article 289 Reposition in its heading, the expression |! | "third or fourth" by "fourth or fifth". Article 292 Attaché, in the second category, below |! |of "Court of Appeals", the phrase "Encharged of |! |courtroom of oral courts in the criminal and of courts of |! |guarantee of city seat of Court of Appeals", |! |preceded by a comma (,). Add, in the third category, below |! |of the expressions "same courts," the phrase |! | " Administrative 1st oral courts in the criminal and |! |city warranty courts seat of Court seat of |! | Appeals, Encharged room of oral courts in |! |the criminal and court of guarantee city seat of |! |provincial capital, ". Add, in the fourth category, below |! | "Valparaiso,", the phrase " Administrative 2nd of |! |oral courts in the criminal and the courts of guarantee |! |city seat of Court of Appeals, |! | Administrative 1st of oral courts in the criminal and |! |courts of city guarantee capital seat of |! |province, Encharged of oral courts in the |! |criminal and of court of city guarantee seat of |! |commune or group of communes, ". Add, in the fifth category, below |! |the two points, the phrase " Administrative 3rd of |! |oral courts in the criminal and the courts of guarantee |! |city seat of Court of Appeals, |! | Administrative 2nd of oral courts in the criminal and |! |courts of city guarantee capital seat of |! |province, Administrative 1st of oral courts in the |! |criminal and of courts of city guarantee seat of |! |commune or group of communes, ". Add, in the sixth category, below |! |the two points, the phrase " Administrative 3rd of |! |oral courts in the criminal and of the courts of guarantee |! |of city seat of provincial capital, |! | Administrative 2nd and 3rd of oral courts In the criminal |! |and city warranty courts seat of commune or |! |pool of communes, Adjutants of hearing of |! |oral courts in the criminal and of courts of guarantee |! |of city seat of Court of Appeals, telephonists |! |and Executive secretaries of oral courts in the |! |criminal and courts of guarantee of city seat of |! | Court of Appeals, ". Add, in the seventh category, below |! |of the expression "letters,", the phrase " Help of |! |hearing of oral courts in the criminal and of courts |! |of city guarantee city seat of provincial capital and |! |of commune or grouping of communes, phonanists and |! |executive secretariats of oral courts in the criminal case |! |and of courts of guarantee of city seat of capital |! |of province and of commune or group of communes, ". Article 303 Add, in the first paragraph, below |! |the expression "prosecutors", the word "judicial". Article 312 bis The following article 312 a, new: " Article 312 bis.-Judges of courts |! |oral in the criminal shall be obliged to attend his |! |office for 44 hours a week. The judges of the court of guarantee must attend |! |to your office for 44 hours a week, owing |! |establish a system or turn that allows the |! |availability of a judge of guarantee in the jurisdiction |! |out of the normal hours of care of the |! |courts. " Article 333 Replace the numbers "39 and 42" with "48 and |! | 49", respectively. Article 336 Substitute the number "39" by "48". Article 338 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "official of the public ministry" by "prosecutor |! |judicial". Replace, in the second indent, "ministry |! |public" and "ministry" by "judicial prosecutor". Title XI The auxiliaries of the administration of justice 1. Public Ministry Replace the heading of paragraph 1 with the following |! |: " 1. Judicial prosecution. ' Article 350 Substitute the first paragraph by the following: " Article 350.-The judicial prosecutor shall be exercised |! |by the judicial prosecutor of the Supreme Court, which shall be the |! |head of the service, and by the judicial prosecutors of the |! | Cortes de Appeals. " Replace, in the second indent, the expression |! | "public ministry officers" by "prosecutors |! |judicial". Replace, in the third indent, the expression |! | "of the public ministry" by "of the prosecution |! |judicial". Article 351 Derogase. Article 352 Attaché, following the expression |! | "prosecutors", the word "judicial". Article 353 Add the expressions "judicial" and |! | "judicial" following the expressions |! | "fiscal" and "prosecutors", respectively. Remove the 2nd. Replace, in the 3rd, the "official |! |expression of the public ministry" by "judicial prosecutor". Replace, in the final indent, the expression "No. |! | 4, in Article 72" by "Article 32, No. 15". Article 354 Substitute for the following: "Article 354.-Judicial prosecutors obran, |! |according to the nature of the business, or as a party |! |principal, or as a third party, or as auxiliary of the |! |judge." Article 355 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "public ministry" by "any of the prosecutors |! |judicial". Article 356 Derogase. Article 357 Substitute the heading by the following: "Article 357.-The prosecution must be heard |! |judicial:". Remove the No. 1. Article 358 Substitute the heading by the following: "Article 358.-In the second instance you will not hear a |! |the prosecution:". Delete the numbers 4th and 5th. Article 359 Substitute the expression "official of the ministry |! |public" by "judicial prosecutor". Add, at the end of the article, the phrase "a |! |exception of the competition in the criminal". Article 360 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "The Public Ministry" by "The Judicial Prosecution". Article 361 Substitute the expression "official of the ministry |! |public" by "judicial prosecutors". Article 362 Substitute the expression "ministry officials |! |public" for "judicial prosecutors". Article 363 Attaché, following the expression |! | "prosecutor", the word "judicial". Article 364 Substitute, in the first and second incites, the |! |expression "public ministry officials" for |! | "judicial prosecutors." Add, in the third indent, below |! |the expression "prosecutors", the word "judicial". Article 384 Remove the second paragraph of the 1st. Article 389 Attaché, following this article, the |! |next paragraph 4 ° bis, new, with the articles that a |! |below are noted: " Paragraph 4th bis The administrators of courts with competition in the |! |criminal Article 389 A.-Court administrators |! |with jurisdiction in the criminal are officials |! |assistants of the justice administration charged |! |of organizing and controlling the administrative management of |! |the oral courts in the criminal and courts of the |! |guarantee. Article 389 B.