Key Benefits:
Chapter 1 | Last Names |
Chapter 2 | Middle names |
Chapter 3 | First Names |
Chapter 4 | Competency rules and redress, etc. |
Publication of the Named Code
This is known as the name of the Naming Act, cf. Law Order no. 392 of one. May 2012, with the changes resulting from section 10 of Law No 622 of 12. June 2013 and paragraph 23 of Law No 647 of 12. June 2013.
Chapter 1
Last Names
Last name at birth
§ 1. Those or the parent custody of a child shall select a last name within six months of the child's birth to choose a surname that the child shall be entitled to in accordance with sections 2 to 4 or 6 to 8.
Paragraph 2. If no names are provided for in the first paragraph. The first date shall be given by the child's last name. However, this does not apply where the mother's last name has been taken in accordance with section 7 (4). 1, no. One or two. In this case, the child depends on the mother's first name with the append-son or daughter, cf. the first name of his first name. Section 7 (2). 1, no. 1.
Unprotected last names
§ 2. Last names in this country are borne by more than 2 000 people, are not protected and can be taken by anyone. A last name that once has been without protection cannot later be protected from section 3.
Paragraph 2. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions lay down detailed rules on the application of paragraph 1. 1 and declare once a year on which names are not protected after this provision.
Protected last names
§ 3. Last names that in this country are borne by 2 000 people or fewer, are protected and cannot be taken by others, cf. however, paragraph 1 2.
Paragraph 2. The protection shall not apply to the names covered by Section 2 (2). ONE, TWO. PC and shall not prevent a name from being taken pursuant to section 4, 5 or 7 to 9.
Subsities or similar attachments to the last name
§ 4. A name can be taken as last name if one of the following conditions is met :
1) The name used to be the last name of the applicant.
2) The name is worn or worn as the last name of one of the parents ' parents, grandparents, great-parents or great-grandparents.
3) The name is or has been the middle name of the applicant.
4) The name shall be worn as the last name of the applicant ' s mother's or father's present or former spouse when the stepfather or stepmother has codded. With a spouse, a concoliis shall be treated as conditions in section 5 (5). Two is fulfilled.
5) The name shall be worn as the last name of the applicant ' s present or former foster or care-father, and the same consent.
6) The name is a last name which the applicant shall have the right to, in accordance with the other provisions of this Chapter, with a change to a gender-based surname of this surname, whose name has a tradition of a culture that allows this.
7) The applicant shall know and have the consent of all who in this country bear the name as the surname.
Paragraph 2. However, a name may not be taken in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, no. Two-seven, if the last name desired is taken pursuant to section 7 (2). 1, no. One or two.
Paragraph 3. A name cannot be taken in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, no. 3 if the applicant ' s middle name has been taken pursuant to section 11 (1). 1, no. 4.
Paragraph 4. A name cannot, moreover, be taken in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, no. 6 if the opposite sex of the person who is required to bear the name shall be 6. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, integration and social conditions may lay down rules which, for transsexual persons, make exception to the provision in 1. Act.
Paragraph 5. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules on consent, cf. paragraph 1, no. Four, five and seven. It shall be a name that is requested in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, no. Seven, of a child that's been 12 years old is required from the child. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, integration and social conditions can, however, be able to address particular issues from the requirement of consent in paragraph 1. 1, no. 4 and 5.
The last name of the spouses and concovole
§ 5. If spouses are given the same last name, one spouse may, with the other, consented consent, take the last name of the other person unless the name has been taken pursuant to section 7 (2). 1, no. One or two.
Paragraph 2. The same applies to people who are not married, but who declare that they are living in a marriage-related relationship and who have either lived together for at least two years or have common children under the age of 18, who have or should have the name as a last name.
Paragraph 3. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules on consent, cf. paragraph The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social, may exempt from the requirement of consent in paragraph 1, where special reasons are given. One and two.
Recently formed last names
§ 6. Names that are not worn as surname in this country can be taken as a last name unless the name is
1) may be confused with a protected last name, cf. § 3,
2) may be confused or may be confused with the name of a company, an association, a trademark or similar one that has been notified in accordance with paragraph 1. 2,
3) is a commonly known artist name as reported in accordance with paragraph 1. 2, or may be easily confused,
4) is the name of an ordinary foreign or historical person or may be confused by it,
5) is a real first name,
6) is unfit to be used as surname here in the country ; or
7) is inappropriately or can arouse anziles.
Paragraph 2. The one that is entitled to one of the points referred to in paragraph 1. 1, no. 2 and 3, mentioned names may report this to the Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions publishes a list of names notified after 1. Act.
