Key Benefits:
The production and provision of a one-time non-removable plastic purchase bag, plastic meals are prohibited in Glinin Province. (Adopted at the 2nd ordinary meeting of the Government of Glinland on 7 February 2014, No. 244 of 13 February 2014 by the People's Government Order No. 244 of 13 February 2015)
Article 1, in order to protect and improve the ecological environment, save resources, combat pollution from plastic purchase orders, plastic meals, and establish this provision in line with relevant national provisions. Article 2, paragraph 2, states that a non-removable plastic purchase bag is a one-time pyrethroid package that is produced using petroleum-based raw materials for consumer courial items, which is non-removable in the natural environment or in the composting conditions. The original packaging kits for commodity dried plants and the plastic predict bags for the loading of goods such as fresh food, cooking, etc. This provision refers to the production of oil-based materials, a one-time plastic box, slots, cups, cements, ceds, etc. (hereinafter referred to as non-degradable plastic purchase kits, plastic meals). Article 3 units and individuals involved in activities related to the non-removable bags of plastics, the production of plastic meals shall be subject to this provision. Article IV prohibits the production, sale of plastic bags and plastic meals in the administrative areas of this province. The provision of non-removable plastic purchases and plastic meals to consumers in commodity sales, commercial services is prohibited. Article 5 Governments of more people at the district level should strengthen their leadership in prohibiting the production, sale and provision of non-removable plastics purchase kits, plastic meals, and establish coordination mechanisms to promote regulatory responsibilities by the relevant authorities in accordance with the law. Article 6. The quality technical supervision sector, the business administration sector, in accordance with their respective responsibilities, implements oversight management of production, operation and service providers, which violates the provisions of this provision for the production, sale and provision of non-removable plastic purchases, plastic meals. In accordance with its mandated responsibilities, the Environmental Protection Administrative Authority conducts control of undesirable plastic purchases, the contamination of plastic meals and its related oversight management. Other relevant departments and units, in the context of their mandated responsibilities, cooperate with the supervision of the production, sale and provision of non-removable plastic purchase kits, plastic meals. Article 7. The relevant sectors of the people at all levels should organize activities to prohibit the production, sale and provision of non-removable plastic purchase kits, plastic meals to promote education, and to keep the use of plastic products and to generate toxic publicity. To promote the use by commodity producers, operators and consumers of prefabricated packaging and courial items for plastic products. Article 8. Governments at all levels should build on the establishment of a network of refined plastic waste recycling to enhance the recycling of plastic wastes; build biostorage fertilization stations to treat plastic wastes. Article 9. Businesses, stores and market starters should check the sale and provision of non-removable plastic purchase kits, plastic meals, establish regulatory systems and enhance the awareness of operators. Violations of this provision are promptly discouraged and reported to the management concerned. The operators should establish the relevant plastic products to be delivered and the sales gallery, with specific recordings, sales and the channels, catalogues, dates and quantities provided. Any unit or person entitled to report violations of this provision shall be dealt with in a timely manner. Article 11 punishes violations of article 4 of this article in accordance with the following provisions: (i) The production of plastic purchases, plastic meals, which are converted by the responsibility of the quality-technical supervision department, with the proceeds of the violation, pays a fine of up to 30,000 dollars, without the proceeds of the violation, and a fine of over 5,000 yen. (ii) The sale of plastic purchases, plastic meals, which are subject to correction by the business administration, warning of individuals and fines of US$ 200 million. For companies, there are more than 30,000 fines; there is no proceeds of the offence, with more than 1,000 yen. (iii) Provision of non-removable plastic purchase orders and plastic meals in commodity sales, commercial services activities, which are redirected by the business administration, warning individuals and fines of up to 100 dollars; and fines for more than 5,000 dollars of the enterprise service. Article 12 National staff members play a role in prohibiting the production, sale and delivery of undesirable plastic bags, malfunctioning in the management of plastic meals, abuse of authority, provocative fraud, administrative disposition by their units or superior authorities, and criminal liability is lawful. Article 13. The meaning of the following terms: Delete plastic products means the production of biological-based materials, which may ultimately be degradable under natural or composting conditions. Oil-based raw materials refer to tree residues produced by oil raw materials for the manufacture of plastic products through the refinery process. Article 14. |