LAW NO. 19.081 AMENDS ARTICLE 46 OF THE ACT NO 18,899 Having regard to the fact that the National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill: " Single article.-Please introduce the following amendments to Article 46 of Law No 18,899. a) Redeploy, in its second indent, guarism $300,000,000 (three hundred million pesos) "for $800,000,000 (eight hundred million pesos)," and b) Substitute, in its final indent, the expression "December 31, 1991" by " December 31, 1994 "." And because I have had to approve and sanction it; therefore, promulgate and take effect as the Law of the Republic. Santiago, August 30, 1991.-PATRICIO AYLWIN AZOCAR, President of the Republic.-Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, Minister of Finance. What I transcribe to you for your knowledge.-Pablo Piñera Echenique, Undersecretary of Finance.