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Executive Order On Locomotives And Passenger Carriages Used On The Danish Railway Network

Original Language Title: Bekendtgørelse om lokomotiver og passagervogne, der anvendes på det danske jernbanenet

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Implementation of EU rules
Chapter 2 Scope and definitions
Chapter 3 Rules on locomotives and passenger carriages
Chapter 4 Appeal Access and Exemption
Chapter 5 Entry into force
Appendix 1 Commission Decision of 26. April 2011 on a technical specification for interoperability applicable to locomotives and passenger carriages in the rolling stock subsystem for the trans-European conventional rail system (notified under document number C (2011) 2737) (Text with EEA relevance) (2011/291/EU)

Completion of locomotives and passenger carriages used on the Danish rail network 1)

In accordance with section 21 h (1) (i), ONE, ONE. pkt., and section 26 (s). ONE, ONE. pkt;, in the law of rail, cf. Law Order no. 1249 of 11. In November 2010, according to section 24 h, paragraph, shall be adopted. 1 :

Chapter 1

Implementation of EU rules

§ 1. The announcement shall be carried out by the Commission of 26. April 2011 on a technical specification for interoperability for the rolling stock subsystem ' Locomotives and passenger carriages ' in the trans-European conventional rail system.

Paragraph 2. The Commission ' s decision of annexes shall be annexes 1 to the notice.

Chapter 2

Scope and definitions

Scope of application

§ 2. The provisions of the Commission Decision of Annex, cf. § 1, applies to the total Danish rail network, cf. however, paragraph 1 2, no. 1-4.

Paragraph 2. The provisions shall not apply to :

1) metros, trams and other easy banking systems ;

2) locomotives and passenger carriages are used on networks that are functionally separated from the rest of the rail system and are designed only for passenger transport in local, urban and suburban areas ;

3) vehicles used exclusively on private-owned infrastructure for the owner's own freight transport ; and

4) locomotives and passenger wagons used exclusively for local, historical or tourist purposes.

§ 3. The provisions shall apply to new locomotives and passenger carriages and for existing locomotives and passenger carriages, which shall be renewed or upgraded.


§ 4. For the purposes of this notice :

1) The CSM Regulation : Commission Regulation 352/2009 of 24. April 2009 on the adoption of a common security method for risk assessment and assessment as referred to in Article 6 (2). Directive 3 (a) of Directive 2004 /49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.

2) Closure of outstanding items (open points) : items where the topic has been identified as important but not included in the TSIM. This may be due to a failure to agree on a common solution or that the subject has been considered in another TSI, or the subject is considered to be of such little importance to the harmonisation that the Member States can regulate it themselves.

3) UIC, (International Union of Railways) : an international cooperation organization in the railway sector, which, among other things, draws up mutually recognised standards for the railway sector, referred to as ' UIC standards.

4) TSOPE : Commission Decision of 21. October 2010 amending Decision 2006 /920/EC on technical specifications for interoperability of the " Operations and traffic management " of the trans-European rail systems for conventional trains, (hereafter referred to as the TSI), OPE CR (CR) completed by Provisions for the Railway Railroad. 5-2-2011 by 30. May 2011.

Chapter 3

Rules on locomotives and passenger carriages

§ 5. The provisions of section 6 to 12 shall apply together with the provisions of the TSI, which are specified in each clause. The provisions of section 6-12 shall close down outstanding points in the TSIM, where it is stated that the Member State shall establish national rules in this field.

Closure of outstanding points

Passive security

§ 6. For passive safety, the construction of coupling types SA3 and AAR, as well as locomotives with central driver space documented and assessed in accordance with Annex I of the CSM Regulation, is evaluated by a CSM-operator. The determination shall be used in conjunction with the TSI ' s section

Lifting and Highlights

§ 7. The technical documentation must indicate the promise of the lift and the points of the test. The determination must be used in conjunction with the TSI ' section and the Annex B of the TSI.

The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platforms and persons working along the track

§ 8. These items are verified :

1) in the case of train sets and wagons with the rattle expected to be most used in traffic times, and

2) for locomotives without carriages attached.

Paragraph 2. The provision in paragraph 1 shall be 1, no. 1 and 2 shall apply, together with the TSI, section of the TSI, for persons on the platform and TSI of the TSI for persons working on track.

Page Wind

§ 9. Relevant design values for wind speeds must be in accordance with the requirements of EN 14067-6 for Railway equipment-Aerodynami-Part 6 : Requirements and test procedures for crosswind assessment. The determination must be used in conjunction with the TSI ' s section

Registration apparatus

§ 10. For the use of oats and registration schemes, the provisions of the TSI for the Operational and Traffic Management Point, which indicate the minimum of the data to be recorded.

Paragraph 2. Where the TSC is referred to in the TSI for train control, registration must comply with requirements specified in the IN656V1720 ' Requirements for the port ilog ', provided that the Danish ATC is installed in the locomotive or the strength of the vehicle.

Paragraph 3. The solution will be verified at design level, as well as through type and series test.

Paragraph 4. Concordance of the Operational and Traffic Management TSI shall be verified by a notified body if the Danish ATC is not installed.

Paragraph 5. Conformity with BaneDenmark's claim to the Marine and Verification Requirements in conjunction with other rules for the national special case of "Dansk ATC" in the subsystem of Togo and signalling the TSI CCS CR by a notified body.

Paragraph 6. The provisions of paragraph 1. 1-5 shall be used in conjunction with the TSI ' section

Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track

§ 11. In local, external help supply, the provisions of UIC 554 shall be used, cf. § 4, no. 3, for the energy supply of electric equipment on the execution of vehicles. The determination shall be used in conjunction with the TSI ' s section

Fuel loading equipment

§ 12. Technical solutions for alternative fuels are intended to be with documentary evidence of testerfaring. The determination must be used in conjunction with the TSI ' section

Chapter 4

Appeal Access and Exemption

Appeal access

§ 13. Decisions taken by the Traffic Management Board in accordance with this notice may be enslaved to the Railway Board. Decisions which may be made to the Railway Board may not be complained to the second administrative authority. The decisions of the railway unit may not be complained to the second administrative authority.


§ 14. The Management Board may dispense with the provisions of this notice, where it is, moreover, compatible with EU rules in this field.

Chapter 5

Entry into force

§ 15. The announcement shall enter into force on 1. January 2012.

Traffic Management, the 12th. December 2011

Carsten Falk Hansen

/ Leif Funch

Appendix 1

Commission Decision of 26. April 2011 on a technical specification for interoperability applicable to locomotives and passenger carriages in the rolling stock subsystem for the trans-European conventional rail system (notified under document number C (2011) 2737) (Text with EEA relevance) (2011/291/EU)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 2008 /57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17. June 2008 on the interoperability of the railway system in the Community 1) , and in particular Article 6 (2), 1, and

in the following considerations :

(1) The trans-European high-speed rail system is in accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 2 (e) and Annex II divided into structurally or functional subsystems, including the rolling stock subsystem.

(2) By Decision K (2006) 124 final of 9. In February 2007 the Commission gave the European Railway Agency ("Agency") a mandate to draw up technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs) of Directive 2001 /16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19. March 2001 on the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system 2) On the basis of this mandate, the Agency has been asked to draw up a draft TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages in the rolling stock subsystem for the conventional rail system.

(3) The technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs) shall be adopted in accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC. This Decision should establish a TSI for the rolling stock subsystem to ensure compliance with the essential requirements and interoperability of the rail system.

(4) The rolling stock TSI that is to be determined by this Decision shall not complete all issues of compliance with the essential requirements ; technical conditions not covered should be specified as "outstanding items", cf. Article 5 (5), 6, in Directive 2008 /57/EC.

(5) The TSI on rolling stock should refer to the Commission Decision 2010 /713/EU of 9. November 2010 on the modules for procedures for the assessment of conformity and suitability for use and for EC verification to be used in technical specifications for interoperability adopted under the European Parliament and the Council Directive 2008 /57/EC, 3) .

(6) Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 17 (3). Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the technical requirements and the procedures for conformity assessment and verification procedures to be applied in the individual cases and for which bodies are to be used ; in charge of the implementation of these procedures.

(7) Certain requirements for rolling stock running in the conventional rail system are set out in Commission Decision 2008 /163/EC of 20. In December 2007 concerning the technical specification for interoperability of 'safety in rail tunnels' in the trans-European conventional rail system and high-speed rail system 4) Decision 2008 /163/EC should therefore be amended.

(8) The rolling stock TSI should not limit the validity of provisions of other relevant TSIs which may be applicable to rolling stock.

(9) The TSI on rolling stock should not foresee the use of specific technologies or technical solutions, except where it is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the rail system of the European Union.

(10) In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 11 (1). 5, for a limited period of time, the TSI for rolling stock should allow interoperability constituents to be incorporated into subsystems without certification if certain conditions are met.

(11) In order to continue to encourage innovation and take account of the experience gained, this decision should be reviewed on a regular basis.

(12) The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee set up by Article 21 of Directive 96 /48/EC, 5) -WHAT?



This shall be adopted by a technical specification for the interoperability (TSI) applicable to locomotives and passenger carriages in the rolling stock subsystem for the trans-European conventional rail system.


1. The TSI of the Annex shall be applied to all new rolling stock of the trans-European conventional rail system as defined in Annex I to Directive 2008 /57/EC. The technical and geographical scope of this Decision is laid down in section 1.1 and 1.2 of the Annex.

In accordance with Article 20 of Directive 2008 /57/EC, the TSI set out in the Annex shall also apply to existing rolling stock to be renewed or upgraded.

2, forward to 1. In June 2017, it is not compulsory to apply this TSI to the following rolling stock :

a) projects at an advanced stage of development, cf. Section of the TSI in the Annex ;

b) contracts during implementation, cf. Section of the TSI in the Annex ;

c) rolling stock of existing construction, cf. section of the TSI, in the Annex.


1. The points that are categorized as outstanding in the Annex to the Annex shall apply as the basis for determining whether the interoperability requirement has been met, cf. Article 17 (1). 2, in Directive 2008 /57/EC, the relevant technical regulations which are in use in the Member State which are authorized to take into service a subsystem covered by this Decision shall be used.

2. Not later than six months after notification of this decision, each Member State shall send the other Member States and the Commission :

a) the relevant technical requirements, cf. paragraph 1

b) information on the procedures for conformity assessment and control that will be used in the application of the measures referred to in paragraph 1. the technical requirements of this Article

c) information on the bodies it designates to implement the conformity assessment procedures and checks on the procedures laid down in paragraph 1. 1 (1) outstanding items.

Paragraph 3 shall also apply to national rules applicable to vehicles which may only run inland, cf. The TSI's section


1. The points that are categorized as special cases in section 7 of the TSI in the Annex shall apply as the basis for determining whether the interoperability requirement has been met, cf. Article 17 (1). 2, in Directive 2008 /57/EC, the relevant technical regulations which are in use in the Member State which are authorized to take into service a subsystem covered by this Decision shall be used.

2. Not later than six months after notification of this decision, each Member State shall send the other Member States and the Commission :

a) the relevant technical requirements, cf. paragraph 1

b) information on the procedures for conformity assessment and control that will be used in the application of the measures referred to in paragraph 1. the technical requirements of this Article

c) information on the bodies it designates to implement the conformity assessment procedures and checks on the procedures laid down in paragraph 1. 1 cases of special cases.

Article 5

The procedures for assessing conformity and suitability for use and for EC verification as set out in section 6 of the TSI in the Annex shall be based on the modules laid down in Decision 2010 /713/EU.


1. For a transitional period of six years after the date from which this Decision applies, a Community verification certificate may be issued for a subsystem containing interoperability constituents which do not have a EC declaration of conformity ; or suitability for use, if it satisfies the provisions of section 6.3 of the Annex.

2. The replacement or upgrading of the subsystem using the non-identified interoperability constituents, including the entry into service, must be completed before the end of the transition period.

3. During the transitional period, the Member States shall ensure that :

a) the reasons for the use of non-conformity-identified interoperability constituents shall be clearly pointed out in the first paragraph. 1 for verification procedure ;

b) that the national security authorities in the annual report referred to in Directive 2004 /49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 6) Article 18 provides information on the non-certified interoperability constituents and provide the reasons for not certified, including for the application of the national rules pursuant to Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 17.

4. Following the transitional period, the required EC declaration of conformity and / or suitability for use must be issued for interoperability constituents before they are incorporated into the subsystem, except for the derogations allowed in section 6.3.3 of the Annex ; maintenance.

Article 7

In the case of rolling stock covered by projects in an advanced stage of development, all Member States shall send to the Commission, within the first year of the date of entry into force of this Decision, a list of projects in their territory which are situated ; Say it's an advanced stage of development.


Amendments to Decision 2008 /163/EC

Decision 2008 /163/EC is amended as follows :

1) The following text shall be inserted after the second paragraph of point Material properties of rolling stock :

" In addition, the requirements of the TSI CR&PAS, section (Material Require) for rolling stock for conventional trains apply. `

2) Section is replaced by the following :

" Passenger barriers to passenger trains

-WHAT? The requirements of the TS-HS RST section (Fire Resistance) shall apply to the rolling stock for high-speed trains.

-WHAT? The requirements of the TSI-HS RST, section (Fire resistance), and the requirements of the TSI-CR LOC&PAS, point (Fire barriers) shall apply to rolling stock for conventional trains. `

3) Section is replaced by the following :

" Communications systems in trains

-WHAT? -the requirements of the TS-HS RST section (Speaker), shall be applicable to rolling stock for high-speed trains.

-WHAT? -requirements of the TSI CR&PAS, section (Speaker system : sound communication system) shall apply to rolling stock for conventional trains. ` ;

4) Section is replaced by the following :

" Constraying of the emergency brake

-WHAT? -the requirements of the TS-HS RST section (Passenger alert) shall apply to the rolling stock for high-speed trains.

-WHAT? -requirements of the TSI CR&PAS, section (Passenger alert : functional requirements) shall apply to rolling stock for conventional trains. `

5) Section is replaced by the following :

" Passenger emergency outflows

-WHAT? -requirements of the TSI HS RST, section (Emergency exits for passengers) shall apply to the rolling stock for high-speed trains.

-WHAT? -the requirements of the TSI CR&PAS, point (Evacuation of passengers) shall apply to rolling stock for conventional trains. `

Article 9

This Decision shall apply from 1. June 2011.

Article 10

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, 26. April 2011.

For the Commission

Siim Kallas





the rolling stock subsystem of the rail system for conventional trains and passenger carriages ;

Technical scope
Geographical Scope
The content of the TSI
documents referred to in the
The subsystem rolling stock in the conventional rail system
Rolling stock definitions
Rolling stock within the scope of this tsi
Elements of the rolling stock subsystem are set aside in relation to the essential requirements ;
Essential requirements which are not covered by this tsi
General requirements, maintenance and operation requirements
Special requirements for the other subsystems
The description of the rolling stock covered by this TSI
The division of rolling stock into the main categories to which the TSI is applied
Fire safety categorization of rolling stock
Functional and technical specification of the subsystem
Outstanding Items
Security conditions
Construction and mechanical parts
Mechanical interfaces
General and Definitions
Emergency coupling
Access conditions for the staff in connection with and decoupling
Overflows between wagons
Strengthe of vehicles ' s design
Passive security
Lifting and lifting
Setting up devices for the construction of the vehicle
Access to personnel and cargo doors
Mechanical characteristics of glass (other than fronts)
Load modes and weighted mass
Collections with Track and Alignment
Axle pressure and wheel load
Ašies apkrovos parametras
Rato apkrova
rolling stock options which have an impact on ground-based systems
rolling stock properties relating to the compatibility of train detection systems
Compatibility of rolling stock properties of train detection systems based on the shins of shins
Compatibility of rolling stock properties of train detection systems based on axle counters
Compatibility of rolling stock properties of loops
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
Rolling Materiel's dynamic properties
Protection from tracing on tracing corridors
Dynamic properties during run
Run Security Thresholds
Threshold Thresholds
Equivalent conicity
Dimensional values for new wheel profiles
Operating values for equivalent conicity for wheelset
Construction of the Bogias
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheel sets
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheels
Hides that can be set to different tracer
Minimum radius of curvus
Pagrindiniai funcciniai ir saugos reikalavimai
Functional requirements
Safety requirements
Braking system type
Activation of brake
Activation of emergency brake
Activation of service brake
Direct brake enablement
Enabling dynamic brake
Activation of parking brake
General requirements
Emergency braking
Operation braking
Heat Capacity Calculations
Parking brake
Rail of adhesion between rail and wheel system of wheel-blocking protection
Boundings Limit between Wheels and Rail
System for Blocking Protection
Dynamic brake braking system associated with the traction system
Braking system independent of the adhesion conditions
Magnetic braking brake
HirvelAC braking
Braking mode and error view
Braking requirements for salvage situations
Probe of importance for passengers
Sanitary systems
Speaker facilities : sound communication system
Passenger alert : functional requirements
Safety instructions for passengers-Skilling
Communication systems for the use of passengers
Exterior doors shall be : of-and on the rise of passengers
Destruction of outer door systems
Devices between devices
Indoor air quality indoors
Sideruder in the cart box
Environmental conditions and aerodynamic effects
Environmental conditions
Snow, ice and hail
Solar radiation
Aerodynamic effects
The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform
The impact of the impact of persons working on the track
Pressure wave from the end of the train
Maximum pressure variation in tunnels
Page Wind
Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices
Exterior lamps
Kendinger signal
Ending signal
Audio management
Typhoon device (sound signalling device)
Sound pressure levels of the type
Typhoons, Management
Traction power and electrical equipment
Performance of traction
Performance Requirements
Energy supply
Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields
Regenerative braking with the return of energy to the overhead contact line
Maximum power output and power from queue release
Maximum upfloor current by mode, DC systems
Effect factor
Management of energy systems at the AC system
Energy Use Measure Function
Requirements related to the pantograph
The working area of the pantograph of the pantograph
Height of contact wire (subsystem)
The working area of the pantograph (interoperability constituent),
Geometry of the pantograph-head (interoperability constituent)
Geometry of the pantograph-head, type 1600 mm
Geometry of the pantograph-head, type 1950 mm
Current power capacity of the pantograph (interoperability constituent)
Contact piece (interoperability constituent)
Geometry of contact
Contact piece material
Contact of the contact piece
Static Contact Power of the pantograph (interoperability constituent)
Contact force and dynamic characteristics of the pantograph
Pantograph (subsystem) position
Passage of segregation for phase or system separation (part system)
Isolating the pantograph from the vehicle (part system)
Reduction of pantograph (subsystem)
Electrical protection of the train
Diesel and other fuel-powered traction systems
Protection against electrical risk
Drivers and interface between train driver and driver spacing
Driving room
Out-and Escalation
Out-and increase in operational conditions
Emergency exit from the driver's compartment
Explit forward
Reviews and to the page
Driving seat
First-rate ergonomics
Climate management and air quality
Intervention of illumination
Mechanical characteristics
Optical Properties
Interface between locomotive driver and driver-space disarmament
Control of the driver ' s activity
Speed of speed
Display and display of the driver ' s locomotive
Control agencies and indicators
Remote control
Tools and removable equipment on board
Container space for personnel personal belongings
Registration apparatus
Fire safety and evacuation
General and categorization
Requirements for all units except freight and work vehicles other than freight and trailers
Requirements for freight and slogans and work vehicles
Requirements that are specified in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels
Material Require
Special measures relating to flammable liquids
Passenger evacuation
Fire barriers
Ongoing maintenance
Exterior train cleanup
Cleaning of the front of the driver ' s windage
Cleaning-up cleaning facilities
Toilet Carpenter System
Water encoding equipment
Water founder interface
Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track
Fuel loading equipment
Documentation regarding operation and maintenance
General documentation
Maintenance documentation
Documentation with justification of the maintenance organisation
Maintenance Instrument
Documentation regarding operation
Concpter Chart and Instructions
Rescue Descriptions
Functional and technical specifications for the interfaces
Interfaces of the energy subsystem
Interfaces subsystem for the infrastructure subsystem
Interfaces of the Operating conditions subsystem
Interfaces of the train subsystem train control and signalling
Interfaces of the traffic telematics of passenger transport
Operational rules
Maintenance Rules
Fagable Qualifications
Health and safety
The European register of approved vehicle types
Innovative solutions
Specifications for Interoperability Components
Emergency couplings
System for Blocking Protection
Marking Light
Ending signal
Contact Slices
Main interrupts
Wiring bathroom outching
Inflow connection to water containers
Interoperability Components
Conformity assessment
Conformity assessment procedures
Modules for conformity assessment
Special Rating Procedures for Interoperability Components
System for Blocking Protection (Section 5.3.3)
Headlamps (Section 5.3.4)
Marking Light (Section 5.3.5)
Endlanterns (Section 5.3.6)
Typhoon (Section 5.3.7)
Pantograph (Section 5.3.8)
Contact Slices (Section
Project phases where assessment is required
innovative solutions
interoperability constituents for which EC declarations are to be issued on the basis of both this TSI and the TSI for the rolling stock for high-speed trains ;
Estimate of suitability for use
System Rolling Stock
EC Verification (General)
Conformity assessment procedures (modules)
Modules for conformity assessment
Special assessment procedures for subsystems
Load modes and weighted mass (Section
Profiler (Section :
Hire loading (Section
braking safety requirements (Section,
Emergency braking (Section
Operation braking (section
System for blocking protection (Section
Sanitary systems (Section
Indoor quality of indoor air (Section and Section
The impact of the air flow of passengers on platform (Section
The impact of the volume of the persons working the track (Section
Pressure wave from the end of the train (section
Maximum power output and power from cooling release (Section
Effect factor (Section
Location of pantographs (Section
Frontrude (Section
Fire barriers (
Project phases where assessment is required
innovative solutions
Evaluation of operational and maintenance documents
Devices for which EC declarations shall be issued on the basis of both this TSI and the TSI for the rolling stock for high-speed trains ;
Rating devices for use in general operation
Assessment of units for use in one or more predefined consist
Special situation : Assess entities to be included in an existing fixed consist
fixed upsurging in accordance with the TSI TSI,
flat-rate consist of not in accordance with the TSI,
Interoperability constituents with no EC declaration
Terms and Conditions
Maintenance of subsystems certified according to Section 6.3.1
General rules for implementation
Use of newly built rolling stock
Transition period
Projects on an advanced stage of development
Contracts during execution
Rolling stock of existing construction
Use of work vehicles
Interface for the implementation of other TSIs
Renewal and upgrading of existing rolling stock
Rules relating to the type-examination or design examination certificate
System Rolling Stock
Interoperability Components
Comparability with other subsystems
Specific case
List of special cases
General Specific Case
Interfaces of the Mechanical Interfaces (
Profildetermination (
Monitoring of the condition of the axle tenancy (
Dynamic characteristics of the rolling stock (
Threshold Thresholds (
Dimensional values for new wheel profiles (
Hjulset (
Geometric characteristics for wheels (
The impact of the air flow of passengers on platform (
Pressure wave from the end of the train (
Sound pressure levels of the type (
Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields (
The working range of the pantograph in the height (
Geometry of the pantograph head (
Contact force of the pantograph and dynamic properties (
Supervision forward (
Pre-cardboard ergonomics (
Material Require (
Water encoding interfaces ( and Toilet oupening (
Specific requirements for the recommendation of trains at a depot track (
Fuel padding equipment (
Special environmental conditions
Contain to be taken up during the review or any other activities in the Railway Agency
The relationship that relates to a basic parameter in this TSI
Axle pressure parameter (Section
Threshold Thresholds (Section
Aerodynamic effects (Section
Contain that are not associated with a basic parameter in this tsi, but are processed in research projects
Safety-justified additional requirements
Contain relevant to the EU rail system but fall outside the scope of the Tsi'es
Collections with traces (Section 4.2.3)-Scover of wheel flanger or rail-flanking
A. 1.
A. 2.
A. 3.
Twinks and puffers
B. 1
B. 1.1.
Track Statement
B. 1.2.
B. 1.3.
Convenial and lifting points
B. 2
The impact of the question on the construction of the rolling stock
B. 3
the location of the liabilities of the vehicle design,
B. 4
Geometry of the booklet-lift puncts
B. 4.1
Fixed-in-Lifting / Lifting Items
B. 4.2
Liquid withdrawal / lifting points
B. 5
Establishment of the lifting clothing for the subframe
B. 6
Marking of the lifting and lifting points for salvage
B. 7
Instructions for the lifting and lifting of the lifting
C. 1
Strengthe of vehicles ' s design
C. 2
Lifting and lifting
C. 3
Dynamic properties during run
F. 1.
F. 2.
Reference position of the vehicle in relation to the track :
F. 3.
Reference for the service members ' eye position
F. 4.
Terms of view
H. 1
Scope of application
H. 2
Properties and modules


1.1. Technical scope

This technical specification for interoperability (TSI) is related to a particular subsystem and aims to ensure compliance with the essential requirements and interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC.

The subsystem referred to as the rolling stock of the trans-European conventional rail system, cf. Annex I, Section 1, of Directive 2008 /57/EC.

This TSI comprises the rolling stock subsystem as defined in section 2.6 of Annex II of Directive 2008 /57/EC and the related parts of the energy subsystem (the part of the equipment for measuring power consumption installed on the vehicle `, cf. Annex II, Section 2.2, of Directive 2008 /57/EC), which corresponds to the part of the structural subsystem that is installed in the rolling stock.

This TSI shall apply to rolling stock, as :

-WHAT? use (or be assumed to be used) on the railway network defined in Section 1.2, the scope of application of the Directive ;


-WHAT? belongs to one of the following types (as set out in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Annex I, Section 1.2) :

-WHAT? fuel or electric set of trains,

-WHAT? fuel or power-driven locomotives ;

-WHAT? passenger cars,

-WHAT? -mobile equipment for the installation and maintenance of railway infrastructure.

Specifications of the rolling stock covered by this TSI are set out in section 2 of this Annex.

1.2. Geographical Scope

-WHAT? The geographical scope of this TSI has been the network of the trans-European conventional rail system as described in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Annex I, Section 1.1, Net.

-WHAT? This TSI does not include the requirements for rolling stock for high-speed trains designed to operate in the trans-European high-speed rail system, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC, Annex I (Section 2.2), at the pre-set maximum speed of this high-speed network.

-WHAT? The additional requirements, which may be necessary for the safe operation of the high-speed network of conventional rolling stock at speeds of less than 190 km/h and fall within the scope of this TSI (as defined in paragraph 2.3) including), as an outstanding item in this version of this TSI.

1.3. The content of the TSI

In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 5 (5), 3, the TSI shall determine the following conditions :

a) It denoits the predefined area of application (section 2).

b) It clarifies the essential requirements for the affected area of the rolling stock subsystem and its interfaces with the other sub-systems (Section 3).

c) It establishes the functional and technical specifications to be met by the subsystem and its interfaces with other subsystems (Section 4).

d) It establishes the interoperability constituents and the interfaces to be drawn up European specifications, including European standards, which are necessary in order to achieve interoperability in the trans-European network ; conventional rail system (section 5).

(e) It shall indicate in each case the procedures to be used in the assessment of conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, on the one part of the EC verification of the subsystems (Section 6).

(f) It shall specify the strategy for the implementation of this TSI (Section 7).

g) It shall indicate in respect of the staff concerned, professional qualifications and health and safety conditions, which are prerequisite for the operation and maintenance of the subsystem and for the use of the TSI (Section 4).

In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 5 (5), In the case of each TSI, special cases may be laid down in each TSI ; such provisions are laid down in Section 7.

1.4. Documents referenced by reference

-WHAT? The TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains : this document.

Applicable legal provisions :

Directive 2008 /57/EC

-WHAT? The TSI for train control and signalling of the rail system for conventional trains : Decision 2006 /679/EC 1) , as amended by Commission Decision 2006 /860/EC 2) , 2007 /153/EF 3) , 2008 /386/EF 4) , 2009 /561/EF 5) and 2010 /79/EC 6) .

-WHAT? TSIs for rolling stock in the high-speed rail system : Commission Decision 2008 /232/EC 7)

-WHAT? The TSI on the accessibility of persons with reduced mobility : Commission Decision 2008 /164/EC 8)

-WHAT? The TSI for safety in rail tunnels : Commission Decision 2008 /163/EC 9)

-WHAT? TSIs from conventional rolling stock : Commission Decision 2006 /66/EC 10)

-WHAT? The TSI for freight wagons in the rail system for conventional trains : Commission Decision 2006 /861/EC 11) , as amended by Commission Decision 2009 /107/EC 12) .

-WHAT? The TSI for operation and traffic management in the conventional train railway system : Commission Decision 2006 /920/EC 13) , as amended by Decision 2009 /107/EC.

-WHAT? Common security method : Commission Regulation (EC) No, 352/2009 14) .

Rule of adoption :

-WHAT? The TSI for the infrastructure for conventional trains

-WHAT? The TSI for energy for conventional trains

-WHAT? Description of modules for conformity assessment

-WHAT? Revision of the TSI for operation and traffic management (Annexes P and T).

The rules of law in preparation :

-Traffic telematics for passenger traffic.


2.1. The subsystem rolling stock in the conventional rail system

The trans-European rail system comprises a system for high-speed trains and one for conventional trains.

Directive 2008 /57/EC provides that the rolling stock subsystem comprises the trans-European high-speed rail system designed to operate on the trans-European high-speed rail network, which consists of the special, new-considered, high-speed lines, on the one hand, of lines specially upgraded for high-speed traffic (i.e. for speeds of approximately 200 km/h or more) and listed as listed in Annex 1 to Decision No 2 of the European Parliament and of the Council. 1692 /96/EF 15) .

Note : In section 1.1 of the rolling stock TSI, a speed train shall be set at 190 km/h for rolling stock within its technical field of application.

Whereas Directive 2008 /57/EC provides for the rolling stock subsystem in the trans-European conventional rail system for all trains which may be used for all or part of the conventional line in the TENs ; no highest has been set ; operations speed for these trains.

The conventional rail system is divided into sub-systems defined in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Annex II (Section 1), where they are listed in the following ways :

Structurally defined areas :

-WHAT? infrastructure

-WHAT? energy

-WHAT? train control and signalling

-WHAT? rolling stock.

Functional defined areas :

-WHAT? operation and traffic management ;

-WHAT? maintenance

-WHAT? traffic telematics for the person and goods traffic.

Except for maintenance, each partial system is processed in its TSI.

the rolling stock subsystem (as defined in Section 1.1) processed in this TSI has interfaces to other subsystems of the conventional rail system ; these interfaces are treated within the framework of an integrated system and must meet all relevant TSIs.

In addition to the abovementioned TSIs, there shall be :

-WHAT? two TSIs which describe the specific aspects of the rail system and affect several subsystems including rolling stock for conventional trains :

a) Safety in railway tunnels

b) Accessibility for persons with reduced mobility.


-WHAT? two TSIs relating to the rolling stock subsystem for conventional trains :

c) noise

d) freight wagons.

The rolling stock subsystem requirements set out in these four TSIs are not repeated in this TSI.

2.2. Rolling stock definitions

In this TSI, the following definitions apply :

Consist of trains :

-WHAT? "Device" is used as a general term for rolling stock covered by this TSI, and thus to have issued a Community verification certificate.

-WHAT? A unit may consist of several 'vehicles' as defined in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 2 (c) ; the scope of this TSI means that the term ' vehicle ` is used only on the rolling stock subsystem.

-WHAT? A train is an operational consist consisting of one or more devices.

-WHAT? A 'passenger train' is an operational consist that passengers have access to (a train consisting of passenger vehicles, but which passengers do not have access to, is not considered to be a passenger train).

-WHAT? A "regular consist" is a consist that can be reconfigured in a workshop only.

-WHAT? A "predefined consist" is a consist of multiple interconnected devices defined in the design phase and can be reconfigured during operation.

-WHAT? ' interconnected operation ` shall mean the train set so that several train sets (of the type under assessment) can be coated together so that they act as a single train being operated from one driver ' s compartment.

-WHAT? the engine is constructed so that several locomotives (of the type under assessment) may be included in a train managed from one driver ' s compartment.

-WHAT? "Overall operation" : A unit is designed for general operation when the device is pre-connected to one or more other devices in a consist that is not determined in the design phase.

Rolling stock :

A) Self-running fuel or electric trains :

A train set is a fixed consist that can act as a train ; it is assumed per. definition not reconfigured except in a workshop. It's either composed of motorized vehicles alone or by motorized and non-motorized vehicles.

An 'electric and / or diesel drive set' is a train set if vehicles are all to include passengers or luggage / mail.

A 'rail bus' is a vehicle which can drive itself and carry passengers or luggage / mail.

B) Fuel or elk powered traction units :

An "locomotive" is a traction vehicle (or a combination of several vehicles) that are not prefixed to rendicate and which may be disconnected from a train and to run itself during normal operation.

An "ranked locomotive" is a traction unit designed to be used only in rangers, banegers and depots.

The traction of a train may also be supplied by a motched vehicle with or without a driver ' s cab, not intended to be disconnected during normal operation. This vehicle is called a 'motor vehicle' in general and a power head when it is connected to the end of the train set and has a driver's compartment.

C) Pager and equivalent :

A 'passenger car' is a non-towing vehicle, which may lead to passengers in a fixed or variable consist (this TSI's requirements for passenger wagons for seating vehicles, trailers, sleeper cars, leagts, etc.). A passenger carriage may be equipped with a driver ' s cab ; if so, it shall be referred to as a ' steering vehicle `.

A travel vehicle is a non-towing vehicle which may result in other than passengers, such as luggage or mail, and which are intended to be included in a fixed or variable consist of passenger transport. A travel freight vehicle may be equipped with a driver ' s cab and shall be called a ' driver ' s car.

A steering vehicle is a non-towing vehicle equipped with a cab.

A car van is a non-towing vehicle that can lead to passenger cars without passengers and who are intended to be included in a passenger train.

A 'fixed cart group' is a non-towing consist of several passenger cars, which are 'semi-permanent' interconnected or can only be reconfigured when it is not operational.

D) Mobile infrastructure equipment and maintenance of railway infrastructure (work vehicles)

' Vehicles ' shall be vehicles designed specially for the equipment and infrastructure of the equipment located on the track and infrastructure. Work vehicles are used in various modes of operation : during work, during transportation as a self-propelled vehicle and during transport as a tractor.

Vehicles for inspection of the infrastructure, which are used to monitor the condition of the infrastructure, are considered as processing vehicles in accordance with the abovementioned definition.

2.3. Rolling stock within the scope of this TSI

The scope of this TSI for rolling stock is classified according to the types of rolling stock laid down in section 1.1 of this Annex, including :

A) Self-running fuel or electric trains :

This type includes all Passenger Passenger (s) in a fixed or predefined consist.

Some vehicles are equipped with fuel or power-driven traction equipment, and the train is equipped with a driver ' s cab.

Exceptions from the scope :

Rolling stock, which is primarily designed to run on track roads or lightweight in cities and intended for passenger transport in cities and their own, are not covered by this TSI in the version available.

Rail buses and electrical and / or diesel-driven trainsets intended to run on explicitly identified local networks (city and conversion lanes) which are not included in TEN lines shall not be covered by this TSI in the version available.

When these types of rolling stock are prefixed on TENs lines over very short distances as a result of the local design of the railway network, Articles 24 and 25 of Directive 2008 /57/EC (referred to by national regulations) shall apply.

B) Fuel or elk powered traction units :

This type includes tractor vehicles which cannot result in a payload, such as fuel or power-driven locomotives or power heads.

The towing vehicles concerned are intended for the carriage of goods and / or passenger transport.

Exceptions from the scope :

Ranking locomotives that are defined as entities not intended to run on the TENs are not covered by this TSI in the version available.

Where it is assumed that they are required to carry out rangers (over short distances) on main lines in TENs, Articles 24 and 25 of Directive 2008 /57/EC (referred to by national provisions) shall apply.

C) Pager and equivalent :

-WHAT? Pager :

This type does not include-tractor vehicles transporting passengers and operating in a variable consist of vehicles of the defined category of 'fuel or electric power-driven traction units', which provides traction units.

-WHAT? Vehicles that do not carry passengers but are included in a passenger train are :

-WHAT? Non-towing vehicles in Passenger trains (e.g., travel or postal vehicles, car wagons and vehicles) are covered by this TSI through the extended human-car concept.

Exceptions from the scope :

-WHAT? The carts are not covered by this TSI ; they are covered by the TSI for wagons, even if they are part of a train composite in this case, a service issue).

-WHAT? Vehicles designed to transport road vehicles with persons in these road vehicles shall not be covered by this TSI.

D) Mobile infrastructure facilities and maintenance of railway infrastructure

This type of rolling stock is covered only by this TSI when :

-WHAT? it runs on own railway wheels,

-WHAT? it is designed to be detectable by a track-based train detection system for traffic management, and

-WHAT? it is configured for transport (driving) on own railway wheels, self-propelles, or withdrawn.

The work configuration is not covered by this TSI.


3.1. General

In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 4 (4), 1, the trans-European conventional rail system, its subsystems and interoperability constituents shall comply with the essential requirements laid down in general terms in Annex III to this Directive.

Within the framework of this TSI, compliance with the essential requirements set out in section 3.2 of this Annex shall be ensured by compliance with the characteristics described in Section 4 of the subsystems as defined in Section 4 and for the interoperability constituents, in section 5, where the compliance is demonstrated by a positive outcome of the assessment described in Section 6.1 as regards the conformity and / or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents and in section 6.2 for as far as the case is concerned ; verification of the subsystems.

