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The Law Of Some Of The Resources Of The State Organization Of The Family-Run Pensions

Original Language Title: Laki eräiden valtion varoista suoritettavien perhe-eläkkeiden järjestelystä

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Law on the arrangement of family pensions for certain State resources

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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:


A number of permanent survivors' pensions from State resources granted or awarded before 1 January 1967 shall be held from 1 July 1974, or from the date of commenting of the pension in this case. Within the meaning of law.

The survivor's pension referred to in paragraph 1, as paid or paid in December 1971, is described in this Act as an old basic pension and a survivor's pension under this law as a new basic pension. For the purposes of this law, the deceased person means the person whose survivor's pension is paid and the beneficiary of the survivor's pension.


In accordance with this law, there shall be, with the exception of the exceptions referred to in paragraph 2, the old basic pension, which has been or is granted after the State of the deceased, the official of the school establishment, or the town or town doctor, The deceased's surviving spouse or child.

However, in accordance with this law, a widow who is not a member of the national family pension Article 3 (774/68) , and not 18 years after completing the old basic pension granted to a child who has been unable to work.

Where an old basic pension is also paid to a beneficiary within the meaning of paragraph 1, the amount of the survivor's pension of such a beneficiary or of any part thereof shall be determined as if it had been determined without an arrangement under this law. Only the beneficiaries referred to in paragraph 1 shall be taken into account for the calculation of the new basic pension and for each part of the future pension.


The amount of the new basic pension for one of the beneficiaries referred to in Article 2 (1) shall be 30 % of the deceased's salary, according to which the old basic pension was or was determined on 31 December 1971. If the beneficiaries are two, the new basic pension will be 40 % of the salary, plus 5 % of the salary for each of the other beneficiaries. However, the new basic pension may not exceed 66 % of the salary.

In the case of changes in the number of beneficiaries, the amount of the new basic pension and its distribution among the beneficiaries shall be reviewed from the beginning of the following calendar month.

§ 4

The amount of the new basic pension will be adjusted in accordance with the law on the revision of certain State pensions. (185/72) Is provided for.

In accordance with Article 3 of the new basic pension, the salary index fixed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health for 1971 is 216.

§ 5

The new basic pension is otherwise in force, as provided for in the old basic pension.


The Regulation may, if necessary, lay down further provisions on the application of this law.

§ 7

The State Treasury is responsible for the provision of family pensions under this Act.