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Marriage Regulation

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The presentation of the Minister for Justice of 13 June 1929 (234/29), (2), as referred to in the Law of 16 April 1987 (19,21) And the Act concerning the entry into force of the marriage law at the first (235/29) Pursuant to:


Investigation of obstacles to marriage

ARTICLE 1 (14.2.1997/134)

The obstacles to marriage are examined by using the information obtained from the Population Information System to the engagement partners. (28.07.1999/832)

If the information referred to in paragraph 1 is not available to the examiner of the impediments to marriage, the investigator shall, on behalf of the post, request the information necessary for the examination of the marriage impediments to which they are used.

ARTICLE 2 (21.2.2002/139)

In the absence of information necessary for the examination of matrimony impediments to the marriage partner in the context of a population information system, an engagement partner shall issue a certificate to the investigator of the relevant authority of the foreign country of the marriage certificate of the intended marriage. For the investigation of obstacles.

If an engagement party proves that the report referred to in paragraph 1 is not available, the researcher of the impediments to marriage may be able to examine the impediments to marriage on the basis of a written report which is deemed to be reliable. If necessary, the inspector of the impediments to a marriage may request the opinion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or of the Office for Foreign Affairs on matters affecting the reliability and adequacy of the report and on whether or not a foreign country is available The information necessary to examine the obstacles.

ARTICLE 3 (21.2.2002/139)

If the right of an engagement partner to marry depends on the fact that marriage is permitted under the law of a foreign country, the engagement partner shall issue a certificate to the examiner of the impediments to marriage by the authority of the foreign State concerned that the marriage partner does not: In marriage, and that the law of the intended marriage is not an obstacle.

Instead of the certificate referred to in paragraph 1, the engagement partner, referred to in paragraph 1, may submit to the researcher of the impediments to marriage:

(1) a certificate issued by the authority of the foreign State concerned on what the law of the State in question provides for the conditions of marriage and for divorce; and

2) the certificate referred to in Article 2 (1).

However, the certificate referred to in paragraph 2 (1) shall not be required if the researcher of the impediments to marriage is aware that, under the law of the foreign State concerned, the marriage is not an obstacle.

If the certificate referred to in paragraph 2 (1) shows that the marriage is subject to the authorisation of the authority, the consent of another person, the purchase of property after an earlier marriage, compliance with the standstill period or any other equivalent The fact that such a requirement has been fulfilled.

§ 4 (21.2.2002/139)

If the researcher of the impediments Article 108 of the Marriage Act, (3), that the impediments to marriage may be investigated by virtue of Finnish law, the report which is to be given by an engaged partner to the examiner of the impediments to marriage shall be subject to the provisions of Article 2.

§ 5 (21.2.2002/139)

The certificate, referred to in Article 2 (1) and Article 3, shall be valid for a period of four months from the date of issue, unless otherwise specified in the certificate.

If the certificate is drawn up in a language which the investigator of the impediments to marriage is not required to understand, he may require that the certificate be accompanied by a certified translation.

Subject to an agreement concluded with a foreign country, the certificate referred to in paragraph 1 shall be certified by the diplomatic or consular official of Finland or the foreign country concerned, stating that it is issued by the authority concerned. However, the certificate shall not be required if the researcher of the impediments to marriage is aware that the document has been issued by the relevant authority or, in the case of a certificate referred to in Article 3 (1) or (2) (1), which has provided the A diplomatic or consular official acting in Finland.

§ 5a (21.2.2002/139)

If the right of an engagement partner to enter into marriage depends on the fact that marriage is permitted under the law of a foreign country, he/she shall have a marriage to the examiner:

(1) declare in writing that, under the law of the marriage law and the law of a foreign country, the intended marriage is not an obstacle; and

(2) provide Article 12 of the marriage Act, The declaration referred to in paragraph 2.

§ 5b (21.2.2002/139)

The person requesting the certificate referred to in Article 111 of the Marriage Act shall be obliged to provide the examiner of the impediments to marriage Article 12 of the Marriage Act, And the declaration.

Article 5c (21.2.2002/139)

When an engagement party asks for the examination of obstacles to marriage, the researcher of obstacles to marriage shall provide them with a written account of the legal effects of marriage.

ARTICLE 6 (14.2.1997/134)

The researcher of impediments to marriage must collect all documents relating to the examination of obstacles to marriage in a particular marriage. Documents shall be numbered each year with a running number.

The investigator of impediments to marriage must keep a list of examinations of marriage impediments. The list shall be compiled in the (234/1929) § 13 The certificates referred to in paragraph 1.



§ 6a (14.2.1997/134)

Before the ceremony, each engagement party shall be obliged, if necessary, to present a report to the officiant of his identity.

§ 7 (14.2.1997/134)

The civil ceremony is obliged to deliver the ceremony regardless of where the two engaged partners have a home municipality or where they belong to a religious community.

§ 8 (25.9.2008/613)

The civil ceremony where the ceremony is Article 17a of the Marriage Act, The ceremony referred to in paragraph 1 shall be delivered at the premises of the booklet. It may also be delivered at home or in another suitable place if the ceremony and marriage partners have agreed between them.

If the civil ceremony delivers the person to whom the sample is Article 17a of the Marriage Act, In accordance with paragraph 2, the marriage of marriage shall be effected at home or in another suitable place and at the time agreed between the officiant and the engaged partners.

§ 9

The civil ceremony shall be carried out in such a way that, in the presence of witnesses, the officiant in the presence of witnesses is:

" The purpose of marriage is to establish a family for the common good and for the preservation of society. Marriage is meant to be permanent so that the members of the family can together create a happy home.