Where part of the essential requirements must be met by compliance with national rules, because the TSI expressly leaves that point to be outstanding or because they are subject to special cases described in section 7.3 of this Annex, the corresponding national provisions shall include the assessment of conformity, which shall be carried out on the responsibility of the relevant Member State.

3.2. Elements of the rolling stock subsystem are set aside in relation to the essential requirements ;

For the rolling stock subsystem, the following table shows the essential requirements as defined and numbered in Annex III to Directive 2008 /57/EC, which are fulfilled by the specifications in the section 4 of this TSI.

Elements of rolling stock in relation to the essential requirements

Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Ref to the TSI
Reliability, Availability
Environmental protection
Technical compatibility
Emergency coupling
Access conditions for the staff in connection with and decoupling
Overflows between wagons
Strengthe of vehicles ' s design
Passive security
Lifting and lifting
Establishment of vehicle construction devices
Access to personnel and cargo doors
Mechanical characteristics of glass
Load modes and weighted mass
Profile-Chinematic Probe gauge
Axle Pressure
Hire Load
Parameters in the rolling stock subsystem that impacts the train control and signalling subsystem
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
Protection from tracing on tracing corridors
Dynamic properties during run
Run Security Thresholds
Threshold Thresholds
Equivalent conicity
Dimensional values for new wheel profiles
Operating values for equivalent conicity for wheelset
Construction of the Bogias
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheel sets
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheels
Hides that can be set to different tracer
Minimum radius of curvus
Bremsolution-functional requirements
Braking-safety requirements
1.2. 4.2.
Braking system type
Activation of emergency brake
Activation of service brake
Direct brake enablement
Enabling dynamic brake
Activation of parking brake
Brake Impact-General Requirements
Emergency braking
Operation braking
Calculations concerning. heat capacity,
Parking brake
Limit for a free-line friction between wheels and brace
1.2. 4.2.
System for Blocking Protection
1.2. 4.2.
Dynamic brake-braking systems connected to the traction of the traction
1.2. 4.2.
Brake system independent of the friction conditions-general
1.2. 4.2.
Magnetic braking brake
HirvelAC braking
Braking mode and error view
1.2. 4.2.
Braking requirements for salvage situations
Sanitary systems
Speaker facilities : sound communication system
Passenger alert : functional requirements
Safety instructions for passengers-Skilling
Communication systems for the use of passengers
Exterior doors : of-and on the increase
Frivenous doors : systems engineering
Devices between devices
Indoor air quality indoors
Sideruder in the cart box
Environmental conditions
The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform
The impact of the impact of persons working on the track
Pressure wave from the end of the train
Maximum pressure variations in tunnels
Page Wind
Marking Light
Ending signal
Audio management
Tyfon General
Sound pressure levels of the type
Typhoons, Management
Performance of traction
Energy supply
Electrical protection of the train
Diesel and other fuel-powered traction systems
Protection against electrical risk
By-and on-rise
Driving seat
First-rate ergonomics
Climate management and air quality
Intervention of illumination
Frontron-mechanical properties
Frontrude optical properties
Frontrude Equipment
Control of the driver ' s activity
Speed of speed
Display and display of the driver ' s locomotive
Control agencies and indicators
Remote control
Tools and removable equipment on board
Container capacity for personal effects of personnel
Registration apparatus
Fire safety material rave
Special measures relating to flammable liquids
Passenger evacuation
Fire barriers
Exterior train cleanup
Toilet Carpenter System
Water encoding equipment
Water founder interface
Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track
Fuel loading equipment
General documentation
Maintenance documentation
Documentation regarding operation
Concpter Chart and Instructions
Rescue Descriptions
Note : The list only includes the items in 4.2 that contain requirements.

3.3. Essential requirements which are not covered by this TSI

Some of the essential requirements set out in Annex III to Directive 2008 /57/EC are listed as 'general requirements' or as 'special requirements for individual subsystems' in the other subsystems are important for the rolling stock subsystem. Those of those who have not, or limited to limited scope, have been treated in this TSI are listed below.

3.3.1. General requirements, maintenance and operation requirements

The sections and the essential requirements below are numbered as in Annex III to Directive 2008 /57/EC.

The following essential requirements are not addressed in this TSI :

1.4. Environmental protection

1.4.1. ' The environmental impact of the establishment and operation of the railway system shall be assessed and taken into account in the design of the system in accordance with current Community provisions. ` ;

This essential requirement must be met on the basis of the relevant European provisions in force.

1.4.3. ' The rolling stock and energy supply systems must be constructed and manufactured so that they are electromagnetic compatible with installations, facilities and public and private networks, which are at risk of interference. ` ;

This essential requirement must be met on the basis of the relevant European provisions in force.

1.4.4. ' The railway system shall be operated in compliance with the prescribed limits for noise nuisance. ` ;

This essential requirement must be met on the basis of the present TSI on noise.

1.4.5. The iron system must be operated without soil vibrations, which are unacceptable to the activities and surroundings at short distance from the infrastructure and in normal maintenance. `

This essential requirement must be met on the basis of the TSI for the infrastructure of conventional trains (outstanding item in the current version).

2.5. Maintenance

Within the scope of this TSI, these essential requirements are applicable only to the technical maintenance of the rolling stock subsystem, in the case of maintenance plants, not covered by this ; TSI.

2.6. Operation

Within the scope of this TSI, these essential requirements are relevant to the documentation on the operation of the rolling stock subsystem (essential requirements 2.6.1 and 2.6.2), and in the case of the technical technical requirements of the rolling stock ; compatibility with operational requirements (essential requirement 2.6.3).

3.3.2. Special requirements for the other subsystems

The requirements for the other appropriate subsystems are necessary to meet these essential requirements for the whole rail system.

The rolling stock subsystem requirements which contribute to the fulfillments of these essential requirements are specified in the section 3.2 of this TSI, corresponding to those specified in 2.2.3 and 2.3.2 of Annex III to Directive 2008 /57/EC.

Other essential requirements do not fall within the scope of this TSI.


4.1. Introduction

4.1.1. General

The trans-European conventional rail system, which Directive 2008 /57/EC applies to, and as the rolling stock subsystem is part of, an integrated system, provided that the internal connection requires verification. The composite shall be checked in particular with regard to the specifications of the rolling stock subsystem, its interfaces to the other subsystems of the conventional rail system, and the operational and maintenance rules.

The basic parameters of the rolling stock subsystem are defined in the TSI section 4.

The functional and technical specifications of the subsystem and interfaces described in sections 4.2 and 4.3 do not require the use of specific technology or specific technical solutions unless strictly necessary for : the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.

Innovative solutions that do not meet the requirements of this TSI and / or cannot be assessed in accordance with this TSI require new specifications and / or new assessment methods. In order to enable technological innovation, these specifications and methods of assessment must be developed via the process described in section 6 of the heading "innovative solutions".

The characteristics to be given in the ' European register of approved vehicle types ` are specified in the section 4.8 of this TSI.

4.1.2. The description of the rolling stock covered by this TSI

rolling stock to which this TSI applies (described as ' entities ` in this TSI) shall be described in the EC verification certificate using one of the following characteristics :

-WHAT? Fixed set up train sets and, where applicable, pre-defined consist of multiple train sets of the type that is under assessment for the interconnected operation.

-WHAT? Individual vehicle or fixed vehicle groups that are assumed to be used in advance-defined consist.

-WHAT? Individual vehicle or fixed vehicle groups that are predetermined in general operation and, where appropriate, in predefined searches of several vehicles (locomotives) of the type that is under assessment for the interconnected operation.

Note : The combined operation of the unit under assessment, with other types of rolling stock, is not covered by this TSI.

Definitions relating to the consist of trains and specimens are set out in section 2.2.

Where a unit predetermined in fixed or predefined consist must be assessed, the party requesting the assessment shall define the consist of which the assessment shall apply to : these consist shall be expressed in the EC verification certificate. The definition of each consist shall indicate the type designation of each vehicle, the number of vehicles and their place in the consist. Specifications are specified in Section 6.2.

For some characteristics and some assessments of a unit predetermined in general operation, restrictions must be laid down where the consist is concerned. These limitations are defined in sections 4.2 and 6.2.6.

4.1.3. The division of rolling stock into the main categories to which the TSI is applied

In the following sections of this TSI, a system of technical categorisation of the rolling stock is used to determine the requirements applicable to a given entity.

The applicant for the assessment of a unit to which this TSI applies must indicate to which or which categories the unit belongs. The classification must also be used by the appropriate notified body to determine which of the requirements of the TSI to be applied and shall be included in the Community verifications of the verifications to the verifications of the Community.

The rolling stock shall be divided into the following technical categories :

-WHAT? passenger transport unit,

-WHAT? unit for the carriage of cargo linked to passengers (luggage, cars, etc.),

-WHAT? driver ' s unit,

-WHAT? unit of traction equipment,

-WHAT? electrical unit, i.e. a unit which is assigned electrical energy by an electrification system as specified in the energy TSI for conventional trains ;

-WHAT? freight transport comotive : a unit intended to extract freight wagons ;

-WHAT? passenger train locomotive : a unit intended to extract passenger carriages ;

-WHAT? equipment for the construction and maintenance of track (work vehicles).

A given unit can be placed under one or more of the above categories.

Save as otherwise provided in the provisions of section 4.2, the requirements of this TSI apply to all of the technical categories of rolling stock.

The unit ' s operating configuration must also be taken into account during the assessment, which must be distinguished :

-WHAT? specimens which can be operated as trains ; and

-WHAT? devices that cannot be operated as trains without being connected to one or more other units (see also Section 4.1.2, 6.2.6 and 6.2.7).

4.1.4. Fire safety categorization of rolling stock

For the purpose of the fire safety requirements, this TSI shall define three categories of rolling stock in section 4.2.10.

In line with the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains and the TSI for safety in rail tunnels, all rolling stock covered by this TSI belong (at least) one of the following categories :

-WHAT? fire safety category A,

-WHAT? fire safety category B,

-WHAT? goods and slogans and vehicles.

4.2. Functional and technical specification of the subsystem

4.2.1. General Split

On the basis of the essential requirements of Section 3, the functional and technical specifications of the rolling stock subsystem are grouped in the following provisions of this Title :

-WHAT? Constructions and mechanical parts

-WHAT? Collections with Track and Alignment

-WHAT? Brakes

-WHAT? Probe of importance for passengers

-WHAT? Environmental conditions

-WHAT? Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices

-WHAT? Traction power and electrical equipment

-WHAT? Drivers and interface between train driver and driver spacing

-WHAT? Fire safety and evacuation

-WHAT? Ongoing maintenance

-WHAT? Documentation regarding operation and maintenance

In the case of specific technical conditions, the functional and technical specification refers explicitly to a provision in a standard EN standard or another technical document, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 5 (5), 8. These references are given in Annex J to this TSI.

Information to be made available to the staff on the train to know the operational status of the train (normal operating mode, defective equipment, dephoned operating mode, etc.) are described in the provision relating to the operation in question and in paragraph 4.2.12, Documentation regarding operation and maintenance. Outstanding Items

Where the functional and technical specification required to meet the essential requirements has not been drawn up for a given technical conditions and therefore not contained in this TSI, this relationship is marked as a pending point in the relevant provision. In Annex I to this TSI, all outstanding items are calculated, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 5 (5), 6.

It is also indicated in Annex I to the outstanding points relating to the technical compatibility with the network. In the case of the end, Annex I is divided into three parts :

-WHAT? General outstanding points, this applies to an entire network.

-WHAT? Outstanding items relating to the technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network.

-WHAT? Outstanding items which do not relate to the technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network.

As laid down in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 17 (1). 3, the fulfils of the essential requirements for outstanding points shall be assessed on the basis of national technical regulations. Security conditions

The functions that contribute to the fulfils of the essential requirements for safety are set out in section 3.2.

Most of the safety requirements for these functions are covered by the technical specifications set out in section 4.2 (e.g. passive safety, wheels ...).

For the following safety-related functions, the technical specifications must be supplemented by requirements expressed as safety requirements for which compliance can be carried out by applying the principles set out in the common regulation on a common basis ; the risk assessment and assessment method (similarity to one or more reference systems, the application of recognized practices, probability-based method) :

-WHAT? Dynamic properties (when active control is used), cf. Section

-WHAT? Auxiliary braking (including traction of traction), cf. in section, and ; the safety requirements are specified in Section

-WHAT? Parking brake, cf. in Section, and ; the safety requirements are specified in Section

-WHAT? Letter mode and error view, cf. Section

-WHAT? Passenger alert, cf. section

-WHAT? The management of the exterior doors to passengers, cf. section

-WHAT? Debremission of the energy supply, cf. Section

-WHAT? Control of the driver ' s activity, cf. Section

-WHAT? Fire barriers (other than separatable walls of the entire train ` s cross section), cf. Section

In cases where these functions designated as safety-related, not or not sufficiently specified in relation to their security aspects, indicate this as an outstanding point in the determination of the function, specified.

Software used to provide security-related functions must be developed and evaluated in accordance with a method suitable for security-related software.

This is true for software that affects functions that are listed as security related in section 4.2.

4.2.2. Construction and mechanical parts General

This part addresses requirements for the construction of vehicles (vehicle construction strength) and of the mechanical parts (Mechanical Interfaces) between vehicles or between units.

Most of these requirements aim to ensure the mechanical resistance of the train during operation and salvage operations, and the protection of spaces intended for passengers and train crew in the event of a collision or derailment. Mechanical interfaces General and Definitions

When a train is made up (see definition in section 2.2), vehicles together in a way that makes it possible to drive them as a whole. The clutch is the mechanical interface that enables this. It's several types of couplings :

-WHAT? A ' interconnection ` is a coupling device between vehicles which can be used to form a unit consisting of several vehicles (e.g. a regular carriage group or a train set).

-WHAT? An "end connection" on devices is the coupling device used to connect two (or more) units to a train. It is not mandatory to equip units with final coupling. When there is no end to the end of a unit, a device must be placed on the end of the end of a device which will enable emergency coupling.

Decoupling may be automatic, semi-automatic or manual.

For the purposes of this TSI, ' manual end-connection ` means a linkage system requiring one or more persons residing between the units to be linked or disconnected so that the mechanical coupling of such units may be carried out.

-WHAT? A ' emergency coupling ` means the coupling device which allows the device to be recovered by means of a salvage unit equipped with a manual standard coupling in accordance with Section where the device to be recovered has a different one ; coupling system or does not have a coupling system. Interconnection

Intermediate couplings between different vehicles in a unit shall have a demeaning system capable of withstand the forces that occur at the prefixed operating conditions.

Where interconnectivity systems between vehicles have lower the longitudinal strength of the unit than the end of the unit, provision should be made to allow the recovery of the unit to be recovered from such intermediate coupling ; these measures shall be described in : the documentation required by Section

Leddivided units : two vehicles with joint lifting vehicles must meet the requirements of sections 6.5.3 and 6.7.5 in EN12663-1:2010. Decoupling

a) Decoupling General

If one of the ends of a unit is fitted with a final coupling, the following requirements apply to all types of end-coupling (automatic, semi-automatic and manual) :

-WHAT? Ending couplings shall have a decoupling coupling system capable of withstand the forces which arise in the prefixed operational and salvage conditions.

-WHAT? The type and its nominal dimensionality of the mechanical coupling and its nominal design values for tracts and pressurized power must be entered in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8 of this TSI.

In addition, no requirements for automatic and semi-automatic coupling systems in this TSI are required.

b) "Manuelle" coupling systems

The following provisions shall be specifically applicable to devices with a "manually" coupling system :

-WHAT? The coupling system must be constructed in such a way that it does not require the human presence of the units to be interconnected or decoupling, while one of them is in motion.

-WHAT? Vesare equipped with manual coupling systems must be fitted with puffer, tractor, and the screw-outs system that satisfies the requirements of the parts of EN15551:2009 and EN15566:2009, which relates to passenger cars. Other units other than passenger cars equipped with manual coupling systems shall be fitted with puffer, tractor, and the screecing system that meets the requirements of the relevant parts of EN15551:2009 and EN15566:2009.

In all cases, the puffs and the screeching must be installed as provided for in Annex A, section A1 to A3.

For all devices designed to operate exclusively on the rail network with standard track gauge 1435 mm and equipped with manual connectivity and pneumatic UIC brake, the following requirements shall apply :

-WHAT? The dimensions and the laying of braking measures and braking snakes, couplings and cocks shall comply with the requirements of Annex I to the conventional train TSI TSI. The position of brake edings and hanes in the longitudinal length and vertical in relation to the buffer plate shall meet the corresponding requirements in UIC folder 541-1 : Nov 2003, Appendix B2, figure 16b or 16c.

Note : they will later have to meet an EN-standard that is currently being developed.

-WHAT? The position of brake lines and carriers in the cross-direction is acceptable if it satisfies the requirements of UIC 648 : Sep 2001.

c) Manually coupling system-Compatibility between devices designed for operation on networks with other tracer

Devices designed for operation on the rail network with several traces of track (e.g. 1435 mm and 1520/1524 mm or 1435 mm or 1435 mm and 1668 mm) equipped with a ' manual ' (' manual `) and pneumatic UIC braking system must be compatible with both :

-WHAT? the interface requirements of Section, ' Decoupling ', to 1435 mm net ; and

-WHAT? the specific case for nets with a different track gauge than 1435 mm, as described in Section 7.3. Emergency coupling

In both ends of devices that are either not equipped with a linkage system or equipment with a coupling system which is not compatible with the manual coupling system referred to in Section, devices allow for the possibility of : free the line in case of damage by dragging or pushing the unit in question :

-WHAT? if the device to be salvage is fitted with an end-coupling device : by means of a traction unit fitted with the same type of end-coupling system, and

-WHAT? by means of a salvage unit, i.e. a traction unit, which, at the end of each end for salvage operations, shall be equipped with :

-WHAT? a manual coupling system and pneumatic brake in accordance with Section,

-WHAT? braking edges and roosters placed on the page in accordance with UIC 648 : Sep 2001 ;

-WHAT? a free piece of 395 mm above the centre line of the body to provide space to impose the emergency decoupling of the one below.

This is achieved by means either a fixed-mounted compatible coupling system or an emergency coupling (also known as emergency coupling adapter).

In such a case, the unit for assessment shall be so constructed as to enable the emergency coupler to be carried on board.

The emergency coupling must meet the following requirements :

-WHAT? It must be so constructed that bugring can be carried out at a speed of at least 30 km/h on railway lines which meet the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains.

-WHAT? It must be able to be attached to the installation on the recovery unit in a way that prevents it from going away during the recovery operation.

-WHAT? It must be able to withstand the forces which arise in the prefixed salvage conditions.

-WHAT? It must be designed in such a way that human presence is not required between the salvage unit and the unit to be salvaged, while one of them is in motion.

-WHAT? Neither the emergency coupling nor any brake long may be limited to the movement of the body when it is put on the salvage unit.

The brake interface shall be covered by the requirements of Section Access conditions for the staff in connection with and decoupling

The devices must be designed in such a way that the staff are not exposed to unnecessary risks during the interconnection and decoupling or under salvage.

In order to meet this requirement, entities equipped with manual coupling systems in accordance with Section must meet the following requirements ("The Bern-rektanglet") :

-WHAT? The areas that are needed as shown in Annex A, Figure A2, must be free from solid parts. For the sake of this requirement, the coupling components shall be located in the middle of the siderline.

-WHAT? There must be a link between connecting cables and flexible hoses and elastic, deformable parts of the transition in this area. There must be no devices under the puffs which prevent access to the area.

-WHAT? If a combined automatic and scrubbing is fitted, the automatic coupling heap must, in the left hand of the Bern rectangle (viewed as shown in Figure A2), when the curve is grounded and the propellment is in use.

-WHAT? There must be a hand-hanger under every puffer. The hand-dreads shall be able to withstand a force of 1,5 kN. Overflows between wagons

When a transition allows passengers to travel between carriages or trainsets, it must not expose passengers to unnecessary risk.

If the train is assumed to be run without the switch to be connected, it must be possible to prevent passengers from accessing it.

The requirements for the transitional door, when the transition is not in use, are set out in section, the relationship between units of passenger doors.

Additional requirements are required in the TSI for the accessibility of persons with reduced mobility (TSIs for the accessibility of persons with reduced mobility, sections, Spaces with free passage).

These requirements do not apply to the end of vehicles in which this area is normally not assumed to be used by passengers. Strengthe of vehicles ' s design

This section applies to all devices.

However, for mobile equipment for the construction and maintenance of the railway infrastructure (work vehicles), alternative requirements for static load, category and acceleration requirements are set out in section C. 1.

The static and dynamic strength of the caravan (exhaustion) is relevant to the safety of the persons required on board and the construction of vehicles remaining intact during train operation and ranting.

Therefore, each vehicle must comply with the requirements of EN 12663-1:2010, 'The requirements of service vehicles-Part 1, Locomotives and I think that the' and alternative method for freight wagons 'is required'. The categories of rolling stock to be taken into consideration correspond to category L for locomotives and traction units and category PI and PII for all other vehicle types in the scope of this TSI, as defined in Section 5.2 of EN 12663-1:2010.

The capacity of the caravan to withstand a lasting deformation and fractures may be complied with by calculations or tests under the conditions laid down in EN 12663-1:2010, section

The loadings to be taken into consideration shall be in accordance with the provisions of this TSI, Section

The aerodynamic load retests must be as described in Section

The join techniques are covered by the abovementioned requirements : a verification procedure must be carried out during the manufacturing phase in order to ensure that the structures of the design are not degraded by defects. Passive security

This requirement applies to all units except for vehicles and entities that are not prefixed to carry passengers or personnel during their operations.

In addition, devices that cannot run with speeds up to the collision rates indicated below one or more of the collision scenarios listed below are excluded from the provisions of the collision scenarios in question or collision scenarios.

Passive security is intended to supplement active security when all other measures have failed.

To this end, the mechanical design of the vehicle must provide protection for the persons on board during a collision by comprising the means to :

-WHAT? restricting the retard,

-WHAT? to ensure that the survival areas and the design remain intact in areas with board ;

-WHAT? reduce the risk of climbing,

-WHAT? reduce risk of derailment

-WHAT? to limit the consequences of striking an obstacle to the track.

In order to meet these requirements, the devices must meet the detailed requirements specified in the standard EN15227:2008 on the design category C-I for collision resistance (see. Table 1 in EN15227:2008, section 4), unless otherwise specified in the following.

The following four collision scenarios shall be taken into account :

-WHAT? Scenario 1 : a frontal collision between two identical units.

-WHAT? Scenario 2 : a frontal collision with a boxcar.

-WHAT? Scenario 3 : a collision between the unit and a large road vehicle in a railway overdrive.

-WHAT? Scenario 4 : a collision between the unit and a low obstacle (e.g. a car in a railway overdrive, an animal, a rock).

These scenarios are described in Table 2 of EN15227:2008, Section 5.

Within the scope of this TSI, the application rules of Table 2 shall be supplemented by the following :

-WHAT? It is an outstanding point and how the requirements relating to scenario 1 and 2 are to be used on powerful locomotives used exclusively for freight traffic and are equipped with central couplings in accordance with the Willison principle (e.g. SA3), or the AAR-standard), and prepasting the inmate of conventional TEN lines.

-WHAT? It is an outstanding point of how locomotives with central driver spaces are to be assessed in order to comply with the requirements of scenario 3.

The requirements for a collision resistance to this TSI shall be specified in the present TSI, and therefore EN 15227:2008, Annex A, shall not apply. The requirements of EN15227:2008, Section 6, are applicable to the above collision scenarios.

To limit the consequences of hitting an obstacle on the track, the front of locomotives, power heads, wheelers and the train sets must be equipped with a hurdle deflector. The requirements laid down by the obstacle deflectors must comply with the requirements of EN15227:2008, section 5, Table 3 and Section 6.5. Lifting and lifting

Aside from the vehicle (mobile equipment for plant and maintenance of railway infrastructure), this section shall apply to all units.

Provisions relating to the lifting and lifting of the working vehicles are set out in Annex C, section C. 2.

It must be possible to lift or raise each vehicle that is included in the unit, in a security-wise manner for salvage (after deraging or other accident or event) and maintenance.

It must also be possible to lift or raise the other side of the vehicle, while the other is resting on the other side.

To this end, there must be specified and marked vows-/hecontractions.

The geometry and location of the lift points must be in accordance with Annex B.

The lifting points must be marked in accordance with Annex B.

The construction must be able to withstand any strain as specified in EN 12663-1/2010 (Section 6.3.2 and 6.3.3).

The capacity of the caravan to withstand a lasting deformation and fractures may be complied with by calculations or tests under the conditions laid down in EN 12663-1:2010, section Setting up devices for the construction of the vehicle

Aside from the vehicle (mobile equipment for plant and maintenance of railway infrastructure), this section shall apply to all units.

Provisions on the power of the construction of work vehicles are set out in Annex C, section C. 1.

In order to reduce the impact of an accident, fixed devices, including in the passenger areas, must be attached to the vehicle structure in a way that prevents these fixed devices from going away and causing the risk of passengers being harmed or the train ; Untraceable. For this purpose, the fixing of these devices shall be designed in accordance with EN 12663-1-2010, section 6.5.2, for the categories covered by Section of the above. Access to personnel and cargo doors

Passengers shall be treated in sections 4.2.5, Regulation of the importance of passengers. The driver ' s doors shall be dealt with in section 4.2.9.

This section covers doors for use by goods and for the use of train crew, except for the doors of the driver ' s cab.

Vehicles with a special unit for train staff or cargo must be equipped with a device closing and locking the doors. The doors shall remain closed and locked until such time as they are released by an intentional action. Mechanical characteristics of glass (other than fronts)

Where glazing is used (including mirrors), it must be either laminated or hardened glass that satisfy the requirements of quality and scope of an appropriate national or international standard to minimise the risk of : passengers and staff shall be damaged by broken glass. Load modes and weighted mass

The following load modes defined in the EN 15663:2009, section 3.1, must be determined :

-WHAT? design mass with exceptional payload

-WHAT? design mass with normal payload

-WHAT? design mass in operational dynamometer.

The hypotheses added to the above load modes must be in line with the standard EN 15663:2009 (remote train, second train, payload per. must be substantiated and documented in the general documentation referred to in section

In the case of a working vehicle, other load modes (minimum mass, maximum mass) may be used to take account of any additional equipment in the vehicle.

For each of the defined loading conditions defined above, the following information shall be included in the technical documentation described in Section 4.2.12 :

-WHAT? the total mass of the vehicle (for each vehicle in the unit),

-WHAT? mass per axle (for each axle),

-WHAT? mass per wheel (for each wheel).

The load mode ' design mass in the operational condition ` shall be measured by weighing the vehicle. The other load modes may be derived from calculation.

If a vehicle is to be declared in conformity with a type (in accordance with section and 7.1.3), its total weighted mass in the load mode shall not exceed the total of the collected vehicle mass ; for the type referred to in the EC verification of the examination of type-examination or examination of the design.

The Designor of the unit in operational condition, the design mass of the unit of normal payload and the maximum axle pressure for each axle in each of the three cases shall be recorded in the rolling stock register, cf. Section 4.8.

4.2.3. Collections with Track and Alignment Profiler

The structure gauge is an interface between the device (vehicle) and the infrastructure described by a common reference contour with the associated calculation rules. The profile is a performance parameter specified in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.2, and depends on the line category.

The kinematic reference context of related rules describes the external dimensions of the device ; it must be maintained within one of the reference profiles GA, GB or GC (see. The TSI for the infrastructure for conventional trains, section 4.2.2). The curtacle coefficient that is added to the profile calculation shall be justified by calculations or measurements as set out in EN 15273-2:2009.

For electric units, the pantograph profile shall be verified by calculation in accordance with Section A. 3.12 in EN 15273-2:2009 to ensure that it meets the requirements of the mechanical, kinematic pantograph profile, which itself is set out in accordance with Annex E ; to the energy TSI, for conventional trains, and depends on the choices made concerning the geometry of the pantograph-head : the two allowable options are defined in the present TSI section

The energy supply voltage shall be taken into account in the infrastructure profile to ensure the correct isolation spacing between pantograph and fixed installations.

The fluctuation of the pantograph as specified in the energy TSI TSI and used as the basis for the calculation of the mechanical, kinematic profile shall be justified by calculations or measurements as set out in EN 15273-2:2009.

It shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, which reference is to be preserved (i.e. profile) the unit is in accordance with (GA, GB or GC).

A profile with a less kinematic reference profile than GC can also be entered in the register with the harmonised profile applicable (GA, GB or GC), provided that it is assessed using the kinematic method. Axle pressure and wheel load Axis pressure parameter

The axle pressure is an interface between the device and the infrastructure. The axle pressure is a performance parameter specified in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.2, and depends on the line category. It must be treated in the context of the axle distance, the length of the train and the maximum authorised speed of the unit on the relevant line.

The following properties to form the interface for the infrastructure must be included in the general documentation that is presented when the unit is assessed, cf. Section :

-WHAT? The mass per. axle (for each axle) for the three load modes (as defined in Section, where requirements are also required to be included in the documentation).

-WHAT? The location of the axles in the longitudinal of the device (axis distance).

-WHAT? The length of the device.

-WHAT? The maximum design speed (s) (to be included in the documentation, cf. section

Use of this information at operational level to control the interoperability of rolling stock and infrastructure (outside the scope of this TSI) :

The railway undertakings must define the axle pressure for each axle on the device to be used as a parameter for the interface for the infrastructure, cf. requirements of the TSI for operation and traffic management (conventional trains), section, taking into account the expected burden on the proposed trip (not defined when the unit is assessed). The axle pressure under the load mode ' design mass with exceptional payload ` is the maximum possible value for the axle pressure referred to above. Hire Load

The value for wheelload differentiation per the axle, Δqj, shall be assessed by measuring the wheel loading under the load mode ' design mass in operational condition `. A wheel load differential of more than 5% of the axle load is permitted only if the test for safety against tracing on the left track is permitted, cf. Section shows that it is acceptable. rolling stock options which have an impact on ground-based systems rolling stock properties relating to the compatibility of train detection systems

The set of rolling stock properties relating to compatibility with the target systems for train detection is set out in section, and

It shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, which set properties the rolling stock is compatible with. COMPATIBILITY OF ROLLING STOCK PROPERTIES OF TRAIN DETECTION SYSTEMS BASED ON THE SHINS OF SHINS

-WHAT? Vehicle geometry

-WHAT? The maximum distance between two consecutions of the following axles is specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.1.

-WHAT? The maximum distance between the buffer end and the first axle is specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.2 (Distance b1 on Figure 6).

-WHAT? Construction of vehicle

-WHAT? The minimum axle pressure under all load modes is specified in the TSIs for the train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.

-WHAT? The electrical resistance between a tyre-set maturity is specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 3.5.1, and the measurement method is specified in the same Appendix, section 3.5.2.

-WHAT? For electric pantographs, which are assigned to the 1500 V direct current (see section, the minimum impedance between pantograph and each of the wheel (s) specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains is given in Appendix 1 to conventional trains ; Section 3.6.1.

-WHAT? Isolating emissions

-WHAT? The restrictions on the use of sanding equipment are set out in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.

-WHAT? The use of the brake pads of composites is an outstanding point of the TSI for train control and the signal to conventional trains.

-WHAT? Electromagnetic compatibility

-WHAT? Fringe levels of electromagnetic interference caused by the driving stream are an outstanding point of the TSIs for train control and conventional trains. COMPATIBILITY OF ROLLING STOCK PROPERTIES OF TRAIN DETECTION SYSTEMS BASED ON AXLE COUNTERS

-WHAT? Vehicle geometry

-WHAT? The maximum distance between two consecutions of the following axles is specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.1.

-WHAT? The minimum distance between two successive axles on the train is specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Appendix 1, Appendix 1, section 2.1.3.

-WHAT? At the end of a unit prepaired, the minimum distance between the end and unit's first axle is half the value specified in the train control and signalling of conventional trains, Appendix 1 to Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.3.

-WHAT? The maximum distance between the end and the first axle is specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.2 (Distance b1 on Figure 6).

-WHAT? The minimum distance between the axles in each end of a unit is specified in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.1.4.

-WHAT? Wheelgeometry

-WHAT? The wheel geometry is specified in section of this TSI.

-WHAT? The minimum wheel diameter (speed-dependent) is specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Annex A, Appendix 1, section 2.2.2.

-WHAT? Construction of vehicle

-WHAT? The metal-free area around wheels is an outstanding item in the TSIs for train control and the signal to conventional trains.

-WHAT? The characteristics of the wheel material with regard to the magnetic field are specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains, Appendix 1, section 3.4.1.

-WHAT? Electromagnetic compatibility

-WHAT? The levels of electromagnetic interference caused by the use of the whirlpool braking or the magnetic braking brakes are an outstanding point of the TSI for train control and the signal to conventional trains. COMPATIBILITY OF ROLLING STOCK PROPERTIES OF LOOPS

-WHAT? Construction of vehicle

-WHAT? The metal mass of the vehicle is an outstanding point of the TSI for train control and signalling of conventional trains. Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed

It must be possible to monitor the condition of the axle tenancy.

This requirement can be met either by on-board equipment or by using device along the track.

The requirement for on-board equipment is an outstanding point of this TSI.

When the axle is monitored by equipment along the track, the rolling stock shall meet the following requirements :

-WHAT? The rolling stock area to be visible to the equipment at the track shall be that defined in EN 15437-1:2009, sections 5.1 and 5.2.

-WHAT? The axle's operating temperature interval is an outstanding point.

Note : See also section on Axis Tenant. Rolling Materiel's dynamic properties Protection from tracing on tracing corridors

The unit (or the vehicles forming part of the entity) must be so constructed that it may be able to run safely on the left track, taking into account, in particular, the transition between track cuts and without high altitude and to deviations from the sporting profile. Compliance with this requirement shall be verified by the procedure laid down in EN 14363:2005, section 4.1.

For trailers, it is permissible to verify security against derailment while running on the left track at an approved calculation method. If this is not possible, a test must be carried out according to the requirements of EN 14363:2005.

The test conditions in EN 14363:2005, section 4.1, for the driving on the left track apply both to vehicles with bogies and vehicles with a single-wheel set. Dynamic properties during run

a) Introduction

This section shall apply to entities designed for speeds of more than 60 km/h.

It shall not apply to working vehicles (mobile equipment for the construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure) ; the requirements for working vehicles are set out in Annex C, section C. 3.

The dynamic nature of a guardian has a great influence on safety against detracing, driving stability and track loading. It is a security-related function, which is covered by the technical requirements of this section ; when using software, the level of security to be taken into account for the development of software is an outstanding item.

b) Claim

In order to verify the dynamic characteristics of a device during runtime (driving stability and track load), the process indicated in EN 14363:2005, Section 5, and for courier-guided trains in EN 15686:2010, are followed with the following (in this the amendments referred to in the section and its subparagraphs.) The parameters as described in Section and shall be assessed using the criteria defined in EN 14363:2005.

As an alternative to carrying out tests on track with two different trainsets as indicated in EN 14363:2005, section, it is permissible to carry out tests on only one point of detection if it is shown that the tests include the whole range of the tests ; contact conditions defined below :

-WHAT? Equivalent conicity tan conicity e for the same trails and curves with a large radius of such a way as to the tango of the tan ; e = 0,2 ± 0,05 occurs within a range of the amplitude (y) of the tyre set ' s side offset between +/-2 and +/-4 mm for at least 50% of the streetcees.

-WHAT? The EN14363:2005 criterion of the EN14363:2005 must be assessed for low-frequency haulage cartridge movements of at least two trackloads with equivalent conities of less than 0,05 (Average value for the whole track).

-WHAT? The EN14363:2005 criterion of the EN14363:2005 must be assessed on at least two tram with equivalent conities, in accordance with the following table 1 :

Table 1

Conditions for contact-testing conditions

In addition to the requirements of the test report submitted in EN 14363:2005, section 5.6, the test report shall include the following information :

-WHAT? The quality of the track being carried out by the testing of the unit has been recorded by monitoring a cohesive set of some of the parameters specified in EN 13848-1:2003/A1:2008, depending on the measurement methods available, as set of parameters selected.

-WHAT? The equivalent conicity to which the unit is carried out has covered.

The test report shall be included in the documentation referred to in section 4.2.12.

c) track quality for testing and testing on track :

Test conditions : EN14363 defines the conditions for testing on track, which has been agreed to apply as a reference. However, these test conditions may not always be made available, resulting from bindings related to the zone in which the test is carried out, in the following areas :

-WHAT? the quality of the track location,

-WHAT? the combination of speed, curves and over-height deficits (EN 14363, section 5.4.2)

As regards the quality of the traceability, the specification of a reference track for testing, including limit values for the track quality defined in EN 13848-1, is an outstanding point. This is why the national rules on the definition of these limit values must be expressed in a manner consistent with EN 13848-1, so that it is possible to assess whether an already available test is acceptable. RUN SECURITY THRESHOLDS

The limit values for road safety which the unit must meet are specified in EN 14363:2005, section, and for curvedriven train, in EN 15686:2010, with the following change in the ratio between the steering wheel and wheel drive (Y/Q) :

When the threshold value for the relationship between the steering power and the wheel (Y/Q) is exceeded, the estimated maximum value of Y/Q in accordance with the following procedure may be calculated :

-WHAT? Set up an alternate test zone consisting of all traces of tram with 300 m ≤ R ≤ 500 m.

-WHAT? For the statistical calculation per trace is used x i (97.5%) instead of x i (99.85%).

-WHAT? For the statistical calculation per Track paragraph is replaced = 3 (when the one-dimensional method is used) or the Student coefficient t (N-2 ; 99%) (when the two dimensional method is used) with Student coefficient (N-2 ; 95%).