-Corresponds to the administrators |! |of these courts: (a) Address the administrative tasks of the |! |functioning of the court or court, under the |! |supervision of the presiding judge of the committee of judges; b) Propose to the committee of judges the designation of the |! |subadministrator, of the heads of units and of the |! |employees of the court; c) Propose to the presiding judge the distribution of the |! |personal; d) Evaluate the staff to his office; e) Distribute the causes to the judges or the rooms |! |of the respective court, according to the procedure |! |target and general approved; f) Remove the subadministrator, the |! heads | units and the staff of employees, according to the |! |article 389 F; g) Carry accounting and manage account |! |court current, according to the instructions |! |of the presiding judge; h) Give account to the presiding judge about the |! |administrative management (i) To prepare the annual budget, which must be |! |submitted to the presiding judge at the latest in the month of |! |May of the year preceding the corresponding year. The budget shall contain a proposal |! |detailed investment of the resources it will require |! |the court in the following year; j) Acquire and supply of work materials to the |! |court, in accordance with the budget plan |! |approved for the respective year, and k) Exercise the other tasks assigned to you |! |by the committee of judges or the presiding judge or who |! |determine the laws. For the performance of your duties, the |! |court administrator will abide by the policies |! |general staff selection, evaluation, |! |administration of material and personnel resources, of |! |design and analysis of the information The Council of the Administrative Corporation |! |the Judicial Branch, in the exercise of its attributions |! |own. Article 389 C.-To be an administrator of a |! |court with jurisdiction in the criminal is required |! |possess a professional title related to the areas |! |administration and management, awarded by a |! |university or by a professional institute, of a |! |run of eight semesters lasting at least. |! | Exceptionally, in the seat warranty courts |! |of commune or pool of communes, the Court of |! | respective Appeals may authorize the appointment |! |of an administrator with a level technical title |! |superior or professional title of the same areas, of |! |a race with a shorter duration than the one indicated. Article 389 D.-The administrators of courts |! |with jurisdiction in the criminal will be appointed of a |! |terna that the presiding judge, through |! |public contest of opposition and antecedents, that will be |! |solved by the committee of Judges of the respective |! |court. Article 389 E.-The provisions contained in the |! | Title XII of this Code will be applicable to the |! |court administrators with competence in the |! |criminal as soon as they do not object to the nature of their |! |functions. Article 389 F.-Without prejudice to the provisions in |! |article 278 bis, the administrator may remove the |! |subadministrator, the unit heads and the staff |! |when qualified on the Conditional List in the |! |qualification process respective. In addition, the administrator can remove them in |! |any time, when they have been guilty |! |severe to the service. In the latter case, the administrator will ask the |! |chair of the committee of judges to designate a |! |official as a researcher and, if the facts so |! |advise, you will be able to suspend your duties to the |! |defendant. The procedure will be fundamentally oral and |! |of the acts will be lifted a general act that will sign |! |those that have declared, without prejudice to add the |! |documents that correspond, not being able to |! five-day period. So |! |soon the investigation will be closed, will be formulated |! |charges, if proceeding, owing the defendant |! |answer them within two days, to count of the date of |! |notification of these. If the defendant offers to render |! |proof, the investigator shall indicate a period of time to the affection, the |! |which may not exceed three days. Expired the deadline for the download or, if applicable, |! |the term probative, the investigator, within the |! |two days following, will issue a report that will contain the |! |relation of the facts, the fundamentals and conclusions to |! |that has arrived and will ask the administrator the |! |proposition that I estimate coming from. Known the |! |report, the administrator will dictate within two days |! |following the resolution that corresponds, which |! |will be notified to the defendant. The defendant will be able to appeal the resolution within |! |of the next two days before the committee of |! |judges, which will resolve the appeal proceedings within |! |of two days. The days of days referred to in this article |! |shall be of working days. The same procedure will apply if the |! |subadministrator, unit manager or employee has |! |incurred non-serious service faults, the |! |that will be sanctioned with any of the measures that |! |sets the third paragraph of the article 532. The removal of the court administrator may |! |be requested by the presiding judge and will be resolved |! |by the committee, with appeal to the President of the |! | Appellate Court, remedy that will be submitted |! |the same deadlines of the Fourth indent. Article 389 G.-Corresponding to the head of the |! |administrative unit that holds the |! |administration of causes of the respective court or |! |court to authorize the injunction and to carry out the |! |certifications that the law indicates expressly. ' Article 436 Substitute the expression "to the judicial authority |! |that it depends to initiate the corresponding |! |process" by "to the public ministry to initiate the |! |corresponding investigation". Article 458 Attaché, in the third indent, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression "fiscal". Article 459 Reposition, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "public ministry officers" by the expression |! | "judicial prosecutors". Article 461 Add the term "judicial" below |! |of the word "prosecutor". Article 464 To replace the term "Ministry official |! |public" with "judicial prosecutors". Article 469 Replace, in the second indent, the expression |! | "public ministry officers" by "prosecutors |! |judicial, administrators, subadministrators, bosses |! |of courts units with competence in the |! |criminal." Article 470 Reposition, in the third indent, the expression |! | "of the public ministry" by "of the prosecutors |! |judicial". Article 471 Attaché, in the third indent, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 472 Add the term "judicial" below |! |of the expression "fiscal". Article 473 Attaché, in the first paragraph, below |! |the expression "391," the phrase "as well as the |! |court administrators with competence in the |! |criminal,". Add, in the second paragraph, below |! |the word "secretaries" the expression "and |! |court administrators". Article 478 Attaché, in the first paragraph, after the |! |word "secretary" and the comma that follows, the |! |expression "court administrator,". Add, in the second paragraph, after of the |! |word "secretaries" the expression "and administrators |! |of courts". Article 480 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 481 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 483 Reside the expression "ministry officials |! |public" for "judicial