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Ministerial Order No. 002/Cab.min-Hydro/Cmki 2012 Of 18 January 2012 Amending Order No. 013 /Cab.min/Ener/ 2005 Of 11 August 2005 Fixing Geographical Coordinates ...

Original Language Title: Arrêté ministériel n°002/CAB.MIN-HYDRO/CMKI 2012 du 18 janvier 2012 portant modification de l'Arrêté n° 013/CAB.MIN/ENER/2005 du 11 août 2005 portant fixation des coordonnées géographiques...

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Ministry of Hydrocarbons

Ministerial decision n°002/CAB.MIN-HYDRO/CMKI 2012 of 18 January 2012 amending Order No. 013/CAB.MIN/ENER/2005 of 11 August 2005 establishing geographical coordinates defining the contours of the open blocks for exploration in the Graben Albertine area.

Minister of Hydrocarbons,

Having regard, as amended by Act No. 11/002 of 20 January 20 II, the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo of 18 February 2006, specifically in its article 93;

Considering, as amended and supplemented by Act No. 05/008 of 31 March 2005, Act No. 04/015 of 16 July 2004 on the Nomenclature of Acts Generators of Administrative, Domaniales, Judiciaries and Participation as well as their methods of perception;

Considering, as amended and supplemented to date, Order-Law No. 81-013 of 02 April 1981, with the General Legislation on Mines and Hydrocarbons;

Having regard to Order No. 11/063 of II September 2011 appointing Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers;

Having regard to Order No. 08/073 of 24 December on the organization and operation of the Government and the practical modalities for collaboration between the President, the Government and members of the Government;

Having regard to Order No. 08/074 of 24 May 2008 establishing the powers of the Ministries;

Having regard to Order No. 08/073 of 24 December 2008 on the organization and operation of the Government and the practical modalities for collaboration between the President of the Republic, the Government and members of the Government;

Having regard to Order No. 10/042 of 18 June 2010 approving the contract for the sharing of production of 04 December 2007 on Graben albertine Block III signed between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Association South Africa Congo Oil (Pt y) Ltd and the Congolese Hydrocarbons;

Having regard to Order No. 67-416 of 23 September 1967 concerning the Mining Regulations;

Revu l'Arrêté ministériel n°' 013/CAB.MIN/ENERJ2005 du Il août 2005 portant fixation des coordinates géographiques établie les contours des blocs ouvert à l'exploration dans la zone du Graben albertine:

Considering the conclusions of the materialization work carried out on Block III of the Albertine Graben;

On the proposal of the Secretary-General for Hydrocarbons;


Article 1:

Block III opened for exploration in the Graben albertine basin covers an area of 3203.83 km2;

Article 2:

The limits of block III polygon are defined by the following geographic coordinates:

18'.1 °05' latitude North and 29°55' longitude East

19. 1°00' latitude North and 29°55' longitude East

20. 1000' latitude North and 29°50' East

21. 0°55' latitude North and 29°50' longitude East 22.0°55' latitude North and 29°40' longitude East 23.0°50' latitude North and 29°40' East

24. 0°50' latitude North and 29°30' longitude East 25.0°28' latitude Nordet 29°30' longitude East

C. 1°06' latitude North and 30°15,44' longitude East 50. 0°29' latitude North and 29°56' ,832' longitude East

Article 3:

The ZERE polygon of Block III is as follows:

- North: limited by the right-wing segments from the summits: 24-23-22-21-20-19-18'·C and adjoining block II by segment 18' -C;

- In the South: limited by right-wing segments 24'·50 and adjoining block IV;

• West: limited by right-wing segments 24'-24;

• East: limited by the part of the Uganda DRC border between C and 50.

Article 4:

All earlier provisions contrary to this Order are repealed.

Article 5:

The Secretary General for Hydrocarbons is responsible for the execution of this Order which comes into force on the date of its signature.

Done in Kinshasa, 19 January 2012 Célestin Mbuyu Kabango