Patronym names and other last names
§ 7. The last name can be taken
1) one of the parent's first name, with the addition, son or daughter,
2) one of the parents ' first name, with another addition, showing the family of the family whose name has a tradition of a culture that permits this ; or
3) one of the parents ' s first name, the first name of the grandparent or the spouse, if the name has a tradition of a culture that does not distinguish between the surname and last name. With a spouse, a concoliis shall be treated as conditions in section 5 (5). Two is fulfilled.
Paragraph 2. A surname for paragraph 1. 1, no. 1 and 2 shall not describe the opposite sex in relation to the person who shall bear the name.
Paragraph 3. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules on the rules laid down in paragraph 1. 1 mentioned circumstances. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social matters may also lay down rules which, for transsexual persons, make exception from the provision in paragraph 1. 2.
Double last name
§ 8. Two names each of them can be taken as their last name can be taken as a family name if the names are associated with a hyphen.
Paragraph 2. A last name, consisting of multiple names associated with hyphen, is considered to be a single last name.
Paragraph 3. The person who bears a last name, consisting of multiple names associated with a hyphen, may dispose of one of the names in question.
Paragraph 4. The person who bears a surname, consisting of multiple names not associated with hyphen, may dispose of one of the names in question. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down rules that make exception from the rule in 1. Act.
§ 9. In the case of adoption, the adopted child adopts the adopted child or the adoptive family, in accordance with the rules laid down in § 1. However, the adoption authorization may be determined that the child should retain the last name of the previous one.
Paragraph 2. The provisions of paragraph 1. Paragraph 1 shall also apply if the child is adopted by a foreign decision recognised under Article 28 (3) of the adoption of the Law of the Act of Adoption. 2.
Paragraph 3. An adoptive child shall have the right to take a last name, both after the adoption of the adopted or adopted family, as the provisions of this Chapter have been adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
Paragraph 4. In the case of withdrawal of an adopted child, the child shall retain the right to a last name which has been acquired on the basis of adoption.
Last Name Disposal
§ 10. A last name will be removed if a different last name is taken.
Chapter 2
Middle names
§ 11. The middle name can be taken :
1) A name that has previously been the applicant's middle name.
2) A name that the person in question can take as a last name.
3) A name that is borne or carried as a middle name for the parents of the applicant, grandparents, great-parents or great-grandparents.
4) A name that can be taken as a first name after paragraph 13 (s). 1, irrespective of the gender of the name of the person concerned.
5) A name that is worn as a middle name for the present or father of the applicant, or my father, when the person in question or stepmother is a consent form. With a spouse, a concoliis shall be treated as conditions in section 5 (5). Two is fulfilled.
6) A name to be borne as the middle name of the present or nursing or nursing father of the applicant or the foster parent when the person concerned.
7) A name that the spouse of the same person bears as a middle name or last name when the spouse is consented. With a spouse, a concoliis shall be treated as conditions in section 5 (5). Two is fulfilled.
Paragraph 2. A middle name cannot be taken pursuant to paragraph 1. 1, no. 7 if the name that is requested is a cartridge name, cf. Section 7 (2). 1, no. 1 or 2. A middle name cannot be taken in accordance with paragraph 1. 1, no. 3 and 5-7, if the name desired is a middle name on the basis of a cartridge name, cf. Section 7 (2). 1, no. 1 or 2. A middle name cannot be taken pursuant to paragraph 1. 1, no. 1, 3 and 5 to 7, if the name desired is a middle name under paragraph 1. 1, no. 4.
Paragraph 3. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules on consent, cf. paragraph 1, no. 5-7. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, integration and social conditions can, however, be able to address particular issues from the requirement of consent in paragraph 1. 1, no. 5-7.
Paragraph 4. A middle name can be rejected. A middle name will lapses if it's taken as a last name.
Paragraph 5. An adopted child shall have the right to take an inter-name as well as the family of the adopted or the adopts, as it were in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. In the case of cancellation of a adopted state, the adopted child shall retain the right to a middle name acquired on the basis of the adoption.
Chapter 3
First Names
§ 12. Everyone must have at least a first name.
Paragraph 2. They or the parent custody of a child shall give the child a first name within six months of the birth of the child, a first name to which the child is entitled to do so after ~ Clause 13 and 14.
§ 13. As a first name, a name can be taken on the list referred to in section 14 (3). 1 or approved in accordance with section 14 (1). 3.
Paragraph 2. A first name must not be allowed to describe the opposite sex to the person who shall bear the name.
Paragraph 3. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Insistence lays down detailed rules on the non-compliance of persons who are transsexuals or may not be covered by the prohibition in paragraph 1. 2.
§ 14. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions publishes a list of boys and girls ' names that can be taken without approval under paragraph 1. 3.