prosecutors". Article 484 Replace, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "public ministry officers" by "prosecutors |! |judicial". Article 486 The expression "officers of the ministry |! |public" is replaced by "judicial prosecutors". Article 494 Add, in the second indent, the word |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Replace, in the third indent, the expression |! | "public ministry officers" by "prosecutors |! |judicial". Article 495 Add the term "judicial" below |! |of the word "prosecutor". Article 498 Add, in the first paragraph, the word |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 499 Add, in the second indent, the word |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 503 Replace the second paragraph with the following: " The attorney secretary of the judicial prosecutor of the |! | Supreme Court, the officers of the judicial prosecutors |! |of the Courts of Appeals and the officers of the |! |public defenders who have a lawyer's title not |! |may exercise their profession in respect of cases in |! |that, pursuant to Articles 356, 357 and 366, the |! |judicial prosecutors or public defenders must |! |intervene, if any. " Article 506 Substitute the No. 6 for the following: " 6th Dictate, in accordance with the general guidelines |! |that gives you the Supreme Court, selection policies |! |of personnel, evaluation, management of |! |material and personnel resources, indicators of |! |management, design and analysis of the information |! |statistics, and the approval of the budgets that |! |present the courts. ". Article 515 Attaché, in the second indent, after the |! |word "secretary" the phrase "or administrator of the |! |court". Article 516 Add, in the second paragraph, the expression "or |! |of the administrator" following the expression |! | "secretary". Article 517 Reposition, in the fourth indent, the phrase "Los |! |secretaries of the Courts and of the courts" by "The |! |secretaries of the Courts and the secretaries or |! |administrators of the courts". Article 532 Add the following final point: " In the case of the courts of guarantee and the |! |oral courts in the criminal, the faculties |! |disciplinary on the subadministrators, heads of |! |units and personnel will be exercised by the administrator |! |the court, as provided in the |! |article 389 F. If the court administrator |! |committed faults or abuses, or incurs violations |! |or omissions in the performance of his duties and |! |obligations, may be removed according to the |! |end of the same article. " Article 539 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression |! | "prosecutors". Article 541 Add, in the first paragraph, the expression |! | "judicial" following the expression "fiscal". Article 560 Substitute your No. 1 by the following: "1.-When dealing with civil causes that |! |may affect international relations and that are |! |of jurisdiction of the courts of justice;". Delete the 2nd. Add, as Nº 2nd, new, the following: " 2nd When will be the investigation of |! |facts or investigation crimes whose knowledge |! |corresponds to military justice and that may affect |! |international relations, or they cause alarm |! |public and demand prompt repression for its gravity and |! |harmful consequences, and "Article 567 Substitute for the following:" Article 567.-The last business day of each |! |week, a judge of guarantee, appointed by the committee of |! |judges of the court of the respective jurisdiction, |! |will visit the jail or the establishment in which they are |! |find the detainees or inmates to inquire if |! |suffer undue treatment, if they are caught the freedom of |! |defense or if the processing of |! |their process is prolonged. " Article 568 Replace the term "official" with |! | "prosecutors". Article 570 Substitute by the following: " Article 570.-Initiate the visit, an official |! |of the court or tribunal shall read to the state that |! |shall be prepared for that effect and in which it shall be expressed |! |the name of each of the prisoners and detainees, the |! |crime they are charged with, the state in which they are |! |and the date of the start of the deprivation of liberty. " Article 571 Attaché, in the first paragraph, below |! |the word "detainees" the expression "and prisoners". Article 572 Substitute the expression "processed" by |! | "inmates". Article 573 Substitute the expression "incompetently |! |judged" by "inmate". Article 574 Substitute the expression "processed" by |! | "detainees or prisoners" and add the expression "or |! |court" following the word "judged". Article 577 Reside by the following: " Article 577.-Every head of establishment in |! |any detained or imprisoned individuals shall be given |! |immediate account to the prosecutor of the public ministry and to the |! |court or respective court, of death or escape of |! |any of them and any illness that requires the |! |translation of a sick person to a hospital or another |! |establishment. ". Article 578 Substitute the expression "processed" by |! | "internal". Article 580 Replace the first paragraph with the following: " Article 580.-In the communes seat of a |! | Court of Appeals will constitute the visit a minister |! |of the same, a judge of oral court in the criminal and a |! |judge of guarantee. The minister will be appointed by turn |! |annual, beginning with the least old. " Replace the third paragraph with the following: " In the other communes, they will constitute the visit a |! |judge of guarantee, appointed by the Court of Appeals |! |according to a monthly shift, and the official of the |! |judged that the judge will designate as secretary of the |! |visit. Replace, in the fourth indent, the word |! | "president" by "minister" and the expression "judge |! |of the oldest crime" by "judge of guarantee". Article 581 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the expression ", |! |the minister who is appointed and the prosecutor" by " and the |! Replace, in the second indent, the expression ", |! |the minister and the prosecutor" by "and the minister". Article 582 Substitute, in the first paragraph, the word |! | "processed" the two times it appears, and the expression |! | "processed or detained", which is contained in the paragraph |! |second, by "inmates". Article 583 Substitute the expression "processed" by |! | "recluse". Article 584 Attaché, in the first paragraph, after the |! |word "secretary" the expression "of the visit". " Article 12.-Introduces the following |! |amendments in law No. 18.120, which sets standards |! |on trial appearance: |! | |! | '' Article 2º |! | Attaché, in its sixth indent, following the |! |expression '' court clerk '', the next |! |phrase: '' or the head of the administrative unit you have |! |your charge management of causes in the case of the |! |courts of warranty and of the courts of oral judgment |! |in the criminal ''. |! | Attaché, in its eighth indent, below of the |! |word '' secretary '' the following sentence: '' or the boss |! |of the unit administrative in charge of administration |! |of causes ''. |! | Article 4th |! | Intercalase, between the words '' secretary '' and |! | '' authorize '', the following sentence, between commas (,): '' or |! |head of the administrative unit in charge of the |! |administration of causes of a court of assurance or |! |court of oral judgment in the criminal ''. ''. |! | |! | |! | Article 12a.