Both the results (before and after re-calculation) must be included in the test report. THRESHOLD THRESHOLDS

Aside from the quasi-static power line Y qst are the limit values for tracing that the unit must comply with during testing with the normal method specified in EN 14363:2005, section

The limit values of the quasi-static operating force Y qst is specified below.

The threshold value for the quasi static operating force Y qst be assessed for curvvy of 250 ≤ R < 400 m.

The limit value for the operation of rolling stock on the TEN-network (as defined in the TSIs) with no limitations is : (Y qst ) glue = (30 + 10500 /R m () kN

by : R m = average radius of the tracer selected for the assessment (in meters).

When this threshold is exceeded because of a high friction relationship, it is permissible to recompute the estimated value of Y qst in the zone after replacing the individual (Y) qst () i -values on the spores in ", where (Y/Q) ir (Average value of the Y/Q relationship on the internal rail) exceeds 0,40 with : (Y/Q) : (Y qst () i -50 [ (Y/Q) ir -0, 4 ]. The values of the Yqst, Qqst, and mean radius of curvature (before and after recalculation) are shown in the test report.

If the Yqst value exceeds the above threshold, the infrastructure may limit the operating service of rolling stock (e.g. maximum speed) in the light of the track properties (e.g. radius of curvvy, height, height, rail height).

Note : The limit values specified in EN 14363:2005 shall apply to the axle pressure within the range specified in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.2 ; for trails designed for major axle pressure, there is not set harmonised limit values for track loading. Equivalent conicity

The spectrum of the rate of speed and equivalent conicity of which the unit is designed to clear stable must be specified and specified in the technical documentation. These values must be respected both in the design and under operating conditions.

The equivalent conicity shall be calculated in accordance with EN15302:2008 for the amplitude (y) of the tyre set &apos; s side displacement :

001 Size : (310 X 71)

where TG is the track gauge, and the SR is the distance between the active surfaces of the tyre set (see Figure 1).

Devices with independent rotating wheels are exempt from the requirements of section DIMENSIONAL VALUES FOR NEW WHEEL PROFILES

This section lays down the verifications to be made in the calculations to ensure that the profile of a "new wheel" and the distance between the active surfaces of the wheels is suitable for track in the TENs network, in accordance with the TSI for the TSI ; Infrastructure for conventional trains.

The wheel gauge and the distance between the active surfaces of the wheels (the SRB dimension in Figure 1, section must be selected to ensure that the equivalent conicity limit set in Table 2 is not exceeded when the wheel set design shall be modeled on the passage of the representative examples of the track conditions specified in Table 3.

Table 2

Dimensional limit values for equivalent conicity

Maximum operating speed of the vehicle (km/h)
Equivalent conicity limit values
Test conditions (see Table 3)
≤ 60
Not applicable
Not applicable
> 60 and ≤ 190
> 190
The same values as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains
The same conditions as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains

Table 3

Testing on traces of equivalent conicity, representative of the TENs network

Test condition no.
Rail network profile
Rail inclination
Track gauge
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 20
1435 mm
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1435 mm
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 20
1437 mm
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1437 mm
Rail profile 60 E 2 defined in EN 13674-1:2003/A1:2007
1 to 40
1435 mm
Rail profile 60 E 2 defined in EN 13674-1:2003/A1:2007
1 to 40
1437 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-12003
1 to 20
1435 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-12003
1 to 40
1435 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-12003
1 to 20
1437 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-12003
1 to 40
1437 mm

The requirements of this Title shall be deemed to have been met by wheel sets, which have non-worn S1002 or GV 1/40 profiles as defined in EN13715:2006, with a distance between the active surfaces between 1420 mm and 1426 mm. OPERATING VALUES FOR EQUIVALENT CONICITY FOR WHEELSET

To control the driving stability of rolling stock, control must be carried out with the operating values of equivalent conicity. The target values for the conicity of wheeled wheels on interoperable rolling stock shall be determined in the context of the target values of the track conicity in operation.

The operating values of the track &apos; s conicity are an outstanding point of the TSI for conventional trains, therefore the conicity of operating values for the conicity of wheelsets is an outstanding point of this TSI.

This section is not subject to the assessment carried out by a notified body.

When a unit is operated on a particular line, the operating values for equivalent conicity shall be maintained in the interest of the specified limit values for the unit (see section and the local network conditions. Lion Construction of the Bogias

For specimens of bogie-frame, the stability of the construction of the bogeas structure, all fixed equipment and the adjoining between cartridge and bogie on the basis of methods laid down in EN 13749:2005, paragraph 9.2. The booklet shall be designed on the basis of the information specified in EN 13749:2005, Section 7.

NOTE : The settlement of the bogie in accordance with EN 13749:2005, Section 5 is not required.

For the use of the load cases referred to in the sections in the above standard, exceptional use shall be considered to be "design mass with exceptional payload" and the operating sludk; (attire slaughter) is considered as &apos; design mass by normal ; payload ", cf. Title of this TSI, Section

The prerequisites for the assessment of the factors arising from the bogie &apos; s run (formulas and coefficients) following the directions in EN 13749:2005, Annex C, must be substantiated and documented in the technical documentation, cf. section 4.2.12. Hides

For the purpose of this TSI, set of wheel sets are defined as the main parts (axles and wheel) and accessories (axle tenant, axle boxes, gearboxes, and braking discs). The wheel set must be constructed and carried out according to a consistent method by using a set of load cases that are consistent with the load modes defined in Section MECHANICAL AND GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WHEEL SETS

Mechanical properties of the wheel sets :

The mechanical characteristics of the wheel set must guarantee that the rolling stock is running safely.

The mechanical characteristics include :

-WHAT? mounting

-WHAT? mechanically resilient and exhaustive characteristics.

The conformity of conformity must be based on the construction of EN13260:2009, sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, where the limit values are defined for acsial and exhaustion, with corresponding verification tests.

The mechanical characteristics of the axles :

In addition to the above requirements for the installation, compliance with respect to the mechanical integrity of the axes must be based on EN13103:2009, sections 4, 5 and 6, and for drifts. EN13104:2009, Sections 4, 5 and 6.

The criteria for deciding on the permitted voltage are specified in EN 13103:2009, Section 7, and for drifts in EN 13104:2009, Section 7.

The axle characteristics of the axle (in the case of construction, manufacture and the various critical axles) must be verified by means of an exhaustion test of the type of 10 million load cycles.

Verification of the provided axles :

There must be a verification procedure during the production phase in order to ensure that the mechanical characteristics of the axes are not affected by defects.

The timber strength of the axle material, strength, surface integrity, material properties, and material unit must be checked.

The verification procedure shall prescribe how random samples are to be taken by lots for each of the properties to be checked.

Mechanical properties of axle owners :

The axle must be constructed taking into account its mechanical capacity of resistance and the attrition properties. The temperature limits that are achieved in operation must be defined and entered in the technical documentation, cf. section 4.2.12.

Monitor of the condition of the axle tenet is defined in Section

The geometric dimensions of the wheel set :

The geometric dimensions of the HGTGs, as determined in Figure 1, must be in accordance with the limit values laid down in Table 4. These limit values shall be used as the dimensional values (new wheelsets) and as operating limit values (for use in connection with maintenance ; see also Section 4.5).

Table 4

Operating limit values for wheel sets geometric dimensions

Wheeldiameter D (mm)
Minimum value (mm)
Maximum value (mm)
Requirements associated with the subsystem
Distance between active faces (SR) SR = AR + Sd (left wheel) + Sd (right wheel)
D > 840
760 < D ≤ 840
330 ≤ D ≤ 760
Distance between wheel-side, curfew (AR)
D > 840
760 < D ≤ 840
330 ≤ D ≤ 760

The AR dimension is measured in height with the rail outskires. The AR and SR dimensions must be adhered to for own weight and in the loaded state. The manufacturer may, in the maintenance documents, specify less tolerances of operating values within the above limits.

Figure 1

Symbols for wheelset


The properties of the wheels guarantee that the rolling stock is safe and contributes to the steering of rolling stock.

Mechanical properties :

The mechanical characteristics of the wheels shall be followed by calculations of the mechanical strength having regard to three congestion : straight trails (wheelset in the centre), curve (flangen pressure on the rail) and the driving on the track switching and crossings (flanges ; the inner part touches the rail) as specified in EN 13979-1/2003, sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2.

For the forged and waltzed wheel, the criteria for the decision laid down in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 7.2.3 ; are the calculation results outside the decision criteria, compliance shall be complied with when testing on the test bench in accordance with EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 7.3.

In the case of blacksmith and waltzed wheel, the attire properties (which are also taken into account shall be taken into consideration by an exhaustion test of the type of 10 million load cycles with a voltage voltage in the wheel-shale of less than 450 MPa (for machinery-operated wheel slices) and 315 MPA (for non-machine-operated wheel slices) with a minimum probability of 99.7%. The voltage criteria apply to the steel quality of ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9 ; for other steel qualities, the decisions of other materials were extrapolated from the known criteria of the other materials.

Other types of wheels are allowed on vehicles which are allowed only to run inland. In this case, the criteria and the attrition criteria must be specified in national regulations. These national rules shall notify the Member States in accordance with Article 3.

Termomechanical properties :

If the wheel is used to slow down a brake device that has an impact on the surface of the wheel, the thermomentary properties of the wheel shall be left out, taking into account the maximum prefixed braking energy. A type test as described in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 6.2, must be carried out in order to verify that the lateral displacement of the wheel wreath under the braking and residual voltage lies within the specified tolerance limits.

In the case of blacksmith and waltzed wheels, the test criteria for residual voltages for wheeled-in-grade vehicles are 7 in EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 6.2.2 ; for other steel-qualities, the decision criteria for residual voltages are extrapolated from the known criteria for the materials are 6 and ER 7. It is permissible to carry out another test in accordance with EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 6.3, if the calculated residual voltage is exceeded in the primary test. In this case, a brake test must also be carried out on track after EN 13979-1:2003/A1:2009, Section 6.4.

Other types of wheels are allowed on vehicles which are allowed only to run inland. In this case, the thermometer characteristics of the use of brake pads shall be specified in national regulations. These national rules shall notify the Member States in accordance with Article 3.

Verification of the wheel-generated wheels :

There must be a verification procedure during the production phase in order to ensure that the mechanical properties of the wheels are not affected by defects.

The hardness of the wheel stock, the hardness of the maturity, the breakfasts, the material properties and the material properties and the material unit must be checked.

The verification procedure shall prescribe how random samples are to be taken by lots for each of the properties to be checked.

Geometric dimensions :

The geometric dimensions of the wheels, as defined in Figure 2, must be in accordance with the limit values laid down in Table 5. These limit values shall be used as the dimensional values (new wheels) and as operating limit values (for use in connection with maintenance ; see also Section 4.5).

Table 5

Operating limit values for wheel geometric dimensions

Wheeldiameter D (mm)
Minimum value (mm)
Maximum value (mm)
Width of the wheel of the wheel (BR + grate)
D 3030
thickness of the flange (Sd)
D > 840
760 < D ≤ 840
330 ≤ D ≤ 760
Healtitude of the wheel (Sh)
D > 760
630 < D ≤ 760
330 ≤ D ≤ 630
Active Flat of the Wheelflangen (qR)

Figure 2

Symbols for wheels

003 Size : (655 x 429)

Units with independent rotating wheels must, in addition to the requirements of this section, meet the requirements of this TSI for the geometric characteristics of wheelset in section HIDES THAT CAN BE SET TO DIFFERENT TRACER

This requirement shall apply to units of wheelsets that can be set to different track vices and switch between the European nominal standard track gauge and a different track gauge.

The replacement mechanism of the wheel set must guarantee that the wheel is safely locked in the right intended axle position.

It must be possible to carry out a visual check of the state of the lockout system (locked or unlocked) from the outside.

If the wheel set has a braking device, it must be ensured that this equipment is locked in the right position.

The conformity assessment for the requirement in this section is an outstanding item. Minimum radius of curvus

The minimum radius of curvvy, which the devices must be able to run on are :

-WHAT? 150 m for all units. Banerare

This requirement shall apply to all entities with a driver &apos; s cab.

The wheels must be protected from damage caused by small objects on the tracks. This requirement can be met when mounting a bank swimmer in front of the front axle of the axle.

The height of the trim of the trimmer of the trim of the trim must be :

-WHAT? at least 30 mm below all conditions,

-WHAT? not more than 130 mm below all circumstances,

taking into account, inter alia, the work on the wheel and the blending of the incident.

If the edges of a hurdle deflector as specified in Section are less than 130 mm above ordinary brace in all circumstances, the function requirement shall be fitted to the trim, which then do not need to mount.

A trimmers must be designed to withstand a force in the longitudinal longitudinal solution of at least 20 kN without a lasting change of form. This requirement is verified by calculation.

A trim must be designed so that it does not fall into contact with the track or lift, and then a possible contact of the floe surface does not result in a derailment of derailment.

4.2.4. Brakes General

The purpose of the train &apos; s braking system is to ensure that the train speed can be reduced or kept constantly on a line falling or that the train can be stopped within the maximum allowable braking length. The brakes also ensure that the train is stamina.

The braking power depends primarily on the braking force (braking force), the mass of the train, the rolling resistance of the train, the speed and the adhesion of the given adhesion.

The braking capability of each unit forming part of different inventions is defined so that the total number of the train is to be derived from the total number of the two.

The braking capacity is determined by deceleration profiles (deceleration = F (speed) and equivalent reaction time).

Standby length, braking percentage (also referred to as "lambda" or "slow-set mass%") and the braking is also used and can be derived (direct or via the standby) of deceleration profiles by calculation.

The braking capability may vary with the ship &apos; s or vehicle &apos; s cargo.

The minimum braking is required to run a train on a line at a given speed, depending on the characteristics of the line (signalling system, maximum speed, increase / decrease, the safety margin of the line), and are characteristic of the infrastructure.

The master data of the train or vehicle characterizing the braking capability is defined in Section

The interface between infrastructure and rolling stock has been treated in the TSI for the operation and traffic management of conventional trains, section Main function and security requirements Functional requirements

The following requirements apply to all devices.

The devices must be equipped with :

-WHAT? a main brake function used during operation of operational and emergency braking ;

-WHAT? a parking braking function used when the train is parked and makes it possible to carry out a brake force in an unlimited period without an energy source on the train.

The train's main braking system must be :

-WHAT? passing on : the signal on the activation of the braking is sent from a central steering unit through a brake line for the entire train ;

-WHAT? automatic suspension of the brake on the brake (it is no longer intact) shall lead to the brakes on all vehicles.

The main brake function may be supplemented by additional braking systems as described in Section (dynamic brake brake system connected to the traction system) and / or Section (braking system independent of the adhesion conditions).

When the braking system is constructed, account must be taken of the suspension of the braking energy, which shall not affect the components of normal operating conditions in normal operating conditions ; this must be verified by calculation as specified in section

Where the rolling stock is constructed, account must also be taken of the temperature that occurs around the brake components.

The brake system must be designed in such a way that it contains the means for monitoring and testing as specified in Section

The following requirements in this section are applied to specimens which can be operated as a train.

The braking must be ensured in accordance with the safety requirements set out in Section if the brake is terminating inadvertenable and if the supply of braking energy, power supply or other energy supplies are failing.

There must therefore be sufficient braking energy stored on the train and distributed along the train along the train in accordance with the design of the braking system so that the necessary braking power can be activated.

When the brake system is constructed, account shall be taken of the series of braking activations and braking solutions (the unexhaustive braking effect).

If the train is to be shared unintentionally, its two parts must be put to a stop ; it is not required that the braking of the two parts of the train is identical to the braking capability in normal functional mode.

If the brake power supply is interrupted or the power supply fails, it must be possible to hold a maximum load (design mass with exceptional payload) braking at a 35% increase for at least two hours using the main braking system. Refuse brake on its own.

The unit's brake control system must have three steering functions :

-WHAT? Emergency braking : enabling a predefined braking force in the shortest possible time to stop the train with a specific level of brake performance.

-WHAT? Operational braking : the activation of an adjustable braking power to control the train speed, including stand-off and interim braking.

-WHAT? Parking braking : the activation of a braking force to keep the train (or the vehicle) firmly in a stationary position without there being any source of energy on the train.

A braking command must for all management functions take control of the brake system, even in the case of an active braking command ; it is prohibited not to apply this requirement when the driver deliberately suppresses it ; the braking command (for example, overstropping of the passenger alarm or decoupling).

for speeds above 5 km/h, the maximum impact of braking caused by braking must be less than 4 m/s ; 3 .

The properties in the light of the impact may be derived from the calculation and the evaluation of the deceleration during the deceleration of the test, measured during the test. Safety requirements

The brake system is the means to stop the train and therefore contributes to the safety of the railway system.

-WHAT? In this way, the emergency braking system and capability of the rolling stock used in the subsystem train control and signalling are used.

The operational requirements set out in Section contribute to ensuring that the braking system is secure ; however, it is necessary to assess the braking capability of the braking system, as there are many components involved.

The hazards that are taken into account and the corresponding safety requirements to be met are shown in Table 6.

Table 6

Braking system security requirements

Safety requirements to be met
Severity / Severity
Follow Prevention
Minimum allowable number of fraudent combinations
Number 1
Applies to devices with a driver's cab (braking activation)
No deceleration after activation of emergency brake on account of the failure of the braking system (full and lasting loss of braking power). NOTE : This includes activation triggered by train engine driver or a train control system. Activation triggered by passengers (alarm) is not covered.
2 (single-person acceptance is not accepted)
Point 2
Applies to units of traction equipment
No deceleration after activation of emergency brake due to failure in the traction system (traction force of brake power).
2 (single-person acceptance is not accepted)
No 3
Applies to all devices
Due to the failure of the braking system, the stop-rate is the stopping distance after an emergency brake is longer than the standby at normal mode of operation. Note : The braking capability of normal function mode is defined in Section
Not applicable
Single-range must be identified, which increases the distance by more than 5%, and the increase of the stop length must be determined.
Number 4
Applies to all devices
No parking braking power shall be applied after the parking braking (total and lasting loss of parking braking power) is not applied,
Not applicable
2 (single-person acceptance is not accepted)

The concept of the 'disastrous consequences' is defined in the regulation on the common safety approach, Article 3 (2). 23.

Supplementary braking systems are handled in the safety survey on the conditions set out in section and Braking system type

Devices designed and assessed for the general operation (different inventor of vehicles of different origins, consist not defined in the design phase), must be equipped with a braking system which is compatible with the brake lines, UIC's brake system. The principles to be applied in this regard are specified in the standard EN 14198:2004 "Requirements for the system of hauled by a locomotive", section 5.4, "UIC System."

This requirement is made to ensure technical compatibility for the brake operation between vehicles of different origin in a train.

The type of braking system for units (trainsets or vehicles) is not required, that is assessed in a fixed or predefined consist. Activation of brake Activation of emergency brake

This section shall apply to devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

There must be at least two independent braking devices, enabling the emergency brake to be activated with a single and uncomplicated grip, as the driver may carry out with one hand from its normal cooling system.

Secvential activation of these two devices may be considered in accordance with the conformity of safety requirements No 2. 1 in Section, Table 6.

One of these devices must be a red button that can be printed with a quick blow (Paddeha-shaped pressure button).

Once these two devices are activated, they must themselves lock themselves in the emergency braking position by means of a mechanical device ; it may only be possible to free them from this position by an intentional action.

The emergency brake must also be enabled by the train control system and the signalling system on the train as defined in the train control and signalling of conventional trains.

Unless the command is repealed, emergency braking activating the emergency braking activation shall cause the following permanent, automatic and less than 0,25 seconds :

-WHAT? Transmission of an emergency braking command through the brake lines through the train by a defined transmission speed, which must be greater than 250 metres per second.

-WHAT? The decoupling of all traction force in less than 2 seconds ; this decoupling shall not be possible to repeal before the engine driver cancels off the traction command.

-WHAT? Hindring any braking command or action. Activation of service brake

This section shall apply to devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

The operating brake must allow the engine driver to adjust (on activation or solution) the brake power between a minimum and a maximum of a scale of at least seven steps (including full braking and maximum braking power) to control train speed.

There must be only an active operating braking command in a train. In order to satisfy this requirement, it must be possible to isolate the service braking function at the other operating braking command units (units) forming part of a consist, as defined in the case of fixed and predefined consist ;

When the speed of the train is greater than 15 km/h, the operating braking activation shall automatically lead to the decoupling of all traction ; this shall not be uncoupling until the engine driver cancels off the traction command.

Note : A release brake may have special intended functions, along with traction force at speeds above 15 km/h (afixing, cleansing and purification of the braking components etc.) ; it must not be possible to use these special functions during activation of : the service brake. Direct brake enablement

Locomotives (units intended to extract freight wagons or passenger wagons) evaluated for general operation must be fitted with a direct braking system.

The direct braking system shall make it possible to impose braking force on the unit (s) concerned only without the braking force of the train or the other units of the train. Enabling dynamic brake

If a unit is equipped with a dynamic brake system, the following applies :

-WHAT? The driver must be able to prevent the use of regenerative braking on electric units so that energy is not returned to the line of driving on a line where this is not possible (see the energy TSI for conventional trains, sections ; 4.2.7).

See also sections on regenerative braking.

-WHAT? It is permissible to use the dynamic braking independently of other braking systems or with other braking systems (mixture). Activation of parking brake

This section applies to all devices.

When activating the parking brake, a defined braking force must be applied to the unit for an unlimited period during which it may occur that no energy source is on the train.

It must be possible to resolve the parking brake in a persistent train in any situation, including in the case of salvage.

For devices evaluated in fixed or predefined consist, and for locomotives evaluated for overall operation, the parking braking must be automatically activated when the device is shut down.

For other devices, the parking braking must either be activated manually or automatically when the device is shut down.

Note : Activation of parking braking power may be dependent on the status of the operating brake ; it must be capable of being carried out when the energy in the train to enable the service brake is on its way to impairies or decrement. Braking General requirements

The braking (deceleration = F (speed) and equivalent response time) of the unit (deceleration) and equivalent response time) is determined for a horizontal track at the calculation as laid down in standard EN14531-6:2009.

Each calculation shall be carried out in the case of wheel-diameters corresponding to new, semi-worn and slime wheels, and include the calculation of the necessary adhesion between the wheel and rail (see section

The coefficients used by the release braking equipment and form part of the calculation must be justified (see standard EN14531-1:2005, Section

The calculation of the braking capacity shall be performed on the two steering functions : emergency braking and maximum operating braking.

The name calculation shall be carried out during the design phase and revised (correcting the parameters) when the physical tests required under Section and have been carried out in order to match the test results.

The final calculation of braking performance (consistent with the test results) must be included in the technical documentation, cf. section 4.2.12.

The maximum mean deceleration of all brakes in use, including the brake which is independent of the wheel between wheels and rail, must be less than 2,5 m/s, 2 whereas this requirement is linked to the ability of the track to include longitinal forces (interface for infrastructure, see the TSI for the conventional train infrastructure, section Emergency braking

Response time :

For devices to be assessed in one or more fixed or predefined consist, the equivalent reaction time shall be 16) and the delay 16) assessed for the entire emergency braking force which is being developed when the emergency brake is activated, be less than the following values :

-WHAT? Equivalent response time : 5 seconds

-WHAT? delay : 2 seconds.

For devices designed and evaluated for general operations, the latency must be as specified for the UIC braking system (see also Section : the braking system must be compatible with UIC's brake system).

Calculation of deceleration :

For all units, the calculation of emergency braking must be carried out in accordance with the standard EN 14531-6:2009 ; the deceleration profile and the stop-rate must be determined at the following start times (if lower than the maximum speed) : 30 km/h, 80 km/h, 120 km/h, 140 km/h, 160 km/h, 200 km/h.

In EN 14531-1:2005, section 5.12, it is specified how other parameters (braking rate (lambda), the braking mass) may be derived from the calculation of the deceleration or the stopping distance of the device.

For devices designed and evaluated for overall operation, the braking percentage (lambda) shall also be determined.

The emergency braking calculation must be carried out with a braking system in two different functional states.

-WHAT? Normal functional mode : no failure of the braking system and nominal values for the coefficient coefficients used by the release braking equipment (equivalent to dry rails). This calculation shows the braking capability of normal functional mode.

-WHAT? Fordialing mode : lasting to the fraudent conditions referred to in Section 3, with the nominal value for the coefficients used by the release braking equipment. In the case of the impralled function state, account shall be taken of possible individual failure ; for this purpose, emergency braking must be determined in the event of a failure of a single point to increase the braking rate by more than 5%, and the appropriate period for which the aid is to be used, simplicity must be clearly identified (which component and frauding mode, if possible fraudcent).

-WHAT? Prophoned operating conditions : In addition, the calculation of emergency braking must be carried out with reduced values for the coefficient of coefficients, taking into account limit values for temperature and humidity (see EN14531-1:2005, Section

Note : These different functional modes and operating conditions must be taken into account in particular when the creation of advanced train control systems (like ETCS) with a view to optimisation of the railway system.

The emergency braking calculation must be performed on the three load modes defined in Section as :

-WHAT? the minimum load : "design mass in operational condition" ;

-WHAT? normal load : "Design mass with normal payload"

-WHAT? maximum load : "design mass with exceptional payload".

For each load mode, the least result (i.e. the maximum distance) of the maximum length of the calculations of the &apos; emergency brake performance &apos; at the maximum design speed (revised following the results of the following test results) in the rolling stock register, cf. Section 4.8. Operation braking

Calculation of deceleration :

For all units, the calculation of the operational braking capability shall be carried out in accordance with EN 14531-6:2009 with a braking system in normal functional mode and the nominal value for the coefficients used by the emergency braking equipment, in the load mode &apos; design mass, normal payload at the constructively maximum design speed.

Maximum operating braking braking :

When the service braking is designed to provide a greater braking performance than the emergency brake, it must be possible to limit the maximum number of service braking (in the form of the brake operating system or as maintenance activity) at a level below ; emergency braking.

Note : A Member State may, for safety reasons, require that emergency braking capability is greater than the largest operational braking capability, but cannot rule out a railway undertaking that uses a larger maximum operating brake, unless the Member State is able to demonstrate ; it puts the national security level at risk. Heat Capacity Calculations

This section applies to all devices.

For trailers, verification of compliance with this requirement for temperature measurements on wheels and braking equipment is permitted.

Brake energy capacity shall be verified by a calculation showing that the braking system is designed to withstand the power-off of the brake energy. The reference values used in this calculation for the components of the braking system which excaptures the energy must either be validated by a thermal test or in previous experience.

The calculation shall include a scenario consisting of two consecutive emergency braking solutions from the maximum speed (with a time interval corresponding to the time to accelerate the train up to the maximum speed) of the horizontal track in the load mode ; "Design mass with exceptional fuselessly."

For devices that cannot be run that trains alone, the interval between the two successive emergency braking is used in the calculation.

The maximum reduction in the line and the corresponding length and operational speed to which the braking system is designed for the capacity to absorbing thermal energy must also be defined in a calculation for the load mode. "design mass with exceptional payload" when the service braking is used to keep the train at a constant operation speed.

The result of the corresponding length and operating speed of the line (s) shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8.

The following situation is proposed as the 'case of reference', for example, on the track : maintaining a speed of 80 km/h at a steady rate of 21% over 46 kilometres. If this reference situation is used, the rolling stock register shall only mention that its requirements have been met. Parking brake

Performance :

A unit (train or vehicle) in the load mode &apos; design mass in serviceable &apos; without an energy supply shall be able to be permanently parked on a track with a drop of 35%.

The position must be achieved by means of the parking braking function and with supplementary funds (e.g., inhibitor) when the parking brake is unable to provide the necessary braking power ; the necessary supplementary funds shall be on board the train.

Calculation :

The performance of the device (trains or vehicle) parking brake must be calculated as specified in EN14531-6:2009. The result (incline of the incline that the parking brake alone can keep the device unmoving) shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8. Rail of adhesion between rail and wheel system of wheel-blocking protection Boundings Limit between Wheels and Rail

The brakes on a device must be designed in such a way that the service braking capability without dynamic brake and the emergency braking does not require a calculated adhesion between the wheel and rail at speeds > 30 km/h, which is above the following values :

-WHAT? 0,15 for locomotives, passenger transport units, which are valued at general operation, and devices which are assessed for fixed or predefined consist of more than 7 and less than 16 axles.

-WHAT? 0,13 for devices which are assessed for a fixed or predefined consist of seven axles or less.

-WHAT? 0,17 for devices which are assessed for a fixed or predefined consist of 20 axles or more. This minimum number of axles may be reduced to 16 if the test required in Section for the wheel-block protection system is positive ; otherwise, 0,15 as a lower limit for adhesion between wheels and brace are used ; units of between 16 and 20 axles.

The above requirements shall also apply to the activation of the direct brake as described in Section

In the design of a unit, a greater adhesion between wheels and brace must not be assumed to be the 0,12 when the parking braking is calculated.

These limits for the adhesion between wheels and rail shall be verified at the calculation of the minimum wheel diameter and for the three load modes, cf. Section

All of the adhesive values are rounded to two decimal places. System for Blocking Protection

The protection of the wheel-blocking is a system designed to make the best possible use of the current adhesion to a controlled reduction and the consequent increase in the brake force to prevent the wheel sets from blocking and leaving unchecked and thus ; minimise the increase in the volume and any damage to the wheels.

Requirements for equipment and use of the blood-protection device on the device :

-WHAT? Devices designed for a maximum operational speed of more than 150 km/h must be fitted with a blood-protection system.

-WHAT? Devices equipped with brake pads on the surface of the wheel with a braking device that presupposes a calculated adhesion between wheels and braces of more than 0,12 must be fitted with a blood-protection system.

Devices which are not equipped with brake pads on the surface of the wheel with a braking device that requires a calculated adhesion between wheels and braces of more than 0,11, shall be equipped with a blood-protection system.

-WHAT? The above requirements for the blocking-protection system shall apply to emergency braking and emergency braking.

This also applies to the dynamic braking system, which is part of the service brake and may be included in the emergency brake (see section

Requirements for the performance of the system for blocking performance :

-WHAT? In specimens of a dynamic braking system, the dynamic braking power is controlled by a blocking protection system (if one is installed in accordance with the above) ; if this block protection system is not installed, then it must : dynamic braking power is inhibited or restricted so that it does not lead to a need for greater adhesion between wheels and brace than 0,15.

-WHAT? The block protection system must be designed in accordance with EN 15595:2009, section 4, and is verified in accordance with the method established in EN 15595:2009, sections 5 and 6 ; when reference is made to EN 15595:2009, section 6.2, " overview of required test &apos; ` shall apply only sections 6.2.3, and this applies to all types of unit.

If a unit is equipped with a blood-based system, it shall be tested to verify its effectiveness (the maximum extension of the stop length compared to the distance of dry rails) when it is installed on the device.

The relevant components of the blocking-protection system shall be part of the security analysis of the emergency braking function required by Section Dynamic brake braking system associated with the traction system

When braking power for the dynamic brake or for a brake system associated with the traction system, the emergency braking capability is included in the normal functioning mode, cf. the definition in section, the dynamic brake, the braking system associated with the traction system shall :

-WHAT? be guided by the braking system of the main braking system (see section,

-WHAT? be covered by the safety analysis prescribed by security requirements, 3, cf. Section, for the emergency braking function,

-WHAT? be subjected to a security analysis covering the danger &apos; total loss of braking power on the activation of the emergency brake `.

Note : For electric units, this analysis shall include failure resulting from the loss of the train of the voltage from the external energy supply. Braking system independent of the adhesion conditions General

Brake systems capable of tracing a braking force independently of the wheel / rail adhesion is a means to increase the braking capability when the performance requirement is greater than the performance of the current adhesion between wheels and brace ; (see section

It is permissible to include the effect of brakes independent of the wheel-rail adhesion in the braking function of the normal function mode as defined in Section for emergency brake ; in that event, the adhesion conditions must be independent ; braking system :

-WHAT? be guided by the braking system of the main braking system (see section,

-WHAT? be covered by the safety analysis prescribed by security requirements, 3, cf. Section, for the emergency braking function,

-WHAT? be subjected to a security analysis covering the danger &apos; total loss of braking power on the activation of the emergency brake `. Magnetic braking brake

In the section of this TSI, reference shall be made to the requirements for the magnetic braking requirements specified for the subsystem train control and signalling.

It is permissible to use a magnetic brace brake as an emergency brake as specified in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains, section

The geometrical form of the end pieces of the magnet that is in contact with the rail shall be as specified for one of the types described in Appendix 3 to UIC 541-06 : Jan 1992. HirvelAC braking

This section shall comprise only the whirlpool brakes that are developing a braking force between the rolling stock and the rail.

In the section of this TSI, reference shall be made to the requirements for whirlpool brakes specified for the subsystem train control and signalling.

According to the TSIs for train control and signalling, section, the conditions for the use of whirlpool are not harmonized.

Therefore, the requirements for eddy-eddy brakes are an outstanding point. Braking mode and error view

The personnel must have access to information that enables the identification of phoned operating conditions affecting the rolling stock (lower braking braking than required) and require compliance with specific operating rules.

To this end, the train crew in certain phases of operation should be able to control the main brake system (emergency and service brake) and the parking braking system (braking, loose or isolated) and the state of each part (including one or more actuators) in these systems that can be managed and / or isolated individually.

If the parking brake is always directly dependent on the condition of the main brake system, no further and specific display of the parking braking system is required.

The operating phases that are to be taken into account are state and run.

When the train stops, train crews from within and / or from outside could check :

-WHAT? whether the train passing braking is unbroken

-WHAT? whether braking energy is available through the entire train

-WHAT? the state and condition of the parking braking systems and the state of each part (including one or more actuators) in those systems that can be managed and / or isolated for them (as described above), except for the dynamic brake and the one the brake system associated with the traction systems.

During the driving drive, the driver of the driver from his driving vehicle in the cab must be able to check :

-WHAT? the state of the train passing braking ;

-WHAT? the state of the train's braking energy supply ;

-WHAT? the state of the dynamic brake and for a brake system associated with the traction system, provided that it is included in the braking capability ;

-WHAT? the braking mode braking or loose-for at least one part of the main braking system (the actuator) controlled independently (for example, a part that is installed in the vehicle that has an active cab).

The function that shows the above information to the crew of the above information is a safety-related function, as the train crew uses it to assess the braking performance of the train. When indicators show local information, the use of harmonised indicators ensures the necessary safety level. When a centralised control system allows the train crew to carry out all checks from one location (such as the driver), the security level for this control system is an outstanding item.

Usage on devices intended for general operation :

It shall be taken into account only those functions that are relevant to the nature of the device (for example, whether there is a driver &apos; s compartment).

Where there is a need for signal transmission between the device and the other units connected in a train to provide the information on the brake system at the train level, documentation must be available on this subject, taking into account, functional aspects.

This TSI does not prescribe any technical solutions for physical interfaces between the units. Braking requirements for salvage situations

All brakes (emergency, operating and parking-) must be equipped with devices to enable them to be resolved and to isolate them. These devices must be accessible and operational whether or not the train is equipped with a motor vehicle, not a power source, or without power source on board.

It must be possible to salvage a train without an energy source on board by means of a salvage unit with a pneumatic braking system compatible with the UIC braking system (braking) and to control part of the salvaged the two-g braking system by means of an interface device.

Note : See section for the mechanical interface.

The braking as the salvaged train propelled during this type of operation shall be assessed at a calculation, but does not have to be the same as the braking braking described in Section The calculated braking axis shall be included in the technical documentation referred to in section 4.2.12.

This requirement shall not apply to specimens operated in a consist of less than 200 tonnes (in the load mode "design mass in operational condition").

4.2.5. Probe of importance for passengers

The following is not exhaustive overview of the basic parameters which are covered by the TSI on accessibility for persons with reduced mobility and apply to conventional units intended for passenger transport only for information purposes :

-WHAT? seats, including reserved seats ;

-WHAT? wheelchairs,

-WHAT? the doors, including dimensions, obstacle detectors, operation of doors, including dimensions, prevent ;

-WHAT? interior doors, including service, dimensions

-WHAT? toilets

-WHAT? areas with free passage ;

-WHAT? lighting,

-WHAT? Customer information

-WHAT? changes in floor height

-WHAT? hand lists

-WHAT? Sleeping seats with wheelchair access

-WHAT? step-up, including steps and ingrate aids, step-up.

Additional requirements are set out below in this section.

The parameters related to the importance of passengers specified in the TSI for safety of rail tunnels, section (Communications systems in trains) and (Overstropping of the emergency brake) differs from some of the requirements in : this TSI. To this end, the TSIs shall be used as follows :

-WHAT? For conventional rolling stock, the TSI is viking for safety of rail tunnels, sections (communications systems) for the present TSI, section (Speaker facilities : sound communication system).

-WHAT? For conventional rolling stock, the TSI is viking for safety of rail tunnels, sections (emergency brakes Overstropping) for the present TSI's section (Passenger alert : functional requirements).

Note : In the TSI section, there is other information about the relationship between this TSI and the TSI on rail safety in tunnels. Sanitary systems

If there is a water tap in a unit, there must be a clear visual indication that water from the tap is not intended for drinking water unless it complies with the requirements of the drinking water directive (Council Directive 98 /83/EC) ; 17) .

Sanitary systems (lavatories, washrooms, bar and restaurant facilities) must not be able to extract substances which may be harmful to humans or to the environment.

The derived materials (treated water) must be in accordance with the applicable European regulation under the Water Framework Directive :

-WHAT? Whereas the bacterial content of water derived from the system of sanitary systems may not exceed the value of the content of non-essential enterococci and escherichia coli bacteria, which are laid down for 'good quality' of the waters of the European Parliament and the Council Directive 2006 /7/EC, 18) on the management of bathing water quality.