Paragraph 2. On the one in paragraph 1. the list shall be named, or have been common, here in the country, as well as names approved in accordance with paragraph 1. 3.
Paragraph 3. After application, a name shall be approved,
1) is a real first name,
2) is not unsuitable to be used as a first name in this country ; and
3) is not inappropriate or may arouse anziles.
Paragraph 4. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules for publication and presentation of the list referred to in paragraph 1. 1, and on the matters referred to in paragraph 1. Two and three.
§ 15. A first name can be disposed of if the person concerned or takes a different given name.
Chapter 4
Competency rules and redress, etc.
Procedure for naming and alteration of names
§ 16. The application for naming and naming and the name change shall be submitted to the person registered to the person who was in the parish. The disc part of the deviled parts shall be submitted to the person registers of the person concerned in the local authority.
Paragraph 2. The person registers shall take a decision in the case, cf. however, paragraph 1 3 and 4. Should a decision be taken on the matter by the Government under the said provisions, the person registerying shall forward the application to State administration.
Paragraph 3. The State administration shall take a decision on the name change or naming in accordance with the following provisions :
1) Last names after paragraph 4, paragraph 1. 1, no. 7, section 6, section 7, paragraph 7. 1, no. 2 and 3, as well as changes in after-name after paragraph 4 (1). 1, no. 6,
2) intermediate names in accordance with section 11 (1). 1, no. 2 if the name is taken in accordance with one of the referred to in paragraph 1. Paragraph 1,
3) first names after paragraph 14 (1). 3, and
4) names after section 24.
Paragraph 4. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions can, after negotiating with the church minister, establish rules that the decision may in other cases other than those referred to in paragraph 1. Three, the state administration is being taken. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions can also lay down rules on the fact that certain types of decisions covered by paragraph 1. 3, yet can be taken by the person controller.
§ 16 a. The naming and naming change request, cf. section 16 (4). 1, must be lodged with the driver by using the digital solution, which the Ministry of Equality and Church makes available (digital self-service). Applications that are not administered by digital self-service shall be rejected by the person registered to the driver, cf. however, paragraph 1 Two and three.
Paragraph 2. Where special conditions are available to ensure that the citizen is not to be expected to use digital self-service, the person registered to the person shall have to offer that the application may be submitted in a different way other than by digital self-service in accordance with paragraph 1. 1. The driver determines how an application is covered by 1. Act. to be submitted, including whether to submit it orally or in writing.
Paragraph 3. The person controller may, in addition to the provisions referred to in paragraph 1, be extraordinarily. 2 said cases do not refuse to refuse an application that has not been submitted by digital self-service if a total economic assessment is clear from the driver of the person registers by receiving the application in a different way than digitally.
Paragraph 4. A digital application shall be deemed to have arrived when it is available to the person who is the driver.
§ 17. The State administration shall provide necessary guidance on matters relating to that law.
§ 18. Naming at baptism may not be carried out in the church or in a recognised religious community outside of the devillic parts of the people of the people of the People ' s Party.
§ 19. The name change and naming of this law may also be carried out at the adoption of the adoption.
20. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Inclusters may lay down detailed rules on the processing of naming and name changes. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down rules that the provisions governing access to the public in the administration and administrative law are not applicable to information which is available to them ; obtained from the Central Personnel register as part of the examination of applications in accordance with Article 4 (2). 1, no. 7 and which relate to others other than those covered by such an application.
§ 21. Decisions on naming and naming and naming as this law can be endorsed by the Minister for Children, Gender Equality, integration and social conditions.
Paragraph 2. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions can lay down rules on the treatment of complaints.
§ 22. Changing the name of a child requires consent from the child, if it's full 12 years.
Paragraph 2. If the child is less than 12 years old, the position of its opinion on the proposed change must be provided to the extent to which the child's maturity and the circumstances of the case are attributed to it. The decision must, as far as possible, be taken into account as regards the child's position on the proposed change of name.
Paragraph 3. If special reasons speak for it, the authorization may be subject to the authorisation of the State Manager, even if the consent of paragraph 1 is given. One is not available.
Hearing of parents who do not have part in custody
-23. If a child carries the same or last name as a parent who does not share custody of the child, prior to a decision to amend the name of the child, a declaration from that parent shall be obtained. This shall also apply where the child bears the first name of the parent concerned as between-or last name.
Paragraph 2. The obligation to service in paragraph 1 shall be subject to : Paragraph 1 shall not apply where the declaration of the declaration referred to in paragraph .1 is deemed to be of material injury to the child or to have a disproportionate delay in the case.
Paragraph 3. Amendment of a child's between-or surname may be refused where the child or parent who has made a declaration pursuant to paragraph 1. 1, crucial speaker against the requested name change.