-Defeat the following |! |legal provisions: |! | i. N ° 8 of article 13 of Law No. 15,231, |! |on the organization and attributions of the courts of |! |local police, and ii. Articles 177 to 181 of the Law No. 17.105, |! | Law of Alcohols, Alcoholic Beverages and Vinagres. Article 12b.-Create a Commission for the Coordination of the Criminal Justice System, of a permanent and consultative nature, which will aim to ensure the strengthening and proper functioning of the criminal procedure system, through proposals techniques to facilitate their development, monitoring and evaluation, as well as the joint action of the institutions in which they are represented. The Commission will be composed of the Minister of Justice, who will preside over the President of the Supreme Court, the National Prosecutor of the Public Ministry, the National Ombudsman of the Public Criminal Defense, the President of the Supreme Court, and the President of the Supreme Court. Lawyers with a higher number of affiliates, by the General Director of Carabineros, by the Director General of the Chilean Investigations Police and by the Assistant Secretary of Justice. The Coordination Committee shall meet in ordinary form, convened by its chairman, every two months, within the first 15 days of the month concerned. Extraordinary sessions shall be convened by the President of the Commission or at the request of two of its members. The Commission shall not be able to hold or adopt agreements without the concurrence of at least four of its members. Their agreements shall be adopted by the absolute majority of their members present. If an incumbent member is unable to attend, he/she shall be replaced by the appropriate subrogation. The Coordination Commission shall have an Executive Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Executive Secretary and shall participate in its meetings only with a right to speak. The Executive Secretary shall draw up the minutes of each sitting in respect of the subjects treated and the (a) the following shall be adopted and, where appropriate, shall include the relevant statistical, technical, financial and other background to which the Commission has been established to act and resolve. These minutes shall be public in accordance with the provisions laid down in Law No 20.285 on Access to Public Information. The Executive Secretariat shall be administratively located in the Ministry of Justice. The Commission may invite private individuals and representatives of private organisations and institutions which it considers to be relevant and any authority or official of the State or may request to be received by the Commission for their meetings. (a) a history or a need to address the needs of the criminal justice system. A regulation, which shall be signed by the Minister for Justice, shall lay down other provisions concerning the organisation and operation of the Commission, as well as the requirements for the position of the Executive Secretary and the procedure designation of the latter. Article 12c.-Creanse Regional Commissions for the Coordination of the Criminal Justice System, of a permanent nature, in each of the regions of the country, in order to develop tasks of coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the system The Court of the Court of the European Court of the European Court of the European Court of The Regional Commissions shall depend on the Coordination Committee referred to in the preceding Article, which shall, at least six months, forward information on the operation and statistics of the criminal justice system in its region. Each Regional Commission shall be composed of the Regional Minister of Justice, who will preside over the Regional Prosecutor of the Court of Appeals, by the Regional Prosecutor of the Public Ministry, by the respective Regional Ombudsman, by the Chief of the relevant Carabinieri Zone, by the Chief of Police Area, and by the President of the Bar Association with the largest number of affiliates in the region. In the case of two or more Courts of Appeals in the region, the Commission shall be composed of all the Presidents of those Courts. In the Metropolitan Region, the National Prosecutor of the Public Ministry and the National Ombudsman will appoint the regional prosecutor and defender to be part of the respective Regional Commission. The rules relating to the quorum of operation and replacement of the members prescribed in the previous Article shall apply to the Regional Commissions. The Regional Commission shall meet every two months and may invite any authority or official of the State to be held in the region, to the individuals and representatives of private organisations and institutions it considers relevant or request to be received by any of them to obtain a background or to represent the needs that warn in the functioning of the criminal justice system in the region. Article 13.-The increased spending that will mean the implementation of this law will be financed with the resources allocated to the Judicial Branch in the Public Sector Budget Law of the corresponding year. Transitional Articles Article 1.-The installation of the new courts of oral judgment in the criminal proceedings and of the courts of guarantee and of the new courts or tribunals indicated in Article 2 shall be carried out with at least thirty days in advance To the date indicated for the corresponding region the article 4 of the Constitutional Organic Law of the Public Ministry. To this end, the Administrative Corporation of the Judicial Branch shall exercise the attribution referred to in Article 26 of the Organic Code of Courts and make available to the respective Courts of Appeals the premises intended for the operation of these courts. The appointment of judges to be served in such courts and tribunals shall be governed by common rules, in so far as they are not amended or supplemented by the following rules: (1) Judges of crime and judges of letters with jurisdiction criminal whose courts are suppressed by this law will be able to apply to the charges of judge of court of oral judgment in the criminal or judge of the court of guarantee, within its own jurisdictional territory. This right shall be exercised, where appropriate, at least three hundred days in advance of the date referred to in the first subparagraph. However, the judges of the crime of Temuco will be able to opt within ten days, counted since the publication of this law. If nothing express within that period, they shall, by the sole ministry of the law, exercise the position of judge of the court of guarantee within its own jurisdiction. (2) The Court of Appeal shall determine the judgment and the opportunity in which each judge shall take up his new position in accordance with the operating needs of the system. 