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People's Republic Of China Regulations On Foreign Journalists And Permanent Offices Of Foreign News Agencies

Original Language Title: 中华人民共和国外国常驻新闻机构和外国记者采访条例

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People's Republic of China regulations on foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies

People's Republic of China promulgated by Decree No. 537

                                      People's Republic of China resident foreign news organization and regulation of foreign reporters has been Executive meeting of the State Council on October 17, 2008, the 31st through, promulgated and come into force on October 17, 2008.

                                          Prime Minister Wen Jiabao

The October 17, 2008

People's Republic of China regulations on foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies

First in order to facilitate the permanent offices of foreign news agencies and foreign journalists in the People's Republic of China territory coverage according to law, promote international exchanges and the dissemination of information, this Ordinance is enacted.

Permanent offices of foreign news agencies referred to in article II of this Ordinance refers to foreign news agencies in China established, engaged in the business of news coverage branch. Referred to in the regulations of foreign journalists, including foreign correspondent and foreign short interviews with reporters.

Resident foreign journalists from foreign news agencies, permanent in China for more than 6 months, in the press coverage of the occupation journalist; stay in China by foreign reporters refer to the short term period of not more than 6 months, in the press coverage of the occupation journalist.

Article of China's opening up policy and protects the legitimate rights and interests of foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies, and to facilitate in accordance with the law business news reported.

Article fourth permanent offices of foreign news agencies and foreign journalists should abide by Chinese laws, rules and regulations, compliance with journalistic ethics, objective and impartial coverage shall not carry out activities incompatible with the institutional or a reporter. Article fifth People's Republic of China Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies services.

The State Council information Office and other departments in their respective areas of responsibility within the permanent offices of foreign news agencies and matters relating to foreign journalists. Local people's Governments at the Foreign Affairs Department commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, handling foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies in their respective administrative areas.

The local people's Government Information Office and other departments responsible for the Administration in their respective areas of responsibility within the permanent offices of foreign news agencies and matters relating to foreign journalists.

Sixth set up permanent information in China by foreign news agencies agencies, sending journalists to China, should be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Seventh applications from foreign news agencies in China to set up permanent Chinese news agency, should be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly or through Chinese embassies and consulates in the following materials:

(A) the main written application signed by the head of the News Agency's headquarters;

(B) the press briefing;

(C) the proposed establishment of Heads of institutions, wishes to send permanent correspondents and staff briefing;

(D) the proof copy of the news agency established in the host country.

Eighth article in China territory established permanent news institutions of application by approved Hou, the permanent news institutions head should since arrived in China of day up 7 a days within, holding I passport to Ministry of Foreign Affairs handle foreign permanent news institutions card; which, standing Beijing yiwai area of permanent news institutions, its head should since arrived in China of day up 7 a days within, holding I passport to Ministry of Foreign Affairs delegate of place Government foreign affairs sector handle foreign permanent news institutions card.

Nineth application sending journalists to China for foreign news agencies shall be submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly or through Chinese embassies and consulates in the following materials:

(A) the written application signed by the head of the News Agency's headquarters;

(B) the proposed introduction of correspondents;

(Iii) wishes to send journalists engaged in occupational activity in the host country of the proof copy of the file.

Two or more foreign news organizations sending resident correspondent of the same name, should be in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply, respectively, and indicate in the respective written application to the foreign news agency reporter part-time.

Tenth article to China sent permanent reporter of application by approved Hou, was sent of foreign reporter should since arrived in China of day up 7 a days within, holding I passport to Ministry of Foreign Affairs handle foreign permanent reporter card; which, standing Beijing yiwai area of permanent reporter, should since arrived in China of day up 7 a days within, holding I passport to Ministry of Foreign Affairs delegate of place Government foreign affairs sector handle foreign permanent reporter card.

Foreign journalists after the certification for foreign journalists, should be to the public security authorities for a residence permit of residence.

11th permanent area of the permanent offices of foreign news agencies to change name, and other matters, shall submit a written application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after approval of the change.

Head of the permanent offices of foreign news agencies to change, Office address and other matters, shall be notified in writing within 7 working days after the change the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which permanent news organizations change in areas outside Beijing, heads, Office address and other matters shall be notified in writing within 7 working days after the change commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of the local people.

12th foreign correspondent expiry delay and resident foreign reporters should advance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of the local people to apply, go through formalities for extension; fails to handle the deemed waiver of qualification of foreign correspondent, foreign press card will be cancelled.

13th permanent offices of foreign news agencies to be the termination of the business shall be terminated before 30th informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and within 7 working days since the date of the termination of the business to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of the local people certification for permanent offices of foreign news agencies and their resident foreign correspondent press card cancellation procedures.

Permanent offices of foreign news agencies for more than 10 months in a row without journalists, considered that it had automatically terminated operations, the permanent offices of foreign news agencies permit will be cancelled.

Resident foreign correspondents in China annual cumulative residence time of less than 6 months, its foreign permanent press cards will be cancelled.

Permanent offices of foreign news agencies should, in its permanent reporter before he left office to Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned the local Foreign Affairs Department for the resident foreign journalists card cancellation procedures.

14th permanent offices of foreign news agencies permits, resident foreign journalists after permit cancelled, shall be announced to the public.

Permanent press cards was logged off of foreign journalists, journalist visa from the date of cancellation after 10th automatically invalidated.

Permanent press cards was logged off of foreign journalists should be since foreign press cards within 10th is cancelled with proof, to the public security organ to apply for a visa or residence permit of residence registration.

15th foreign correspondents, or short interview to Chinese embassies and consulates or visa Agency to apply for a journalist's visa authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

16th foreign journalists as heads of State, heads of Government, speaker, members of the Royal family and senior government officials to visit China, should be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the relevant Department to Chinese embassies and consulates or unified visa agencies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to apply for a journalist's visa.

17th an interview with a foreign reporter in China, need the consent of the units and individuals interviewed agreed.

Foreign reporters must carry and produce foreign press cards or short interviews with a journalist's visa. 18th permanent offices of foreign news agencies and foreign journalists through the Foreign Affairs service units employing Chinese citizens engaged in auxiliary work.

Commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Foreign Affairs service units specified by the Foreign Affairs Department of the local people.

19th foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies to cover needs, shall perform the formalities for approval, you can temporarily import, set up and use radio communication equipment.

20th aliens without or without a valid certificate of foreign correspondent, or short interview with a journalist's visa, news coverage activities in China, the public security organs ordered to stop news coverage activities, and be dealt with according to relevant laws.

Article 21st foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies violate the provisions of this Ordinance, be warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to suspend or terminate its operations in serious cases, revoke the permanent offices of foreign news agencies permits, certificates of foreign correspondent or a journalist's visa.

22nd permanent offices of foreign news agencies and foreign journalists violate the provisions of other laws, rules and regulations in China, according to the serious, revoked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the permanent offices of foreign news agencies permits, certificates of foreign correspondent or a journalist's visa. 23rd article of the regulations come into force on October 17, 2008.

 Published by the State Council on January 19, 1990 the foreign journalists and permanent offices of foreign news agencies Management Ordinance repealed simultaneously.