-WHAT? The processing operations shall not add to the substances listed in Annex I to Directive 2006 /11/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (19) on pollution caused by the discharge of certain hazardous substances in the aquatic environment of the Community.

In order to limit the spread of deriving fluid along the track, the uncontrolled discharge from any source may be lower than the vehicle at a distance of not more than 0,7 metres from the vehicle longitudinal centre line.

The technical documentation, cf. Section 4.2.12 must give the following information :

-whether there are toilets in a unit, and of which type they are

-the properties of the shing medium if it is not pure water ;

-the nature of the treatment system for derived water and the standards in relation to the conformity. Speaker facilities : sound communication system

This section shall replace sections (Communication Systems in trains) of the TSI on railway safety in tunnels in the case of conventional rolling stock.

This section shall apply to all specimens intended for passenger transport, and units intended as traction force for passenger trains.

Trains must, as a minimum, be fitted with a sound communication system :

-WHAT? enabling the train crew to turn to train passengers ;

-WHAT? the train crew and control centres outside the train may communicate with each other ;

Note : The specifications of this function and the provisions on the assessment of it are present in the TSIs for the train control and signalling to conventional trains, section 4.2.4, EIRENE functions.

-WHAT? enabling the train operator to communicate with each other, in particular the driver, and, where appropriate, personnel in the passenger area.

This equipment must be able to remain on standby regardless of the main source of the main source for at least three hours. When it is on standby, equipment must be able to operate with random intervals at random intervals in 30 minutes.

The communication system must be designed in such a way that at least half of the speakers (distributed throughout the train), if any of the transmissions components are failing, or there must be another way to inform passengers otherwise ; on if the system fails.

Provisions concerning the way in which passengers should be able to contact the train staff are set out in Section (Passenger alert) and (Communication systems for use for passengers).

Usage on devices intended for general operation :

It shall be taken into account only those functions that are relevant to the nature of the device (for example, whether there is a driver &apos; s compartment, the interface system for the train crew).

The signal transmission between the device and the other units connected to a train which is necessary for the communication system to be available at the train level must be implemented and documented, taking into account functional aspects.

This TSI does not prescribe any technical solutions for physical interfaces between the units. Passenger alert : functional requirements

This section shall replace sections (Constrations of emergency braking) in the TSI on railway safety in tunnels with regard to conventional rolling stock.

This section shall apply to all specimens intended for passenger transport, and units intended as traction force for passenger trains.

The passenger alarm system is a security-related function and the requirements imposed on it, including safety requirements, are set out in this section.

General requirements :

The passenger alarm shall comply with :

a) either section of the rolling stock TSI,

b) or, alternatively, the following provisions which, in that case, replace the provisions of the 2008 TSI for high-speed trains for the use of entities falling within the scope of this TSI (TSIs) (TSIs) (TSI) locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains).

Alternative provisions on the passenger alarm :

Requirements for information interfaces :

-WHAT? Apart from toilets and corridors, each room, every vestibule and all other separate areas intended for passengers shall be equipped with at least one clear visible and marked alarm system for the notification of the driver in danger.

-WHAT? The Alarm system must be so designed so that passengers cannot disrupt a triggered alarm.

-WHAT? The air passenger alarm shall be dissolved, both visual and acoustic signals shall show the driver that one or more passenger alarms are enabled.

-WHAT? A device in the driver &apos; s cab shall make it possible for the driver to confirm that he has received the alert. The driver &apos; s confirmation shall be capable of affirmation in the place where the passenger alarm has been triggered and halts the sound signal in the driver &apos; s cab.

-WHAT? The system must make it possible to establish a communication link on the driver &apos; s initiative between the driver &apos; s cab and the location where the alarm was triggered. The system must make it possible for the driver to terminate this communication link on its own initiative.

-WHAT? A device must be provided to enable the staff to reset the passenger alarm.

Requirements concerning the passenger alarm on the brake

-WHAT? When the train is parked at a platform or set off by a platform, the activation of the passenger alarm shall lead to the direct activation of the operating brake or the emergency brake, so the train stops altogether. In this case, the system must make it possible for the driver to cancel automatic braking triggered by the passenger alarm, but only when the train is completely silent.

-WHAT? In other cases, the service braking must automatically activate 10 + +/-1 seconds after (first) release of the passenger alarm unless the driver confirms receipt of the passenger alarm during this period. The system shall give the driver the opportunity at any time to overstroke automatically braking triggered by the passenger alarm.

Criteria for the moment when a train is starting from a platform of :

A train is considered to be starting from a platform in the temporal space between the moment when the status of the door changes from 'released to' closed and locked, and the moment when the last vehicle has left the platform.

When the last moment of the moment, is to be determined by a detector installed on the train. If the platform is not detected physically, the train shall be deemed to have left the platform when :

-WHAT? the train reaches a speed of 15 (+ /-5) km/h, or :

-WHAT? the train has completed a distance of 100 (+ /-20) m

because the first entry into the situation is crucial.

Safety requirements :

The passenger alarm shall be deemed to be a security-related function in which the required safety level shall be deemed to have been achieved if the following requirements are met :

-WHAT? A control system shall continuously monitor the ability of the passenger alarms to transmit the signal.

Alternatively, a passenger alarm system without a control system (as described in this paragraph) can be accepted if it is shown that it leads to the required level of safety ; the level of safety is an outstanding item.

-WHAT? A device must be fitted with a device that enables authorised personnel to isolate the passenger alarm system.

-WHAT? If the alarm system does not work, either because the staff has isolated it intentionally, because a technical failure has occurred or because the unit has been linked to a non-compatible unit, the release of the passenger alarm shall result in : direct activation of the brakes. In this case, the measures to make it possible for the driver of overstroking the brake are not mandatory.

-WHAT? If the passenger alarm system does not work, this must be kept constantly for the driver in the driver's cab.

A train where the passenger alarm system has been isolated does not meet the minimum requirements for safety and interoperability as defined in this TSI, and must therefore be regarded as in impaired function mode.

Usage on devices intended for general operation :

It shall be taken into account only those functions that are relevant to the nature of the device (for example, whether there is a driver &apos; s compartment, the interface system for the train crew).

The signal transmission between the device and the other units connected to a train which is necessary for the passenger alarm system to be available at the train level shall be implemented and documented in the light of functional aspects ; must be compatible with both solution (a) and (b) under General Requirements.

This TSI does not prescribe any technical solutions for physical interfaces between the units. Safety instructions for passengers-Skilling

This section shall apply to all the units intended for passenger transport.

There must be instructions for passengers on the use of emergency exits, the activation of passenger alarms, passenger doors unlocked and out of service, etc. These instructions must comply with the provisions of the TSI on accessibility for persons with reduced mobility, section and Communication systems for the use of passengers

This section shall apply to all specimens intended for passenger transport, and units intended as traction force for passenger trains.

Devices intended for operation without any other train crew other than the engine conductor shall be fitted with a device to call for assistance in the case of passengers in emergency services to be associated with the driver. In this case, the system shall allow the communication link to be established on the passenger's initiative ; the system must enable the driver to terminate this communication link on its own initiative. The apparatus for calling for help is the same as for the passenger alarm, cf. section, Passenger alert : functional requirements.

Appliances to call for assistance must satisfy the requirements for information and marking set for "emergency call devices" in the TSIs on accessibility for persons with reduced mobility, section, interoperability constituent requirements.

Usage on devices intended for general operation :

It shall be taken into account only those functions that are relevant to the nature of the device (for example, whether there is a driver &apos; s compartment, the interface system for the train crew).

The signal transmission between the device and the other units connected to a train which is necessary for the communication system to be available at the train level must be implemented and documented, taking into account functional aspects.

This TSI does not prescribe any technical solutions for physical interfaces between the units. Exterior doors shall be : of-and on the rise of passengers

This section shall apply to all specimens intended for passenger transport, and units intended as traction force for passenger trains.

Doors to staff and goods shall be treated in sections and

The control of the exterior passenger doors is a safety-related function ; the functional requirements of this section are necessary to maintain the required level of safety ; the level of safety required for the management system as described in points D and E ; below, is an outstanding point.

A-Used Terminology :

-WHAT? For the purposes of this section, &apos; door &apos; shall mean a door to the door that provides access to passengers and whose primary purpose is to allow passengers to rise on and off the unit.

-WHAT? Locked door means a door locked by a physical door lock device.

-WHAT? "Door unlocked and out of operation" means a door that is locked in a closed position by a manual mechanical locking device.

-WHAT? 'Released' means a door which may be opened by the operation of the local or, where appropriate, central-door control device.

-WHAT? For the purposes of this section, &apos; persistent trains ` means a train whose speed reduced to 3 km/h or less.

B-Lucking and locking of doors :

The DGeManagement System must enable the train crew to close and lock all doors before the train leaves.

When the central door closing and locking is activated from a local control device at a door, this door may remain open, while the other doors are closed and locked. The Drying system must allow staff to close and lock this door before departure.

The doors shall remain closed and locked until they are released in accordance with sub-section E, Døropening, in this section. In the event of loss of power to the door control system, the locking mechanism shall keep the doors locked.

C-lockdown of a door, so it's out of service.

A manual officer mechanical device must be provided to enable (for train crew or maintenance personnel) to unlock a door so that it is decommissioned.

The locking of a door so that it is put out of service shall :

-WHAT? the door must be isolated from opening signals ;

-WHAT? result in door locking mechanical in a closed position ;

-WHAT? ensure that the status of the isolation device is shown ;

-WHAT? make it possible for the on-going door control system to skip the person concerned.

It must be possible to indicate that the door is locked and out of operation in a clear manner consistent with the TSIs on accessibility for persons with reduced mobility, sections, Customer Information.

D-Information to be available to the train crew :

A door closing control system shall make it possible for the driver at any time to check whether all doors are closed and locked.

If one or more doors are not locked, this must be constantly displayed to the driver.

The engineer shall have an indication of any failure on the closure and / or locking of doors.

Dry and visible alarm signals shall be reported to the driver for an emergency opening of one or more doors.

A door that is locked and out of operation can be skipped by the door closing control system.

E-door opening :

A train must be equipped with an operating system for the release of the doors, enabling staff or automatic devices coupled to a platform to release the doors separately on each page, so that passengers or, in where appropriate, a central-directed opening signal may open the doors when the train is kept still.

In each door, there must be room service controls or door openings for use on the inside and outside the vehicle, both on the inside and outside the vehicle.

F-connection of doors and traction (s) :

The traction can only be activated once all the doors are shut and locked. It must be ensured by an automatic system of interconnection of doors and traction. The system of interconnection of doors and traction shall be to prevent the activation of the traction, so long as not all doors are closed and locked.

This coupling system must be equipped with a manual short circuit which the driver may activate in specific situations to activate the traction, although not all doors are closed and locked.

G-Emergency opening of doors :

The requirements for emergency openings in the 2008 TSIs for rolling stock for high-speed trains, sections (g) shall apply.

Usage on devices intended for general operation :

It shall be taken into account only those functions that are relevant to the nature of the device (for example, whether there is a driver &apos; s compartment, the interface system for the train crew).

The signal transmission between the device and the other units connected to a train which is necessary for the door system to be available at the train level must be implemented and documented, taking into account functional aspects.

This TSI does not prescribe any technical solutions for physical interfaces between the units. Destruction of outer door systems

The following provisions shall apply to specimens of doors intended for passenger loading and on-loading.

The doors must have transparent windows, so that passengers can see whether the train is parked at a platform.

The outside of the passenger units must be designed so that there is no possibility of 'train surf' when the doors are closed and locked.

In order to prevent the 'train surfing', the hand grip on the outside of door systems must be avoided or designed so that they cannot be tackled when the doors are closed.

Handlists and hand grip must be attached so that they can withstand the forces they are subjected to during the operation. Devices between devices

This section shall apply to all the units intended for passenger transport.

Where there are doors that lead from unit to unit at the end of passenger or end of the unit, they must be fitted with a device to enable them to lock them (for example, if the door is not connected to the neighbouring car or the unit by means of a transition to the use of passengers. Indoor air quality indoors

During normal operation, the air in the parts of the vehicles in which passengers and / or personnel are residing must be of such quality and quantity, in addition to the health risk of passengers or staff other than those due to the quality of : The exclusion.

A ventilation system shall hold the air flow &apos; s air flow 2 -content of an acceptable level during operation.

-WHAT? CO 2 -the content must be 5000 ppm in all normal operating conditions.

-WHAT? The ventilation system is disbursed because the main energy supply fails, or because the system breaks down, emergency supply must ensure the supply of exclusion to all passenger and personnel areas.

If this emergency supply is carried out at battery-powered mechanical ventilation, measurements must be made to determine the amount of the CO, 2 -the content of the air will remain less than 10000 ppm when the number of passengers corresponding to the &apos; design mass of normal payload &apos; means the design mass of the load mode. The period of coverage shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, and shall not be less than 30 minutes.

-WHAT? The train crew must be given the opportunity to prevent passengers from being exposed to gas gases from the environment, which may be in tunnels, in particular. This requirement is met by the compliance of Title of the TSI for rolling stock for high-speed trains. Sideruder in the cart box

Pages in the vehicle box which passengers can open and train crew cannot be unlocked must not be able to open up so much that a sphere-shaped object with a diameter of 10 cm can be pushed through the opening.

4.2.6. Environmental conditions and aerodynamic effects

This section applies to all devices. Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions are physical, chemical or biological conditions of a product exposed to the product at a given time.

Rolling stock shall be constructed taking into account the environmental conditions in which it will be exposed.

The environmental parameters are described in the following sections : for each environmental parameter, a nominal range of values is defined, which is the most common element in Europe and which forms the basis for interoperable rolling stock.

For certain environmental parameters, other value ranges are defined other than the nominal nominal ; in these cases a range of values shall be chosen as the basis for the construction of the rolling stock.

In the technical documentation, the functions of the design and / or tests taken in the following sections must be described in the technical documentation to ensure that the rolling stock complies with the TSI requirements for this ; range of values.

The selected value ranges shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, as a property of rolling stock.

Depending on which range of values are selected and the precautions taken (as described in the technical documentation), special operating rules may be necessary to ensure that there is technical compatibility between the rolling stock and environmental conditions likely to be exposed to parts of the TENs network.

Such operating rules are, in particular, necessary when rolling stock designed for the nominal range of values is operated on a line in the TEN network, where the conditions are outside the nominal range of certain seasons.

Member States shall determine the other range of values other than the nominal nominal in order to avoid restrictive operating rules within a given geographical area and under conditions, and these are indicated in section 7.4. Height

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI at the range of values laid down in EN 50125-1:1999 section 4.2.

The selected range of values shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock. Temperature

The rolling stock must comply with the requirements of this TSI within one (or more) of the climatic zones defined in EN50125-1:1999, Section 4.3 : T1 (-25 ° C to + 40 ° C, nominal range), or T2 (-40 ° C to + 35 ° C) or T3 (-25 ° C to + 45 ° C).

The temperature zones selected shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock.

In the construction of rolling stock components, the temperature to be taken into account must be taken into account, taking into account that they are to be incorporated into the rolling stock. Moisture

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI without degradation at the humidity levels laid down in EN 50125-1:1999, Section 4.4.

The construction of rolling stock components shall be subject to the effects of moisture solution, taking into account that they are to be incorporated into rolling stock. Rain

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI at the rainfall as set out in EN 50125-1:1999, Section 4.6. Snow, ice and hail

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI with no deterioration in the conditions of snow, ice and hail laid down in EN 50125-1:1999 section 4.7, since these conditions correspond to the nominal conditions (the nominal range of values).

When constructing components for rolling stock, questions of the effect of snow, ice and hail must be resolved taking into account that the components are to be incorporated into rolling stock.

Where stronger snow, ice and hail is selected, the rolling stock and parts of the subsystem shall be constructed in such a way as to comply with the TSIs, where the following scenarios are :

-WHAT? Fygesne (easy snow with short water equivalent) lasting long-term tracks up to 80 cm above the rail overhead.

-WHAT? Pulse snow, snowfall with a high volume of light snow with little waterproof equivalent.

-WHAT? Divinations in temperature gradient, temperature and humidity during a single journey shall cause the formation of the rolling stock.

-WHAT? Combined impact with low temperature as in the selected temperature zone, cf. the definition in section

For the purposes of Section (climate zone T2) and with the present section (heavy snow, ice and hail), the measures taken to meet the requirements of the TSI are identified and verifiable, and not least the measures relating to the construction and / or testing required to meet the following TSIs :

-WHAT? Prevent deflector as defined in Section : otherwise, the ability to clear the snow in front of the train.

-WHAT? The following requirements are laid down in Section (in the case of EN 15227), the following requirements are laid down in Section (by reference to EN 15227) :

" The obstacle deflector must be large enough to push hurdles out of the path of the bogie. It shall be a permeate design and shall be designed in such a way as to ensure that it does not send objects up or down. Under normal operating conditions, the obstacle deflector's lower edge must be so close to the track as the vehicle &apos; s movements and the vehicle gauge permit.

In the plan, the obstacle deflector must have approximated approximate position as a " V' with an inated angle of not more than 160 o. It can be designed with a compatible geometry, so that it can also act as a snowplow. "

The forces specified in section shall be deemed to be sufficient for the prurisation of the connotation.

-WHAT? Listed as defined in Section : taking account of snow and isanism and possible consequences for the driving stability and the brake function.

-WHAT? Brake function and braking force as defined in Section 4.2.4.

-WHAT? Indication to other of the fact that there is a train set out in section

-WHAT? The affixing of the outlook as laid down in Section (LIGHT) and (Provision forward) with a functioning frontal deposition as provided for in section

-WHAT? The provision of an acceptable climate of climate which the driver may work in, cf. section

The measures taken must be documented in the technical documentation, cf. Section

The range of values for the " snow, ice and hail &quot; (nominal or hard ratio) shall be entered in the register of rolling stock. Solar radiation

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI for solar radiation, as set out in EN 50125-1:1999, Section 4.9.

In the construction of components for rolling stock, questions relating to the impact of solar radiation must be resolved taking into account the need to be incorporated into the rolling stock. Pollution-resistant

The rolling stock shall comply with the requirements of this TSI, taking into account its environment and the impact of the pollution caused by its interaction with the substances in the following list :

-WHAT? Chemical active substances in category 5C2 in EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Polluting liquids in Class 5F2 (electrical engine) in EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Class 5F3 (internal combustion engine) in EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Biologically active substances in category 5B2 in EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Dust as defined in Class 5S2 in EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Sten and other items : ballast and other items with a maximum diameter of 15 mm.

-WHAT? Grass and leaves, pollen, flying insects, fibers, et cetera. (design of ventilation ducts)

-WHAT? Sand, according to EN 60721-3-5:1997.

-WHAT? Wave syringe according to EN 60721-3-5:1997 class 5C2.

Note : The reference to standards in this section is only applicable for the definitions of pollutants.

The pollution impact described above must be assessed in the design phase. Aerodynamic effects

When a train passes, a steady flow of air is generated by different pressure and power-flow rates. These pressure and flow-rate gradients affect people, objects and buildings along the track ; they are also affecting the rolling stock.

The combined impact of the train speed and air speed creates a curtailing moment which may affect the stability of rolling stock. The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform

rolling stock operating in free air at a maximum operational speed v tr > 160 km/h should not cause any air speed on more than u ; I-I = 15,5 m/s at a height of 1,2 m above the platform and a distance of 3,0 m from the track centre line, while passing.

The consist to be verified by testing shall be entered, including for the various types of rolling stock :

-WHAT? Unit that is evaluated in a fixed or predefined consist

The full length of the fixed consist or predefined consist of the maximum length (i.e. the test must include the maximum number of train sets that it is permissible to link together).

-WHAT? Unit that is assessed for general operation (the train &apos; s consist not defined in the design phase) : point (s) pending. The impact of the impact of persons working on the track

rolling stock operating in free air at a maximum operational speed v tr > 160 km/h should not cause any air speed on more than u ; I-I = 20 m/s next to the track measured at a height of 0,2 m above the rail overhead and a distance of 3,0 m from the track centre line, while passing.

The consist to be verified by testing shall be entered, including for the various types of rolling stock :

-WHAT? Unit that is evaluated in a fixed or predefined consist

The full length of the fixed consist or predefined consist of the maximum length (i.e. the test must include the maximum number of train sets that it is permissible to link together).

-WHAT? Unit that is assessed for general operation (the train &apos; s consist not defined in the design phase) : point (s) pending. Pressure wave from the end of the train

Two trains that pass each other, cause an aerodynamic load on each train. The following requirements for a shockwave from the winding-free air will make it possible to establish a limit value for the aerodynamic load that occurs when two trains pass each other and be taken into account in the construction of rolling rolling material when the distance between track centres is set to 4.0 m.

Rolling stock shall not at speeds over 160 km/h in free air cause maximum peak-tip pressure changes that exceed a value Δp ; I-I of the 720 measured throughout the peak interval between 1.5 and 3,3 m above the rail outskirts and at a distance of 2,5 m from the track centre line, while the train ends up passing.

The consist to be verified by testing shall be entered, including for the various types of rolling stock :

-WHAT? Unit that is evaluated in a fixed or predefined consist

A single unit of the fixed consist or any configuration of the predefined consist.

-WHAT? Unit, assessed for general operation (the train &apos; s consist not defined in the design phase) :

-WHAT? A unit of rear-view unit must be considered alone.

-WHAT? Other units : The requirement is not applicable. Maximum pressure variation in tunnels

In the case of conventional trains, the TSI for the infrastructure of conventional trains does not specify a minimum area of tunnels. Therefore, there are no harmonised requirements for rolling stock as regards this parameter, and no assessment is required.

Note : Operating conditions for rolling stock in tunnels must be considered when necessary (outside the scope of this TSI). Page Wind

Wind to take into account in the construction of rolling stock : no harmonized value has been established (outstanding item).

Assessment method : there are standards in preparation for harmonising these methods, but they are not yet available (outstanding point).

Note : For the information necessary to lay down operating conditions (outside the scope of this TSI), the technical documentation shall set out in the technical documentation the characteristics as regards the lateral winds (speed) taken into account ; to the construction of the rolling stock, and the method of assessment used (in accordance with any national transcript of the Member State concerned).

The operating conditions may include measures on the infrastructure (protection on the lines of strong wind) or the operation (speed limitation).

4.2.7. Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices Exterior lamps

Green colour may not be used for the intended lighting or lighting. This requirement is made in order to avoid confusion with fixed signals. Headlamps

This section shall apply to devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

The end of the train must have two white headlamps, which shall allow the driver to see.

These headlamps must be affixed to a horizontal axis at the same height above the level of the rail, symmetrical around the centre line and at a distance of at least 1000 mm. The headlamps must be mounted between 1500 and 2000 mm above the rail level.

The colour of the headlamps must comply with the requirements of "White Class A" or "White Class B" as defined in the standard CIE 004.

The headlights must have two illuminated lamps : "Drunks of headlamps" and headlamps are lit at full power.

For "muted headlamps" the illuminating intensity of the headlamp measured along the optical axis of the headlamp must be in accordance with the values specified in the EN 15153-1:2007 standard, section 5.3.5, table 2, first line.

For "headlamps lit on full force", the illuminating intensity of the headlamp measured along the optical axis of the headlamp must be at least in accordance with the values specified in the EN 15153-1:2007, section 5.3.5, table 2, first line. Kendinger signal

This section shall apply to devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

Three white awareness-side lamps at the front of the train shall be fitted to make it visible.

A horizontal axis must be affixed to a horizontal axis at the same height above the level of rail, symmetrical around the centre line and at a distance of at least 1000 mm apart ; they must be mounted between 1500 and 2000 mm above the rail level.

The third knowledge lamp must be affixed at least 600 mm above the lower lamps and in the centre of the following.

Use of the same component for headlamp and awareness-signalling lamp is permitted.

The colour signature of the knowledge must comply with the requirements of "White Class A" or "White Class B" as defined in the standard CIE 004.

The illuminating intensity of the knowledge signals must be in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, section 5.4.4. Ending signal

Two red end lamps must be fitted to the rear of units that are assumed to be used by the train to make it visible.

In the case of specimens assessed for general operation, the final lamps may be remotest ; in such a case, it must be described in the technical documentation of the type of flight end lamp that is used and its functional capability to be verified by a design examination ; and a component-level type-test test, but it is not required to submit to the aircraft just lanterns.

The end lamps must be affixed to a horizontal axis at the same height above the level of rail, symmetrical around the centre line and at a distance of at least 1000 mm apart ; they must be mounted between 1500 and 2000 mm above the rail level.

The colour of the end lamps must be in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, section 5.5.3 (values).

The illuminating intensity of the end lamp must be in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, section 5.5.4 (value). Audio management

This section shall apply to devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

The conductor shall be able to control the unit &apos; s headlamps, knowledge-side lamps and the end-lamps of his normal cooling system ; the lamp controls may be carried out by independent commands or in the case of command combinations.

Note : It is not necessary to govern the headlamps in a particular combination as a warning in an emergency. Typhoon device (sound signalling device) General

This section applies to all devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

The trains must be equipped with typhoons so that they can make their voice heard.

The tones of the warning signs must be recognized as a train signal and must not look like warning signals used in road transport, factories or other general warning systems.

In the case of operation, the typhoons shall send at least one of the following special warning sounds :

-WHAT? Signal signal 1 : When the sound signal is sent, the basic frequency of the toning must be 660 Hz ± 30 Hz (high tone).

-WHAT? Signal signal 2 : When the sound signal is sent, the base frequency of the key must be 370 Hz ± 20 Hz (deep tone). Sound pressure levels of the type

The C-weighted sound pressure level dispatched by each typhoon for them (or in a group, if they are designed to send out a signal at the same time as a chord), must be between 115 dB and 123 dB as defined in EN 15153-2:2007, section 4.3.2. Protection

The types and their operating systems must, as far as possible, be constructed or protected so that they can continue to function if they are affected by flying objects like rocks, dust, snow, hail and birds. Typhoons, Management

The driver shall be able to operate the typhoon from all queue resins, cf. Section 4.2.9.

4.2.8. Traction power and electrical equipment Performance of traction General

The purpose of the traction system in a train is to ensure that the train can be produced at different speeds up to the maximum operating speed. The main factors that impact on the performance of the traction are the size of the traction, the trainset, the train mass, the adhesion, the rise and fall of the trace and train resistance of the train.

For units of traction equipment forming part of different performances, the performance of the unit must be defined in such a way that the overall traction performance of the train can be derived.

The traction performance is characterized by the maximum service speed and the traction profile (force of wheelperiphers = F (speed)).

The unit is characterized by his driving resistance and its mass.

The maximum operational speed, the traction profile and the modal resistance are the characteristics required to establish a road map that allows the train to fit into the overall traffic pattern of a given line and are included in it ; technical documentation on the unit. Performance Requirements

This section applies to devices with traction equipment.

The unit traction profiles (force on wheel periphers = F (speed)) are determined by calculation ; the unit's driving resistance is determined by calculating the load style " design mass with normal payload &quot;, cf. Section

The unit's traction profiles and motion resistance shall be recorded in the technical documentation (see section

The maximum design speed is determined from the above data for the load style "design mass with normal fuselage" on the horizontal track.

The maximum design speed shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8.

Requirements relating to the decoupling of the traction during braking are set out in Section 4.2.4.

Requirements concerning the use of traction under fire are fixed in the TSI for safety of railway tunnels, sections (for freight and freight) and section (for passenger trains). Energy supply General

Requirements for rolling stock, which also relate to the energy subsystem, are referred to in this section. This section is thus applicable to electric units.

The TSI for energy for conventional trains sets 25 kV 50 Hz vector as a target system and allows for the use of 15 kV 16,7 Hz vectorates and 3 kV and 1,5 kV direct current. That is why the following requirements relate to these four systems only, and the references to standards apply only to these four systems.

The TSI for energy for conventional trains permits the use of the operating wire systems compatible with a length of the pantograph head of 1600 mm or 1950 mm (see section Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields

Electrical devices must be able to be operated with at least one of the voltage and frequency systems defined in the energy TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.3.

The actual value of the overhead voltage must be able to be seen in the driver's room in running order.

It shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, which systems for voltage and frequency the rolling stock are compatible. Regenerative braking with the return of energy to the overhead contact line

Electrical devices that send electric energy back to the contact wire during regenerative braking must be in accordance with EN 50388:2005, paragraph 12.1.1.

It must be possible to prevent the use of the regenerative brake. Maximum power output and power from queue release

Electrical devices with more effect than 2 MW (including devices specified as fixed and predefined consist) must be equipped with power-limiting function as required in EN 50388:2005, section 7.3.

Electrical devices shall be equipped with automatic control of the current in the abnormal operating conditions as required in EN 50388:2005, section 7.2.

The maximum flow rate (branded power) shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8. Maximum upfloor current by mode, DC systems

For direct current systems, the maximum absorbed flow is to be set by mode. the pantograph is calculated and verified by measurement.

The limit values are specified in the TSI for energy for conventional trains, section 4.2.6 ; Values above these limit values shall be recorded in the rolling stock register, cf. Section 4.8. Effect factor

The design factor of the design factor shall be as set out in Annex G to the energy TSI TSI to the conventional rail TSI. Management of energy systems at the AC system

An electrical unit shall not cause unacceptable overvoltages and other phenomena as described in the EN50388:2005, section 10.1 (harmonious radiance and dynamic effects) on the contact wire.

An assessment of the compatibility of the method defined in EN 50388:2005 must be carried out, paragraph 10.3. The applicant shall establish the steps and hypotheses described in the EN50388:2005, Table 6 (column 3 does not apply), taking into account the input data given in Annex D to the same standard ; the acceptance criteria are defined in EN 50388:2005, Section 10.4.

All the hypotheses and data that have laundered this compatibility examination shall be recorded in the technical documentation (see section Energy Use Measure Function

This section applies to electrical devices.

If equipment is installed for electrical consumption, it must be compatible with the requirements set out in Annex D. This equipment may be used for billing and the data it provides will be accepted for invoicing in all Member States.

The installation of energy measuring equipment shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8.

Note : If the invoicing in that Member State does not require a sense of destination, it is not a requirement that specific components will be installed for that function. However, such systems shall, in any case, be designed with the idea of a possible future use of the site destination function. Requirements related to the pantograph THE WORKING AREA OF THE PANTOGRAPH OF THE PANTOGRAPH HEIGHT OF CONTACT WIRE (SUBSYSTEM)

The installation of a pantograph on an electric unit must allow mechanical contact with at least one of the overhead contact lines between :

-WHAT? 4800 mm and 6500 mm above the rail-level on track laid down by reference profile GC

-WHAT? 4500 mm and 6500 mm above the rail level at track, with reference profile GA/GB. THE WORKING AREA OF THE PANTOGRAPH (INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENT),

The pantographs shall have a working area of at least 2000 mm The properties to be assessed must comply with the requirements of sections 4.2 and 6.2.3 of EN 50206-1:1998, sections 4.2 and 6.2.3. GEOMETRY OF THE PANTOGRAPH-HEAD (INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENT)

At least one of the pantographs of an electric unit shall be in accordance with one of the two specifications in the sections below.

It shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8, which or the types of pantograph main geometrier the electric unit are fitted with.

Pantographs equipped with contact pieces of independent suspension shall continue to be in accordance with the overall profile with a static contact force of 70 N in the centre of the head. The permissible value of the pantograph head inclination is defined in EN50367:2006, section 5.2.

The contact between the contact wire and the pantograph head outside the contact pieces and in the entire leading part shall be allowed over the restricted section and under adverse conditions, such as the collapse of shyend carriage and strong wind. GEOMETRY OF THE PANTOGRAPH-HEAD, TYPE 1600 MM

The profile of the pantograph head shall be as shown in EN 50367:2006, Annex A. 2, figure A7. GEOMETRY OF THE PANTOGRAPH-HEAD, TYPE 1950 MM

The profile of the collector head shall be as shown in EN 50367:2006, Annex B. 2, Figure B. 3, where the height must be 340 mm instead of the 368 mm indicated, and the leading part of the pantograph head shall be at least 1550 mm.

Both insulating and non-isolating horns are permitted. CURRENT POWER CAPACITY OF THE PANTOGRAPH (INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENT)

The pantograph must be designed for the brand power (see. by definition in Section to be transferred to the ESA.

It must be demonstrated in an analysis that the pantograph can carry the flow of markings ; this analysis must include a verification of the requirements of EN50206-1:2010, Section 6.13.2.

Pantographs for direct current systems must be designed for the maximum level of flow at standstill (cf. definition in Section CONTACT PIECE (INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENT) GEOMETRY OF CONTACT

The focal points shall be designed geometric to match one of the pantograph main geometric geometric geometric geometry (s) specified in Section CONTACT PIECE MATERIAL

The material used for contact pieces shall be compatible with the contact line &apos; s material (as specified in the TSI for energy for conventional trains, Section 4.2.18) in order to avoid any unnecessary slipping effect on the overhead contact line (s) ; surface and thus minimize the wear on both contact lines and contact pieces.

The use of clean coal shall be permitted to be used for contact slices only on AC power lines. For alternals systems, the use of other materials other than specified above is an outstanding point.

In the use of clean coal, impregnated coal, impregnated coal with coated material or impregnated coal coated with copper ; when used in a metallic additive, the metal content of the metal content must be used in the use of clean coal, impregnated coal, with adulated material or impregnated coal. the cold contact pieces shall not exceed 40% by weight. In the case of direct current systems, the use of other materials other than specified above is an outstanding point.

The use of clean coal shall be authorised for contact pieces used on both vecal and regular lines. Use of other material for use in both vectors and direct current systems is the use of other material than specified above.

Note : This is not a security-related item ; therefore, it can be accepted that the operating documentation (see in Section, the use of coal and additives shall be used in the case of alternals in the enchanting line (i.e.. if the steering gear in one of the pantographs fails or has other frauding conditions that affect the energy supply on the train) in order to be able to continue to run. CONTACT OF THE CONTACT PIECE

Contacts are interchangeable parts of the pantograph head, which is in direct contact with the contact line and therefore exposed to wear and tear. STATIC CONTACT POWER OF THE PANTOGRAPH (INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENT)

The static contact force is the vertical contact force on which the pantograph head is carried out against the overhead contact line, while the pantograph is swoloped and the vehicle is stopped.

The static contact force on which the pantograph is operating against the overhead contact line as defined above must be able to be set in the following areas :

-WHAT? 60 N to 90 N for AC power supply systems ;

-WHAT? 90 N to 120 N for 3 kV direct power supply systems ;

-WHAT? 70 N to 140 N for 1,5 kV direct power supply systems. CONTACT FORCE AND DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PANTOGRAPH

The mean contact force Fm is the statistical average value for the power pantograph's contact force and be made by the static and aerodynamic components of the contact force, with dynamic correction.

The factors affecting the mean contact force shall be the pantograph itself, its location on the consist, its vertical extension and the rolling stock it is fitted to.

Rolling stock and pantographs mounted on rolling stock shall be designed to perform an average contact force Fm on the contact wire within a range specified in the energy TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.16, in order to ensure the quality of the pantograph, without undue spark-formation and the reduction of wear and hazard to the contact pieces. Contact adjustment shall be made during dynamic tests.

The verification of interoperability constituents shall validate the current dynamic behaviour of the pantograph and its ability to take off the flow from a queue release consistent with the TSI (see section

The verification of rolling stock at the subsystem level shall allow adjustment of the contact force having regard to the aerodynamic effects caused by rolling stock and the location of the pantograph on the device or the fixed or predefined upranges (see section PANTOGRAPH (SUBSYSTEM) POSITION

It is permissible that more than one pantograph at a time is in contact with the contact line equipment.

The number of pantographs and their distance must be chosen, taking into account the requirements for the pantograph of the pantograph as defined in Section

If the distance between two pantographs after each other on fixed or predefined consist of the rated unit is less than the distance specified by the energy for conventional trains, Section 4.2.17, for the type of distance selected the overhead contact design or if more than two pantographs are at the same time in contact with the contact line equipment, it shall be demonstrated by testing that the requirement for the current qualifying quality as laid down in Section is fulfilled for the most deprived, pantograph.

The distance type of the overhead contact instruction (A, B or C as defined in the TSI for the energy for conventional trains, Section 4.2.17) selected (and therefore used during the test) must be recorded in the technical documentation (see section PASSAGE OF SEGREGATION FOR PHASE OR SYSTEM SEPARATION (PART SYSTEM)

The trains must be designed so that they can move from one energy supply system to another or from one phase section to an adjacent one without connecting the two systems or staging separation sections.

During the passage through sections to phase separation, the unit of energy consumption must be reduced to zero as required in the energy TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.19. The register of infrastructure shall provide information on the allowed pantograph position : lowered or swolded (with authorised pantograph locations) while running through system or phase separation sections.

Rolling equipment designed for multiple energy systems shall automatically recognize the voltage of the power supply voltage at the pantograph. ISOLATING THE PANTOGRAPH FROM THE VEHICLE (PART SYSTEM)

The pantographs shall be mounted on an electric unit in such a way that they are isolated against the Grounders. Isolating must be sufficient for all system tensions. REDUCTION OF PANTOGRAPH (SUBSYSTEM)

Electrical devices must be designed to lower the pantograph for a period of time that meets the requirements of EN50206-1:2010, Section 4.7 (3 seconds), and to a dynamic insulation spacing according to EN 50119:2009, Table 2, either by the driver of the engine enabling or at train control (train control and signalling). The pantograph shall be reduced to a closed position in less than 10 seconds.

