SUSPEND REGISTRATION OF TAXIS IN NATIONAL REGISTRATION OF PASSENGER TRANSPORT SERVICES Having present that the National Congress |! |has given its approval to the following Bill: '' Single article.-Suspend, for the period of two years, counted from the publication of this law, the registration of taxis, in any of its modalities, in the National Register of Passenger Transport Services established in article 3 of Law No. 18,696 and article 10 of Law No. 19,040. This measure will not affect the right to apply for replacement, change of modality or change of registration from one region to another, of the taxis currently registered in the mentioned Registry, according to the norms established by the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications. " And for how much I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 13 November 1998.-RAUL TRONCOSO CASTILLO, Vice President of the Republic.-Claudio Hohmann Barrientos, Minister of Transport and Telecommunications. What I transcribe for your knowledge.-Salute to Ud., Andrés Wallis Garces, Deputy Minister of Transport.