75/1986 Sb.
the Ministry of health of the Czech Socialist Republic
of 7 November. November 1986,
implementing the law of the Czech National Council No. 66/1986 Coll., on artificial
termination of pregnancy
467/1992: Sb.
The Ministry of health of the Czech Socialist Republic, determined by the
section 12 of the Act of the Czech National Council No. 66/1986 Coll., on an artificial interruption
Conditions for the artificial termination of pregnancy
§ 1
For health reasons, for that cannot be at the request of women abortion
pregnancy (contraindications), shall be read as
and health status of women), which greatly increases the risk to health
associated with the artificial termination of pregnancy, particularly inflammatory diseases,
b) abortion from which to run for six months, with the
except in cases where
1. the woman at least twice, or
2. the woman has reached 35 years of age, or
3. There is a reasonable suspicion that the woman became pregnant as a result of the criminal
activity that has been committed against it.
§ 2
(1) the list of diseases, syndromes and conditions, which are health reasons for
artificial termination of pregnancy, is listed in the annex to this Decree. After
the expiry of the twelve weeks of pregnancy can be artificially break length
pregnancy only if it is threatened by a woman's life or it's proven difficult to
damage to the fetus or the fetus is incapable of life.
(2) If abortion for genetic reasons, can be
abortion of pregnancy at the latest to achieve dvacetičtyř weeks
§ 3
(1) for health reasons, a woman with her consent, artificially interrupted
pregnancy, if this could be the initiative of the health care facility, or
its premises, if the medical reason.
(2) the Medical reasons for the artificial termination of pregnancy is entitled to
assess the head of Department of medical equipment for the industry
diseases include, or his authorized representative.
(3) if the abortion could be the initiative of the medical
device and a woman refuses to give its consent to it, it will do about the woman who
He rejects the artificial termination of pregnancy, a written statement (reverse).
How to discuss abortion
§ 4
(1) a female doctor of the medical device competent according to the place
permanent residence or the place of its women of the workplace or schools (hereinafter referred to as
"the doctor"), which the woman in writing requested the artificial termination of pregnancy,
a woman examined, determine the length of pregnancy, determine whether artificial interruption
pregnancy does not prevent health reasons (contraindications) and make a conclusion.
The length of gestation in completed weeks is calculated starting from the first day of the
the last menstrual period. Female medical facility shall confirm in writing that the
her doctor met with his conclusion and that it learned about the possible health
the consequences of abortion, as well as ways to use
the contraceptive methods and resources. ^ 1)
(2) for the submission of artificial termination of pregnancy and to the further procedure
the form request for abortion and reporting
abortion, ^ 2) on the review of conclusions of a physician request form
the review concluded the doctor. ^ 3) these forms are cast by a woman doctor.
(3) a woman may until the beginning of the performance of abortion take
their request or consent. This fact presents a physician in
medical documentation of the women.
§ 5
(1) the abortion at the request of women under the age of 16
years requires the consent of the legal representative, where appropriate, of which it has been
the education (hereinafter referred to as the "legal representative"); ^ 4) consent of the legal
representative requests to abortion the woman of
due to health reasons.
(2) If abortion should be legal consent
the representative, his consent in medical documentation.
Place of abortion information and responsibilities
health care workers
§ 6
(1) the doctor, or district or regional specialist for gynaecology
and midwifery, which reviewed the conclusion of a doctor appointed for the performance of artificial
termination of pregnancy ("performance"), catchment health facility
institutional care. On the wishes of women can identify other medical equipment
institutional care if this device will be accepted.
(2) medical device performance without delay; by the time of implementation
performance shall inform the woman when the submission of its application with the conclusion of a doctor or
Whoever his conclusion.
(3) on abortion at the request of women between the ages of sixteen
18 ^ 5) shall inform the medical facilities of its legal
representative shall immediately after you perform the exercise orally or in an appropriate manner
by written notification into their own hands.
§ 7
Medical equipment, in which it was artificially interrupted pregnancy
reports on the fifth day of each month reporting ^ 2) Regional Institute
national health statistical processing. A similar message is sent by the
This equipment to the district for the specialist gynaecology and obstetrics
the competent according to the place of permanent residence of a woman.
§ 8
All workers are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the
the facts, which are studied in the context of an artificial interruption
pregnancy, and conserve the legitimate interests of women.
§ 9
§ 10
Abortion support
(1) for a temporary stay ^ 6) does not consider the stay of foreigners who work in
bodies and organizations based in the Czech Socialist Republic,
where appropriate, the members of the families of workers of those authorities and organizations stay
students and other foreigners who have residence permits for foreigners
According to special regulations, ^ 7) or Interstate agreements.