Once the pantograph is lowered, the main circuit breaker shall be opened automatically.

If an electric unit is fitted with a device that automatically lowers the pantograph in the pantograph-head, this device must comply with the requirements of the EN50206-1:2010, Section 4.8.

Electrial devices must be controlled with such a device.

Whether electrical devices designed for a maximum speed of 100 km/h or more shall have an automatic lowering device is an outstanding point. Electrical protection of the train

Electrical devices must be protected from internal short circuits (short circuits that occur within the device).

The main switch must be placed so that it protects high-voltage circuits on the train, including possible high-voltage connections between vehicles. The pantograph, the main circuit breaker and the high voltage line between these must be located on the same vehicle.

In order to prevent electric hazards, any unintended energy supply must be avoided ; the control of the main power circuit breaker is a safety-related function ; the required level of security is an outstanding point.

Electrical devices must be protected against short overvoltages, temporary overvoltages and maximum error current. In order to comply with this requirement, the coordination of the electric protection shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of EN 50388:2005, Section 11, "European Protection of protection" ; the table 8 in this section is replaced by Annex H to the TSI for conventional energy TSI. Diesel and other fuel-powered traction systems

Diesel engines must comply with the Community &apos; s requirements for exhaust (composition, limit values). Protection against electrical risk

Rolling equipment and its power-leading components shall be so designed that the intended and unintended contact (direct and indirect contact) with train crew and passengers are prevented, both in normal cases and in the event of the equipment failure. Precautions must be taken, as described in EN 50153:2002 in order to meet this requirement.

4.2.9. Drivers and interface between train driver and driver spacing

The requirements of this Section 4.2.9 apply to devices with a driver &apos; s premises. Driving room General

The driver's room must be designed so that a single train driver can drive the train.

The maximum noise level in the driver &apos; s space is set out in the TSI for noise. Out-and Escalation OUT-AND INCREASE IN OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS

There shall be access to the cab from both sides of the 200 mm train below the rail overhead.

Access may be made directly from outside the outside door to the driver &apos; s room or via a compartment (or area) behind the driver &apos; s cab. If the latter is the case, the requirements of this section shall apply to the exterior doors of this coupon (or this area) on both sides of the vehicle.

The means used by the train staff to get into and out of the driver &apos; s space, such as steps, hand-lists or openings, must be safe and easy to use with appropriate dimensions (inclination, width, distances, shape) ; they must be shaped, taking into account the need to take account of the appropriate dimensions ; for ergonomical criteria in connection with their use. Steps must not have sharp edges that can get in the way of train crews ' shoes.

Rolling stock with outwat maturity must be equipped with hand-and foot lists for the safety of the driver during the recovery of the driver &apos; s cab.

The outer doors of the driver are to be opened in such a way that they are not concerned with the profile (as defined in this TSI) when they are open.

The outer doors of the master spaced must be at least 1675 x 500 mm at a time when access is accessible or 1750 x 500 mm when there is access from floor level.

Income doors which train crew use to gain access to the driver &apos; s room shall be at least 1700 x 430 mm at least.

The driver &apos; s room and its access routes must be such as to ensure that the train crew can prevent unauthorized persons from having access, whether there is anyone in the cab or not, and so that a person in the cab can leave it without use of tools or Key.

It must be possible to enter the driver's cab when there is no energy supply in the train. The outer doors of the Führer are not allowed to go up on its own. EMERGENCY EXIT FROM THE DRIVER'S COMPARTMENT

In an emergency, the train crew could be evacuated from the cab and rescue crew access to the driver's room on both sides by using one of the following ports of escape (see section or sideruder or Emergency hatches.

In all cases, the emergency escape routes must have at least free opening of 2000 cm2 with a minimum inner dimension of 400 mm in such a way as to be free of incarcerated persons.

The presence of the unit in front of the unit must at least have an inside exit ; this exit must provide access to an area of at least two metres length at least 1700 mm and a width of not less than 430 mm and shall be free from obstructions ; the area must be in the unit and may be an interior area or an area open to the outside world. Supervision EXPLIT FORWARD

The driver &apos; s room shall be so designed that the driver from a sitting queue must have a clear and unhindered view of the left and to the right of a straight track as well as, in the circumstances defined in Annex F, in curves with one, radius of 300 m or more.

The above requirements must also be met from a standing purchase order under the conditions laid down in Annex F, locomotives and in wheelers, which are assumed to be used in a train composition with a locomotive.

In the case of locomotives with central driver spaces and in working vehicles, the above requirements can be met by anticiping that the driver may move between different positions in the driver &apos; s room to see low-seated signals ; it is not necessary to require the requirement to be able to : is met from a sitting queue tilling. REVIEWS AND TO THE PAGE

The driver &apos; s room shall be designed so that the driver has a view on each side of the train at the same time, and at the same time enable the emergency brake. This requirement can be met by means of one of the following means : the opening of the side windows or by a panel on either side of the driver &apos; s space, the exterior mirrors or by camels system.

If the opening of the side windows or the panel is to be opened, the opening of the front panel must be large enough for the driver to put his head out. Direction

In the direction of the cab, account shall be taken of the driver &apos; s body measurements as specified in Annex E.

The freedom of movement for staff in the cab must not be inhibited by obstacles.

The floor space of the driver &apos; s area of the driver &apos; s area of the driver &apos; s area (access to the driver &apos; s compartment shall not be allowed).

The interior interior of the interior must allow both the sitting and the standing of the loading of the locomotives and in wheelers, which are assumed to be used in the consist of locomotive.

The driver &apos; s room must be equipped with at least one driver &apos; s seat (see section as well as a forwarding seat which is not considered to be a purchase order for any accompanying staff. Driving seat

The driver &apos; s seat must be designed in such a way as to enable the driver to perform all normal operating functions in a position having regard to the driver &apos; s body &apos; s body &apos; s body &apos; s purpose. Annex E, which must provide the possibility of a physiologically correct position.

The driver shall be able to adjust the seat so that eyes may be placed in the position necessary for the monitoring, cf. Section

The semen must not stop the driver &apos; s escape in an emergency.

It shall take account of ergonomic and health conditions in the design of the seat, in its installation and under the driver &apos; s use of it.

The driver &apos; s seat in locomotives and in wheelers, which are assumed to be used in a consist of locomotive, shall be fitted in such a way as to allow an adjustment to release the necessary area for the standing queue of the cooling system. First-rate ergonomics

The driver pool and its operating equipment and controls must be designed so that the driver of the most commonly used buyer must be able to maintain a normal working position, and so that it does not hinder his freedom of movement, taking into account the driver &apos; s body &apos; s body target, cf. Annex E.

The driver pool shall have a curvx of at least 30 cm in front of the driver &apos; s seat where the driver can put the paper documents necessary during the run.

Operations and service items must be clearly marked so that the driver can identify them.

If the traction and / or braking power is operated using a handle (combined or distinct), the traction must be increased when the push is pushed forward and the brake power increases when it is drawn to the driver.

If the handle has a step for emergency braking, it must be easy to distinguish from its other positions. Climate management and air quality

The air in the driver &apos; s cab shall keep the CO2 concentration at the levels specified in section

The ventilation system shall not cause air streams with an air speed that exceeds the recognised threshold for a good working environment around the driver &apos; s head and shoulders in the sitting queue tilling (see. definition in Section Intervention of illumination

The driver &apos; s control must be illuminating from the general operating conditions of the rollers of the rolling stock of the cab in all normal operating modes (including "interrupted" too). Its intensity of light must be greater than 75 lux on the rear-view pulp.

The conductor shall be able to light a separate illumination of the driving zone of the driving zone where the intensity of light should be able to be adjusted to a value of more than 150 lux.

If there is a instrument lighting, it shall be independent of the general lighting and adjustable.

In order to prevent dangerous confusion with operating signals outside the driver &apos; s cab, green lights or green lighting in the driver &apos; s cab may not be used, except for existing cab-side systems of Class B (cf. Definition of the TSIs for train control and signalling of conventional trains. Frontrude Mechanical characteristics

The dimensions, location, shape and finish of the windows (including maintenance) must not cause the engine driver &apos; s view (see. by definition in Section, and shall facilitate the driver &apos; s solution of its task.

The leader of the device must be able to withstand the impact of the projectiles as specified in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.7, and they must be able to withstand the detonation as specified in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.9. Optical Properties

The frontron of the driver must be of an optical quality that does not change the appearance of signs (shape and colour) under any operating conditions (such as, for example, when the front is warmed up to prevent dew and tilizing).

The angle between primary and secondary images must be as specified in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.2.

The allowed optical distortion of the visual image is as specified in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.3.

In the case of cloak, the specifications apply in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.4.

For the transmission of light transmission, the specifications in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.5.

For chromaticity, the specifications set out in EN 15152:2007, section 4.2.6. Equipment

The front panes must be equipped with equipment to be fitted, depilation and cleansing to be operated by the driver.

The equipment must be located and of a type and quality to ensure that the driver may maintain a clear view of most weather and operating conditions, and shall not offend the driver &apos; s view.

The sun must be protected from the sun, without the driver's view of signs, signals and other visual information, when the sun screen is sprained with the sun. Interface between locomotive driver and driver-space disarmament Control of the driver &apos; s activity

The driver &apos; s room shall be equipped with the means to monitor the driver &apos; s activity and automatically stop the train if it detects inactivity of the driver.

Specification of means to monitor the driver &apos; s activity (and detectors inactivity) :

The driver &apos; s activity shall be monitored when the train is configured to run and is in motion (the speed limit for the detection of movement) ; this monitoring shall be carried out by checking the engine of the driver &apos; s impact on certain devices ; (pedal, pressure buttons, sensors, etc.) and / or the influence of the train control and rail monitoring system.

When no action is recorded for more than X seconds, an inert locomotive report will be triggered.

The system must make it possible to set (in the shop or during maintenance) the time space X to between 5 and 60 seconds.

When the same action is recorded on a continuous period longer than not more than 60 seconds, the inert locomotive is also issued.

Before the announcement of the inert train driver is triggered, the driver must have a warning message to give him the opportunity to respond and reset the system.

Detection of inactive locomotive is a security-related function ; the required level of security is an outstanding point.

The system must have the "inactive locomotive" ready to be communicated to other systems (such as the radio system).

Specification of actions that are triggered at the train-level by detecting the inert locomotive driver :

The call &apos; inactive locomotive driver &apos; when the train is configured to run and is in motion (the speed limit for the detection of movement is low), triggers a full service braking or emergency braking of the train.

If the full service braking is carried out, the actual activation of the brake must be automatically checked and is not activated, emergency brake must be activated.

Note : The function described in this section can be handled by the train control and signalling subsystem.

It is also permitted to install a system with a fixed (not adjustable) time of x, provided that X lies between 5 and 60 seconds. A Member State may, for reasons of security reasons, require a maximum period of time, but shall not preclube a railway undertaking taking up a period of time Z (within the specified range) from access, unless the Member State can demonstrate that it is : national security levels are under threat. Speed of speed

This function and the corresponding conformity assessment are specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains. Display and display of the driver &apos; s locomotive

The operational requirements for the information and commands to be provided in the driver &apos; s cab shall be specified together with other requirements for each function of the section that describes the function. The same applies to information and commands that can be provided by using display devices and screens.

Information and commands in the ERTMS system, including those provided on a displayunit, are specified in the TSIs for train control and signalling to conventional trains.

In the case of functions within the scope of this TSI, the information and commands which the driver uses to control and control the train and which are provided by the use of displayunits or screens shall be designed in a way that is provided, that gives the driver the opportunity to use them properly and to respond properly to them. Control agencies and indicators

The function requirements are specified in conjunction with other requirements that apply to a given feature, in the section that describes the function.

All control lamps must be designed so that they can be read correctly in the day and in the light of day, including a random light-inclinting.

Any mirroring illuminating indicators and buttons in the windscreen of the cab shall not offload the driver &apos; s driver &apos; s eyes from normal purchasing power.

In order to prevent dangerous confusion with operating signals outside the driver &apos; s cab, green lamps or green lighting in the driver &apos; s cab may not be used, except in the case of the existing signalling systems of Class B (according to the train controls and signals to the conventional TSI) ; train).

The sound information generated by equipment on the train to be heard by the driver in the cab must be at least 6dB (A) above the mediostatic level in the driver &apos; s cab, measured as specified in the TSI for noise. Labelling

The following information shall be visible in the driver &apos; s cab :

-WHAT? maximum speed (Vmax)

-WHAT? the identification number of rolling stock (traction unit number),

-WHAT? container of removable equipment (e.g. device for self-saving, signals),

-WHAT? emergency exit

Harmonised pictograms shall be used to mark the operating bodies and indicators in the outer space. Remote control

If the unit can be controlled from outside with radio-irrst management during freight traffic, this function must be constructed in such a way as to ensure that the driver can manage the trains safely and avoid errors.

This feature is security related.

The construction of the driving distance management function and its safety aspects must be assessed according to recognised standards. Tools and removable equipment on board

In or near the driver's cab, there must be a place to store the following equipment for the case that the driver is in need of it in an emergency :

-WHAT? handlyred with red and white light

-WHAT? shingling equipment for shin circuits ;

-WHAT? inhibitor, in case the braking braking is not sufficient on track falling (see section, Parking brake)

-WHAT? a fire extinguisher, in accordance with the rolling stock TSI, for high-speed trains, sections

-WHAT? on manned traction units for freight trains, a respirator, as specified in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels (see this, section 4.7.1). Container space for personnel personal belongings

Each cab must be fitted with :

-WHAT? two hooks for clothes or a niche with a tramp bar.

-WHAT? place for placing a suitcase or a bag of 300 mm x 400 mm x 400 mm, Registration apparatus

The list of data to be recorded must be defined in the TSIs for the operation and traffic management of conventional trains taking into account the data part of the TSI for train control and signalling and ongoing investigations into the requirements of the investigation bodies, The task is to prepare accident reports.

The means of registering this data fall within the scope of this TSI ; as long as the list of data to be registered is not available, the specification of the registration apparatus is an outstanding item.

4.2.10. Fire safety and evacuation General and categorization

This provision shall apply to all entities.

The rolling stock envisaged in the trans-European conventional rail system must be so constructed as to protect passengers and train crew at risk, e.g. fire on the train, and so that a effective evacuation and rescue in case of emergency. This requirement is considered to be fulfilled if this TSI is complied with.

The exclusive between the categories of rolling stock and operation in tunnels is specified in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels.

The fire safety category of the design shall be recorded in the register of rolling stock, cf. Section 4.8. Requirements for all units except freight and work vehicles other than freight and trailers

Category A :

The rolling stock shall at least satisfy :

-WHAT? the requirements for rolling stock in category A, as shown in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels ; and

-WHAT? the requirements of Title of this TSI to

Rolling equipment in category A is the lowest category of rolling stock which can be used on TEN-infrastructure.

The exclusive between rolling stock in category A and other up to 5 km of railway lines other than tunnels, where it is dangerous to get out of the train (for example, swolling line, dams, grounddigging) are covered by this TSI.

Category B :

Rulling equipment in category B must meet :

-WHAT? all the requirements for rolling stock in category A ; and

-WHAT? the requirements for rolling stock in category B, as shown in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels ; and

-WHAT? the requirements of Title of this TSI.

Rolling equipment in category B is designed for operation on all parts of the infrastructure in the TENs (including long tunnels and long swolted lines). Requirements for freight and slogans and work vehicles

The goods and slogans must meet the requirements of :

-WHAT? the sections of the TSI for safety in rail tunnels applicable to freight and slogans (including rolling stock in general), and

-WHAT? the requirements of Section of this TSI, Material Expire, and, Special requirements for combustible liquids.

Work vehicles shall comply with the requirements of :

-WHAT? The TSI for safety in rail tunnels :, rolling stock material properties,, Built fire detectors, and, communications systems in trains, as well as :

-WHAT? the requirements of Section of this TSI, Material Expire, and, Special requirements for combustible liquids. Requirements that are specified in the TSI for safety in rail tunnels

The following list provides an overview of the basic parameters covered by the TSI for safety in rail tunnels and which are applicable to rolling stock within the scope of this TSI (note : not all parameters are relevant to all) the types of specimens covered by this TSI : Material properties of rolling stock (1) Passenger fire extinguishers Fire protection in freight Passenger barriers to passenger trains (1) Other measures to ensure the driving capacity of the passenger train that has been breached Built fire detectors Communications systems in trains (2) Constraying of the emergency brake (2) Emergency lighting equipment in the train Suffering of the train's air conditioning Establishment of escape routes in passenger vehicles (1) Information and access to rescue services

The provisions marked with (1) are affected by Section 4.2.10 of this TSI.

As the present TSI differs from the TSI for safety of rail tunnels on certain points, the TSIs shall be used as follows :

-WHAT? Section of the TSI for safety of the rolling stock TSI is supplemented by Section (Material Require) of the present TSI in the case of conventional rolling stock.

-WHAT? Section of the TSI for safety in rail tunnels (Fire-passenger rail barriers) shall be supplemented by Section 4.2.10. 5 (Fire barriers) of the present TSI, in the case of conventional rolling stock.

-WHAT? Section of the TSI on the safety of rail tunnels (Emergency exits for passengers) is replaced by Section (Evacuation of passengers) in the present TSI, insofar as they are in the conventional rolling stock.

The provisions marked by 2 are affected by Section 4.2.5 of the present TSI (see more closely in section 4.2.5). Material Require

This section complements Section of rolling stock Material properties, in the TSI, on safety in rail tunnels, in the case of conventional rolling stock.

In addition to the provisions of the TSI for safety in rail tunnels (referring to the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains) and for as long as EN45545-2 is not published, the requirements for the fire characteristics of the materials may be : the selection of components is also fulfilled in the verification of conformity according to TS 45545-2:2009, taking into account the relevant operating category as specified in TS 45545-1:2009. Special measures relating to flammable liquids

Measures must be taken in railway vehicles in order to prevent the outbreak and spread of fires due to the spillage of combustible liquids or gases. Passenger evacuation

This section shall replace sections, emergency exits for passengers, in the TSI, on railway safety in tunnels in the case of conventional rolling stock.

Definitions and clarifications

Emergency exit : Institution on the train, making it possible to get out of the train in an emergency. A outside passenger door is a special kind of emergency exit.

Review route : An area of the train, which is entry and exit from different sides, and which do not hinder the movements of passengers and personnel, along the train. The non-lockable doors shall be regarded as not preventing the movement of passengers and personnel.

Passenger territory : An area to which passengers have access without special tilacation.

&apos; Kupa &apos; : Passenger territory or staff areas that cannot be used as a trainee for passengers or personnel.


There must be emergency exits, and must be specified where they are located.

An emergency exit must be able to be opened from the inside of a passenger.

All emergency exits must in open mode have an open window that is large enough for people to get through. This requirement is considered to be fulfilled when the open emergency exit has a rectangular free opening of at least 700 mm x 550 mm.

Soap and other items for the use of passengers (table, bed, etc.) may be placed on the road to the emergency exit, provided that they do not prevent the use of the emergency exit and not block the free opening as defined above.

All exterior passenger doors shall be equipped with emergency openings which will allow them to use them as emergency exits.

From any point of departure, there must be no more than 16 m for the nearest exterior door, measured along the perimeter of the vehicle ; sleep and dining cars are excluded from this requirement.

In the case of trades, there must be an emergency exit not more than 16 m from any place in the dining car, measured along the vehicle.

In sleepots, each bed of sleep shall have an emergency exit.

Apart from toilets and luggage areas, no place in a passenger vehicle must be more than 6 m from an emergency exit, measured along the vehicle. In the case of emergency outlet from passenger cones, aid must be provided for a safe and rapid evacuation if the distance from the lowest point of the emergency exit is greater than 1,8 m.

Vehicles designed to accommodate up to 40 passengers shall have at least two emergency exits.

Vehicles designed to accommodate more than 40 passengers must have at least three emergency exits.

Vehicles intended for passenger transport shall have at least one emergency exit on each side of the vehicle. Fire barriers

This section supplements section of the passenger-train entry into the TSI on the safety of rail tunnels, in the case of conventional rolling stock.

In the case of the provisions of the Safety TSI for safety of railway lines or rolling stock in the category B, the requirement for "separatable walls in the entire train cross-section of passenger / personnel areas" may be met by fire-prevention prevention ; measures :

If fire prevention measures are used instead of separatable walls in the whole two-body section, then it shall be followed :

-WHAT? ensure that fire and smoke will not spread in dangerous concentrations more than 28 metres in passenger / personnel areas in a unit for at least 15 minutes after the fire has been set on fire ;

-WHAT? that they are installed in each vehicle in the unit that is assumed to be used for the transportation of passengers and / or personnel ;

-WHAT? that they provide at least the same level of security for persons on board as separatable walls in the cross section of the train, maintaining their integrity for 15 minutes and tested according to the requirements of EN 1363-1:1999 on the testing of the separating walls during the assumption that the fires may occur ; on both sides of the crossover wall.

If the fire prevention measures are dependent on the reliability of systems, components or functions, the degree of security for these must be taken into account in the event of a reference ; in this case it is an outstanding matter ; point the overall level of security to be met.

4.2.11. Ongoing maintenance General

Ongoing maintenance and minor repairs needed to maintain the reliability of the periods between major maintenance inspection periods must be able to be carried out at the end of the train other than its usual maintenance repair shop.

This part contains requirements for measures related to continuous maintenance of trains during operation or on a trified rail network. Most of the requirements aim to ensure that the rolling stock has the necessary equipment to comply with the provisions of the other parts of this TSI and in the infrastructure TSI. Exterior train cleanup Cleaning of the front of the driver &apos; s windage

Applies to all devices with a driver &apos; s cab.

The front glades in the driver &apos; s cab shall be able to be cleaned from the outside, without the need to disconnect any component or cover. Cleaning-up cleaning facilities

The speed of trains to be washed in a flat track washing plant must be able to be adjusted to between 2 and 5 km/h.

This requirement is intended to ensure compatibility with washing facilities. Toilet Carpenter System

Applies to : devices with closed toilet paper.

The interface for the emptying system means the provisions of the TSIs for rolling stock for high-speed trains, sections Water encoding equipment

Applies to : all units of hydrants.

The water supplied to the train shall be considered to be potable water in accordance with Directive 98 /83/EC, cf. The TSI for the infrastructure for conventional trains, sections, shall be the point where the water is to be filled in the rolling stock.

The thought of the train must not lead to additional health risks for people beyond those linked to the storage of water according to the above provisions.

This requirement is considered to be met by assessing the material and quality of the water conduits and sealing. Materials must be suitable for the transport and storage of drinking water. Water founder interface

Applies to : all devices with a padding interface.

The provisions of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains, sections, shall apply to &apos; inflow compounds to water containers '. Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track

Applies to all devices.

Various function levels : The provisions of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains, section, shall apply to rolling stock for conventional trains.

If a unit is equipped with an energy supply for use, while the unit is executed, it must be compatible with at least one of the following energy supply systems :

-WHAT? the cooling release of the energy supply (see section, Requirements associated with the pantograph) ;

-WHAT? energy supply of type UIC 552 (1 kV vector vol., 1,5 kV vector vol., current, 3 kV equelstrom)

-WHAT? local, remote auxiliary power supply : this is an outstanding point. Fuel loading equipment

Applies to devices with a fuel fill system.

rolling stock fitted with a fuel filling system, such as trains running on diesel fuels, must meet the requirements of UIC 627-2 : Jul 1980, paragraph 1.

Note : This will later have to meet an EN standard that is currently being developed.

Outstanding point : radiation spikes for alternative fuels (biofuel, compressed natural gas etc.)

4.2.12. Documentation regarding operation and maintenance

The requirements of this Section 4.2.12 shall apply to all units. General

This section 4.2.12 describes the documentation required by Directive 2008 /57/EC, Annex VI, Section 4 (Technical dossier), second indent :

-WHAT? &apos;-for the other subsystems : health and retailings similar to the execution, electricitor and hydraulic diagrams, operating system diagrams, computerized systems and automated equipment, operational and maintenance instructions, etc. `.

As this documentation is part of the technical file, it shall be assembled by the notified body and must accompany the EC declaration of verification.

As part of the technical dossier, this documentation shall be deposited with the applicant and held by the applicant throughout the life cycle of the subsystem.

The required documentation is associated with the basic parameters identified in this TSI. Its contents are described in the following sections. General documentation

The following documentation shall be provided with the description of the rolling stock :

-WHAT? holistic drawings

-WHAT? electricit-, pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams, operating circuit diagrams, which are necessary to explain the behavior and operation of the systems in question ;

-WHAT? description of computer systems in the train, including a description of their functions, the specification of interfaces and data processing and protocols ;

-WHAT? the balance of weight and the hypotheses that lie with the prefixed load modes, cf. Section

-WHAT? axle pressure and axle distance, cf. Section

-WHAT? the test report on dynamic properties during driving, including the quality of the track being recorded in accordance with the test. Section

-WHAT? the conditions laid down for the assessment of the strain caused by the residence &apos; s driving, cf. Section

-WHAT? brake performance, cf. Section

-WHAT? whether there are toilets in a unit and of which type, the properties of the rinse medium if it is not clean water, the nature of the water treatment system and the standards that conformity is assessed in relation to, cf. Section

-WHAT? the measures taken in the context of the selected range of values for environmental parameters if it is not nominal, cf. Section 4.2.6

-WHAT? performance of traction, cf. Section

-WHAT? hypotheses and data that have been used for the compatibility examination of alternable power systems, cf. Section

-WHAT? the number of pantographs at the same time in contact with the contact line equipment, the distance between them and the distance type of the overhead contact instruction (A, B or C) used during the evaluation tests, cf. Section Maintenance documentation

Maintenance is a set of activities for the purpose of maintaining or restoring a state of the functional unit in which it can perform its operation, including ensuring that the security systems are fully intact and applicable standards ; is complied with (Definition following EN 13 306).

The following information shall be provided to enable the maintenance of :

-WHAT? The documentation of the design of the maintenance shall explain how maintenance activities are defined and organized to ensure that the properties of the rolling stock do not come out of acceptable use limit values in the materials used in the matter ; Life span.

This documentation must provide data to define the criteria for inspection and maintenance activities frequency.

-WHAT? The maintenance instrument : explains how maintenance activities are to be performed. Documentation with justification of the maintenance organisation

The documentation of the design of the maintenance shall include the following :

-WHAT? the cases, principles and methods used to organise the maintenance of the unit ;

-WHAT? rate of use : the normal use of the device (at the month, climatic restrictions, permissible loading types, etc.) ;

-WHAT? relevant data used to organise the maintenance and the origin of these data (experience reporting),

-WHAT? tests, tests and calculations carried out in order to organise the maintenance.

The means (s) (equipment, tools) that are needed for the maintenance are described in Section, Maintenance records. Maintenance Instrument

In the maintenance structure, it shall be described how maintenance activities are to be performed.

The term maintenance activities include all necessary activities such as inspection, monitoring, testing, measuring, replacement, adjustment, and repair.

The maintenance activities are divided into :

-WHAT? preventive maintenance ; planned and controlled ;

-WHAT? corrective maintenance.

The maintenance structure shall include the following :

-WHAT? Component thickens and function description : in the hierarchy, rolling stock is defined by reckoning all elements of the construction of the rolling stock in an appropriate number of different levels. The bottom element in the hierarchy must be a replaceable unit.

-WHAT? Circuit-flow diagrams, connection charts, and wire charts.

-WHAT? Sliced : The control list must contain the technical descriptions of the spare parts (interchangeable units) and their references in order to identify the correct parts and provide them.

The list shall include all parts for which it is specified that they must be replaced under the conditions given or which may be necessary to switch off after an electrical or mechanical malfunction, or which may be expected to be replaced ; after damage by accident (e.g. frontron).

Interoperability constituents shall be indicated on the basis of their declaration of conformity.

-WHAT? In the case of components for which limit values are not exceeded during operation, the limit values must be specified ; it may be specified which operating restrictions are to be applied to the function mode (when the threshold has been reached).

-WHAT? European legal requirements : if components or systems are subject to specific European legal requirements, these requirements must be stated.

-WHAT? A structured set of tasks that include the activities, procedures and means which the applicant provides for the execution of the maintenance task.

-WHAT? Description of maintenance activities.

The following aspects must be documented :

-WHAT? instructions on dismantling and mounting, necessary for the installation and dismantling of replaceable parts ;

-WHAT? maintenance criteria,

-WHAT? checks and tests

-WHAT? tools and materials that are part of the task

-WHAT? items of use that are part of the task

-WHAT? precautions and equipment for the protection of personal security.

-WHAT? Testing and procedures to be carried out in accordance with each maintenance operation before rolling stock is re-used.

-WHAT? Manuals or troubleshooting facilities for all predictions that can reasonably be foreseeable ; this includes functional and system diagrams or IT-based diagnostic systems. Documentation regarding operation

The technical documentation necessary for the operation of the unit consists of :

-WHAT? a description of the operation in normal functional mode, including the operational characteristics and operational limits (e.g. vehicle profile, design, design, maximum design speed, axle pressure and braking) ;

-WHAT? a description of the various modes of operation which may reasonably be foreseeable in the case of the safety-critical errors of the equipment or functions described in this TSI, together with the related acceptability ; limit values and operating conditions for the device which can occur.

This technical operational documentation must be included in the technical file. Concpter Chart and Instructions

The documentation must include :

-WHAT? a description of the procedures for lifting and hedging with associated instructions ;

-WHAT? a description of the interfaces for lifting and lifting. Rescue Descriptions

The documentation must include :

-WHAT? a description of the procedures for the application of emergency measures and the measures to be taken, e.g. concerning the use of emergency exits, access for rescue teams to the rolling stock, isolating the brakes, electric grounding ; and tow

-WHAT? a description of the effects of taking the measures described in emergency measures, such as reduced braking braking for the isolation of the brakes.

4.3. Functional and technical specifications for the interfaces

4.3.1. Interfaces of the energy subsystem

Table 7

Interfaces of the energy subsystem

Reference to the TSIs for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains
Reference in the energy TSI for conventional trains
Pantograph profile
Annex E
Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields
Voltage and frequency
Parameters for performance of utilities
-The maximum power from the overhead contact line.
-Maximum train power.
-Effect factor
-Effect factor
-Maximum current in mode
-Average useful voltage at pantograph
-Power capacity, steady streaming systems, persistent trains.
Regenerative braking with energy for the use of the meat release
Regenerative braking
Energy Use Measure Function
Measuring the consumption of electrical energy
Height of the pantograph.
Geometry of the overhead line system
-The geometry of the pantograph-head
-The geometry of the pantograph-head
Pantograph profile
-Profile Targets
Contact piece material
Queue-Line Material
Static contact force of the pantograph
Average Contact Force
Contact force and dynamic characteristics of the pantograph
Dynamic Behavior and Power pantograph Quality
Pantograph placement location
Distance between pantographs for overhead contact instruction
Passage of sects for phase or system separation
Sections to :
-phase separation
-system separation
Electrical protection of the train
Electrics for the coordination of electric protection
Management of energy systems at the AC system
Harmonic and dynamic effects

4.3.2. Interfaces subsystem for the infrastructure subsystem

Table 8

Interfaces subsystem for the infrastructure subsystem

Reference to the TSIs for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains
Reference in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains
The kinematic structure gauge of the rolling stock
Minimum structure gauge
Trace distance
Minimum radius of roundness
Axis pressure parameter
Track ability to absorb vertical loads
The ability of the tracer to absorbe transverse forces
Broker's ability to absorber traffic congestion
Equivalent vertical load at ground constructions and effects in terms of soil pressure
The ability of existing bridges and grounding structures to absorber traffic congestion
Dynamic properties during run
Overaltitude deficit
Threshold Threshold Thresholds
Track ability to absorb vertical loads
The ability of the tracer to absorbe transverse forces
Equivalent conicity
Equivalent conicity
Geometric characteristics of wheel sets
Nominal track gauge
Geometrical characteristics of wheels
Rail network profile for common trace
Hides that can be set to different tracer
Geometry of trails in operation
Minimum radius of curvus
Minimum horizontal radius of curvator
Maximum-average deceleration
The ability of the tracer to include longtime forces
Effection on the effects of brake and acceleration forces
Slipstream effects
Stability of new structures or at the track
Pressure wave from the end of the train
Maximum pressure variation in tunnels
Maximum pressure variation in tunnels
Stamp power in subterranean stations
Trace distance
Page Wind
Side wind effects
Toilet Carpenter System
Toilet Carpening
Cleaning-up cleaning facilities
Rail laundry plants
Water encoding equipment :
Water founder interface
Water encoding
Fuel loading equipment
Fuel filling
Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track
Elecmalities (alienated)

4.3.3. Interfaces of the Operating conditions subsystem

Table 9

Interfaces of the Operating conditions subsystem

Handle in the TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains,
Reference in the TSI for the operation and traffic management of conventional trains
Emergency coupling
Axis pressure parameter
Minimum requirements for the braking system
Headlamps and end-signal
Visibility of train
The durability of train
Observation of signals (*)
The optical properties of the frontron
Intervention of illumination
Control of the driver &apos; s activity
Death almonds
Registration apparatus
Data Registration
(*) In the next revision of the TSIs.

4.3.4. Interfaces of the train subsystem train control and signalling

Table 10

Interfaces of the train subsystem train control and signalling

Reference to the TSIs for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains
Reference in the TSI for train control and signalling to conventional trains
Characteristics of rolling stock compatible with train detection systems based on the shins of the rail
Vehicle geometry
Design of the vehicle
Isolating emissions
Electromagnetic compatibility
Annex A,
appendix 1
rolling stock properties that are compatible with train detection systems based on axle counters
Vehicle geometry
Design of the vehicle
Electromagnetic compatibility
Annex A,
appendix 1
rolling stock properties which are compatible with bows-booking equipment
Design of the vehicle
Annex A,
appendix 1
Deteacation of the overacharness
Requirements for the axle alert detector
Annex A,
appendix 2
Activation of emergency brake
ETCS functions in rolling stock
(Annex A, Index # 1)
Emergency braking
Guaranteed braking performance for train and specifications
Invisibility of the visibility of train control elements
Control of the driver &apos; s activity
Annex A,
index snare. 42

4.3.5. Interfaces of the traffic telematics of passenger transport

Table 11

Interfaces of the traffic telematics of passenger transport

Reference to the TSIs for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains
Reference in draft TSI for transport telematics, passenger transport
Customer information (moving shmmin)
Viewing information on the train
Speaker facilities
Synthetic voice and announcement
Customer information (moving shmmin)

4.4. Operational rules

In the light of the essential requirements, cf. Paragraph 3 describes the provisions concerning the operation of locomotives and passenger trains in the conventional rail system in :

-section 4.3.3, interfaces to the Operating conditions of the Operating System which refer to the relevant sections of this TSI's section 4.2 ;

-section 4.2.12, Documentation regarding operation and maintenance.

The operational rules shall be established within the framework of the railway undertaking &apos; s security management system.

Operational rules are necessary in particular to ensure that a train that has been stopped on a track, as specified in section and (requirements for braking), is stamina. The operational rules for the use of the public address system, the passenger alarm, emergency exits, and the opening and closing of the access doors shall be drawn up, taking into account the relevant provisions of this TSI and for the operation of the operation.

The safety rules for persons working on the track and for passengers on platforms shall be prepared taking into account the relevant provisions of this TSI and for the operation of the operations.

The technical service documentation described in section provides information on the characteristics of the rolling stock to be taken into account when setting operating rules for phoned functional mode.

The procedures for lifting and salvage, including both the method and means of recovery of a deraged train or a train that is not to move normally, shall be determined taking into account the provisions relating to the lifting and lifting of sections and ; provisions relating to the braking system in connection with salvage are described in Section and

4.5. Maintenance Rules

In the light of the essential requirements, cf. Paragraph 3 describes the maintenance of locomotives and passenger trains in the conventional rail system in :

-WHAT? Section 4.2.11, Ongoing Maintenance

-WHAT? Section 4.2.12, Documentation regarding operation and maintenance.

In other provisions of section 4.2 (Section and, the limit values specified for specific properties must be checked during maintenance activities.

In the light of the above information provided for in section 4.2, the tolerances and intervals to be applied to ensure compliance with the essential requirements of the life of the rolling stock, at the farm level (not in the framework), shall be determined. for the assessment in relation to this TSI) ; this activity includes :

-WHAT? the fixing of operating values in the cases where they are not specified in this TSI or where the operating conditions allow the use of other operating values other than those laid down in this TSI.

-WHAT? Justification of the operational values of information corresponding to those required by Section, the documentation of the design of the maintenance.

On the basis of the information referred to in this paragraph, a maintenance plan shall be drawn up at the operating level (not as part of the assessment in relation to this TSI) consisting of a structured set of maintenance tasks comprising activities ; tests and procedures, the maintenance criteria, frequency and working time required to perform maintenance tasks.

4.6. Fagable Qualifications

The professional qualifications of staff required to drive locomotives and passenger trains in the conventional rail system shall be partly covered by the TSI on operating conditions and of Directive 2007 /59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 21) .

4.7. Health and safety

The provisions on health and safety for the staff necessary to operate and maintain locomotives and passengers in the conventional rail system shall be subject to the essential requirements. 1.1, 1.3, 2.5.1, 2.6.1 (according to the numbering in Directive 2008 /57/EC), the technical provisions of this TSI correspond to these essential requirements.

Amongst other things, the following provisions are laid down in Section 4.2 relating to the health and safety of staff :

-WHAT? Section : access conditions for staff at the interconnection and decoupling.

-WHAT? Section : Passive security.