Relationship to foreign name legislation, etc.
§ 24. A foreign national may, on application, have a name change in accordance with a naming or naming change in accordance with the law of the country of citizenship, unless otherwise specified in accordance with section 25 (5). Two or three. However, a name cannot be taken in accordance with 1. pkt., if it is inappropriate or may arouse shock, or if it is unfit to be used as a name in this country.
Paragraph 2. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down detailed rules on the conditions of name changes in accordance with paragraph 1. 1.
§ 25. The Government may enter into agreement with other States on the relationship between Danish and Foreign Law, including name protection, and the name law applicable to foreign nationals living in this country, and for : Danish nationals who live abroad.
Paragraph 2. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down rules for the fulfilment of the provisions referred to in paragraph 1. 1 mentioned collective agreements.
Paragraph 3. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Insistence may also lay down rules on the relationship between Danish and other Nordic countries ' rules on personal names, including about name protection. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions can also, after negotiations with the Faroeer regime, lay down rules as set out in 1. Act. on the relationship between Danish and Horsean Namhers.
§ 25 a. On application for name change, a fee of 430 cages shall be paid in accordance with. however, paragraph 1 2. The fee shall be adjusted once a year per year. 1. January at the price of pay and wage development.
Paragraph 2. The application for a change of name shall not be paid for the purpose of a failure to comply if the application has been submitted within three months of the ceremony or for children under the age of 18, as a result of the parent's name change.
Paragraph 3. The name change for a number of people will have to be paid for each applicant. However, only one fee shall be paid if the applications for name change include spouses, unmarried conjured, siblings, or foster children under the age of 18.
Paragraph 4. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions lays down rules for the payment of fees.
Penalty provisions, etc.
SECTION 26. The person who unjustifiable uses a name is punished by fine. Clause only takes place when an imposition desires it, or if general reasons are required.
Paragraph 2. Inherit of section 12 (2). Two, punishable by fine.
§ 27. The person who can prove that another unjustifiable use is given by his name or a name that has such a similar affinity that the exchange of easily can be carried out by sententing to the other, with the use of the name.
Changes to other legislation
§ 28. Law No 193 of 29. April 1981 on Person Names is hereby repealed.
§ 29. (Udelades)
Entry into force and transitional rules
-$30. The law shall enter into force on 1. April 2006. Applications for name evidence submitted to a state administration before that date shall be processed by the state administration in accordance with the rules of this Act ; the administration shall repay a paid amount in accordance with section 17 a and 17 (b) of the existing NNNNNNN;
Paragraph 2. Names reserved for section 7 (2). 2, no. In the case of paragraph 6 (2) and (3), notification shall be without a review in accordance with section 6 (2). Two, continued to protect for six months after the law enters into force.
Paragraph 3. The address middle name that, prior to the entry into force of the law, is registered in the Central Person Registry, may remain registered in this register until such time as the person concerned changes between, or surname, or the addressee-name shall be deleted from the application of the person concerned ; the registered one.
Paragraph 4. The Minister for Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Conditions may lay down rules that persons who, under the former naming law, have been authorized to bear a name as other or later first-name, can only be expelled from the first name of the first person ; given name if the person in question at the same time keeps or takes another first name that meets the conditions laid down in section 13.
Paragraph 5. Where a paternity is established or recognised, according to the rules applicable before 1. In January 1938, or by the sole contributory requirement, the name changes may be made in accordance with section 4 (2). 1, no. 2, to the name of the father or of the person responsible for the contribution, only with the consent of the father or the contributor.
§ 31. (Aphat)
§ 32. The law does not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland, but can, by means of a royal device, be put into force for Greenland, with the deviations from which the special Greenland conditions are concerned.
Law No 622 of 12. June 2013 (Translating to mandatory digital self-service for citizens in the case of an application for financial exemption grants, notification of the choice of doctor, naming and naming, filing a declaration of fatherhood, notification of fatherhood, notification of (b) cycling theft, etc.) shall include the following entry into force :
§ 17
Paragraph 1. The law shall enter into force on 1. December, 2013.
Paragraph 2. The law shall apply only to applications, notifications, requests, notifications and declarations made pursuant to the entry into force of the law.
Law No 647 of 12. June 2013 (Changed organization of the state administrations, rules simplifications and cost-covering own payment in the family law area, etc.) shall include the following entry into force :
§ 25
The law shall enter into force on 1. July, 2013.
§ 26
Paragraph 1. Cases of the five state administrations, which are not completed by the entry into force of the law, are subject to the completion of the state administration.
Strike two-five. (Udelades)
The Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Forteams, the Seventh. October 2014
Nina Eg Hansen
/ Lone Larsen