In the presence of these witnesses, I ask you (name of man): Do you want to take this (woman's name) to your wife to love her in sickness and in health?

(Answer: I do).

In the presence of these witnesses, I ask you (name of woman): Do you want to take this (name of man) to your husband to love him in sickness and in health?

(Answer: I do).

Once you have answered this question, both of you, I will say to you that you are husband and wife.

Take (woman's name) to your union as a sign of your husband. (This sentence is left out if no ring is given).

You are now married to marriage. In the form of spouses, you will be equal. Address in marriage to each other love and mutual trust and act together for the good of the family."


When the ceremony has been delivered, the ceremony shall be issued to the spouses on request.

The hotline shall immediately be informed of the initiation of the entry into the population information system. (14.2.1997/134)

ARTICLE 11 (14.2.1997/134)

The Green Party shall keep a list of the initiation ceremony.

Article 11a (21.2.2002/139)

Articles 10 and 11 shall also apply to: Article 112 of the marriage law Has been issued in a foreign country.


Miscellareous provisions


When requested by the Ministry of Justice Article 9 of the Marriage Act, , the Ministry of Justice shall, where appropriate, provide applicants with information on the available genetic counselling and its places of work.


When divorce proceedings Article 29 of the marriage law , the court shall provide a written declaration to both spouses on how the case should be submitted to further consideration after the period of reflection. In addition, a written report on the reconciliation of family matters and the seat of family mediators must be provided.

Each spouse must be given a written declaration of judgment in the divorce. (29.8.2002/776)


Articles 14 to 15 have been repealed by A 17.3.2005/169 .

ARTICLE 16 (17.3.2005/169)

From the civilian initiation, of which Article 17c of the marriage law A fee may be charged, payable to the State:

1) eur 120 if the initiation of the initiation of the Regulation on the opening of state agencies (332/1994) in Article 1 During the period of opening hours;

2) EUR 200 if the ceremony is delivered at any other time.


However, the fee shall not be charged if the ceremony is delivered during the opening hours referred to in paragraph 1 (1) at a hospital where the marriage cannot be dismissed without endangering its health, or in a closed institution. (25.9.2008/613)

The remuneration and redemption of a priest belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church or the Orthodox Church shall be regulated separately.

Article 16a (25.9.2008/613)

Pursuant to Article 17c of the Marriage Act, compensation for travel expenses incurred by a civil ceremony is determined by the State Travel Regulation. The reimbursement of travel costs shall also be charged when the ceremony takes place at the premises of the ceremony, but other than during the opening period referred to in Article 16 (1) (1). However, if the ceremony takes place in the home of one of the two engaged partners, a maximum of EUR 100 may be recovered for the reimbursement of travel expenses.

§ 17 (14.2.1997/134)

In the case of an examination of the impediments to marriage and marriage, the following documents shall be drawn up:

(1) Article 11 of the marriage Act, The request referred to in paragraph 1 and the declaration referred to in Article 12 (1) and the declaration referred to in paragraph 2;

(2) Article 13 of the marriage law, The certificate referred to in paragraph 1 for the investigation of impediments to marriage; and

(3) Notice of initiation referred to in Article 10 (2).

The Population Register Centre confirms the formulae of the forms and provides guidance and guidance on the use of formulae and forms.

Researchers and booklets of the impediments to marriage shall receive the formulae and forms referred to in paragraph 2 free of charge from the authority of the magistrates or the taster. The investigator of the impediments to marriage shall keep the forms referred to in paragraph 1 (1) available to the engaged partners.

ARTICLE 18 (25.9.2008/613)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education must make a declaration of initiation and withdrawal of matrimonial law pursuant to Articles 112 or 113 of the Marriage Act to the Registry of the Court of Justice of the European Union, (171/2008) , the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. The notification shall contain the information which, pursuant to Article 9 of that law, shall be entered in the register of initiation.

Paragraph 1 of the notification obligation and the content of the notification shall apply mutatis mutandis to the maize sector, which: Article 17a of the Marriage Act, Pursuant to paragraph 2, it has been withdrawn by the marriage or by virtue of Article 17b (2).

Article 18a (25.9.2008/613)

Article 18a has been repealed by A 25.9.2008/6 .


Entry into force

§ 19

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1988.

This Regulation repeals:

1) Regulation of 22 November 1929 on the application of the law on marriage and its entry into force (168/29) With subsequent amendments, and

(2) Regulation of 26 March 1982 on the payment of local government payments (22/82) (1b), as set out in the Regulation of 21 November 1986 (1999) .

Before the entry into force of this Regulation, measures may be taken to implement it.

§ 20

Article 26 of the Act on the application of the law on marriage and its entry into force, as set out in the Decree of 30 November 1979 (182/79) , however, the documents referred to in the Annex shall not be published in the Annex to the Official Journal, but shall be entered in the register of matrimonial matters referred to in Article 15 of this Regulation by 31 March 1988.

Entry into force and application of amending acts:


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 1991.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1992.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 November 1993.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 1994.

Where a document has been lodged with the court before the entry into force of this Regulation, the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Regulation shall apply.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 September 1997.

Before the entry into force of this Regulation, measures may be adopted for the implementation of the Regulation.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 October 1999.

Before the entry into force of this Regulation, measures may be taken to implement it.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2002.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 2003.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2003.

Upon the entry into force of this Regulation, pending entry into force of this Regulation, the provisions in force


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 May 2005.

The measures necessary for the implementation of this Regulation may be adopted before the Regulation enters into force.


This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 October 2008.