-WHAT? Section : staff and cargo doors shall be : access doors for personnel and cargo.

-WHAT? Section : The impact of the downstream of persons working on the track.

-WHAT? Section : The sound pressure of the font.

-WHAT? Section : Protection against electrical hazard.

-WHAT? Section 4.2.9 : First-room.

-WHAT? Section 4.2.10 : Fire safety and evacuation.

4.8. The European register of approved vehicle types

In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 34 (1). point 2 (a) shall define the technical characteristics of rolling stock to be imported into the European register of approved vehicle types.

The most important characteristics of rolling stock to be entered in the European register of approved vehicle types are shown in Table 12.

The information on other subsystems that are to be included in the register shall be entered in the relevant TSIs.

Table 12

Information to be entered in the European register of approved vehicle types

Property of rolling stock
Type of data to register
Usage condition (the defined consist of the material is certifying)
Consist, device, firm, or predefined consist, interconnected operation
Technical category
The type of mechanical coupling and the nominal, dimensioning maximum value for traction and pressure traction
The structure of the rolling stock
The kinematic reference profile (GA, GB or GC), to which the material is in accordance with, including national profiles less than GC
The unit design mass of the unit in operational mode. The unit design mass of the normal payload maximum axle pressure for each load mode.
rolling stock properties relating to the compatibility of train detection systems
Compatibility with the train detection systems based on track circuits or compatibility with train detection systems based on axle counters or compatibility with bows.
Quadsistatic steering power and
Estimated value (by test and, where applicable, any recalculation)
brake performance by emergency braking during normal and phoned operating conditions (lowest performance for each load mode)
Retardational profile (deceleration = F (speed)) Equivalent response time
Installed supplemental braking systems
Regenerative brake, magnet braking, whirlpool braking.
Thermal braking energy
Concordance of the reference case (yes/no) if no : the inclination of the fall line and length
Parking braking braking
Degree grade
Indoor air quality / necessilation of indoor air quality
The amount of time in which the mechanical ventilation can hold the CO2 level below 10000 ppm. (Registration only necessary if the ventilation of energy supplies is applicable from battery.)
Environmental conditions
Value range for environmental parameters (temperature, snow-ratio, height)
Constructictively Maximize Maximum Speed
Energy supply
System voltage and frequency designed for the rolling stock.
Maximum current
Maximum flow traits on the rolling stock of the rolling
Maximum upstream current by persistent trains, regular flow systems
Maximum power strokes for each pantograph (if larger than specified in the energy TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.6).
Energy Use Measure Function
Whether there is a unit of measure (yes/no)
Pantograph type
The type or types of pantograph head for the geometry of the material is fitted with ;
Fire Safety Categories
A, B, or freight train comotive


5.1. Definition

According to Article 2 (d) of Directive 2008 /57/EC, the interoperability constituents &apos; shall be the unit of parts, parts of parts, subassembly or complete unit of equipment part of or is intended to be part of a subsystem directly or indirectly ; critical to the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.

The term 'component' includes both material and intangible objects, such as software.

The interoperability constituents described in section 5.3 are components :

-WHAT? where the specification refers to a requirement set out in section 4.2. In section 5.3, reference is made to the relevant section of section 4.2, which defines the definition of the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system depends on the component concerned.

-WHAT? Where the requirements set out in section 5.3 are given that a given requirement is to be assessed at the interoperability level, it is not necessary to assess the same level of the subsystem,

-WHAT? whereas, in the case of the specification, it may be necessary to lay down additional requirements such as interface requirements ; these additional requirements are also specified in Section 5.3 ;

-WHAT? and for which the evaluation procedure is described in Section 6.1 independently of the associated subsystem.

The scope of an interoperability constituent must be reported and rewritten as described for each component of section 5.3.

5.2. Innovative solutions

As stated in Point 4.1.1 of this TSI, innovative solutions can require new specifications and / or assessment methods. Such specifications and methods of assessment shall be drawn up by the procedure described in Section 6.1.3 when an innovative solution is intended to be used for interoperability constituent.

5.3. Specifications for Interoperability Components

Interoperability constituents are chargeable and specified in the following.

5.3.1. Emergency couplings

An emergency coupling must be designed and assessed for the purpose of an area defined by :

-WHAT? the type of end-coupling it may be linked to ;

-WHAT? the traits-and the pressure power it can withstand

-WHAT? the manner in which it is intended to be mounted on the recovery unit.

An emergency dock shall comply with the requirements of Section These requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.2. Holidays

A wheel must be construed and assessed for the purpose of an area defined by :

-WHAT? geometrical characteristics : nominal driving diameter,

-WHAT? mechanical properties : maximum vertical static force, maximum speed and longevity ;

-WHAT? termomoric properties : maximum braking energy.

A wheel must meet the geometric characteristics of mechanical and termomanc properties defined in Section ; these requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.3. System for Blocking Protection

A system for vehicle-blocking protection must be designed and assessed for the purpose of an area defined by :

-WHAT? a braking system of the pneumatic type ;

Note : A system for blocking protection is not considered to be an interoperability constituent for other types of brake systems such as hydraulic, dynamic and mixed braking systems, and this section shall not apply in such cases.

-WHAT? the maximum operating speed.

A blocking-protection system must meet the requirements for blocking protection systems, which are being referred to in section of Section

5.3.4. Headlamps

A headlamp is designed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

A headlamp must meet the requirements for colour and intensity defined in Section These requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.5. Marking Light

A marking light is constructed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

A marking light shall comply with the requirements for colour and intensity defined in Section These requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.6. Ending signal

An end signal is constructed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

An end signal shall satisfy the requirements of colour and intensity defined in Section These requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.7. Typhoons

A typhoon shall be constructed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

A typhoon shall comply with the requirements for the giving of sound signals defined in Section These requirements must be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.8. Pantograph

A pantograph must be designed and assessed for the purpose of an area of application defined by :

-WHAT? the voltage system type as defined in Section,

-WHAT? one of the two profiles as specified in Section of the pantograph-head

-WHAT? power capacity as defined in Section,

-WHAT? maximum current for each queue release in overhead contact lines with a AC current ;

Note : The maximum current mode of mode as defined in Section must be compatible with the above values, taking into account the characteristics of the operating wire system (one or two overhead contact lines).

-WHAT? the maximum operational speed : the assessment of the maximum operating speed shall be carried out as provided for in section

The performance of the above reckoning requirements shall be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

The working range of the pantograph of the pantograph specified in section, the geometry of pantograph, specified in section, the power capacity of the pantograph, specified in section, static of the pantograph the contact force specified in section and the own dynamic behaviour of the pantograph, specified in section, shall also be assessed at the level of interoperability constituent. Contact Slices

The contact pieces are interchangeable parts of the pantograph head, which is in contact with the contact line.

Callers must be designed and assessed for the purpose of an area defined by :

-WHAT? their geometry as defined in Section ;

-WHAT? the material the contact pieces are made of, as defined in Section ;

-WHAT? the voltage system type as defined in Section,

-WHAT? power capacity as defined in Section,

-WHAT? the maximum current mode for the direct current systems as defined in Section

The performance of the above requirements in this section shall be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

In addition, a conformity assessment shall be carried out for the contact pieces of coal or impregnated coal as specified in Section

5.3.9. Main interrupts

A main disruption shall be designed and assessed for the purpose of an area defined by :

-WHAT? the voltage system type as defined in Section,

-WHAT? the power capacity as defined in Section (maximum current) and in section (maximum error current).

The performance of the above requirements shall be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

The solution must be carried out immediately (without indicted delay) as specified in Annex K of the energy TSI TSI, cf. the reference in section (the maximum acceptable value is set out in Annex K, Note 2) ; it shall be assessed at the interoperability constituent level.

5.3.10. Wiring bathroom outching

A lavatoria connection has been constructed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

The toilet discharge connection plays must meet the dimensional requirements of Section

5.3.11. Inflow connection to water containers

A flow link to water containers is to be constructed and assessed without limitation on its scope.

Flow connections to water containers must meet the dimensional requirements of Section


6.1. Interoperability Components

6.1.1. Conformity assessment

The manufacturer of the interoperability constituent or its authorised representative established within the European Union must draw up a EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use in accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 13 (1). 1, and Annex IV, before the interoperability constituent is put into circulation.

The assessment of conformity or suitability for use of an interoperability constituent shall be carried out in accordance with the modules prescribed for that component in accordance with the requirements of the said component. section 6.1.2.

Recipient for EC certification of conformity for interoperability constituents

Module CA
Internal Production Control
Module CA1
Internal production control plus verification for examination of each product
Module CA2
Internal Production Control Plus Product Verification with randomly selected spaces
Module CB
EC type-examination
Module CC
Conformity on the basis of internal production control
Module CD
Type-conformity on the basis of the application of a quality assurance system in the production process
Module CF
Conformity on the basis of product verification
Module CH
Conformity on the basis of a complete quality assurance system
Module CH1
Conformity on the basis of a complete quality assurance system plus a design examination ;
Module CV
Type validation based on operational experiences (suitability for use)

These modules are described in a separate commission decision.

Where a particular procedure is to be used for the assessment, the requirements set out in section 4.2 shall be supplemented by a clause in section

Notified bodies subject to the assessment of the interoperability constituents specified in this TSI shall be authorized to assess the rolling stock subsystem for conventional trains and / or pantographs.

6.1.2. Conformity assessment procedures Modules for conformity assessment

The manufacturer or his authorized representative established within the Community must select one of the modules or one of the module combinations marked in the following table corresponding to the relevant component.

Component to evaluate
Module CA
Module CA1 or CA2
Module CB + CC
Module CB + CD
Module CB + CF
Module CH
Module CH1
Emergency couplings for tow
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
System for Blocking Protection
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
Marking Light
X (*)
X (*)
End signals
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
X (*)
Power pantograph contact slices
X (*)
X (*)
Main interrupts
X (*)
X (*)
Wiring bathroom outching
Inflow connection to water containers
(*) Modules CA1, CA2 and CH may only be used for products that have been put into circulation and thus developed before this TSI entered into force and subject to the manufacturer &apos; s successor to the notified body that in the case of previous applications, Whereas, under similar conditions, a design evaluation and a type-examination have been carried out and that the requirements of this TSI are fulfilled ; this display must be documented and considered to have the same evidence as a module CB or a design examination ; by Module CH1. Special Rating Procedures for Interoperability Components System for Blocking Protection (Section 5.3.3)

The system for wheelblock protection must be verified according to the method in EN 15595:2009, section 5 ; when reference is made to EN 15595:2009, section 6.2, "overview of required test,", only section 6.2.3 applies, and this applies to all types of units. Headlamps (Section 5.3.4)

The colour of the headlamps shall be tested according to EN 15153-1:2007, Section 6.1.

The illuminating intensity of the lamps shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, Section 6.2. Marking Light (Section 5.3.5)

The color of the marker lamp shall be tested according to EN 15153-1:2007, Section 6.1.

The illuminating power of the Markers shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, Section 6.2. Endlanterns (Section 5.3.6)

The colour of the end-lanterns shall be tested in accordance with EN 15153-1:2007, Section 6.1.

The illuminate intensity of the Final Lanterns must be tested for EN 15153-1:2007, section 6.2. Typhoon (Section 5.3.7)

The sound pressure levels of the types must be measured and verified following EN 15153-2:2007, section 5. Pantograph (Section 5.3.8)

Maximize current by mode per mode the contact wire shall be assessed on the following conditions for pantographs for direct current systems :

-WHAT? the pantograph shall be in contact with a contact line of copper,

-WHAT? the pantograph shall enter into the power cord a static contact force as set out in EN 50367:2006, section 7.1 ;

and the contact temperature of the contact point shall be continuously monitored during a 30-minute test and must not exceed the values set out in EN 50119:2009, section 5.1.2.

For all pantographs, the static contact force must be verified in accordance with EN 50206-1:2010, section 6.3.1.

The dynamic behaviour of the pantograph in relation to the pantograph shall be assessed by simultaneous simulation after EN50318:2002.

The simulations must be carried out with at least two different types of contact wire, in accordance with the TSI TSI, 23) at the appropriate speed, 24) and the energy supply system, at speeds up to the one to which the pantograph proposed as interoperability constituent is designed.

It is permitted to perform the simulation of overhead contact types that are under certification as interoperability constituents if they meet the other requirements of the energy TSI for conventional trains.

The simulated pantograph-based quality must be in accordance with section, in the case of hautation, mean contact force and standard deviation for each driver's contact line.

If the results of the simulation are acceptable, a dynamic line test must be carried out on a representative section of one of two types of overhead contact lines used in the simulation.

The Interaction properties must be measured according to EN50317:2002.

The tested pantograph shall be mounted on a vehicle and shall produce an average contact force between the upper and lower limit values specified in section up to speed for which the pantograph is designed. The tests must be carried out in both directions and include the low-wheeled contact shines (defined as between 5,0 and 5,3 m) and track pieces with high contact wire height (defined as between 5.5 and 5.75 m).

The tests must be carried out on at least three speed steps up to and at the speed of the tested pantograph designed to be used.

The speed difference between the following tests shall be no greater than 50 km/h.

The measured pantograph quality shall be in accordance with section, in respect of uplifting and either on average contact force and standard deviation or spark formation in percentage.

If all of the above assessments are carried out with good results, the tested pantograph design shall be considered to be in conformity with the TSE as regards the quality of the pantograph.

In the case of the use of a pantograph with EC declaration of verification on rolling stock of different structures, further testing of the quality of the pantograph system shall be required at the subsystem level as specified in Section Contact Slices (Section

Pals of clean coal or impregnated coal shall be verified as set out in EN 50405:2006, section 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.6 and 5.2.7.

Other material : Verification is an outstanding item. Project phases where assessment is required

Annex H to this TSI is nearer to the stages of a project to be carried out in relation to the requirements applicable to the interoperability constituents :

-WHAT? Projecting and technical development :

-WHAT? design evaluation and / or design examination ;

-WHAT? type-test : a test to verify the design, if and as specified in section 4.2.

-WHAT? The manufacturing phase : routine tests to verify the conformity of production.

Which body is responsible for the assessment of the routine tests, determined in accordance with the assessment module selected.

Annex H is built in parallel to section 4.2, which requirements apply to the interoperability constituents and how to assess them are set out in section 5.3 on the reference to specific sections of section 4.2 ; in the relevant cases, a reference is given ; a reference to a subsection of section

6.1.3. Innovative solutions

If an innovative solution is proposed (as defined in Section 4.1.1) for an interoperability constituent as defined in Section 5.2, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community must declare on what points it differs from that ; the relevant sections of this TSI and to present the derogations to the Commission for the purpose of analysis.

In a favourable opinion, the Munder analysis will be drawn up with a corresponding assessment method, which must be incorporated into the TSI to make use of this component.

The relevant functional and interface specifications and assessment methods must be incorporated into the TSI at a review.

The Commission may allow the innovative solution to be applied before it has been incorporated into a revised version of the TSE, by giving notice of a decision in accordance with the procedure laid down in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 29.

6.1.4. Interoperability constituents for which EC declarations are to be issued on the basis of both this TSI and the TSI for the rolling stock for high-speed trains

This section deals with the case where an interoperability constituent should be assessed on the basis of this TSI and :

-WHAT? whereas, in addition, shall be assessed on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains or

-WHAT? have already received a Community declaration of conformity or suitability for use, on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains.

The parameters for the interoperability constituents appearing in both the TSIs and which are specified in an equal degree are specified in the section 6.2.5 of this TSI.

In such cases, it is not necessary to make a new assessment of the interoperability constituents following this TSI ; the assessment on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains is recognized as valid for both TSIs.

This applies to the following interoperability constituents :

-WHAT? headlamps,

-WHAT? Marking Light

-WHAT? closing signals,

-WHAT? typfon

-WHAT? pantograph, provided that the condition laid down in Section 6.2.5 is fulfilled ;

-WHAT? contact sheet for pantograph,

-WHAT? toilet discharge connection piece

-WHAT? drainage to water containers,

For the purposes of this TSI, interoperability constituents may refer to the EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use of the EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use, following the TSI for rolling stock TSI, high-speed trains.

6.1.5. Estimate of suitability for use

Assessment of suitability for use according to the type-validation procedure shall be based on the experience gained from practical operations (module CV) for the following interoperability constituents :

-WHAT? wheel

-WHAT? system for blocking protection.

Before the practical operation of the tests, the design of the component must be certified by the use of an appropriate module (CB or CH).

6.2. System Rolling Stock

6.2.1. EC Verification (General)

The EC verification procedures are described in Annex VI to Directive 2008 /57/EC.

The EC verification of a rolling stock unit shall be carried out in accordance with one or a combination of the following modules as defined in Section 6.2.2 of this TSI.

Modules to EC verification of subsystems

Module SB
EC type-examination
Module SD
EC verification on the basis of the application of a quality assurance system in the production process ;
Module SG
EC verification on the basis of unit verification
Module SF
EC verification on the basis of product verification
Module SH1
EC verification on the basis of a complete quality assurance system plus a design examination ;

These modules are described in a separate commission decision.

Where a particular procedure is to be used for the assessment, the requirements set out in section 4.2 shall be supplemented by a provision in section

When the applicant uses a pre-assessment for the design phase or the execution phase, the notified body which the applicant has chosen must issue a confirmatory statement during the intermediate phase (ISV, for " Intermediate Statement, a &quot; Verification &quot;) and a EC declaration of compliance in the intermediate phase.

6.2.2. Conformity assessment procedures (modules) Modules for conformity assessment

The applicant must select one of the following combinations of modules :

(SB + SD) or (SB + SF) or (SH1) for each of the subsystem (or part of the subsystem).

The assessment will be carried out accordingly according to the selected combination of modules.

When several Community verifications (e.g., in relation to several TSIs relating to the same subsystem) require verification on the basis of the same production assessment (module SD or SF), it is permissible to combine multiple SB module assessments with one production module assessment (SD or SF). In this case, the ISVs are issued for the phases of design and technical development according to Module SB.

If the module SB is used, the type-examination certificate shall be valid in accordance with the provisions relating to Phase B of section 7.1.3, the rules on the EC verification of the EC verification, in this TSI. Special assessment procedures for subsystems Load modes and weighted mass (Section

The load mode &apos; design mass in operational condition ` shall be measured in accordance with the method of weighing vehicles set out in EN 14363:2005, Section 4.5, for each (manufactured) vehicle. Profiler (Section

The profile of the device is evaluated by using the kinematic method described in EN 15273-2:2009, section B. 3. Hire loading (Section

The wheel load must be measured as specified in EN 14363:2005, Section 4.5, taking into account the &apos; design mass in operational condition `, taking into account the load mode &apos; design mass `. Braking-safety requirements (Section

The conformity of compliance with the safety requirements of Section, Table 6, shall be performed as follows :

-WHAT? This assessment may include only the construction of the rolling stock, the operation, testing and maintenance shall be carried out in accordance with the rules laid down by the applicant (as described in the technical file).

Note : In determining the test and maintenance requirements, the applicant must take account of the level of safety to be achieved (consistency) ; the conformity of conformity also includes test and maintenance requirements.

No account shall be taken of other subsystems and human factors (errors).

-WHAT? All assumptions that are taken into account in the case of mission profile must be clearly documented in the course of the investigation.

Fulfillment of the requirements specified in Section, Table 6, for danger No, Number one and number 2, must be followed by one of the following two methods :

1. The use of a harmonized criterion expressed in a tolerable risk frequency of 10 to 9 per head. Hour.

This criterion shall be in accordance with Regulation (EC) No, .352/2009 (the security method Regulation), Annex I, section 2.5.4.

The applicant must demonstrate compliance with the harmonised criterion by applying the Annex I-3 of the security method Regulation. This can be done on the basis of the following principles : equality of one or more reference systems ; the application of recognised practices ; the application of a probability-based method.

The applicant shall appoint the examiner to support the demonstration he will present : the notified body which is selected for the rolling stock subsystem or a manufacturer as defined in the security method regulation.

The assessment shall be documented in the EC certificate issued by the notified body, or in the EC declaration of verification which the applicant shall adopt.

It must be stated in the EC declaration of verification that this criterion is being complied with, and this must be recognised in all the Member States.

If it is about additional authorisations for the entry into service of vehicles, Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 23 (1) of this Directive, shall apply. 1, use.


2. The use of risk evaluation and assessment in accordance with the security method regulation.

It must be stated in the EC declaration of verification that this method has been used.

The applicant shall designate the examiner who shall support the demonstration that he will present, as required by the Security Method Regulation.

A safety assessment report shall be provided for the evaluation of the evaluation and the evaluation of the evaluation carried out in the report.

-WHAT? risk analysis,

-WHAT? risk acceptance principle, risk acceptance criteria and safeguards to be carried out ;

-WHAT? compliance with the risk acceptance criterion and with the security measures to be implemented.

The national security authority of the Member State concerned shall take into account the safety assessment report, cf. Annex I of the security method laid down in section 2.5.6 of this Annex and Article 7 (2). 2.

If it is about additional authorisations for the entry into service of vehicles, Article 7 (3) of the security method shall apply. 4, apply in respect of the recognition of the safety assessment report in other Member States. Emergency braking (Section

The braking test to be tested is defined by the stop-rate, cf. EN 14531-1:2005, section 5.11.3. The rectum shall be assessed from the stand-rate.

The tests must be carried out on dry rails at the following speeds (insofar as they are lower than the maximum speed) at approximately 30 km/h; 70 km/h; 70 km/h; 200 km/h; 200 km/h; unit &apos; s constructively determined maximum speed.

The tests must take place for the following load modes for the unit : "design mass in operational condition" and "design mass with normal futile load" (see. definition in section

The test results shall be assessed according to a method which takes account of the following :

-WHAT? correction of raw data

-WHAT? the repeatability of the test : in order to validate the test results, the test must be repeated several times ; the absolute difference between the results and the standard deviation must be evaluated. Operation braking (section

The braking test to be tested is defined by the stop-rate, cf. EN 14531-1:2005, section 5.11.3. The rectum shall be assessed from the stand-rate.

The tests must be carried out on dry rails and initiated at the design speed at the design speed and the load mode corresponding to one of those defined in Section

The test results shall be assessed according to a method which takes account of the following :

-WHAT? correction of raw data

-WHAT? the repeatability of the test : in order to validate the test results, the test must be repeated several times ; the absolute difference between the results and the standard deviation must be evaluated. System for blocking protection (Section

If a unit is equipped with tyre-blocking protection, the test must be carried out under poor adhesion conditions following EN 15595:2009, section 6.4, to assess the performance of the system (the maximum extension of the stop length compared to the stop length of dry rails) when it is built into the device. Sanitary systems (Section

If the sanitation system permits the release of liquids to the environment (e.g. on track), the conformity assessment may be based on the previous operating test when the following conditions are met :

-WHAT? The results of the operations tests have been obtained for equipment types with identical processing methods.

-WHAT? The test conditions correspond to those who can be assumed for the unit to be assessed in terms of loading, environmental conditions and all other parameters that may affect the effectiveness of the treatment process.

If there is no operational test results, type testing must be performed. Indoor quality of indoor air (Section and Section

Conformity assessment for CO 2 -the content of the air may be carried out in the calculation of fresh-air volumes from the ventilation when the exclusion of the exclusion ; 2 -content is set to 400 ppm, and CO 2 -the emission per. Passenger to 32 grams per hour. How many passengers to be taken into account are determined from the load mode &apos; design mass with normal payload ', cf. Section The impact of the air flow of passengers on platform (Section

The conformity assessment shall be assessed on the basis of the full scale tests under the conditions specified in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, section 7.5.2. The measurements must be carried out on a platform with a height of between 100 and 400 mm above the rail overhead. The impact of the volume of the persons working the track (Section

The conformity assessment shall be assessed on the basis of the full scale tests under the conditions specified in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, section 8.5.2. Pressure wave from the end of the train (section

The conformity assessment shall be assessed on the basis of the full scale tests under the conditions specified in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, section 5.5.2. An alternative for speeds less than 190 km/h is to assess compliance using either authenticated flow-dynamic CFD simulations as described in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, Section 5.3, or-as yet another alternative option- evaluate it by testing with a model in motion as specified in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, section 5.4.3. Maximum power output and power from cooling release (Section

The conformity assessment must be carried out in accordance with EN 50388:2005, section 14.3. Effect factor (Section

The conformity assessment must be carried out in accordance with EN 50388:2005, section 14.2. Dynamic properties of the pantograph (Section

When a pantograph that has a Community declaration of conformity or fitness for use as interoperability constituent, is incorporated into a vehicle to be assessed on the basis of the TSIs for locomotives and passenger carriage to conventional trains, performing dynamic tests to measure the average contact force and standard deviation or spark formation in accordance with EN 50317:2002 up to the speed the device is designed for.

The tests must, for each installed pantograph run, run in both directions and include the low-wheeled contact shines (defined as between 5,0 and 5,3 m) and track pieces with a high driving wire height (defined as between 5.5 and 5,75 m).

The tests must be carried out on at least three speed steps up to and at the speed with which the device is designed. The speed difference between the following tests shall be no greater than 50 km/h.

The measured results shall be in accordance with Section, as regards the average contact force and standard deviation or spark formation. Location of pantographs (Section

Characteristics of the dynamic characteristics of the pantograph are to be verified as specified in section Frontrude (Section

The characteristics of the frontron shall be verified as specified in EN 15152:2007, sections 6.2.1 to 6.2.7. Fire barriers (

If the evaluation of compliance with the Fire-prevention measures in section is carried out using the flow-dynamic CFD simulations, the simulations must be validated at 1:1 tests carried out on a model of circumstances which are valid for the unit to be assessed in relation to TSI'en; to take account of the accuracy of the display method. Project phases where assessment is required

Annex H to this TSI is nearer to the stages of a project to be carried out in an assessment :

-WHAT? Projecting and technical development :

-WHAT? design evaluation and / or design examination ;

-WHAT? type-test : a test to verify the design, if and as specified in section 4.2.

-WHAT? The manufacturing phase : routine tests to verify the conformity of production.

Which body is responsible for the assessment of the routine tests, determined in accordance with the assessment module selected.

Annex H is built in parallel to section 4.2, which determines the requirements applicable to the rolling stock subsystem and how to assess them ; a reference to a subsection of section is also mentioned in the appropriate cases.

Where a type test is pointed out in Annex H, the conditions for and the requirements for the test are to be found in section 4.2.

When several Community verifications (e.g., in relation to several TSIs relating to the same subsystem) require verification on the basis of the same production assessment (module SD or SF), it is permissible to combine multiple SB module assessments with one production module assessment (SD or SF). In this case, the ISVs are issued for the phases of design and technical development according to Module SB.

If the module SB is used, the validity of the EC declaration of partial system conformity in accordance with the provisions on phase B of section 7.1.3, rules on the EC verification shall be given in this TSI.

6.2.3. Innovative solutions

Contains the rolling stock an innovative solution, cf. in Section 4.1.1, the applicant shall explain how it differs from the relevant provisions of the TSI and submit the statement to the Commission, which shall analyse the deviations.

In the favourable opinion of the analysis, a relevant feature and interface specification will be drawn up with corresponding assessment methods that will be included in the TSI to allow this solution.

The relevant functional and interface specifications and methods of assessment shall be included in the TSI for a revision.

The Commission may allow the innovative solution to be applied before it has been incorporated into a revised version of the TSE, by giving notice of a decision in accordance with the procedure laid down in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 29.

6.2.4. Evaluation of operational and maintenance documents

According to Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 18 (1) 3, it shall be the responsibility of a notified body to create a technical file containing the necessary documents on operation and maintenance.

The notified body must verify only that the necessary documents and maintenance documents are available as defined in Section 4.2.12 of this TSI. It does not have a duty to verify the information contained in the documents submitted.

6.2.5. Devices for which EC declarations shall be issued on the basis of both this TSI and the TSI for the rolling stock for high-speed trains ;

This section deals with the case where a unit type shall be assessed on the basis of this TSI and :

-WHAT? whereas, in addition, shall be assessed on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains or

-WHAT? have already received a Community verification certificate on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains.

The parameters that appear in both TSIMs and which are specified in the following table are specified in the following table : these parameters require the notified body designated to carry out the assessment in relation to this TSI, not make a new one ; assessment of the evaluation on the basis of the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains being recognized as valid for both TSIs.

The EC verification certificate drawn up by the notified body to document the conformity of the device type with this TSI may refer to the EC verification certificate that declares conformity with the TSI for rolling stock ; in the case of the following section of the present TSI, if the condition indicated below for the relevant section is met.

Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Section of this TSI
Section of the TSI for rolling stock for high-speed trains
Condition for the validity of assessment of the TSI for rolling stock for high-speed trains
Construction and mechanical parts
Emergency coupling
Access conditions for the staff in connection with and decoupling
Strengthe of vehicles &apos; s design
Passive security
Personnel access doors
Collections with Track and Alignment
Profile-Chinematic Probe gauge
Hire Load
Parameters in the rolling stock subsystem that impacts the train control and signalling subsystem
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
Dynamic properties during run
The assessment shall include tests at the operating speed of the conventional rail network
Run Security Thresholds
Threshold Thresholds
Equivalent conicity : Dimensional values for new wheel profiles
Simullations must be carried out for the three additional track profiles specified in the rolling stock TSI for conventional trains ;
Geometrical characteristics of wheels
Functional requirements
Emergency braking
Operation braking
Emergency braking
The assessment shall include tests at the operating speed of the conventional rail network
Operational braking effect
The assessment shall include tests at the operating speed of the conventional rail network
Parking braking braking
Boundings Limit between Wheels and Rail
Braking requirements for salvage situations
Probe of importance for passengers
Sanitary systems
Speaker facilities : sound communication system
Passenger alert : functional requirements
Safety instructions for passengers-Skilling
Environmental conditions and aerodynamic effects
The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform
The impact of the impact of persons working on the track
Pressure wave from the end of the train
Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices
Headlamps, signalling signal and end-signal
Traction power and electrical equipment
Performance of traction
Energy supply to
Requirements related to the pantograph for
The assessment shall include tests at the operating speed of the conventional rail network
Electrical protection of the train + Outstanding Point
Protection against electrical risk
Drivers and interface between train driver and driver spacing
By-and on-rise
Driving seat
Climate management and air quality
Container space for personnel personal belongings
Fire safety and evacuation
General and categorization
Material Require
Special measures relating to flammable liquids
Passenger evacuation
Fire barriers
Ongoing maintenance
Exterior train cleanup
Toilet Carpenter System
4.2.11. 3
Water encoding equipment
Water founder interface
Documentation regarding operation and maintenance
Maintenance manual
Documentation regarding operation

6.2.6. Rating devices for use in general operation

When a new, upgraded or renewed device to be used in general operation must be assessed in relation to this TSI (in accordance with Section 4.1.2), the assessment in relation to some of the TSI's requirements requires a reference train. This has been mentioned in the relevant provisions of Section 4. Similarly, the fulfils of certain requirements of the TSI may not be assessed at a unit level ; such cases are described in section 4.2 of this TSI for the relevant requirements.

The scope of the rolling stock type, which, in combination with the unit to be assessed, ensures that the train is in accordance with the TSIM, not verification by the notified body.

Where such a unit has obtained commissioning authorisation, the railway undertaking shall be responsible for its use in a consist (whether it complies with the TSI or does not) according to the rules laid down in the TSI for operation and traffic management, sections ;

6.2.7. Assessment of units for use in one or more predefined consist

When a new, upgraded or renewed entity to be inserted into one or more predefined consist to be assessed (in accordance with Section 4.1.2), the EC verification certificate shall indicate which or what consist of the assessment shall be : for the type of rolling stock to be linked to the unit to be assessed, the number of vehicles in the consist (consist), the location of vehicles in the consist (the consist) to ensure that the consist is not ; compliance with this TSI.

The TSIs shall be evaluated during the application of a reference consist, when and as specified in this TSI.

Where such a unit has obtained authorisation to be granted, it may be coupled with other entities, and thus be included in the consist referred to in the EC verification certificate.

6.2.8. Special situation : Assess entities to be included in an existing fixed consist Background

The special assessment situation occurs when a part of a regular consist is to be replaced, which is already in use.

The following describes two instances of the different TSI status for the fixed consist.

The portion of the regular consist to be assessed is referred to as the "unit" in the text below. flat-rate, in accordance with the TSI,

When a new, upgraded or renewed entity to be part of an existing fixed consist must be assessed in relation to this TSI and a valid Community verification certificate for the existing fixed consist must only be carried out ; The TSI assessment of the new unit to update the certificate of the existing fixed consist to be renewed (see also section flat-rate not in accordance with the TSI TSI

When a new, upgraded or renewed entity to be part of an existing fixed consist must be assessed in relation to this TSI and no valid EC verification certificate for the existing fixed consist shall be indicated in : The EC verification certificate that the assessment does not include the applicable TSIs that apply to the fixed consist, but only for the rated unit.

6.3. Interoperability constituents with no EC declaration

6.3.1. Terms and Conditions

During the transitional period, cf. Article 6 of the Commission Decision on this TSI may issue a &quot; EC &quot; verification certificate for a subsystem, although some of the interoperability constituents of the subsystem are not covered by the relevant EC declarations ; conformity or suitability for use in accordance with this TSI (non-certified interoperability constituents) where the following criteria are observed :

a) The notified body must have checked the compliance of the subsystem with the requirements of Section 4 of this TSI and with paragraphs 6.2 to 7 (except Specific Case). Nor is it necessary for the interoperability constituents to be in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 6.1.

b) The interoperability constituents which are not covered by the relevant EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use must have been used in an already approved sub-system in use in at least one Member State before this TSI, the date of implementation.

The EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use of interoperability constituents shall not be established for the purposes of assessment of such compliance.

6.3.2. Documentation

The EC verification certificate shall state clearly the interoperability constituents that the notified body has assessed during the verification of the subsystem.

The following shall be clearly stated in the EC declaration of verification :

a) an indication of the interoperability constituents which have been assessed as part of the subsystem,

b) confirmation that the subsystem contains interoperability constituents identical to those that have been verified as part of the subsystem,

c) an indication of the reason (s) that the manufacturer did not supply these interoperability constituents with a EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use before being incorporated into the subsystem, including the application of national rules, which : has been announced pursuant to Article 17 of Directive 2008 /57/EC.

6.3.3. Maintenance of subsystems certified according to Section 6.3.1

During and after the transitional period and until the subsystem is upgraded or renewed (taking into account the decision of the Member State to use the TSIs), the maintenance competent body may, on their own account, replace the interoperability constituents which do not ; have a EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use, with components of the same type (spare parts) as part of the maintenance subsystem.

In any event, the maintenance competent body must ensure that spare parts for maintenance are appropriate for the use made of them and that interoperability in the railway system can be achieved without fulfilling the performance ; the essential requirements are being overworked. Such components must be traceable and certified in accordance with national or international rules or standards which enjoy broad recognition in the railway sector.


7.1. General rules for implementation

7.1.1. Use of newly built rolling stock General

This TSI applies to all units of rolling stock falling within its scope and are in use after its implementation date, except in which section, Transitional Period, or Section, Application of Work vehicles, shall apply.

This TSI shall not apply to units of rolling stock already operating on the net (or part of the net) in a Member State of the date of implementation before these entities are upgraded or renewed (see section 7.1.2).

Rolling stock manufactured following a construct drawn up after the date of implementation of this Decision shall be in accordance with this TSI. Transition period Introduction

Many projects or contracts launched before the implementation date of this Decision will lead to the production of conventional rolling stock which does not fully meet the requirements of this TSI.

As stated in Article 2 (2) of this Decision, In accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 5 (5) is in accordance with Directive 2008 (5). (e) 3 (f) lays down a transitional period for rolling stock covered by projects or contracts ; during this transitional period, the use of this TSI is not compulsory if the rolling stock in question is taken before it is used ; expired. The transition period shall expire on the date referred to in Article 2 (1). 2, in the Commission Decision on this TSI.

The transition period shall apply :

-WHAT? for projects at an advanced stage of development, cf. Section

-WHAT? for contracts during implementation, cf. Section

-WHAT? in the name of rolling stock of existing construction, cf. section

If the applicant during the transitional period chooses not to apply this TSI, the use of the vehicle may be issued for the vehicle in accordance with Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 24 (First Permission to Commissioning) or 25 (Additional authorization for entry into service) rather than in accordance with Articles 22 or 23.

All rolling stock taken in use at the end of the transitional period provided for in this Title shall be fully in conformity with this TSI, cf. however, Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 9, which allows Member States to apply for exceptions to the conditions laid down in Article 1. Projects in an advanced stage of development

This section deals with rolling stock which is developed and produced as part of a project that is located on an advanced stage of development, cf. Article 2 (t) of the Directive. The project must be at an advanced stage of development when this TSI is published in : Official Journal of the European Union .

During the transitional period, cf. in section, it is not compulsory to apply this TSI to rolling stock which is covered by this Title if the rolling stock concerned is to be taken before the end of the transitional period, cf. Article 2 (2) of the Decision. 2. Contracts during execution

This section deals with rolling stock developed and manufactured as part of a contract signed before the publication of this TSI, Official Journal of the European Union .

The applicant shall provide proof of the original and applicable contract &apos; s signature date. The date of any additions that changes the original contract shall not be taken into account as a signature date of the contract in question.

During the transitional period, cf. in section, it is not compulsory to apply this TSI to rolling stock which is covered by this Title if the rolling stock concerned is to be taken before the end of the transitional period, cf. Article 2 (2) of the Decision. 2. Rolling stock of existing construction

This section concerns rolling stock produced after a design developed before the publication of this TSI in : Official Journal of the European Union , which is not, therefore, assessed following this TSI.