Medical facilities has the duty to require the submission of the relevant
document. ^ 8)
(2) cancelled
§ 11
Regulation (EEC)
The yield of the Ministry of health is hereby repealed CZECHOSLOVAKIA from 26 March. May 1977
REF. LP/2 -251-10.5.1977 # 3/1977 p. MZ CZECHOSLOVAKIA about payment for the examination and
control of hormonal and intrauterine contraceptives, registered in the
the amount of the 2/1978 Sb.
§ 12
The effectiveness of the
This Decree shall enter into force on 1 January 2000. January 1987.
Prof. MUDr. Prokopec CSc. v.r.
Č. 1
Decree No 75/1986 Sb.
The list of diseases, syndromes, and States that there are health reasons to the
1. internal
and) heart disease and vascular system
Valvular stenosis, especially the mitral and aortic insufficiency with
by limiting the performance of the heart or those that occurred before the
pregnancy manifestation of circulatory weakness to attack the lungs, to emboliím
to the great circulation or acute oedema of the lungs. Acute or evolutivní
inflammatory diseases of the heart (myocarditis, infectious endocarditis,
rheumatic fever).
Heart attacks the heart muscle.
All heart disease, which occurs in the end of the 12. of the week
pregnancy to arrhythmias (constant or oscillation of the fibrillation, cardiac syncope), to
venous urinary or cyanóze.
Congenital heart disease with renal circulation, especially defects with cyanosis
and koarktace of the aorta with clear pressure on the upper extremities.
Conditions after heart surgery and major vessels for congenital or acquired heart
defects, if not reached full correction of the defects and normalization
hemodynamic conditions.
Hypertension resistant to therapy with a high diastolic pressure.
Large degree, complex varicose affecting especially the landscape
the genitals and lower extremity, foot ulcers with proběhlými and tromboflebitidami.
May be safely proven cardiomyopathy.
For a lighter heart disease that shows no signs of progression, it is necessary to
consider whether the mother will be able to sufficiently protect the effort (household,
work, care of the child, especially in the first years of 2-3, if the
the family more young children needed supervision and night).
b) lung diseases
Lung disease with a restriction of respiratory function (pulmonary insufficiency,
bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema).
Chronic pulmonary infection.
(c) renal disease)
Chronic Glomerulonephritis in particular with active inflammatory
Chronic Glomerulonephritis accompanied by nephrotic syndrome or
hypertensive crises, syndrome.
Pyelonephritis with restriction of renal function.
Nephrotic syndrome.
Polycystic kidneys.
Genetically determined nephropathy (e.g. metabolic tubular syndromes)
each kidney disease, where there is a reduced glomerular filtration rate permanently
below 50%.
(d) the creation of the blood of diseased States)
Hemorrhagic disease, where it can be during childbirth and in the post-natal period to expect serious
All hemoblastózy and hemoblastómy.
Myeloproliferative conditions.
Hemolytic anemia.
Proven to carry severe forms of hemophilia disease or Renduovy-
e) digestive system diseases
Complicated cholelithiasis (biliary cirrhosis, choledocholitiáza, empyema
gall bladder, cholangoitida, pancreatitis).
Recurrent pancreatitis, pankreatolitiáza.
Active or prolonged recurrent ulcer disease, gastroduodenal
Haemorrhagic (ulcerozní) proktokolitida and regional enterocolitis
(Crohn's disease).
Detectable denutrice induced by States of diseases of the digestive system.
Chronic parenchymatózní disease of the liver.
After an infectious hepatitis status within 1 year with signs of disorders of liver
f) endocrine disorders
Basedow's Disease.
Goiter with mechanical consequences especially retrosternální goiter with compression
neck veins.
Hyperthyreóza-metabolically unstable (all forms).
Nekompenzovaná hypothyroidism.
Hyperparat hyroidismus.
Adenomas of the adrenal glands.
Diabetes mellitus type I, if the diabetic has not during the period of conception or
in the first weeks of pregnancy ideally compensated.
Diabetes mellitus type I with complications (particularly vascular)
juvenile forms when repeated abortion and fetal death, but also
diabetes mellitus (juvenile type) without complications.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus. the type where you can expect a deterioration in pregnancy
the underlying disease.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus. type with complications (particularly vascular,
Diabetes mellitus I and II. two-sided (type diabetes
both parents or both families).
Gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy (requiring application
insulin), if there are other risk factors, in particular, genetic
the load.