3) With at least two hundred and seventy days prior to the date of entry into force of the criminal procedural reform in the respective Region, the Courts of Appeals will make the call for competition to provide only the positions of judges of the The guarantee is indicated, in order to assume in the months mentioned in the following table: YEAR 2003 Courts of Guarantee May 2003 December 2003 APPEALS COURT OF VALPARAISO Valparaiso 3 1 Vina del Mar 3 1 Quilpué 1 0 German Villa 1 0 Casablanca 1 0 La Ligua 1 0 Los Andes 1 0 San Felipe 1 0 Quillota 1 0 Calera 1 0 Limache 1 0 San Antonio 1 1 Total 16 3 CORTE DE Rancagua APPEALS RANCAGUA 1 1 Rengo 1 0 San Vicente 1 0 San Fernando 1 0 Santa Cruz 1 0 Graneros 1 0 Total 6 1 APPEALS COURT OF CHILLAN Chillan 1 1 San Carlos 1 0 Yungay 1 0 Total 3 1 COURT OF APPEALS OF CONCEPTION Los Angeles 1 1 Concepción 3 0 Talcahuano 1 1 Tome 1 0 Coronel 1 0 Arauco 1 0 Canete 1 0 San Pedro 1 0 Chiguayante 1 0 Total 11 2 APPEALS COURT OF VALDIVIA Valdivia 1 1 Mariquina 1 0 Los Lagos 1 0 Osorno 1 1 Rio Negro 1 0 Total 5 2 COURT OF APPEAL MONTT Puerto Montt 1 0 Puerto Varas 1 0 Castro 1 0 Ancud 1 0 Total 4 0 Total 45 9 YEAR 2004-2005 Warranty Courts November 2004 June 2005 SANTIAGO DE SANTIAGO 1 of Santiago 3 0 2nd of Santiago 3 4 3rd of Santiago 3 1 4th of Santiago 3 4 5th of Santiago 3 1 6th of Santiago 3 1 7th of Santiago 3 0 8th of Santiago 3 1 9th of Santiago 3 4 13th of Santiago 3 2 14th of Santiago 3 4 Colina 1 0 Total 34 22 APPEALS COURT OF SAN MIGUEL 10th of Santiago 1 1 11th of Santiago 3 1 12th of Santiago 3 0 15th of Santiago 3 0 Puente Alto 3 0 San Bernardo 3 0 Melipilla 1 0 Talagante 1 0 Curacavi 1 0 Total 19 2 Total 53 24 The Appeals Courts call a contest to provide the charges of guarantee judges that are not filled under the previous rules of this numeral, with the In advance necessary for those appointed to assume in the following months: Courts of guarantee corresponding to the Courts of Appeals of Valparaiso, Rancagua, Chillán, Concepción, Valdivia and Puerto Montt: December 2004. Court of Appeal of the Courts of Appeals of Santiago and San Miguel: June 2008, without prejudice to what is stated in the N ° 4 ter. 4) Once the guarantee judges who will be appointed in May of the corresponding year are appointed, the Appeals Courts will make the call for the appointment of four judges of the court of oral trial in the criminal case, which will constitute a room, with the The Court of Justice of the Court of Appeal of the Court of Appeals of the Court of Appeals of the Court of Appeals of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice Appeals of Conception 4 Court of Appeals of Valdivia 4 Court of Appeals of Puerto Montt 4 YEAR 2005 Court of Appeals in the Criminal June 2005 Court of Appeals of Santiago 4 Court of Appeals of San Miguel 4 The Courts of Appeals will call for a contest to provide the charges of judges of the court of oral trial in the penal that are not filled in accordance with the above rules of this number, with the necessary prior notice for those appointed to assume in the following months: Courts of oral judgment in criminal proceedings corresponding to the Courts of Appeals of Valparaiso, Rancagua, Chillán, Concepción, Valdivia and Puerto Montt: December 2005. Courts of oral trial in the criminal courts of the Courts of Appeals of Santiago and San Miguel: June 2008, without prejudice to what is stated in the 4th Ter. 4 (a) The chamber, established in accordance with the first subparagraph of the preceding number, shall act as a roving within the jurisdiction concerned, exercising, for all legal purposes, the jurisdiction of the courts of oral judgment in the criminal law of the Region or jurisdiction of the respective Court, as the case may be, that are not installed, until all are in operation by application of that number. That room shall operate, for all administrative purposes, in the security court in the same locality. For its operation, only one room manager, one administrative officer and one hearing assistant shall be appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 2 of the transitional procedure, in so far as it applies, within 30 days of the assumption in their positions by the judges who are members of the room. The presiding judge of the committee of judges shall make the respective proposals without the need for the administrator of the tribunal to be appointed. 4 bis (A) The Supreme Court, with the prior report of the Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary and according to the corresponding budgetary availability, in June and December of each year, or in exceptional circumstances, will communicate to the President of the Republic if it is necessary to anticipate the appointment of new judges of guarantee or court of oral judgment in criminal proceedings, in relation to the dates provided for in the final paragraphs of the numerals (3) and (4). (B) The Courts may draw up simultaneous terms, so that the respective procedure shall be concluded within the relevant time-limits. 4 ter) Exceptionally, the appointment of 131 counts of guarantee judges and judges of oral trial in the criminal courts in the courts of the Courts of Appeals of Santiago and San Miguel will be deferred. Your appointments will be made in accordance with the needs arising from the workloads of the courts of these jurisdictions, in accordance with the following general rules: up to 24 charges will be appointed in the period from 1 to 24. of January 2012 and 31 December of the same year; up to 30 charges in the period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December of the same year. The Supreme Court, prior to the technical report of the Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary, shall determine, among the judges mentioned in this numeral, the amounts that correspond to the judges of the guarantee and to judges of the oral court in the criminal proceedings in each case. period. (5) The Supreme Court may provide for the extension of the time limits set in the preceding numbers when, in view of the number of vacant posts to be provided, this is necessary to comply with the time limit for the installation of the new ones. courts. (6) The President of the Republic shall appoint the new judges within 20 days of receipt of the respective terms of office. 7) In order to apply to the charges of a judge of a court of assurance and a judge of court of oral judgment in the criminal proceedings, as provided for in the numbers 3) and 4) of this article, the applicants, in addition to complying with the common requirements, must have approved the enabling course that the Judicial Academy will give to the effect. To this end, the Judicial Academy must take the necessary measures to ensure that sufficient enabling courses are provided in all regions of the country. It may also prove or validate as an enabling course equivalent studies conducted by the applicants. 