GRANT AN EXTRAORDINARY BONUS FOR NURSES |! | AND MIDWIVES WHO PERFORM IN CONDITIONS INDICATING, |! | IN HEALTH SERVICES ESTABLISHMENTS Having present that the H. National Congress has |! |given its approval to the following P r (e) and (e) and (e) and: " Article 1.-Concede, for the sole time, to the nurses, midwives and nurse-midwives, including the alternates, or to the contract, who work effectively and permanently in the positions of the staff who require attention Twenty-four hours of the day in rotating, night and Saturday shift systems, On Sundays and holidays, in emergency units, intensive care units, neonatology units and maternity units of the health services dependent on the Health Services, an extraordinary quarterly bonus of one hundred thousand The Commission has decided to provide the Commission with the following information: The professionals of the above mentioned careers who are in charge of the Plant of Directors in the units mentioned above and those who perform supervision functions by administrative resolution, in the same units, will be entitled to the The above bonus is set, even if you do not integrate the shift system. Article 2.-The payment of the first three bonuses shall be made within 15 days of the publication of this law; the fourth bonus shall be paid in December 1997, and the following four shall be made in the months of March, June, September and December 1998, respectively. Professionals who have entered into the conditions, modalities and units of work referred to in the previous article, after 1 January 1997, shall receive in proportion the amount of the allowance Quarterly corresponding. This allowance shall be calculated and paid on the basis of the time actually worked in the quarter immediately preceding the month of payment, under the conditions, modalities and units referred to in the preceding article. For the purposes of calculating the allowance for the first quarter of 1997, it shall be considered the months of January and February of that year, doubling January. Article 3.-The bonus shall be collected only as long as the specific functions for which the benefit was granted are performed. Professionals entitled to receive the bonus and who, during the period of validity of the bonus, will be punished with a disciplinary measure, will lose their right to impose it on the date of application of the measure and for the time Article 4.-The allowance in question shall not be taxable for the purposes of health and pensions and shall not serve as a basis for the calculation of any other remuneration or benefit legal. Article 5.-The number of officials entitled to receive the allowance provided for in this law shall be limited to a maximum of two thousand four hundred and sixty professional Health Services. The Ministry of Health shall, by resolution, allocate the maximum quota for each of the Health Services. If there is a number of officials in the Health Services who are entitled to the benefit of the maximum amount allocated, they shall be entitled to receive it in the event of a longer period of performance, under the conditions laid down for their performance. Article 1, first paragraph, of this law. Article 6.-The largest expenditure representing the implementation of this law will be financed by reallocations in the current budget of the respective Health Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Ministry of Finance, under item 50-01-03-25-33.104, of the budget item released from the current budget, may supplement that budget in the portion of the expenditure that cannot be financed by those resources. Article 7.-Amend the Health Code as follows: a) Add in article 113 the following fourth indent, new, passing the current second indent to be third, and the current third indent to be second: " The professional services of the nurse understand the management of care in relation to promotion, maintenance and restoration of health, the prevention of diseases or injuries, and the execution of actions arising from the diagnosis and medical treatment and the duty to ensure the best administration of the assistance resources for the (b) The first subparagraph of Article 117 is replaced by the following: " Services Women in the midwife include the care of normal pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium and the attention of the newborn, as well as activities related to breastfeeding, family planning and the execution of derivative actions. medical diagnosis and treatment and the duty to ensure the best administration of the patient's assistance resources. " And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, 28 November 1997.-EDUARDO FREI RUIZ-TAGLE, President of the Republic.-Alex Figueroa Muñoz, Minister of Health.-Eduardo Aninat Ureta, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe for your knowledge.-Salute to Ud., Dr. Fernando Munoz Porras, Undersecretary of Health.