In all cases, diabetes I, II. and gestational DM, where inconclusive data
investigation of HbA1c, or some other indicator of the long-term compensation was
encountered a bad compensation at the time of conception (HbA1c levels greater than 10
Other endocrinopathy, based on examination of Vocational Institute.
g) infectious disease
When the disease: safely established teratogenitou or other risk to the
product such as rubella, Cytomegalovirus infection, toxoplasmosis,
varicela, AIDS is an interrupt can, in cooperation with the Department of genetic
up to 24. week of pregnancy. Infection with the possible teratogenitou or other
the potential risk to the fetus as the mumps, herpes simplex, EB virosa,
coxsackióza B, influenza with temperatures 40 degrees Celsius or more,
Lymphocytic choriomeningitida, parvovirosa, viral hepatitis (especially
Type B), listeriosis and the application of live vaccines.
h) metabolic disorders
DNA with repeated seizures or in patients persistently for this disease
Disorders of lipid metabolism biochemically demonstrated, in particular genetically
conditional or with speeches subsequent changes (such as organ.
Thesaurismosy proven histologically or biochemically.
2. Surgical
Large abdominal hernias and hiatal hernia, diaphragmatic, if a woman with
Postresekční syndrome after gastric resection and syndromes
Repeating hydrochloride.
Surgically treated with congenital anomalies of the colon and rectum.
Large benign tumors abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Conditions after lung resection a reduction in the functional lung capacity. Actinomycosis
Lung and pulmonary abscesses.
Advanced organic changes of the peripheral vessels.
The true and the false arteriovenous aneurysms of the aorta and large arteries
intra-abdominal and limb.
Malformation of cerebral vessels uniquely benign.
3. Urology
After the removal, kidney, or if one kidney is missing (agenezie)
or is only vestigial (hypoplasia) of the remaining functional insufficiency
the kidneys.
Renal Cystóza.
Pyelonephritis with restriction of renal function.
Haematuria from unknown causes.
Nephrolithiasis double-sided, even if they are not fixed and often free of
both kidneys at the same time spontaneously go-urate urolithiasis.
Papillomatosis bladder.
Other serious developmental deviations leading to a reduction in functional skills
the kidneys.
4. Orthopaedic
All hereditary birth defects osteoartikulárního apparatus.
Congenital hip dysplasia after from subluxation above.
Conditions after Perthesově disease with subsequent prearthrosou.
After juvenile epifyzeolýze of the bone of the thigh.
Spondylolysa, spondylolistesa.
Skoliosa of the thoracic and lumbar spine above 30th.
Pelvic deformity congenital (hypoplázie)
acquired (postraditional, Chrobakova, etc.)
Posttraumatic disorder with pelvis.
Deformation osteoarthritis bearing joints.
After extensive and complicated fractures with functional or
anatomical defect.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic progressive polyarthritida.
Hard to fault the stereotype of the walk.
Ankylózy large joints.
Post-traumatic conditions with major peripheral nerve palsy.
Systemic disease, metabolic osteopathy.
Conditions after poliomyelitis.
After the children's cerebral palsy.
Recurrent chronic osteomyelitis.
Musculoskeletal Tumors and similar malignant affections, potentially
magilní, relapsed or hard causing the problem as a result of
5. Rheumatic diseases
Spondylarthritida ankylosing-Morbus Bechterev M. Polyarthritida
progressivní "rheumatoid arthritis".
In chronic polyartritidách be taken into account, in particular, to the course
the disease, for its activity and ovlivnitelnosti treatment, as well as functional
Chronic gout with advanced deformations and particularly visceral disease
Rheumatic fever in the stage of activity, and at the time of the prevention of penicillin.
Diffuse diseases of Binder (so called kolagenózy)
and systemic lupus erythematosus), especially evolutivní forms with symptoms
lupus nephritis
b) sclerodermia difusa, especially progressive forms of organ
(c)) dermatomyosa with polymyositickým syndrome and viscerálními changes
d) polyarteritis features.
6. Cancer
a) malignant neoplasms and conditions after their removal the operational or
radiation treatment, which may adversely affect the pregnancy,
have an effect on the fetus, or threatening a woman in State of health,
(b)), carcinoma in situ, threatens the mother's health if.
7. Pneumologické
Tuberculosis and other mykobakteriózy
and Tuberculosis and other mykobakteriózy) respiratory system all forms of
tuberculosis or other mykobakteriózy in the evolutivní phase (decay, remembers,
infiltration) with finding and without finding Mycobacteria, if despite treatment
antituberkulotiky can be expected to worsen the disease during pregnancy
future mothers. All forms of tuberculosis or other mykobakteriózy in
resorption or inactive forms:
-at significantly reduced as a result of the basic function of the cardio-respiratory
-complicated other serious disease, although its degree of itself
is not in itself the indication for abortion of pregnancy (e.g., diabetes mellitus)
-If a previous pregnancy affect the deterioration of tuberkulózního
the disease.