8) DELETED. 9) The judges referred to in the preceding numbers shall not suffer any reduction in remuneration, loss of seniority in the Primary Scale of the Judiciary, or any reduction in their civil servants ' rights. 10) DELETED. 11. The secretaries of the courts who are suppressed by this law, shall enjoy a right of preference to be included in the terns that are formed to provide the positions of judges of the courts of guarantee or of the courts of oral judgment in criminal proceedings in the same jurisdiction, in relation to applicants who come from the same or lower category, provided that they have been on the first two lists of merit during the last two years. Likewise, those secretaries who, by any circumstance, are not appointed in the courts of guarantee and in the courts of oral judgment in the criminal proceedings that are created by this law, will be assigned by the Court of Appeals, with a at least 90 days in advance of the removal of the court, in a position of equal hierarchy to that which at that date possess and of the same jurisdiction, without the need for a new appointment and without, under any circumstances, any of its civil servants. In the event that there are no vacancies in the same jurisdiction, within the period indicated in the preceding paragraph, the President of the Court of Appeals will communicate this fact to the Supreme Court, so that it is the one that will make the secretary to the Member of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament. Article 2.-The employees of the secretariat of the |! |courts of the crime and the courts of letters that |! |are suppressed by this law, will enter to comply |! |functions in the courts of oral judgment in the criminal |! |and in the courts of guarantee, according to the rules |! |following: a) With at least 180 days in advance to the date indicated for the corresponding region the fourth transitional article of the Constitutional Organic Law of the Public Ministry, the Judicial Academy will have to establish and apply the enabling examination to all employees referred to in this Article. (b) The respective Court of Appeals shall establish the payroll of all the employees of the courts which are deleted by this law, ordered by grade, according to the following factors: obtained in the previous year, the seniority in the service and the note obtained in the enabling examination. The Supreme Court will determine by an agreed order the weighting of each of the factors mentioned, for whose effect the representatives of the National Association of Employees of the Judicial Branch, of the Administrative Corporation of the Judiciary and the Ministry of Justice. (c) At least 90 days in advance of the date referred to in point (a) of this Article, the appointment of employees shall be made on the charges of the courts of guarantee and the courts of letters set forth in this law; as well as the transfer of those who perform in the courts that are suppressed by this law, proceeding as follows: 1st Appointed the administrator of the court, the charges of heads of unity will be provided with those postulants that comply with the professional or technical qualification that each office requires, by means of the rules of competition public that the Organic Code of Courts contemplates. Exceptionally, for this first appointment, they shall be deemed to fulfil the professional or technical qualification required to apply to the positions of heads of unit of court for the security of the seat of commune or group of communes and of capital province, the first officers of the courts seat, who are more than five years old in office. 2nd Appointed the heads of unit, the President of the Court of Appeals will fill the charges of the courts of guarantee of the region, of the grade eleven of the Scale of Salaries Bases Monthly of the Staff of Employees of the Judicial Branch, with those employees of the same degree of the scale of the courts that are suppressed by this law, who choose to perform in the courts of their own jurisdiction, without the need for a new appointment, according to the order of precedence to which refers to point (b) of this Article. For these purposes, the respective Court shall regulate the procedure to be followed by those employees and shall indicate the time at which each official shall take up his new position, in accordance with the requirements of the courts ' operation. involved. 3rd The vacant positions of the same degree will be filled, produced the transfer of the previous number, by the rules of public contest that the Code contemplates and according to the existing budgetary availabilities. 4º If any employee of the courts who are suppressed by this law, of the grade eleven of the monthly salary scale of the staff of the staff of the judicial branch, who had not approved the enabling examination, the Court of Appeals shall be made for the purpose referred to in point (e) of this Article, to a charge of the same degree as is vacant in a court of another jurisdiction, without the need for a new appointment and without it being possible for a increased spending. 5th The other charges of the escalafon will be filled according to the same procedure before scored. 6. The employees of the secretariat whose courts are suppressed by this law, shall enjoy a right of preference to be included in the positions to which they apply within their jurisdiction, in front of the other applicants of the same degree and, where appropriate, in relation to external applicants. (c) The appointment of officials of the courts in criminal proceedings shall be made within the time limits laid down in Article 4 (4) of the preceding Article, in accordance with the procedure referred to in (c) above. (d) In no case shall the transfer process mean a reduction in remuneration, loss of seniority in the Judiciary and in the category of the scale, changes in the pre-vision and health care systems, or impairment or loss of some of the civil servants ' rights which the employee will have at the time of his new assignment of duties in the new courts. (e) In the case of officials who have not approved the enabling examination referred to in point (a) of this Article, or of those who have approved it, they shall not have been appointed in the courts of oral proceedings in criminal proceedings or in the courts of guarantee, must be assigned by the Court of Appeal at least 90 days in advance to the one in which the court is deleted, in a charge of the same degree that is vacant in the other courts of the system judicial, preferably in the same jurisdiction, without such destination meaning, in any circumstance, loss of any of their civil servants ' rights. If there is no vacancy within the jurisdiction of the respective Court of Appeals, the President of the Court of Appeals, before the expiration of the period indicated in the foregoing paragraph, shall inform the President of the Supreme Court of such