During the transitional period, cf. in section, it is not compulsory to apply this TSI to rolling stock which is covered by this Title if the rolling stock concerned is to be taken before the end of the transitional period, cf. Article 2 (2), 2.

In the case of this TSI, rolling stock may be regarded as " built upon an existing structure &quot;, when one of the following two conditions is met :

-WHAT? In the case of abandonment or entry into service of rolling stock, the applicant may prove that the newly constructed rolling stock will be produced following a documented construction previously used to manufacture rolling stock ; equipment which has been granted authorisation in a Member State before the publication of this TSI, Official Journal of the European Union .

-WHAT? For rolling stock of a type that is not manufactured under contract, but on the initiative of the manufacturer : the manufacturer or the applicant may demonstrate that the project was a phase before production or production at the time of the present TSI, publication. To prove this, at least one prototype must be in a collection of an existing identifiable vehicle, and it must be commissioned from sub-contractors corresponding to 90% of the total value of the components.

The applicant shall be satisfied with the national security authority that the relevant of the above two conditions are met.

In the case of changes to an existing TSI (not the TSI), the following rules shall apply during the transitional period :

-WHAT? For design changes only necessary to ensure the technical compatibility of rolling stock with fixed installations (corresponding interfaces to the infrastructure, energy or train control and control of the subsystem), it is not ; obligatory use of this TSI ; the vehicle produced after the &apos; modified &apos; design may be authorised in accordance with Articles 24 or 25 of Directive 2008 /57/EC.

-WHAT? In other design changes, this section of &apos; existing construction &apos; shall not apply ; the design shall be regarded as new and this TSI is to be used. Use of work vehicles

It is not mandatory to apply this TSI to the work vehicles (as defined in Section 2.2 and 2.3).

Appliors may voluntarily use the conformity assessment procedure as described in Section 6.2.1 as the basis for the completion of the EC declaration of verification ; the Member States must recognise this EC declaration of verification as such.

If the applicant does not choose to complete a &quot; EC &quot; declaration of verification, the authorisation for work vehicles may be issued in accordance with Articles 24 or 25 of Directive 2008 /57/EC. Interface for the implementation of other TSIs

As mentioned in section 2.1, other TSI also applies to the rolling stock subsystem ; in them they specify the implementing rules for the requirements that they cover.

In order to avoid any misunderstandings about the relationship between the implementing rules for these other TSIs and the implementing rules for this TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains, the following rules shall be laid down for cases where : referred to in this TSI to the other TSIs :

-WHAT? Where the reader is referenced in this TSI for the reader, reference is made to another TSI, the implementing rules applicable (e.g., when a reminder refers to a provision in the TSI for accessibility for persons with reduced mobility, the TSI for security in the TSI, rail tunnels or the TSI for noise.)

-WHAT? where a binding reference is made to avoid repeating a paragraph of another TSI (e.g., in order to extend the scope of a provision in the TSI for rolling stock for the high-speed train or the TSI for safety in rail tunnels) the reference shall be made to this TSI as a requirement of this TSI, and, therefore, the implementation strategy for the TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains.

7.1.2. Renewal and upgrading of existing rolling stock Introduction

This section contains information relating to Article 20 of Directive 2008 /57/EC. Renewal

Member States must take the following principles when applying this TSI in the event of renewal :

-WHAT? A new assessment in relation to the requirements of this TSI is only required for the basic parameters of this TSI whose performance is affected by the change or the changes.

-WHAT? For existing rolling stock that is not in conformity with the TSIM and where it is not financially realistic to meet the TSIs, renewal is accepted, if it is clear that a basic parameter is improved in the direction of the TSIs, performance.

-WHAT? The impact of national transitional strategies, which is the result of the implementation of other TSIs.

For a project incorporating elements that are not TSIs, it is agreed with the Member State in which procedures should apply to conformity assessment and EC verification.

In the case of rolling stock of an existing non-TSI form, the replacement of an entire unit or of one or more vehicles in a unit (e.g. replacement after serious damage, see also paragraph 6.2.8), do not require conformity assessment in relation to this TSI when the device or vehicle (s) are identical to those that they replace. Such devices must be traceable and be certified in accordance with national or international rules or standards which enjoy broad recognition in the railway sector.

For the replacement of the TSI conforming units or vehicles, a conformity assessment must be carried out in relation to this TSI. Upgrading

Member States must take the following principles when applying this TSI in the event of an upgrade :

-WHAT? Parts and basic parameters of the subsystem not affected by the upgrade shall be exempt from conformity assessment in relation to the provisions of this TSI.

-WHAT? A new assessment in relation to the requirements of this TSI is only required for the basic parameters of this TSI whose performance is affected by the change or the changes.

-WHAT? When it is not financially realistic to meet the TSI requirements during the upgrade process, it may be accepted if it is clear that a basic parameter is improved in the direction of the TSIs.

-WHAT? Instructions to Member States about which changes are considered to be upgrades are found in the application guide (Application Guide).

-WHAT? The impact of national transitional strategies, which is the result of the implementation of other TSIs.

For a project incorporating elements that are not TSIs, it is agreed with the Member State in which procedures should apply to conformity assessment and EC verification.

7.1.3. Rules relating to the type-examination or design examination certificate System Rolling Stock

This section relates to a type as defined in Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 2 (w) of rolling stock (in this TSI, a unit type), which shall review a Community procedure for type or design verification, in accordance with the rules of the TSI section

The TSI assessment base for a type-examination or design examination is defined in columns 2 and 3 (the project and development phase) of Annex H to this TSI.

Phase A

Phase A shall begin when the applicant designates a notified body responsible for the EC verification and ends when a EC type-examination certificate is issued.

The basis for the assessment of a type in relation to the TSI is determined for a period A period of not more than seven years. During the period A period, the assessment basis for the EC verification which the notified body must use shall not change.

When a revised version of this TSI enters into force during a phase A period, it may be permitted but not mandatory to use the revised version.

Phase B

Phase B period coincided with the period of validity of the examination certificate, when the certificate is issued by the notified body. In this period, units may be certified on the basis of conformity of type.

The type-examination certificate after EC verification of the subsystem is valid for a seven-year phase B period from the date of issue, even if a revised version of this TSI is entered into force. In this period, new rolling stock of the same type may be used on the basis of a EC declaration of verification, which refers to the verification test for the type.

Changes to a type or design that has obtained a Community verification certificate

For changes to a type of rolling stock already having a type-examination verification test for type-examination or design examination, the following rules shall apply :

-WHAT? It is permissible to handle the changes by simply re-evaluating the changes affecting the basic parameters of the most recent revised version of this TSI, which are in force at the time.

-WHAT? For the purpose of issuing the EC verification certificate, the notified body may refer to :

-WHAT? the original certificate of examination or design examination for the unaltered parts of the design if it is still valid (in the period B period of seven years) ;

-WHAT? an additional certificate of type-examination or design examination (altering the original certificate) for modified parts of the design that affect the basic parameters of the most recent revised version of this TSI, which are in force on the said TSI, Time. Interoperability Components

This section deals with an interoperability constituent to be subjected to a type-examination (module SB) or an assessment of suitability for use (module resume / CV).

The certificate for type-examination or design examination or suitability for use shall be valid for five years. During this time, new components of the same type must be used without a new type-assessment. Before the end of the five-year phase B period, the component shall be assessed on the basis of the most recent revised version of this TSI, which is currently in force in respect of the requirements which have been changed or which are new in relation to the certification basis.

7.2. Comparability with other subsystems

The TSI for locomotives and passenger carriages for conventional trains has been drawn up, taking into account the other subsystems and is in accordance with their TSIs in the area of conventional trains. This means that interfaces for fixed installations in the infrastructure subsystem, energy and train control and signalling are processed for subsystems that are in accordance with the TSIs for these subsystems.

It means, once again, that the implementing methods and phases of rolling stock depend on the way in implementing the infrastructure TSI, energy and train control and signalling devices for conventional trains.

In addition, the TSIs that apply to fixed railway installations permit variants.

In the case of rolling stock, these variants will be included in the technical characteristics to be registered in the European register of approved vehicle types, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 34.

In the case of infrastructure, they will be among the main characteristics to register in the Infrastructure Register, cf. Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 35.

7.3. Specific case

7.3.1. General

The specific provisions referred to in the following paragraphs relate to specific provisions which are necessary and authorised in specific nets in each Member State.

These special cases are classified as :

P-cases : permanent cases

T-cases : temporary cases in which it is recommended that the target system be realised in 2020 (this target is set in the decision of the European Parliament and of the Council no. Regulation No 1692 /96/EC, as amended by Decision No 2 of the Council 884 /2004/EF 25) .

Any special case that is significant for rolling stock within the scope of this TSI shall be addressed in this TSI.

Some special cases have interfaces with other TSIs. When a section of this TSI refers to other TSIs, where a specific case applies, or when a specific case applies to rolling stock as a result of a special case specified in another TSI, these shall be repeated in this TSI.

In addition, some special cases do not prevent access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. In this case, this paragraph is explicitly referred to in the section under 7.3.2.

7.3.2. List of special cases General Specific Case

Specific cases for Greece

in the case of rolling stock preset into operation of the peloponnesian 1000 mm net, national rules shall apply.

Specific case ang. 1520 mm-net in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia

in the case of the case of the present TSI : the application of this TSI to rolling stock prefixed at 1520 mm net is an outstanding point.

Bilateral traffic of 1520 mm networks in third countries : Special cases for Finland ;

in the case of a P-F : it is permitted to use national technical requirements rather than the requirements of this TSI on the rolling stock of third countries to be operated on the 1520 mm network of Finland and third-country-third countries (1520 mm) nets.

Special cases for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia

in the case of a pp : it is permitted to use national technical requirements rather than the requirements of this TSI on rolling stock, set up to be inserted at 1520 millimetres in traffic between Member States and third countries. Interfaces of the Mechanical Interfaces (

Specific case for Finland

P-cases : If rolling stock prefixed in traffic in Finland is fitted with puffers, the distance between the digit centerpieces shall be 1830 mm (+ /-10 mm).

For the rest, the requirements set out in section, the single decoupling, shall apply.

Special cases for Spain

T-Cases : if rolling stock preset into traffic in Spain on the Internet with track gauge 1668 mm is fitted with puffers and screeching, the distance between the buffer centerpieces must be 1850 mm (+ /-10 mm).

For the rest, the requirements set out in section, the single decoupling, shall apply.

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

in the case of potions : if rolling stock prefixed in traffic in Ireland is equipped with puffers and screeching, the distance between the digit centres must be 1805 mm (+ /-10 mm), and the track centre height of the buffer and trek centre above the rail must be : between 1067 mm and 1092 mm in the unladen condition. Profildetermination (

Specific case for Finland

in the case of the P-case : entities designed for operation on the 1520 mm area of the Finnish 1520 mm network shall be maintained within the structure gauge of FIN1 of the conditions defined in EN 15273-2:2009.

Note : See also the special case in section, Hjulset, for track gauge.

Specific cases for Portugal

P-cases : Units designed for operation on the Portuguese network must be kept within the kinematic free gauge PTb, PTb +, or PTC as defined in Annex I to EN 15273-2:2009.

Note : See also the special case in section, Hjulset, for track gauge.

Specific case for Sweden

P-cases : units designed for operation on the Swedish network must be kept within the SEA or SEC (SEC) in accordance with EN15273-2:2009.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

P-cases : Units designed to operate the network in Great Britain must be kept within the kinematic structure gauge defined in the TSI for the conventional train infrastructure, section

In the case of the kinematic structure gauge, the conformity assessment must be carried out in accordance with the methods of the national technical requirements to which the notification has been communicated.

For upgraded and renewed lines, pantographs on vehicles in use in Britain shall be kept within the meaning of the profile defined in the national technical requirements for which notification has been made.

Specific cases for the Netherlands

in the case of a P-case : entities designed for operation on the Dutch network shall be kept within the profiles NL1 or NL2 in accordance with EN15273-2:2009 (Annex M).

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Note : The exclusive between the infrastructure and the NL1 and NL2 profiles of rolling stock shall be checked, since it is not all lines that meet the requirements of both profiles.

Special cases for Spain

in the case of the P-case : entities designed for operation on the 1668 mm net shall be maintained within the reference contour of GHE16 and be in accordance with the rules laid down in accordance with the rules laid down in the national provisions which have been announced for this purpose.

Note : See also the special case in section, Hjulset, for track gauge.

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

T-cases : The kinematic structure gauge for rolling stock is an outstanding item. Monitoring of the condition of the axle tenancy (

Specific case for Finland

in the case of rolling stock pressumed into the Finnish network (track gauge 1520 mm) and which uses devices along the track to monitor the state of the axle bed, the target surfaces on the sub-side of an axle rental must be uncovered for the purpose of : permit observation from HABD equipment along the track to meet the dimension requirements in EN 15437-1:2009, as the values are replaced by the following :

System based on devices along the track :

In EN 15437-1:2009, section 5.1, respectively, 5.2, the dimensions are replaced by the following : two different measurements are defined (I and II), including prohibitionist zones and measuring zones :

-WHAT? Dimensions for the target surface I :

-WHAT? L TA , greater than or equal to 200 mm

-WHAT? Y TA must be between 1045 mm and 1115 mm ;

-WHAT? W PZ , greater than or equal to 140 mm

-WHAT? L PZ , greater than or equal to 500 mm

-WHAT? Y PZ must be 1080 mm ± 5 mm,

-WHAT? Dimensions for target surface II :

-WHAT? W TA , greater than or equal to 14 mm

-WHAT? L TA , greater than or equal to 200 mm

-WHAT? Y TA must be between 892 mm and 896 mm ;

-WHAT? W PZ , greater than or equal to 28 mm

-WHAT? L PZ , greater than or equal to 500 mm

-WHAT? Y PZ must be 894 ± 2 mm,

Special cases for Spain

in the case of rolling stock pressurised into the Spanish network with track gauge 1668 mm and using equipment along the track for the monitoring of the condition of the axle, the area in which the equipment is fitted along the track shall see shall be the flat that is ; defined in EN 15437-1:2009, sections 5.1 and 5.2, where the following values are added for the following reasons :

-WHAT? YTA = 1176 ± 10 mm (the position of the target surface of the centre of the thelk to the vehicle &apos; s centre line)

-WHAT? WTA ± 55 mm (the dimension of the target surface of the transverse)

-WHAT? LTA × 100 mm (the dimension of the target surface of the target surface)

-WHAT? YPZ = 1176 ± 10 mm (prohibition of the centre of the ban in relation to the vehicle &apos; s centre line)

-WHAT? WPZ &apos; s 110 mm (Prohibition dimension of the cross-direction zone)

-WHAT? LPZ has 500 mm (ban on longitudinal and longitudinal dimension)

Specific cases for Portugal

in the case of rolling stock pressumed into the Spanish network (track gauge 1668 mm) and which uses devices along the track to monitor the condition of the axle, the target area to remain uncovered shall be to remain uncovered to allow observation from : HABD equipment along the track, and its location in relation to the vehicle centre line, be in accordance with the following :

-WHAT? YTA = 1000mm (the position of the target surface of the centre of the thelk to the vehicle &apos; s centre line)

-WHAT? WTA 65mm (the dimension of the target surface of the target surface)

-WHAT? LTA × 100 mm (the dimension of the target surface of the target surface)

-WHAT? YPZ = 1000mm (prohibitionist position of the centre of the centre of the vehicle in relation to the vehicle &apos; s centre line)

-WHAT? WPZ &apos; s 115mm (Prohibition) dimension of the cross-direction zone

-WHAT? LPZ has 500 mm (ban on longitudinal and longitudinal dimension)

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

in the case of rolling stock pressurised into the Irish network and which uses equipment along the track to monitor the condition of the axle, the target surfaces on the sub-side of an axle rental which must be uncovered shall comply with national regulations.

Specific case for Sweden

T-Case : This special case applies to all devices that do not have on-board equipment to monitor the condition of the axle tenet and prepasted into operation on the line with axle-rental detectors that are not upgraded. These lines are specified in the 'third' statement, which do not conform to the TSI in this respect.

Dimensions in the cross-axis monitor for the condition of the axle-bed :

The zone to be visible to equipment along the track on the side of an axle-axle / axle tap must be uncovered for vertical surveillance :

-WHAT? the transverse paragraph 842 to 882 mm in relation to the wheel midsection.

-WHAT? a minimum severed width of 40 mm within a minimum lateral distance to the wheel midsection of 865 mm and a single lateral lateral distance to the hub centre of 945 mm.

Procurement Zone :

Within the longitudinal distance of 500 mm, centrally located relative to the centre line of the wheel line, no part or component of a higher temperature than the axle-axle / axle shall be located closer to the lateral slices than 10 mm. Dynamic characteristics of the rolling stock (

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

T-cases : Due to the alternative limit values for track tones and other relevant, track-related criteria on the existing network, a number of limit values and concepts are necessary in section and its subparagraphs and in EN14363:2005, and in other standards referred to before they can be applied to rolling stock to operate in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

This adaptation shall comply with YOU. "E." -CME Technical Standard 302 or the current technical regulation in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.

This applies : Securing a derailment by running on tramings, Dynamic properties running, Limits for road safety, Limits for track loading, Equivalent conicity ; Dimensional values for new wheel profiles and Operating values for equivalent conicity for wheelset.

Apart from that, all other principles of the section and EN14363 and other standards referred to shall be followed by the procedure laid down in this TSI.

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of the P-F : the limitations of the use of method 3 of EN14363:2005, Section, shall not apply to rolling stock intended solely for national operation on the main lines of the British network.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. Threshold Thresholds (

Special cases for Spain

in the case of rolling stock preset into the net with track gauge 1668 mm, the limit value of the quasi static steering force Yqst is rated for curves with a radius of 250 ≤ R < 400 m.

The limit value is : (Yqst) glue = (33 + 11550 / Rm) kN. Dimensional values for new wheel profiles (

Specific case for Finland

in-case : Holiday on trains designed for operation on lines in Finland shall be compatible with the track gauge of 1524 mm.

Table 2

Dimensional limit values for equivalent conicity

Maximum operating speed of the vehicle (km/h)
Equivalent conicity limit values
Test conditions (see Table 3)
≤ 60
Not applicable
Not applicable
> 60 and ≤ 190
> 190
The same values as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains
The same conditions as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains

Table 3

Testing on traces of equivalent conicity, representative of the TENs network in Finland

Test condition no.
Rail network profile
Rail inclination
Track gauge
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1524 mm
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1526 mm
Rail profile 54 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1524 mm
Rail profile 54 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 40
1526 mm

The requirements of this Title shall be deemed to have been met by wheel sets that have non-worn S1002 or GV 1/40 profiles as defined in EN13715:2006, with a distance between the active surfaces of between 1505 mm and 1511 mm.

Specific cases for Portugal

P-cases : For Portugal, the track gauge of 1668 mm shall be assessed with a rail inclination of 1 to 20 by rail network 54E1 and 60E1.

Special cases for Spain

in the case of rolling stock prefixed to the net with track gauge 1668 mm, the limit values for equivalent conicity shall be required, cf. Table 2 shall not be exceeded when the wheel-set design is modeled upon passage over the representative examples of the track conditions specified in Table 3.

Table 2

Dimensional limit values for equivalent conicity

Maximum operating speed of the vehicle (km/h)
Equivalent conicity limit values
Test conditions (see Table 3)
Not applicable
Not applicable
> 60 and ≤ 190
> 190
The same values as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains
The same conditions as in the rolling stock TSI for high-speed trains

Table 3

Testing conditions of equivalent conicity

Test condition no.
Rail network profile
Rail inclination
Track gauge
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 20
1668 mm
Rail profile 60 E 1 defined in EN 13674-1:2003
1 to 20
1670 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-1 2003
1 to 20
1668 mm
Rail profile 54 E1-defined in EN13674-1 2003
1 to 20
1670 mm

The requirements of this Title shall be deemed to have been met by wheel sets that have non-worn S1002 or GV 1/40 profiles as defined in prEN13715:2006, with a distance between the active surfaces of between 1653 mm and 1659 mm. Hjulset (

Specific case for Finland

P-HHGs : The wheel sets on trains designed for operation on lines in Finland must be compatible with the range of 1524 mm.

The dimensions of wheelsets and wheels for the track testified 1524 mm are specified in the following table :

Wheeldiameter D (mm)
Nominal value (mm)
Minimum value (mm)
Maximum value (mm)
Requirements associated with the subsystem
Distance between the rennet (SR) (Distance between the rennet) SR = AR + Sd (left wheel) + Sd (right wheel)
D > 725
725 > D 4400
Distance between wheel-side, curfew (AR)
D > 725
1445 + 1
725 > D 4400
1445 + 1
Requirements relating to the interoperability constituent wheel
Wheeldiameter D (mm)
Nominal value (mm)
Minimum value (mm)
Maximum value (mm)
Width of the wheel of the wheel (B) R + grate)
D DK400
135 + 1
140 + 1 (a)
139 (a)
141 (a)
Flangethickness (Sd)
D > 840
840 > D : 760
760 > D 4400
Flangealtitude (Sd)
D > 760
630 > D &APOS; 400 ' 400
Flangeat edge (qR)
(a) Abandoned as an opportunity for traction units.

in the case of rolling stock prefixed in traffic between the Finnish 1524 mm network and the 1520 mm net of the third country, the use of special wheelsets designed to absorb the difference in the scope of the following information is permitted.

Specific cases for Portugal

P cases : Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheel sets :

For the nominal track gauge (1668 mm), the specific values of Ar and Sr on the Portuguese network are as follows :

-WHAT? Ar = 1593 0/-3 (mm)-new wheel set

-WHAT? Ar = 1593 + 3/-3 (mm)-maximum in operation

-WHAT? 1646 ≤ Sr. ≤ 1661 (mm)

Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheels :

The limit values for Sd and Sh in this particular case are as follows :

-for D 800mm
22 ≤ Sd ≤ 33 (mm)
-for D < 800 mm
27,5 ≤ Sd ≤ 33 (mm)
-Sh ≤ 36 (mm)

Special cases for Spain

Parting cases : the geometrical dimensions of the wheels set by the Hides and the AR shall comply with the limit values set out below. These limit values shall be regarded as dimensioning values (new wheelsets) and as operating limit values (for use in connection with maintenance).

Wheeldiameter [ mm ]
Minimum [ mm ]
Maximum [ mm ]
840 ≤ D ≤ 1250
3303. D < 840
840 ≤ D ≤ 1250
330 ≤ D < 840

T-cases : the thickness of the wheel (Sd) of the wheel (Sd) at wheel diameter > 840 mm and 2,5 mm at wheel diameter between 330 mm and 840 mm for vehicles that are prefixed in 1668 mm-lines.

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

P-cases : For sections with subparagraphs, all of the geometric dimensions of wheelsets should be complied with ; YOU. "E." -CME Technical Standard 301 or the current technical regulation in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.

This applies : Hjulset, Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheelsets and Mechanical and geometric characteristics for wheels. Geometric characteristics for wheels (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of rolling stock for domestic use, a minimum value of the width of the wheel width (BR + casso) of 127 mm (instead of 133 mm).

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. The impact of the air flow of passengers on platform (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of a pp : it is permissible for rolling stock operating on the British rail network to be tested in accordance with the following requirements :

rolling stock operating in free air at a maximum operational speed v tr > 160 km/h (100 miles / h) may not cause an air speed on more than one I-I = 11,5 m/s at a height of 1,2 m above the platform and a distance of 3,0 m from the track centre line, while passing.

The conformity assessment shall be assessed on the basis of the full scale tests under the conditions specified in EN 14067-4:2005/A1:2009, section 7.5.2. The measurements must be carried out on a platform, the height of the rail overhead is 915 mm or less.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. Pressure wave from the end of the train (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of a P-F : instead of the requirement set out in Section for rolling stock operating on the British rail network :

Rolling stock shall not at speeds over 160 km/h in free air cause maximum peak-tip pressure changes that exceed a value Δp ; I-I at 665 Pa, measured in the whole range of between 1,5 and 3,3 m above the rail outskirts and at a distance of 2,5 m from the track centre line, while the end of the train is passing. Sound pressure levels of the type (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of a P-case : rolling stock intended solely for domestic use may be in accordance with the sound pressure levels for the typhoon laid down in the national technical requirements in the United Kingdom.

Track prefixed in international traffic shall comply with this TSI's rules for the sound pressure level of the typhin.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. Energy supply-general (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of pep : it is permitted to continue to acquire rolling stock which shall be operated on and compatible with lines equipped with the energy supply system operating at 600750 V direct current with a power-leading rail in a three-or Firms track. The national technical requirements for which a notification has been communicated shall apply. Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields (

Special cases for France

T-cases : Electrical units powered by 1,5 kV as defined in the TSI for energy for conventional trains, section, shall be capable of operating within the voltage limits laid down in the area. The working range of the pantograph in the height (

Specific case for Finland

in the case of a P-F : the installation of a pantograph on rolling stock shall make it possible to take the stream from overhead contact line between 5600 to 6600 mm above the track level of track laid down for the vehicle gauge FIN1.

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of any rolling stock operating on the British 25 kV 50 Hz vector AC system which is not upgraded in accordance with the energy for conventional energy TSI, the following requirements apply :

The pantograph shall have a work area of 2100 mm. The assembly of an electric unit shall operate between 4140 mm (lower working position, cf. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) and 6240 mm (upper work position, cf. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) above the track level.

In particular topographical conditions in which physical conditions restrict the isolation of isolation and the rolling stock shall apply to a smaller (static) maximum height of 3775 mm, the pantograph on these vehicles must have a range of 2315 mm in the range of these vehicles. The assembly of an electric unit shall operate between 3925 mm (lower work position, cf. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) and 6240 mm (upper work position, cf. EN50206-1, 3.2.13) above the track level.

Specific cases for the Netherlands

T-Cases : in order to have unlimited access to the Dutch 1500 V direct current system, rolling stock must have a maximum pantograph height of 5860 mm. Geometry of the pantograph head (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

T-Cases : for all rolling stock operating on the British 25 kV 50 Hz vector AC system which is not upgraded according to the energy for conventional energy TSI, the following requirements apply :

In order to remain compatible with the existing infrastructure, the profile of the pantograph head shall meet a 50367:2006, Annex B. 7.

In order to remain compatible with the requirements concerning the running of sections for phase or system separation, the pantograph collector heads shall have a maximum width in the track direction of 250 mm unless otherwise permitted by the indications in : the infrastructure register.

Specific cases for Portugal

T-Cases : for all rolling stock to be operated on lines where the power system is not upgraded in accordance with the energy for conventional energy TSI, the following requirements shall apply to the length of pantograph-heads :

-WHAT? 1450 mm for 25 kV vector power systems ; and

-WHAT? 2180 mm for 1,5 kV direct current systems.

Special cases for Italy

T-Cases : on trains running on existing TEN lines with a single-length of 1450 mm pantographs shall be fitted with a length of 1450 mm long.

On trains exclusively intended for domestic operations and operating on lines compatible with the pantograph-length pantographs of 1600 mm and 1450 mm, it is permissible to install pantograph heads with a length of 1450 mm.

in the case of P-cases : trains foreseen in traffic in Italy and Switzerland, or on lines outside the TEN-wired systems, which are only compatible with 1450 mm pantographs, shall be equipped with 1450 mm wide pantograph heads. On these trains, it is permissible to restrict the installation of pantographs with a head of 1450 mm length only when they are only running on lines that are compatible with pantographs of 1450 mm length.

The profile of the pantograph head shall be as shown in EN 50367:2006, Annex B. 2.

Special cases for France

in the case of picepts : trains foreseen in traffic in France and Switzerland or on lines outside the TEN-wired systems which are compatible with 1450 mm of pantograph shall be equipped with a 1450 mm wide pantograph-head. On these trains, it is permissible to restrict the installation of pantographs with a head of 1450 mm length only when they are only running on lines that are compatible with pantographs of 1450 mm length.

The profile of the pantograph head shall be as shown in EN 50367:2006, Annex B. 2.

Specific case for Sweden

In case of the case, this special case applies to specimens operated on lines of overhead systems which are not upgraded. These lines are specified in the 'third' statement, which do not conform to the TSI in this respect.

The pantograph profile must meet the requirements of Swedish technical specifications JVS-FS 2006: 1 and BVS 543 330.

Specific case for Slovenia

P-cases : on electrical devices that are prefixed :

-WHAT? on lines of running wires compatible with pantographs with a length of 1450 mm, a pantograph-head shall be installed with a length of 1450 mm, and it is permissible to install pantograph heads with a length only ; of 1450 mm.

-WHAT? in the case of lines of operating systems compatible with the pantograph-length pantographs of 1450 and 1600 mm, the installation of pantograph-heads with a length of 1450 mm is permitted only when only those lines are on the line compatible with the pantograph collector heads of 1450 mm length.

The profile of the pantograph head shall be as shown in EN 50367:2006, Annex B. 2. Contact force of the pantograph and dynamic properties (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

P-cases : rolling stock and pantographs mounted on rolling stock shall be designed and tested to perform an average contact force Fm on the contact wire within a range as specified in the energy TSI for energy ; conventional trains, section 4.2.16, in order to ensure the quality of the pantograph without any unnecessary rubbing and the reduction of wear and risk to the contact pieces. Contact adjustment shall be made during dynamic tests.

The principles of conformity assessment of the quality of the pantograph are as specified in the energy TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.16.

For the purposes of Section, and, the tests on trains to be certified for traffic in the United Kingdom and elsewhere shall also be carried out at a contact wire height of between 4700 and 4900 mm.

For the purposes of Section, and, only verification of the conformity of trains to be certified only to the UK, within the range 4700 mm to 4900 mm for the contact wire height of the United Kingdom, shall be authorized.

Specific case for Sweden

In case of the case, this special case applies to specimens operated on lines of overhead systems which are not upgraded. These lines are specified in the 'third' statement, which do not conform to the TSI in this respect.

The mean contact force shall comply with the requirements of the Swedish technical specifications for the JVS-FS 2006: 1 and BVS 543 330.

Special cases for France

P-cases : For the purposes of Section, and, the average contact force on trains to operate with the 1,5 kV of the DC Power system shall be as specified in the TSI for the energy for conventional trains, section Supervision forward (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of rolling stock intended for operation in the United Kingdom, instead of the requirements in the following :

The driver &apos; s room shall be designed in such a way as to have a clear and unhindered view of the driver from the sitting of the sitting, so that he can see fixed signs,

in accordance with the national technical regulation GM/RT2161, Requirements for Driving Cabs of Railway Vehicles. Pre-cardboard ergonomics (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in case of pep : if the requirements of Section of the final subparagraph of paragraph of the motion for traction and brake handle are incompatible with the safety management system of the railway undertaking in Great Britain, it is permissible to reverse the direction of movement for braking hhv. traction thrust. Material Require (

Special cases for Spain

T-cases : rolling stock intended only for domestic traffic on the Spanish rail network, the Spanish fire safety standard DT-PCI/5A may be used until EN 45545 is published as an alternative to the material requirements of this TSI,

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI. Water encoding interfaces ( and Toilet oupening (

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

in the case of the P-case : as an alternative or supplement to the specified in the section of this TSI, it is permissible to install a water-filling device with a diver. This filling interface with dyes must satisfy the requirements of : YOU. "E." -CME Technical Standard 307, Appendix 1, or the current technical regulation in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Specific case for Finland

in the case of the P-case : as an alternative or supplement to the specified in section, it is permissible to install water-filling compounds compatible with installations along the track of the Finnish rail network in accordance with Figure AII1.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Figure AII1

Water encoding adapter

004 Size : (655 X 267)

Type : Connection part C of Fire Control NCU1

Material : Brass or Aluminium

Specifier definition in standard (packing is defined by the individual manufacturer of connectivity parts)

in the case of P-cases : as an alternative or supplement to the specified in section, it is permissible to install connection slides to the toilet tapping and the washing of toilets that are compatible with installations along the track of the Finnish Finnish ; trified in accordance with Figures AI1 and AI2.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Figure AI1

Wiring toilet tank connection play

005 Size : (655 X 593)

Quick connection SFS 4428, connection piece A, size DN80

Material : acid-resistant stainless steel

Pickup on a resilient connection slice

Specific definition in SFS 4428 standard

Figure A I2

Rensor connection to toilet tank

006 Size : (655 X 176)

Quick connection with closing valve, size 3/4 "

Material : acid-resistant stainless steel

Pickup on a resilient connection slice

Specialty type : Stäubli Faverges RBE11. 7154 Specific requirements for the recommendation of trains at a depot track (

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

Peppods : In the case of section, the energy supply from the foreign net to the park train shall be complied with ; YOU. "E." -CME Technical Standard 307 or the current technical regulation in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom. Fuel padding equipment (

Special case for Britain in the United Kingdom

in the case of vehicles, for vehicles such as trains running on diesel fuel fitted with a fuel filling system, it shall be permitted as an alternative or complement to the one specified in the relevant sub-section of section 4.2 of this TSI, fuel filling equipment which meets the requirements of BS 3818:1964, Self-sealing fuelling fuelling couplings for diesel locomotives and diesel railcars.

This special case shall not preclude access to the national network of the rolling stock TSI.

Special case for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom

P-cases : In connection with Section, the fuel filling equipment interface shall be complied with ; YOU. "E." -CME Technical Standard 307 or the current technical regulation in Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.

Specific case for Finland

P-cases : refueling in the Finnish rail network requires that fuel tanks in units with diesel filling equipment are equipped with overflow control according to Standards 5684 and 5685.

7.4. Special environmental conditions

Special conditions in Finland

If rolling stock is to have access to the Finnish rail network without any restrictions in the winter weather, it shall be complied with that it satisfies the following requirements :

-WHAT? Temperature zone T2 as specified in section must be selected.

-WHAT? The hard snow, ice and hail conditions must be selected as specified in Section without scenario "samenus".

-WHAT? In the case of moisture, the requirements specified in section must be met by taking into account the maximum temperature fluctuations of 60 K.

-WHAT? It must be demonstrated that the braking system meets this TSI's requirements for braking performance during winter.

This requirement is considered to be fulfilled if :

-WHAT? at least one bogie on a train set or passenger carriages at a nominal speed of more than 140 km/h is equipped with a magnetic braking brake ;

-WHAT? all bogies on a train set or passenger carriages with a nominal speed of more than 180 km/h are equipped with a magnetic brace brake.

Special conditions in Sweden

If rolling stock is to have access to the Swedish rail network without any restrictions in the winter weather, it shall be complied with that it satisfies the following requirements :

-WHAT? Temperature zone T2 as specified in section must be selected.

-WHAT? The hard snow, ice and hail shall be selected as specified in Section

Special conditions in Austria

If rolling stock is to have access to Austria without restrictions in winter weather,

-WHAT? the obstacle deflector must have the additional capacity to remove snow in front of the train that is specified for hard snow, ice and hail in section and

-WHAT? the locomotives and traction units must be fitted with sanding devices.

Special conditions in Spain

If rolling stock is to have access to the Spanish rail network without any restrictions in summer weather, the temperature zone T3 shall be required, cf. Section, be selected.

Note : The relevant EN standard is being prepared ; it will lay down specific provisions on the conformity assessment of rolling stock (construction and testing) to zone T3, including in particular related to safety-related equipment installed on the roof of the train or during the train, where it may be affected by "ballast heat".

Special conditions in Portugal

If rolling stock is to have access to the Portuguese rail network without any restrictions in summer weather, the temperature zone T3 shall be required, cf. Section, be selected.

7.5. Contain to be taken up during the review or any other activities in the Railway Agency

In addition to the analysis carried out in the context of the preparation of this TSI, various aspects of interest in the future development of the European rail system have been pointed out in the European Union.

These conditions can be divided into three groups :

1. The advance team that is already subject to a basic parameter of this TSI and where there is a possibility of further developing the specification where the TSI is to be reviewed.

2. Contain that are not considered as basic parameters at the current stage of technology, but which have been taken up in research projects.

3. Contain relevant to ongoing investigations relating to the EU's railway system, but which do not fall within the scope of the TSIs.

In the following details, the following account shall be set out in accordance with the breakdown of the section of the TSI, section 4.2 of the TSI.

7.5.1. The relationship that relates to a basic parameter in this TSI Axle pressure parameter (Section

This basic parameter concerns the interface that transfers the vertical load from rolling stock to infrastructure.

The TSI for the infrastructure of conventional trains states that the lines are classified according to the standard EN 15528:2008. This standard also specifies the categorization of railway vehicles, for wagons and certain types of locomotives and passenger vehicles ; it will be revised to cover all types of rolling stock.

In the case of this review, it may be of interest to include the constructively defined classification of the entity for assessment in the EC certificate from the notified body :

-WHAT? classifications corresponding to the design mass with a normal payload ;

-WHAT? classification corresponding to the design mass with exceptional payload.

This situation must be considered in the review of this TSI, which is already required in its current version to all the data necessary to define these classifications.

It should be noted that the requirement for the railway company to define and control the operating load, cf. The TSI on the operation and traffic management of conventional trains, section, remains unchanged. Threshold Thresholds (Section

This set of basic parameters specifies the limit values for the track load (quastic operating force, quastic wheel force, maximum quastic wheel power).

The limit values specified shall apply to the axle pressure within the range specified in the infrastructure TSI for conventional trains, section 4.2.2 ; for trails designed for major axle pressure, there is no harmonised harmonized ; track loading values.

If the specified maximum limit value for densistatic steering control is exceeded, the infrastructure may limit the operating service of rolling stock (e.g. maximum speed), taking into account the characteristics of the track (e.g. radius of curvvy, height, height, rail height).

It may be necessary to supplement the specification of these limit values where this TSI is to be revised.