Infectious forms of tuberculosis in persons living in a common household with the
future mother, which cannot be negativizovat antituberkulotickou and
You cannot ensure their isolation.
(b) the extrapulmonary Tuberculosis)
Tuberculosis of the kidney with a significant loss of renal parenchyma and chronic
insufficiency of the kidney.
Posttuberkulózní nephropathy, which may lead to pregnancy
Florid cystitis in renal-specific tuberkolóze that lingers
Despite treatment antituberkulotiky and raises the functional changes.
Non-specific diseases of the lungs and pleura
All the diseases of the lungs, complicated by limiting cardiorespiratory function,
that is crucial for the indication for termination of pregnancy. This restriction
may cause the following diseases:
-chronic obstructive lung diseases (chronic bronchitis, asthma
asthma, emphysema lungs, bronchiectasis)
-extensive Sarcoidosis
-diffuse pulmonary fibrosis and allergic Alveolitis
-extensive pleural adhesions.
Chronic inflammatory lung disease (eg. pulmonary abscess,
8. Neurologic
Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disease, cerebrospinal (in accordance with
the severity of the condition and the image of the disease).
Paraplegia and severe paraparézy in the lower limbs of the organic causes.
Tumors of the brain, the spinal cord and their packaging.
A parasitic disease of the central nervous system.
Degenerative disease of the central nervous and heredodegenerativní
System (e.g. disease Friedreichova, Pierre-Marierova, Wilson,
Westphal-Strümpellova, Creutzfeldova-Jakob, Alsheimarova,
Gerstmmenův-Sträusslerův sy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
All of myopathy.
Dystrofické myotonie.
Huntington's Disease.
Severe forms of vascular disease of the brain and spinal cord injury, and events.
Aneurysms and intracranial vascular malformations.
Funikulární myelózy.
Encephalitis, encephalitis and meningitis in acute condition and harder
the subsequent residual syndromes.
Severe forms of polyneuropathy.
Syringomyelie and syringobulbie.
Brain and spinal cord traumas with a distinct bearing symptomatologií, including
residual State of this type.
Athetosis duplex.
Primary cerebellar artrofie.
Dysbasia lordotica progressiva.
Familial periodic paralysis.
Heavier diskopatie lumbar.
Hard resistant neuralgia.
Epilepsy resistant to modern medical treatment.
Severe forms of cerebral palsy.
Severe secondary neurastenické syndromes.
Severe neuro-vegetative neurosis.
Severe forms of migraines with frequent bouts of nezvládnutelnými.
All acute and chronic intoxication with disabilities a peripheral or
the central nervous system.
All other nerve disease that is worse in the previous
9. The psychiatric
and Disease: women)
The heavier form of psychopathy, decompensation of psychopathy.
Heavier reactive mental with the danger of suicidia event. validated
hospital admissions.
Neuroses anxiety and obsessive.
Nerve heredofamilární disease with mental disorders.
(b)) of the disease occurring in one of the parents, especially the inherently portable:
The heavier form of psychopathy.
Serious sexual deviance.
(c) if the wife) gave birth to in connection with the same father already oligofrenní or otherwise
mentally stigmatized child.
d) Alcoholism or other drug addiction one of the parents, if the
also the characteristics of defects.
e) If a female actively treated in pregnancy or doléčována
10. Dermatovenerologické
and) skin
Penfigi and dermatitis herpetiformis.
Erythematosus acutus ev. disseminátus.
Dermatomyositida acute.
Impetigo herpetiformní.
Purpura deteriorating for pregnancy.
Mycosa fungoidní.
Xeroderma pigmentosum has.
Malignant melanoma.
Other malignant cutaneous neoplasms.
Serious and mean the development of skin defects.
Psoriasa pustulosní generalisovaná.
All severe extensive skin disease.
Conditions after severe burns on the breasts and around the genitals.
Chronic pruriginosní dermatosy with psychopatiemi.
b) Syphilis manifest all stages and forms of the syfilofobickými concerns about the
child health (for antibiotic screens).
Lymbogranuloma venereum.
11. Ophthalmic
and the optic tract and Disease) ocular manifestations of total disease
which can be artificial termination of pregnancy to prevent permanent damage to the
vision of the mother, if the damage cannot be avoided in other ways as
ophthalmological prevention (photocoagulation, kryopexe, etc.) or friendly
the leadership of childbirth (cesarean section).
