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The Law On The Development Of Housing Conditions

Original Language Title: Laki asunto-olojen kehittämisestä

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Law on building housing conditions

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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:

Basic objectives

The purpose of the development of housing conditions is to ensure that every resident in Finland has the right to a decent living,

(1) that each food has an accommodation in which the size and area corresponds to the size of the food and the personal needs of its members;

(2) that dwellings are suitable, healthy and functional and adapted to their surroundings; and

(3) that housing expenditure is reasonable in relation to the size of the food and the disposable income, as well as other necessary expenditure on consumption.

Particular attention must be paid to improving access to housing and housing for low-income, low-income, low-income, young people and families, as well as to ensuring the affordability of housing expenditure, as well as in areas such as: Reduction of housing disparities between the population groups.

Housing stock and its use

In order to ensure a reasonable accommodation level, there are:

(1) create an adequate housing and demand housing stock by building new housing, improving the quality and equipment level of existing housing and the reduction of housing; and

2) promote the appropriate use of housing.

ARTICLE 3 (15.12.1989/1145)
State intervention

In order to improve housing conditions, loans and interest subsidies, interest subsidies and grants, interest subsidies and grants are granted by the Housing Development Fund or other State resources, providing guarantees for the State, granting tax relief, housing assistance, and Housing savings, as well as taking other measures according to which they are expressly provided for or prescribed.

§ 4
Research and experimental activities

In order to develop housing conditions, research, experimentation and development funds may be allocated through State resources for the social, economic, financial and technical aspects of housing, repair, integration and housing policy. The provision of legal and administrative investigations and studies and the translation and publication of their results and foreign language material.

An appropriation of appropriations necessary for the purposes of research, experimentation and development is entered in the revenue and expenditure assessment of the State. The Ministry of the Environment must establish a plan for the use of research, experimentation and development.

§ 5
Municipality's tasks

The municipality shall establish the general conditions for the development of housing conditions on its territory.

The municipality must ensure that measures are taken to improve housing conditions, in particular to improve housing conditions for the homeless and non-residents. The municipality should develop housing conditions on its territory in such a way that a member of the municipality who is homeless, who is unable to obtain an accommodation without undue difficulty, may be provided with reasonable accommodation conditions.

ARTICLE 6 (17.12.1993/1191)
Municipal Housing Programme

The municipal council, as appropriate, shall approve and revise the housing programme as a basis for its housing policy.

§ 7 (22.12.2009)

Paragraph 7 has been repealed by L 22.12.2009/15 .

§ 8 (17.12.1993/1191)
Programme for housing development

On a proposal from the Ministry of the Environment, the Council, as appropriate, confirms the Housing Development Programme as a basis for its housing policy.

§ 9
Entry into force

This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1986.

Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement it.

The National Development Programme for Mortgages must be drawn up for the first time between 1987 and 1991.

HE 50/85, Tlvkms. 2/85, svk.M. 112/85

Entry into force and application of amending acts:


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1990.

Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.

HE 183/89, second favorite. 13/89, svk.M. 209/89


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1994.

Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.

THEY 177/93 , YmVM 13/93


This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2010.

Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.

THEY 161/2009 , HVM 18/2009, EV 205/2009