circumstances, (a) the official to the vacant post which is closest to his or her jurisdiction of origin, without any affections of his or her civil servants ' rights. f) The Judicial Academy must establish the necessary procedures (a) to apply the enabling examination referred to in this Article, in respect of all applicants to the vacant positions of the courts of oral judgment in criminal proceedings and of the courts of guarantee. |! | g) For the purposes of providing the positions of the staff of the secondary ladder of the courts which are created in this law, during the first respective contest, the provisions of Article 288 of the Organic Code of Courts. In these contests, in no case will more than three professionals be appointed by each court or tribunal. In addition, the Courts of Appeals may open the first competitions for the administrators of the court of guarantee, without the need for the judges to have previously assumed their positions. For their part, the presiding judges of the court of guarantee may open the first competitions of heads of unit, without the need for the administrator to be appointed. For the determination of the number of vacant posts of the administrative staff to be provided, the rules laid down in Article 6 of this Law shall be followed, so that only those who are appointed and shall assume their duties shall be appointed. result from the number of judges whose posts are to be filled, in accordance with the provisions of the previous article. Article 3.-The social worker who currently belongs to the First Court of Letters of Coihaique, will take up his duties, without the need for a new appointment, in the court of letters of minors of that city, from the date of his installation. Article 4.-The deletion of the courts of |! |letters referred to in the second paragraph of the article |! | 10 of this law shall govern six months after the |! |date that for the respective region points the article |! | 4th transitional of law N ° 19,640, Organic |! | Constitutional of the Public Ministry. |! | However, the respective Court of Appeals |! |may fix an opportunity prior to the compliance of |! |that period, depending on the workload that |! |subsist and the operating needs that the |! |guarantee courts and the oral trial courts in |! |the criminal file. In this case, the judges, |! |secretaries and staff of employees of these courts |! |will be held in their posts for the period that the |! | Court of Appeals points out. |! | The remaining causes, once deleted the |! |court, will be distributed by the Court among the |! |courts of letters of the same jurisdiction, |! |understanding for all constitutional effects and |! |legal that the courts to which they are assigned are |! |the legal continuators of the deleted. |! | Article 5.-Corresponding to the respective |! | Appeals Courts determine the opportunity in which |! |will govern the suppression of the crime courts to be |! |refers to the first paragraph of article 10 of the present |! |law. Similarly, they will establish the period by which |! |judges, secretaries and the |! |staff of employees of these courts will be held in their posts. To that effect |! |they will take into consideration the workload of the |! |courts that are suppressed and the needs of |! |functioning that the surety courts and the |! |courts of oral judgment in the criminal, if any, |! |present. These powers will be exercised by the |! Courts of Appeals once the date that |! |for the respective region of the country establishes the |! |article 4th transitional of the law N ° 19,640, Organic |! | Constitutional of the Public Ministry. The remaining causes, once deleted the |! |court called to know them, will be distributed |! |by the Court of Appeals among the courts of the |! |crime of the same jurisdiction that continue in |! |functions, understanding for all the effects |! |constitutional and legal that the court to which they are |! |assigned is the legal continuator of the deleted. To this |! |effect, the Courts of Appeals will set the |! |territorial competencies of the courts of the crime |! |that they continue in functions. The Courts of Appeals will be present, in the |! |exercise of the attributions that it deals with this |! |article, the following guiding criteria: a) The suppression of the criminal courts should be |! |rule when, according to the judicial statistics, |! |the number of causes in the process drops from fifty |! |percent regarding the number of causes that are |! |found pending to the The date indicated for the |! |respective region the article 4th transitional of the Law |! | Constitutional Organic of the Public Ministry, and |! |b) In any case, the suppression of the courts of the |! |crime of odd numbering will govern at the latest to the |! |term from the first year from the date that it points |! |for the respective region the article 4 transitory de |! |the Constitutional Organic Law of the Public Ministry. At the end of the second year it will govern the suppression of |! |all the criminal courts that remain in |! |functioning in the respective jurisdiction. All in all, |! |the Courts of Appeal must maintain subsist |! |the criminal court that they point out, the one who will have a |! |his charge the knowledge of the causes relating to |! |events occurred prior to the date that he points |! |for the respective region the article 4th transitory of |! |the Constitutional Organic Law of the Public Ministry, |! |understanding, for all constitutional effects and |! |legal corresponding, that said court is the |! |legal continuator of all those deleted in the |! |respective jurisdiction. Without prejudice to the incisos |! |precedents, in the jurisdictional territory of the Court |! |of Appeals of Santiago, at the end of the second year |! |subsitran six courts of the crime; two, from 1 ° |! |January 2009, and one, from on 1 January 2011. |! | The Court of Appeals of Santiago will point out the |! |courts of the surviving crime, those who will have their |! |charge the knowledge of the causes related to facts |! |occurred before the date that points for the |! | Metropolitan Region 4th transitional article of the |! | Constitutional Organic Law of the Public Ministry, |! |understanding, for all constitutional effects and |! |legal corresponding, that such courts are the |! |legal continuator of all those suppressed in the |! |respective jurisdiction. If you are to be charged as a judge or secretary of that |! crime trial, the respective Court of Appeals |! |will have the necessary to provide them according to the |! |common rules, or will go to serve them, for the time |! |you deem necessary, to the judges and officials of the |! |courts or courts of their jurisdiction to point out. In |! |this last case, the destination will be met without |! |prejudice to the judge or official continuing |! |performing the charge you occupy and perceiving |! exclusively the remuneration and the benefits that you |! |correspond to under this. Article 6.-REPEALED Article 7.