GRANTS SPECIAL BONUS TO MUNICIPAL PRIMARY HEALTH CARE STAFF Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following P r o y e c t o d e l e y: " Article 1.-Conceal, for one time, a bonus, non-taxable or This is the only way to improve the quality of the services provided by the law. This is due to the law No. 19.378, which was providing services at 31 August 1996, and provided that the date of publication of this law continues to be carried out in the establishments. corresponding. The bonus will be awarded within 40 working days following the publication of this law and will be calculated in proportion to the working day for which each official is hired, based on the day of 44 hours. weekly. In any case, the maximum number of hours per week for calculating the value of the allowance shall be 44 and the officials who are engaged for a longer day or perform duties in more than one establishment, with days exceeding This maximum shall only be eligible for the allowance corresponding to 44 hours per week. The amount of the bond will be the equivalent of $71,400 (seventy-one thousand four hundred pesos) for days of 44 hours a week. Article 2.-The greatest expense that the application of this law represents will be financed with the resources contemplated in the current budget of the Ministry of Health, which will turn them to the respective Health Services. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate it and take it into effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, January 19, 1998.-EDUARDO FREI RUIZ-TAGLE, President of the Republic.-Alex Figueroa Munoz, Minister of Health.-Eduardo Aninat Ureta, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Salute to Ud., Maria Soledad Barria Iroume, Undersecretary (S) of Health.