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Ordinance Amending The Ordinance On Communication, Supply And Advice By Circulation Of Real Estate (Dissemination Notice)

Original Language Title: Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om formidling, udbud og rådgivning ved omsætning af fast ejendom (Formidlingsbekendtgørelsen)

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Publication of the publication of the dissemination, supply and advice for the circulation of real estate (Proposal Order)

§ 1

Notice no. 695 of 22. June 2006 on the distribution, supply and advice for the turnover of real estate (Proposal Order), as amended by Notice No 2 ; 1298 of 8. December 2006, Notice no. 215 of 9. March 2010 and Notice no. 751 of 24. June 2010 is amended as follows :

1. The following section 8 is inserted :

" § 8 a Section 6-8 does not apply to dissemination agreements subject to the law on consumer contracts for the use of the lodging of an hourly basis, long-term holiday products, etc. ` ;

§ 2

The announcement will enter into force on the 23rd. February, 2011.

Corporations and Construction, the 21. February, 2011

Henning Steenhimself

/ Janni Torp Kjargaard