-The provisions of this law that |! |incorporate, modify or delete rules of the Code |! | Organic of Courts or other related legal bodies |! |to the jurisdiction in criminal matters, shall enter into force |! The date indicated for the respective region on the |! |article 4th transitional of the Constitutional Organic Law |! |from the Public Ministry, No. 19,640, in relation to the |! |events that occurred from that moment. |! | Consequently, the rules of the Organic Code of |! | Courts or other legal bodies pertaining to the |! |competition in criminal matters will continue to apply, |! |after that date, regarding the causes whose |! |knowledge corresponds to the The courts of the crime and |! |the courts of letters with jurisdiction in the criminal, |! |for referring to events previously occurred. The |! |above is without prejudice to the rules on new |! |territorial jurisdiction of the courts of the crime that |! |be set by the respective Courts of Appeals in |! |virtue of the article 5th transitory. |! | Article 8.-Competition contests that are |! |suscitaren between a crime judge or letters with |! |criminal competition and a warrant judge or a court |! |oral trial in the criminal, will be settled by the Court |! |of Appeals that have jurisdiction over the |! |respective jurisdictional territory. It will also be up to the Court of Appeal |! |competent for the territory of a court with |! |jurisdiction in the criminal, to settle the questions that are |! |raise between this and the public ministry on the |! |competition to investigate a given fact |! |punishable. If the preceding rules cannot be applied, |! |will resolve the Supreme Court. Having complied with the provisions of Article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of Mexico, and because I have had to approve and sanction it, I therefore promulgate and take effect as the Law of Santiago, 25 February 2000.-EDUARDO FREI RUIZ-TAGLE, President of the Republic.-José Antonio Gómez Urrutia, Minister of Justice.-Alvaro Clarke de la Cerda, Minister of Finance (S). What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute intently to Ud., Consuelo Gazmuri Riveros, Subsecretary of Justice. Constitutional Court Bill reforming the Organic Code of |! | Courts The Secretary of the Constitutional Court, who |! |subscribes, certifies that the Honorable Chamber of Deputies |! |sent the bill enunciated in the rubric, approved |! |by the National Congress, in order that this Court |! |exercise control of constitutionality regarding |! |of articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11 permanent |! |and of articles 1, 4, 5 and 7 transient, and that |! |by Judgment of 3 February 2000, stated: 1. That the phrase that says '' or that they are their own in |! |attention to the nature of their functions '', of the |! |letter h) of the new article 23 of the Orga Code nico |! |of Courts, which is reformed by article 11 |! |of the submitted project, is unconstitutional, and must |! |remove from its text. 2. That the following provisions of the project |! |remitted are constitutional: Article 1º; |! | Article 2-point first and second only |! |as far as the judge and the secretary are concerned; |! | Article 3º; Article 4º; Article 5-point |! |first and second only as soon as it refers |! |the judge and the secretary-; Article 10; Article 11, |! |as soon as it introduces the following reforms to the |! | Organic Code of Courts: -it modifies the articles 5 and 11;-incorporates the new Title II;-adds the first paragraph, with the new articles 14, |! | 15 and 16;-adds the 2nd paragraph, with the new articles 17, |! | 18, 19, 20, 21 and 21 A;-adds the 3rd paragraph, with the new Articles 22 and |! | 23-except for its letter h), referred to in the |! |declaration 4th-;-adds paragraph 4, with the new Article 24;-adds paragraph 5, with the new Article 25;-modifies Articles 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, |! | 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43 and 45;-replaces Article 46;-amends Articles 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 62, |! | 64 and 66;-repeals Articles 73 and 88;- amends Articles 93 and 102;-replaces Articles 103 and 164;-repeals Articles 165, 168, 170 and 170 bis;-amends Articles 173, 175 and 179;-repeals Article 180;-adds new Articles 206, 207, 208, 209, |! | 210, 210 A and 210 B;-amend Articles 214 and 230;-add new Article 248;-amend Articles 253, 257, 259 and 265;-replace Article 267;-amend Articles 273, 276, 277, 279, 282, |! | 283, 285 bis and 303;-add new Article 312 a; -amends Articles 333, 336 and 338;-replaces the heading of Paragraph 1, Title XI;-amends Article 350; -repeal Article 351;-amend Articles 352 and 353;-replace Article 354;-amend Article 355;-repeal Article 356;-amend Articles 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, |! | 363, 364, 384, 458, 459, 461, 464, 469, 470, 471, |! | 472, 480, 481, 483, 484, 486, 494, 495, 532, 539, |! | 541 and 560; and-items 1st, 4th, 5th, and 7th transients. 3. That the following provisions of the project |! |remitted are also constitutional: Articles 6º |! |and 7th only as soon as they refer to the judges. 4. That the phrase '' Know of all other matters |! |that I point out the law '', of the letter h) of the new |! |article 23 of the Organic Code of Courts, which |! |is reformed by Article 11 of the submitted project, |! |is constitutional in the understanding of expressed |! |in recital 15º of this judgment. 5. That article 284 of the Organic Code of |! | Courts, which is amended by Article 11 |! |of the submitted project, is constitutional in the |! |understood as stated in the recitals |! | 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th of this judgment. 6. That it is not up to this Court to rule |! |on the following provisions of the project |! |for dealing with matters that are not their own |! |constitutional organic law: Article 2-paragraph |! |second, as soon as it does not refer to the judge or to the |! |secretary-, Article 5-point second, in |! |as it does not refer to the judge or the secretary-, |! | Article 11, as soon as it introduces the following |! |reforms to the Organic Code of Courts: -adds the new Article 26;-modifies Articles 260 and 269;-amends Articles 289 and 292;-adds the new Paragraph 4 (a) to Title XI, with |! |new articles 389 A, 389 B, 389 C, 389 D, |! | 389 E, 389 F and 389 G;-amend Articles 436, 473, 478, 498, 499, 515, 516 and 517;-replace Article 567;-amend Article 568;-replace Article 570;-amend Articles 571, 572, 573 and 574;-replace Article 577;- amend Articles 578, 580, 581, 582, 583 and | 584. 7. That, as indicated in recital 24º, |! |this Court urges the legislator to make a |! |thorough and decanted review of the articulated |! |transient of the submitted project, in order to clarify |! |the complexity of its rules with the object of |! |prevent any problems that may arise in |! |the practical application of this profuse |! |regulations. Santiago, February 7, 2000.-Rafael Larraín Cruz, |! | Secretary.