In the current version of the TSI, there is a requirement that the value of the 'quasi-static force' should be recorded ; it will be indicated in the 'European register of approved vehicle types'. Aerodynamic effects (Section

The requirements for "slipstream effects" and "pressure wave" from the end of the train have been determined in accordance with the TSI for rolling stock for high-speed trains for the maximum operational speed of clearly more than 160 km/h.

This speed threshold is set, taking into account the fact that there are very few experiences of trains running faster than 160 km/h on the conventional rail network.

It is expected that further experience will be gained from the requirements themselves and with the conformity assessment for them in the coming years, when the TSI for rolling stock for high-speed trains has been applied, and also within the framework of : European research projects (Aerotrain).

The plan is therefore where this TSI is reviewed, to look at the requirements for two purposes :

-WHAT? To ensure that they correspond to the farm business needs of railway undertakings ; for example, it would be of interest to define how they can be used to set speed restrictions under special conditions (trains running through a train station through a tunnel, passing each other and so on).

-WHAT? To ensure that the conformity assessment can be carried out with reasonable accuracy, with a limited number of tests and preferably by simulations.

7.5.2. Contain that are not associated with a basic parameter in this tsi, but are processed in research projects Safety-justified additional requirements

The internal vehicle, which comes in contact with passengers and train staff, should protect the people of the train in the event of a collision by :

-WHAT? to minimise the risk of injury to secondary blows from furnishing and other interior design elements ;

-WHAT? minimizing damage to passengers and personnel from getting out of the train following a collision.

EU research projects have been launched in 2006 to examine the impact of train accident, traces, etc.) for passengers and, inter alia, to assess the risk and the extent to which the damage has been done ; the purpose is to lay down requirements, with corresponding requirements ; conformity assessment procedures, to the interior interior and component of railway lines.

This TSI already contains several specifications in order to cover such risks, e.g. in section,, and 4.2.5.

Later, a number of Member States and the EU (at the Joint Research Centre) have launched investigations into how passengers can be protected in the event of a terrorist attack.

The Railway Agency will follow these investigations and take account of the results of them to decide whether to make a recommendation to the Commission on further basic parameters or requirements regarding the risk of passengers being taken into account ; damage to accidents or terrorist attacks. Where appropriate, this TSI shall be amended.

Until this TSI is amended, Member States may use national rules to respond to such risks. However, this must not prevent the rolling stock of rolling stock in cross-border traffic between Member States access to the Member States national networks.

7.5.3. Contain relevant to the EU rail system but fall outside the scope of the Tsi'es Collections with traces (Section 4.2.3)-Scover of wheel flanger or rail-flanking

During the work on desiging this TSI it was concluded that 'lubrication of wheel flanks or rails' is not a basic parameter (no link with essential requirements as defined in the directive).

It turns out, however, that the railway sector operators (infrastructure managers, railway undertakings and national security authorities) need the support of the Railway Agency to leave the current practice in favour of a method which ensures greater transparency and prevents unjustified obstacles to the movement of the rolling stock on the European Union's rail network.

The Railway Agency has therefore established that, together with the EIM, an investigation is carried out with the aim of recusing the key technical and economic aspects of this function, taking into account the current situation :

-WHAT? Some infrastructure managers demand lubrication, others forbid it.

-WHAT? The dark may be done by means of a fixed installation of the infrastructure manager or a device on the train that the railway undertaking provides.

-WHAT? The environment must be taken into account when discharges of lubricitational fat on the track.

In any case, it is intended to provide the lubrication of wheelflange or rails in the register of infrastructure and shall be indicated in the European register of approved vehicle types if the rolling stock is fitted with one ; the slang sounding device. The above survey will clarify the operating rules.

In the meantime, Member States may continue to use their national requirements for the interface between the vehicle and the track. These rules shall be made known either by means of a notification to the Commission in accordance with Article 17 of Directive 2008 /57/EC or through the register of infrastructure, cf. Article 35 of the same Directive.




When puffs are fitted to the end of a unit, they must be mated (i.e. symmetrical and reverse) and have the same characteristics.

The height of the crunch centre line must be between 980 mm and 1065 mm above the rail below all load and sliding conditions.

For maximum laden vehicles and for locomotives, a minimum height of 940 mm shall be permitted.

The default distance between the digit centre line must be a nominal 1750 mm ± 10 mm symmetrical to the vehicle centre line. Units for two tracer, intended to run both on the rail network with normal track gauge and on broadtracks may have a different value for distance between the digit centerines (e.g. 1850 mm), if full compatibility with puffers is ensured ; the normal track gauge of 1435 mm.

The buffer plates shall be such that the puffers of the vehicle cannot be locked in each other when they are running in horizontal curves and reverse curves. Pufferers in contact with each other must have a horizontal overlapping of at least 25 mm.

Rating test :

The determination of the buffer size shall be carried out by running two vehicles through an S curve having a radius of 190 m without equal intermediate length (track gauge 1,458 m) and an S curve with a radius of 150 metres of at least 6 m (track gauge 1,470 m).


The standard curve system between vehicles must be non-permeable and consist of a propec; fitted permanently on the hook, a traction and a tractor with a spring system.

The height of the centre line of the traction centre line must be between 950 mm and 1045 mm above the rail below all load and sliding conditions.

For maximum laden car wagons and for locomotives, a minimum height of 920 mm is permitted. The height difference between the new wheel loads with design mass in the operational and completely worn-down wheel laden with design mass with normal payload must not be greater than 85 mm in the same vehicle. The assessment shall be made by calculation.

Each carriage shall have a device to maintain a brace that is not in use. No part of the coupling unit has to reach lower than a 140 mm above the rail when the puffs are in the lowest position.

-WHAT? Dimensions and characteristics of propekings, traction and wooden acres must comply with EN15566:2009.

-WHAT? The scroll must not weigh more than 36 kg of the weight of the bolt-end weight of the coupling hull. 1 in figure 4 and 5 of EN15566:2009).


-WHAT? The static properties of the tractor and puffer shall be coordinated to ensure that a train can safely run through curves with the smallest radius defined in Section, with normal coupling mode (for example, without the puffs locking themselves in each other).

-WHAT? Exerration of propecos and puffers :

The distance between the traction of the extract and the edges of the extracted puffs shall be 355 mm + 45 / 20 mm when they are new, as shown in Figure A1.

Constructions and mechanical parts


Figure A1-

Tall and puffers

007 Size : (655 X 816)

In all the outstretched puffers

II The opening of the Trekkroid

Figure A2-

Bern rectangle

008 Size : (655 X 625)

In Skinneoverborder

II Steps

III Contact interface between completely compressed puffers



Note : The following data will then have to meet an EN-standard that is currently being developed.


B. 1.1. Track Statement

The tracing means the operation that consists of raising and detracing a derailed rail freight train, so it comes back on the tracks again. This operation will be performed on the Trace Facility by means of salvage equipment used by specialist salvage personnel.

B. 1.2. Salvage

In the case of salvage, the removal from a railway line of a vehicle that is not able to run as a result of collisions, derailment, accident or other incident occurred.

B. 1.3. Convenial and lifting points

In the case of lifting and lifting points, specific points shall be taken on vehicles where the lifting or lifting devices may be placed in such a way as to allow the lifting of the vehicle, for example, by means of salvage equipment.

Note : These withdrawal / lift points may also be used for other purposes (for example, during maintenance in workshops).


Each vehicle must be able to be safely traceable in different ways, including by chronic lift or by means of donations (staking), with the salvage equipment which has harmonised interfaces.

For this purpose the cart must be designed in places where it can be applied vertically or vertically to vertically.

In addition, the vehicle must be designed so that it can be lifted in its entirety, that is to say. with his running clothes (e.g. when the bookcase bogies are attached to the cart.).


There must be fixed or removepoints for tracing operations.

-WHAT? Each heirloat and the construction of it must withstand the forces inflicted on the lifting of the vehicle with the nearest lift attached to the vehicle vehicle.

-WHAT? Note : It is recommended to construct the stainers so that they can be used as a lifting point with all the lifting of the vehicle attached to the vehicle &apos; s substructure.

Location :

-WHAT? The booklet points shall be positioned in such a way that the vehicle may be lifted stable and safe ; there must be enough space under and around each swagger, to be placed without difficulty (pending a standard item).

-WHAT? The booklet points shall be designed in such a way as to ensure that the staff are not exposed to unnecessary risk during the normal use of them, or under the use of salvage equipment. (pending a standard item).

When the lower construction of the vehicle does not permit the construction of fixed withdrawal / lift points, it shall have voltage, for which the remotenable lifting points can be attached to the track.

The more detailed specification of the lifting / lift points location is a pending point until a standard is available.


B. 4.1. Fixed-in-Lifting / Lifting Items

-WHAT? Outstanding.

B. 4.2. Liquid withdrawal / lifting points

-WHAT? Outstanding.


In order to facilitate the tracing of a vehicle, it must be made possible to restrict the spring water (for example, with chains, a band or other loose lifting gear).

The detailed specification of the technical requirement is an outstanding point.


Each fixed or mobile swelling must be marked with one of the following symbols :

B. 6.1 Marking of points intended to lift or raise the entire vehicle with or without the lifting of the vehicle :

009 Size : (203 X 109)

B. 6.2 Marking of points intended to lift or raise the nearest end of the vehicle with the lifting of the vehicle :

010 Size : (235 X 111)

B. 6.3 Marking of points intended to lift or raise the nearest end of the vehicle without the immediate lifting of the vehicle :

011 Size : (232 X 106)

B. SEVEN. Instructions for the lifting and lifting of the lifting

For each vehicle type, the technical documentation must, cf. Section 4.2.12 of this TSI shall contain an increase and lift diagram.

The diagram shall include at least :

-WHAT? A surface of the vehicle showing where the points of entry are located as to which dimensions they have and the mass of each of these sites.

-WHAT? A cross section at each heirline with detailed indication of dimensions.

-WHAT? A description of the donations and / or the lifting apparatus to be used in each location.

-WHAT? Any specific instructions to which the salvage crew is required to secure a secure streaker of the vehicle.

The instructions must have the form of pictograms as far as possible.




The requirements of the section of this TSI are supplemented in the following :

The vehicle frame must be able to withstand either the static loads specified in EN 12663-1:2010, sections 6.1 to 6.5, or the static loads specified in EN 12663-2:2010, section 5.2.1 to 5.2.4, without exceeding the values specified in these standards.

The corresponding design category in EN 12663-2 is :

-WHAT? in the case of vehicles which are not to be ranked or ranked by means of rangers : F II,

-WHAT? for all other vehicles : F-I.

Acceleration in orientation x according to EN12663-1:2010, Table 13, or EN12663-2:2010, Table 10 is set to 3 g.


The carcase shall have the lifting points which make it possible to lift or raise the entire vehicle safely. The position of the bookies and the location of the booklets must be defined.

In order to facilitate the work under repair or inspection, or when the vehicles are put on track, they must at least have at least two lift points in which they may be lifted in empty or loaded state. These lift points must be identified as described in Annex B.

If possible, the lifting points shall be placed at a distance of 1400 mm from the centre of each wheel set.

In order to make it possible to place the donation of the donor, the lifting points must be free from the bottom up, and this free space must not be blocked by parts that cannot be removed. The load measures shall be in accordance with those selected in Annex C. 1 and shall apply for lift and lifting during work in the workshop and during continuous maintenance.


The refrigeration properties may be determined by testing or by reference to a similar type of approved work vehicle, as specified in detail in section of this TSI or in simulation.

In addition, the following deviations from EN 14363:2005 apply :

-WHAT? This test must always be used as a simplified method for this type of vehicle.

-WHAT? When the run test after EN 14363:2005 is performed with wheelprofiles in new mode, they are valid for 50000 kilometres. After 50000 km., it's necessary.

-WHAT? either to restore the wheel (s),

-WHAT? or to calculate the equivalent conicity and to verify that it does not differ by more than 50% from the value of the test after EN 14363:2005 (with a maximum difference of 0,05)

-WHAT? or to carry out a new test after EN 14363:2005 with a swelhead wheel profile.

-WHAT? In general, it is not necessary to make stationary tests in order to determine the parameters of characteristic lifting in accordance with EN 14363:2005, section

-WHAT? If the required test rate cannot be attested by the vehicle itself, it must be subtracted during the tests.

-WHAT? When test zone 3 (see Table 9 of EN14363:2005) is sufficient to have at least 25 compliant traces of conces.

The refrigeration properties may be followed by simulation of the tests described in EN14363:2005 (with the above exceptions) when a validated model of representative track and operating conditions are available for the vehicle.

A model of the vehicle for simulating driving properties must be validated by comparing the model results with the results of the run tests on track with the same characteristics.

A validated model is a simulated model that has been verified by a truly run test which loads sufficient evidence and where the results of the run test correspond to the projected predictions of the simulator model on the same test track.



1. Introduction

1.1 The train-mounted system for energy measurement (energy measurement system) is the system measuring the amount of the electrical energy supplied by the external electric traction system, the traction unit takes from or (during regenerative braking), Back to the catenary.

The System has the following capabilities :

1.1.1. Energy measurement function, including measure voltage and current, and the calculation of energy data.

1.1.2. Data management system that conforms data from the energy measurement function with time data and geographical position and makes and stores complete series of data with true energy values (in KWh/ kVarh) ready for dispatch with a communications system.

1.1.3. Togo-mounted location of destination that delivers data on the geographical position of the traction unit.

These feature elements can be handled by different sets or are combined into one or more integrated units.

Figure 1

Energy measurement system function chart

Energy Utility

Localization Function

Scope of this TSI

Measurement of voltage and current

Energy Calculation

Data management system

Communication System

012 Size : (655 X 312)

2. Requirements for the rail-mounted electrical measurement system

2.1. Energy Utility

2.1.1 The trainset measuring system must include an energy measurement function with the elements described in section 1.1.1 of this Annex D.

2.1.2. The energy measuring function shall measure the energy supplied by all electrical traction systems for which the traction unit is designed.

2.1.3. The energy measurement function must be connected in such a way as to register all energy (traction and auxiliary power) on which the train is derived from the overhead contact line and which are regenerated ; on alternating power systems, the energy measurement system must also register the reaction ; Energy.

2.1.4. The energy measurement function must have an overall accuracy of 1,5% for active energy by exchange current and 2.0% on direct current (or better).

These precision must be determined in accordance with the following formula :

013 Size : (252 X 44)

by :

-WHAT? - ΕΜF = total accuracy of the energy measurement function

-WHAT? - VMF = the maximum percentage error in the voltage measurement function (VMF = Voltage Measurement Function)

-WHAT? - CMF = the maximum percentage error in the power-measurement function (CMF = Current Measurement Function)

-WHAT? - ΕCF = the maximum percentage errors in the Energy Calculation function (ECF = Energy Calculation Function). The above maximum percentage errors in each feature must be met under the following reference conditions :

-WHAT? any voltage between the U min1 and U max2 the values for the U ; min1 and U max2 is as defined in EN 50163:2004, Section 4.1, Table 1

-WHAT? any power between 10% and 120% of the nominal primary power of the energy measuring function ;

-WHAT? frequency ± 0,3% in relation to the frequency of the permitted operating systems of running power supply systems in accordance with the energy for conventional use of the energy TSI, section 4.2.3

-WHAT? power factor between 0,85 and 1,

-WHAT? Ambient temperature 23 ° C ± 2 ° C. The voltage and power of the energy measuring system must match the brand-voltage of the traction unit and stream.

2.1.5. The elements used for the energy measurement function shall be subject to the statutory measurement of the test equipment in accordance with the following : The accuracy of each item shall be tested under the reference conditions according to section of this Annex D, in order to ensure that they operate within the specified maximum error rate. Each element that satisfies Title of this Annex D is marked with an indication of the measurement of the measurement of the measurement and the maximum limit for the maximum number of errors. The configuration of each element must be documented as part of the measurement technical check.

2.1.6. The energy measurement function shall have a reference period of five minutes, which shall be reconciled after the UTC time period after each reference period ; one of the reference periods must end at 24:00:00.

It is allowed to use a shorter time reference if the data can be compared to a reference period of five minutes.

2.1.7. The energy measurement function shall be protected against unauthorized access to the system and its data.

2.2. Data management system

2.2.1 The trainset measuring system shall include a data handling system with the functions described in section 1.1.2 of this Annex D.

2.2.2 The data handling system shall compose the measured energy data with other data without distorting them.

2.2.3 As time reference, the data handling system must use the same tactas as the energy measurement function.

2.2.4 The data management system must contain a data store with a capacity sufficient to store data for at least 60 days of continuous operation (regardless of which time reference is used) and which consists of data for the consumed / regenerated asset and (in where applicable) reactive energy, together with time-reference data and site data.

2.2.5 The data handling system must be able to respond to requests from authorised train crews with appropriate equipment (e.g. a portable computer) to allow for auditing, and there must be an alternative method to recover data.

2.2.6 The composite data which can be used for energy invoicing shall be stored so that they are ready to be transferred in chronological order after the floodgates for each five-minute reference period in accordance with section 2.1.6 of this Annex D ; and shall include : a unique number that contains the European vehicle number ; the end time of each Expired Energy measurement period, as specified as the year, month, day, hour, minute and second site data for the end of each measurement period as specified in section 2.3.3. of this Annex D abrogation / regenerated active and (if applicable) reactive energy for each period of time.

2.3. Site determination function

2.3.1 The place of destination is described in section 1.1.3 of this Annex.

2.3.2 Data from the site of destination must be synchronized to the trainset energy measurement function in accordance with the UTC time period and period.

2.3.3 The determination function shall provide the position of the position in length and width.

2.3.4 In free air, the site determination shall operate with an accuracy of not less than 250 m.

2.4. Other requirements

2.4.1 It may be permitted to permit the use of the data in the data handling system for other purposes (e.g. feedback to the driver) as part of the effective operation of the train, provided it can be demonstrated that this exploitation is not imputed to the registered and forwarded the data as specified in section 2.2.6 of this Annex D.

2.4.2 The data set out in section 2.2.6 of this Annex must be maintained, even when the energy measurement system is not connected to its power supply.

2.5. Conformity assessment of the total rail-mounted energy measurement system

2.5.1. The conformity assessment of the total rail-mounted energy measurement system shall be carried out by a design examination and a type-examination of the elements of the energy measurement system, including evidence of measurement technical checks on the elements of the energy measurement function. The energy measurement system configuration must be documented in the context of the conformity assessment.

2.5.2. The maximum error limit for each element of an energy measurement function, verified in accordance with section of this Annex D, must be inserted in the formula in section 2.1.4 of this Annex D, to check whether the total accuracy lies within the limit set.



The following data represents the "current stack of technology" and shall be used.

Note : they will later have to meet an EN-standard that is currently being developed.

1. Primary body measurements, minimum and highest-train drivers, among staff

The objectives set out in Appendix E to UIC 651 (4) shall be taken into account. edition, July 2002).

2. Additional body targets at least and the highest train driver among staff

The objectives set out in Appendix G to UIC 651 (4) shall be taken into account. edition, July 2002).



The following data represents the "current stack of technology" and shall be used.

Note : they will later have to meet an EN-standard that is currently being developed.

F. 1. General

-WHAT? The driver &apos; s room must be designed to facilitate the driver &apos; s inspection of all information outside the train, which the driver shall use to resolve its task and, at the same time, protect the driver from external sources to visual disorders. The following shall be ensured :

-WHAT? The downside of the frontron by the frontal underlining, which can increase tiredness, must be reduced.

-WHAT? There must be protection from the sun and from blinding from opposing train's headlights without a deterioration in the driver's outlook for the landmark signs, signals and other visual information.

-WHAT? The equipment must be positioned so that it does not prevent or distort the engine driver &apos; s external information survey.

-WHAT? The dimensions, location, shape and finish of the windows (including maintenance) shall not cause the engine driver &apos; s view and shall facilitate the driver &apos; s solution of its task.

-WHAT? The equipment must be located and of a type and quality to ensure that the driver may maintain a clear view of most weather and operating conditions, and shall not offend the driver &apos; s view.

-WHAT? The driver &apos; s room must be designed in such a way as to make the engine driver look forward in driving.

-WHAT? The driver &apos; s room shall be so designed that the driver of his sitting has a clear and unhindered view of permanent signals both to the left and to the right of the track, cf. appendix D to UIC 651 (4. edition, July 2002).

Note : The position of the seat in the above Appendix D should be understood as an example : the TSI does not provide for the position of the seat (left, in the centre or right) of the driver &apos; s cab.

The requirements of the abovementioned Annex shall apply to the monitoring in each direction of journey on a straight track and in curves with a radius of 300 metres and above. They shall apply to the driver &apos; s position of the driver (s).

Note : If the driver has two driver seats, they shall apply to a sitting position in both of them.

F. 2. Vehicle reference position in relation to the track

Section 3.2.1 of UIC 651 (4. edition, July 2002) shall apply.

Supplies and payload must be taken into account as defined in EN 15663:2009 and in the section of this TSI.

F. 3. Reference for the service members &apos; eye position

Section 3.2.2 of UIC 651 (4. edition, July 2002) shall apply.

With the driver in the sitting position, the distance between the eyes of the front trencer must be greater than or equal to 500 mm.

F. 4. Terms of view

Section 3.3 of UIC 651 (4. edition, July 2002) shall apply.





H. 1. Scope of application

This Annex indicates how conformity assessment should take place for the rolling stock subsystem.

H. 2. Properties and modules

The properties of the subsystem to be assessed during the various phases, construction and technical development and manufacture are marked with an X in Table H. 1. An intersection of column 4 of table H. 1 means that the appropriate property should be verified when testing each subsystem.

Table H. 1

Assessment of the rolling stock subsystem

Properties to be evaluated as specified in section 4.2 of this TSI
Construction and Development Phase
Manufacturing phase
Special assessment procedure
Construction Survey
Type test
Routine eminent
Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Construction and mechanical parts
Emergency coupling
Access conditions for the staff in connection with and decoupling
Overflows between wagons
Strengthe of vehicles &apos; s design
Passive security
Lifting and lifting
Setting up devices for the construction of the vehicle
Access doors
Mechanical characteristics of glass
Load modes and weighted mass
Collections with Track and Alignment
Chinematic Probe Profile
Hire Load
Parameters in the rolling stock subsystem that impacts the train control and signalling subsystem
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
Protection from tracing on tracing corridors
Dynamic properties during run
Run Security Thresholds
Threshold Thresholds
Equivalent conicity
Dimensional values for new wheel profiles
Operating values for equivalent conicity for wheelset
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Construction of the Bogias
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheel sets
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheels
Hides that can be set to different tracer
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Minimum radius of curvus
Functional requirements
Safety requirements
Braking system type
Activation of brake
Emergency braking
Operation braking
Direct brake enablement
Enabling dynamic brake
Activation of parking brake
General requirements
Emergency braking
Operation braking
Heat Capacity Calculations
Parking brake
Boundings Limit between Wheels and Rail
System for Blocking Protection
System for blocking protection (interoperability constituent)
Interface for traction-power braking systems linked to the traction of the traction (electric, hydrodynamic)
Braking system independent of the adhesion conditions
Magnetic braking brake
HirvelAC braking
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Braking mode and error view
Braking requirements for salvage situations
Probe of importance for passengers
Sanitary systems
Speaker facilities : sound communication system
Passenger alert : functional requirements
Safety instructions for passengers-Skilling
Communication systems for the use of passengers
Exterior doors : of-and on the increase
Construction of door systems
Devices between devices
Indoor air quality indoors
Sideruder in the cart box
Environmental conditions and aerodynamic effects
Environmental conditions
Sir. /X (1)
Snow, ice and hail
Sir. /X (1)
Solar radiation
Aerodynamic effects
The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform
The impact of the impact of persons working on the track
Pressure wave from the end of the train
Maximum pressure variation in tunnels
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Page Wind
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices
Headlamps and end-signal
Marking Light
End signals
Audio management
Sound pressure levels of the type
Traction power and electrical equipment
Performance of traction
Performance Requirements
Energy supply
Operation in the area of voltage and frequency fields
Regenerative braking with the return of energy to the overhead contact line
Maximum power output and power from queue release
Maximum upstream current by persistent trains, regular flow systems
Effect factor
Driplings in running stream)
Energy Use Measure Function
Requirements related to the pantograph
Sir. & 16
Pantograph (interoperability constituent)
Contact Slices (Interoperability)
Electrical protection of the train
Diesel and other fuel-powered traction systems
Second Directive
Protection against electrical risk
Driving room and operation
Driving room
By-and on-rise
Of-and on an increase in operational conditions
Emergency exit from the driver's compartment
Explit forward
Reviews and to the page
Driving seat
First-rate ergonomics
Climate management and air quality
Intervention of illumination
Frontron-mechanical properties
Frontrude optical properties
Frontrude Equipment
Interface between locomotive driver and driver-space disarmament
Control of the driver &apos; s activity
Speed of speed
Display and display of the driver &apos; s locomotive
Control agencies and indicators
Remote control
Tools and removable equipment on board
Container space for personnel personal belongings
Registration apparatus
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
The worst.
Fire safety and evacuation
General and categorization
Material Require
Special measures relating to flammable liquids
Passenger evacuation
Fire barriers
Ongoing maintenance
Cleaning of the front of the driver &apos; s windage
Toilet Carpenter System
Water encoding equipment
Water founder interface
Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track
Fuel loading equipment
Documentation regarding operation and maintenance
General documentation
Maintenance manual
Documentation with justification of the maintenance organisation
Maintenance records
Documentation regarding operation
(1) Type-test if and as defined by the applicant.



General outstanding points, this relates to a whole network

Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Section of this TSI
Technical conditions which are not covered by this TSI
Special requirements for the safe operation of conventional rolling stock on the high-speed network
All Requirements
Compatibility with the network in question.
Specific case ang. 1520 mm-net in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia
All sections of the TSIs are outstanding points
The pending point to show that further work is needed for the 1520 mm system.

Outstanding items relating to the technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network

Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Section of this TSI
Technical conditions which are not covered by this TSI
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
Equipment Operating Temperature Interval along Tracked
Temperature limit specified in the technical documentation. Compatibility with the affected network must be checked.
Dynamic properties during run
Reference track for testing (geometrical quality of track)
Testing report describes the conditions of the test track. Must be inspecting to check compatibility with the network.
Dynamic properties during run
The combination of speed, curves and over-high deficits according to EN 14363.
Testing report describes the test track. Must be inspecting to check compatibility with the network.
Hire set equivalent conicity
Operating value for equivalence conicity for wheelset
Maintenance criteria must be established depending on the conditions of the network.
Braking system independent of the adhesion conditions
HirvelAC braking
Do not perform required. Compatibility with the affected network must be checked.
Reduction of pantograph
Requirement that there is an automatic scones mechanism
Auto-scones accepted on TENs ; not mandatory everywhere (national rule).

Outstanding items which do not relate to the technical compatibility between the vehicle and the network

Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Section of this TSI
Technical conditions which are not covered by this TSI
Security-related features
The security level is not specified in the following sections :
- (dynamic properties ; offering design solution with software)
-The choice of design option (1)
Security-related features
- (brewing ; the ability to select centrally control system)
-The choice of choice in the design solution. (1)
Security-related features
- (Option in design resolution for alarm)
-The choice of design option (1)
Security-related features
- (Operating and control system for the doors described in points D and E)
Security-related features
- (Main interrupt manager)
Security-related features
- (control of driver &apos; s activity)
Security-related features
- (Option for other design solutions than separatable walls of the entire train's cross section)
-The choice of design option (1)
Passive security
Use of Scenario 1 and 2 for heavy freight train slogans with central couplers
If no solution is found in the use of commissioning authorisation (technical solution is not available), then operating restrictions may be introduced ; (3)
Passive security
Assessment of whether locomotives with central driver spaces meet the requirements for scenario 3.
If no solution is found in the use of commissioning authorisation (technical solution is not available), then operating restrictions may be introduced ; (3)
Interfaces for lifting and lifting gear, Annex B
Placement and layout of interfaces
The technical documentation must be taken into consideration for the purposes of operation and maintenance ; (2)
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
The possibility of building equipment in the train
Option in the design solution (1)
Hides that can be set to different tracer
Conformity assessment
Option in the design solution (1)
The impact of the air flow of passengers on platform (at speeds over 160 km/h)
Slipstream effects from devices assessed for general operation (consist not determined)
Consist of the individual unit of the individual unit is not determined. Operational restrictions possible (3)
The impact of the downstream of persons working the track (at speeds over 160 km/h),
Slipstream effects from devices assessed for general operation (consist not determined)
Consist of the individual unit of the individual unit is not determined. Operational restrictions possible (3)
Page Wind
Effable of cross-winds for all rolling stock for conventional trains : harmonized grapes, taking into account as well as valuation methods
Solution must be available before entering into service by entering into the design of the side wind that is taken into account in the design (in accordance with this TSI). Compatibility with the operating conditions must be checked ; any measures may be taken in the infrastructure or operation ; (2)
Pantograph-Contact piece material
Other material for use on AC and / or regular lines of use
Where other material is used : verification of national regulations. The technical documentation must be taken into consideration for the purposes of operation and maintenance ; (2)
Registration apparatus
Specification of the recording equipment and its incorporation into the rolling stock
Outstanding of the revision of the TSI for operation and traffic management (in the case of adoption) See also Directive 2008 /57/EC, Article 23 (1). (b) 3 (b).
Special requirements for the recommendation of trains on a depot track
Local 400 V external energy supply (pending conclusion of MODTRAIN enquiry)
The technical documentation must be taken into consideration for the purposes of operation and maintenance ; (2)
Fuel filling
Animals for other fuels other than diesel fuels
The technical documentation must be taken into consideration for the purposes of operation and maintenance ; (2) .
(1) Interoperability has been secured by the technical solution that is fully specified in the TSI's section 4.2. This outstanding item relates to an alternative technical solution, which has not yet been harmonised. It is the choice of the applicant whether this alternative solution should be used.
(2) This outstanding item relates to technical conditions which may affect operation and / or maintenance ; the technical solution used must be described in the technical documentation provided with the EC declaration of verification, so that account can be taken of : to the operational level.
(3) This outstanding point relates to technical matters which are not technically specified in the current state of technology for the rolling stock subsystem ; a solution must be found by means of national rules either prior to entry into service or by- limit the use of the vehicle.



Characteristics to evaluate
Mandatory refit. Standard no.
Element of the rolling stock subsystem
Section of this TSI
Construction and mechanical parts
A 12663-1:2010
Section 6.5.3 and 6.7.5 for wire-sharing devices
A 15566:2009
Puffing and propecing
Annex A
A 15551:2009
Puffing and propecing
UIC 541-1 : Nov 2003
Dimensions and interpretation of brake lines and serpents
UIC 648 : Sep 2001
Location in the cross-direction of brake edings and hanes
Strengthe of vehicles &apos; s design
A 12663-1:2010
Passive security
A 15227:2008
All except Annex A
Lifting and lifting Exhibit B
A 12663-1:2010
Section 6.3.2, 6.3.3 and
Setting up devices for the construction of the vehicle
A 12663-1:2010
Section 6.5.2
Load modes
A 15663:2009
Hypothesis for load modes
A 14363:2005
Section 4.5, "Vehicle weighting things"
Collections with Track and Alignment
Chinematic Probe Profile
A 15273-2:2009
Clause A. 3.12.
A 15273-2:2009
Section B. 3.
Hire Load
A 14363:2005
Section 4.5, " Wheel load measurement "
Monitoring the condition of the axle-bed
A 15437-1:2009
Section 5.1 and 5.2.
Protection from tracing on tracing corridors
A 14363:2005
Section 4.1.
Dynamic properties during run
Appendix C
A 14363:2005
Section 5
A 15686:2010
For curved-driven train
A 13848-1
For the quality of the track location,
Equivalent conicity
A 15302:2008
Calculation method
Dimensional values for new wheel profiles
A 13674-1:2003/A1:2007
Rail network profile for modelling of equivalent conicity
A 13715:2006
Definition of wheel profiles
Construction of the Bogias
A 13749:2005
Section 7 and 9.2 ; Exhibit C
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheel sets
A 13260:2009
Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
A 13103:2009
Sections 4, 5 and 6
A 13104:2009
Sections 4, 5 and 6
Mechanical and geometric characteristics of wheels
A 13979-1/2003/2009
Section 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.2 and 7.3
Safety requirements
Security Method Regulation
Braking system type
A 14198:2004
Section 5.4 "UIC System, system"
A 14531-1:2005
Section, 5.3.3, 5.11.3 and 5.12
A 14531-6:2009
System for Blocking Protection
A 15595:2009
Section 5
A 15595:2009
Section 5 or 6.2
A 15595:2009
Section 6.4
Magnetic braking brake
UIC 541-06 : Jan 1992
Appendix 3
Probe of importance for passengers
Environmental conditions
Reference is made only to standards in the definition of zones or substances ;
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.2
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.3
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.4
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.6
Snow, ice and hail
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.7
Solar radiation
A 50125-1:1999
Section 4.9
A 60721-3-5:1997
List of substances
Aerodynamic effects
The impact of the Slipflow of passengers on platform
A 14067-4:2005/A1:2009
Section 7.5.2
The impact of the impact of persons working on the track
A 14067-4:2005/A1:2009
Section 8.5.2
Pressure wave from the end of the train
A 14067-4:2005/A1:2009
Section 5.3, 5.4.3 and 5.5.2
Avenous lamps and visible and audible warning devices
Exterior lamps
A 15153-1:2007
Section 5.3.5
A 15153-1:2007
Section 6.1 and 6.2
A 15153-1:2007
Section 5.4.4.
A 15153-1:2007
Section 6.1 and 6.2
A 15153-1:2007
Section 5.5.3 and 5.5.4
A 15153-1:2007
Section 6.1 and 6.2
A 15153-2:2007
Section 4.3.2 and 5
Traction power and electrical equipment
Regenerative braking with the return of energy to the overhead contact line
A 50388:2005
Section 12.1.1
Maximum power output and power from queue release
A 50388:2005
Section 7.2 and 7.3
A 50388:2005
Section 14.3
Effect factor
A 50388:2005
Section 14.2
Management of energy systems at the AC system
A 50388:2005
Section 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, Annex D
The working area of the pantograph of the pantograph
A 50206-1/2010
Section 4.2 and 6.2.3
Geometry of the pantograph head
A 50367:2006
Section 5.2, Annex A2, figure A. 7 of Annex B. 2, Figure B. 3,
Current power capacity of the pantographs
A 50206-1/2010
Section 6.13.2
A 50206-1/2010
Section 6.13.1.
Contact piece material
A 50405:2006
Section 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.6 and 5.2.7
Static contact force of the pantograph
A 50206-1/2010
Section 6.3.1
Dynamic properties of the pantograph
A 50318:2002
A 50317:2002
Reduction of pantograph
A 50206-1/2010
Section 4.7 and 4.8
A 50119:2009
Table 2
Electrical protection of the train
A 50388:2005
Section 11
Protection against electrical risk
A 50153:2002
Driving room and operation
The first room.
UIC 651 : July 2002
Annex E
Appendix E, Appendix F
Annex F
Appendix D, section 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.3
A 15152:2007
Section 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.5, 4.2.6, 4.2.7 and 4.2.9
A 15152:2007
Section 6.2.1 to 6.2.7
Fire safety and evacuation
Material Require
As an alternative to the standards specified in the TSIs for rolling stock for high-speed trains
As an alternative to the standards specified in the TSIs for rolling stock for high-speed trains
Fire barriers
A 1363-1:1999
Or corresponding security level
Fuel loading equipment
UIC 627-2 : Jul 1980
Section 1
Official notes

1) The announcement shall be carried out by the Commission of 26. April 2011 (2011/291/EU) on a technical specification for interoperability applicable to the rolling stock subsystem &apos; Locomotives and passenger wagons ' of the trans-European conventional rail system (EU-10 2011). L 139 s. 1 ff).

1) The EUT L 191, 18.7.2008, p. 1.

2) OJ L 110, 20.4.2001, p. 1.

3) OJ L 319, 4.12.2010, p. 1.

4) The EUT L 64 of 7.3.2008, p. 1.

5) OJ L 235, 17.9.1996, p. 6.

6) OJ L 164, 30.4.2004, p. 44.

1) OJ L 284, 16.10.2006, p. 1.

2) The EUT L 342, 7.12.2006, p. 1.

3) OJ L 67, 7.3.2007, p. 13.

4) OJ L 136, 24.5.2008, p. 11.

5) OJ L 194, 25.7.2009, p. 60.

6) The EUT L 37 of 10.2.2010, p. 74.

7) OJ L 84, 26.3.2008, p. 132.

8) The EUT L 64 of 7.3.2008, p. 72.

9) The EUT L 64 of 7.3.2008, p. 1.

10) OJ L 37, 8.2.2006, p. 1.

11) OJ L 344, 8.12.2006, p. 1.

12) OJ L 45, 14.2.2009, p. 1.

13) OJ L 359, 18.12.2006, p. 1.

14) EUT L 108, 29.4.2009, p. 4.

15) OJ L 228, 9.9.1996, p. 1.

16) Definition as in EN 14531-1:2005, Section 5.3.3.

17) OJ L 330, 5.12.1998, p. 32.

18) The EUT L 64 of 4.3.2006, p. 37.

(19) The EUT L 64 of 4.3.2006, p. 52.

21) OJ L 315, 3.12.2007, p. 53.

23) Ouch. Drives with a declaration as an interoperability constituent after the TSIs for conventional trains or high speed trains.

24) For example, the speed of the two contact line types must be at least as large as the speed of the simulated pantograph designed for.

25) OJ L 167, 30.4.2004, p. 1.