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Executive Order Amending Executive Order On The Costs Of Approved, Private Complaints Or Appeals Board

Original Language Title: Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om omkostninger ved godkendte, private klage- eller ankenævn

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Publication of the amendment of the notification on the costs of approved, private appeal, or recognizance.

§ 1

Notice no. 1040 of 8. In November 2012 on the costs of approved, private appeal, or recognizance, the following changes shall be made :

1. Seven places in § 11 changes "incl." To : "excl.".

§ 2

The announcement shall enter into force on the 15th. March, 2013.

Erk's and the Ministry of Armed Services, the 12th. March 2013

Annette Vilhelmsen

-Hanne Kristensen