These include, in particular:
recurrent inflammation of the retina and choroid, especially an unknown etiology and
demonstrably deteriorated earlier pregnancy.
Inflammation of the sítnicových paths with repeated bleeding.
High myopia with advanced degenerative changes of the retina and
choroid with bleeding or retinal detachment and vitreoretinal
with the danger of degeneration of retinal detachment.
In particular, diabetic retinopathy, and toxemické.
(b) the Familial and hereditary disease) of the retina, the optic nerve and
the diopter settings mechanism of the eye (cornea, lens), in which the genetic basis is
sufficiently proven predominantly hereditary and congenital glaucoma (need to
the expression of genetic counseling).
(c)) with familial Retinoblastoma occurrence or double-sided.
12. Otolaryngology
Relative indication for termination of pregnancy is the otosklerosa,
and previous pregnancy) if the there was a greater reduction in hearing,
(b)) when you load the parent otosklerosou,
(c) due to a failure) if the hearing and other accompanying changes occurred to the
hard by the testimonies of the seduction theory: a psychiatrist and otologa.
Relative indication for termination of pregnancy is hereditary deafness or
heavy and medium heavy ear hearing loss heredodegenerativního
the origin of both, or one of the parents, when the Department of human genetics
determine the risk as too high due to the disability of the child.
13. Gynaecological and obstetric
Hyperemesis gravidarum, where are the organ changes.
Heavy late gestóza identified the previous pregnancy, especially if the
combined with hypertension and proteinuria.
Pathologies in the obstetric history:
-repeated atonické bleeding after delivery
-terminated after two births cesarean section
-After operative adjustment of the fixing and supporting apparatus, if a woman has two
live children.
Venter AGM diastázou resulting from the direct muscle after two births. The States
After operations for urinary frequency.
The irregularity of plodového eggs, baby with fetal erytroblastosou
or the risk of harm to a proven testing antibodies.
Conception after temporary castration X-RAYS, or if the female ovaries damaged RTG
radiation from other causes.
Conception between relatives in tribe directly or with siblings.
Conception to dokonaného 15. year of age.
Pregnancy after 40. a year of age.
The failure of intrauterine contraceptives.
14. Genetic
Serious hereditary diseases and developmental defects in the foetus is diagnosed
methods of prenatal diagnosis or pass their high risk.
Serious hereditary diseases and developmental defects, whose risk of foetal disability
fixed genetic testing exceeds 10%.
In semiletálních syndromes, or leading to the need of asylum care
exceptionally, when the risk lower.
Factors demonstrated mutagenic and teratogenic effects on the fetus,
in particular, the proven use of medications with mutagenic or teratogenic effect
professional exposure to chemicals with mutagenic or teratogenic
effect and excessive exposure to ionizing radiation.
Note: a woman shall present a certificate of the doctor who prescribed the medicine, with
indication of diagnosis, the date of issue of the recipe and the prescribed dose. When
professional exposure and exposure to ionizing radiation shall submit a testimonial,
that contains the data, and the dose of exposure. If the reason is the use of drugs,
submit the completed report on the adverse effect of the drug (SEVT 14 084 0).
1) section 8 of Act No. 66/1986 Coll., on abortion.
2) Form SEVT, skl. # 14 331 0.
3) Form SEVT, skl. # 14 331 1.
4) § 6 para. 1 of the law No. 66/1986 Coll.
5) § 6 para. 2 of the law No. 66/1986 Coll.
6) § 10 of the law No. 66/1986 Coll.
7) Ministry of Interior Decree No. 69/1965 Coll., shall be issued
more detailed provisions on residence of aliens in the territory of the Czechoslovak
the Socialist Republic.
8) Eg. residence permit for foreigners issued by the competent authority of the Corps
national security or licence issued by the Federal Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, outlined the purpose of the workers working in the travel
the document, when the staff allocation confirmation Department or organisation, in
which carries out his work.
9) section 30 of Act No. 20/1966 Coll. on health care of the people.
§ 66 Ministry of health Decree No. 42/1966 Coll. on the provision of
medical care.
10) Assessment of Czech and Slovak pricing Office price authority no.
1160/686/1981 about how to determine the retail price for hospital preventive care
paid foreign foreigners (no JKV 1005), reprinted in the amount
9-10/1981 p. MZ CZECHOSLOVAKIA and Bill No 1159/1005/1985 about the determination of the first
the appendix to the notice to ČCÚ and SCÚ no 1160/686/1981 to determine retail prices
for medical care paid for by the foreign foreigners (JKPOV 964),
reprinted in the amount of 7-9/1986, P. 1. MZ.