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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:
This law provides for a government relationship.
The relationship is governed by public law in which the State is the employer and the official in the course of the work.
On the Agency Referred to in this Act, or by a State agency or institution established by a decree of the Government. (12/01/1548)
The aim of the law is to safeguard the performance of the functions of the State in a successful, expedient manner and in compliance with the legal requirements, and to ensure a fair role for the official in relation to the employer.
This Act shall not apply to the Parliamentary Ombudsman and to the Deputy Ombudsmen, nor to the officials of the Office of the Office of the National Audit Office, the Office of the President of the Republic, the Office of the Ombudsman and the Office of the National Audit Office, and the Bank of Finland And officials and other servants of the Social Insurance Institution, except where the law provides otherwise. (25.5.2007)
Moreover, this law does not apply to a non-public service obligation arising from a non-governmental service.
The regulation provides for the application of this law to a part-time teacher and a university lecturer.
The posts may be set up within the limits of the appropriations available.
The rules for setting up, disbanding and amending posts are laid down by a decree of the Government. The following posts shall not be set up, abolished and their name changed unless each of the posts is specified in the national budget:
(1) the posts of the Chancellor of the Council and the Deputy Attorney General and of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice;
Paragraphs 2 to 3 are repealed by L 29.12.2011/1548 .
(4) the offices of the Judge referred to in Chapter 12;
Paragraph 5 has been repealed by L 29.12.2011/1548 .
(6) Defence Force Commander, Chief of Staff, General or Admiral, Chief Engineer of the Defence Forces, Chief of Defense, Field Bishop and Asessor;
7) the posts of the head of the border guards and the deputy chief and the general or the admiral. (20.11.2009)
Paragraph 8 has been repealed by L 20.11.2009 /901 .
The office may be transferred to the same office in the same agency as it has been established, and also to another agency other than that specified in the State budget. The transfer of the necessary appropriation to another agency shall be governed by the Article 7a (423/1988) . If the post is not open, the post may be transferred only with the agreement of the official. (12/01/1548)
The post in the State budget shall be transferred to the other unit of the same agency and to the other post in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Justice, by a decision of the Council of Ministers. (12/01/1548)
A post other than that specified in the State budget shall be transferred to another entity of the same agency by decision of the Agency, save as otherwise provided by the decree, and to another agency within the administrative branch of the same Ministry.
In the context of the reorganisation of the State administration, the posts and the officials appointed shall be transferred to the same agency or to the same agencies as those delegated.
An official appointed to a fixed-term office shall be assigned to the Agency for the duration of its term of office.
In the situations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the sentence may be transferred without the consent of the official referred to in Article 5, if the post is transferred to an official's activity area or to the working area. In the field of employment, the unemployment insurance law (1290/2002) chapter 9 of Chapter 1 Of the region.
The conditions of employment of a civil servant shall be subject to the conditions laid down by law or by law.
The post of Secretary of State, Secretary of State, Secretary of State, Head of State Secretary or Head of Department or similar post, as well as the post of Head of Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall be transferred to another agency , unless the appointed official has been appointed to the office of the new agency or to any other post before the change is made.
The title and tasks of the transferred post shall be converted into the host agency at the time of the completion of the reorganisation. Jurisdiction shall be exercised by the Ministry in which the official who has been appointed is employed prior to the transitional period, or by the Ministry of the Office of the Office in which the official is employed. Before the time of transition.
Where, in the context of restructuring, the functions of the post are substantially altered and a new post is created, a new post may be renewed for the first time to be filled in without application if it is appointed under a restructuring plan. An official appointed for the office of the Agency.
However, the office of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State or of the Head of State or of the Head of the Department, or the post of Head of Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall, however, be filled in with the official post of Director of the Ministry of Finance. By means of the registration procedure, unless otherwise specified by law. However, the corresponding posts in the diplomatic service and the armed forces may be refilled in the context of the reorganisation without a public notification procedure, provided that the administrative procedures in question are exceptionally required by the sectoral authorities. In these cases, the procedure to be followed may be further regulated by a decree of the Council of Ministers.
Articles 5a to 5c shall not apply to organisational changes within the Agency or any other reorganisation of the Agency.
The transfer of the employer's movement refers to the handing over of a functional part of the State to another employer, if the part to be delivered remains the same or similar after the transfer.
The rights and obligations arising from the existing relationship between the employer and the employer, as referred to in Article 5 (e), shall be transferred to the transferee. This does not, however, apply to the rights and obligations arising out of a particular relationship and are not specific to the employment relationship where an official enters into a contract relationship with the transferee.
The transferor and the transferee shall be jointly and severally liable for the receivability of the remuneration due prior to the transfer. However, unless otherwise agreed, the transferor shall be liable to the transferee prior to the transfer.
The donor is obliged to comply with the provisions of the contract in force at the time of delivery, such as the (436/1946) Provides.
The general criteria for appointment are laid down in the Constitution.
Equality and the prohibition of discrimination (1325/2014) . Gender equality and the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex are laid down in the Law on equality between women and men (609/1986) .
The language skills required by state officials are regulated by law.
Before filling it, the power must be declared to be applied for.
Notification of the declaration of application shall be published nationwide, save as otherwise provided in this Act. The application period shall be at least 14 calendar days.
The decree of the Council of State lays down more precise rules for the purpose of declaring a post and a term of temporary duty.
For the first time, the post of post-contract function or the term of office of a fixed-term contract which has lasted for more than one year may be filled in to the vacant post, without the appointment of an employee holding the post in question, or An official working in a temporary relationship.
The declaration of failure to declare an error in certain situations is governed by Article 5c (1), Article 9b (1), Article 27 (4) and Article 32 (1).
The office of the Secretary of State will be filled in without being declared or unannounced. The same procedure shall be followed by the appointment of a special adviser to the Minister for a fixed term of office.
The posts of the Defence Forces, the Border Guard, the Police and the Foreign Service, the Judges of the Court of Justice and the Academy of Finland for the purpose of filling the research posts in the Academy of Finland are laid down separately.
The notification referred to in Article 6a shall indicate the functions of the post and the eligibility criteria, the end of the application period and the authority to which the application must be addressed. The notification shall state whether the post has been established in a specific unit or whether it is common to the Agency.
For justified reasons, the post or the ratio may, if necessary, be re-notified or extended. In this case, previous applicants shall be taken into account without any new application.
The application shall be accompanied by the necessary explanations. An application not received by the end of the application mentioned in the notification shall not be taken into account.
The decree of the Council of State lays down more precise provisions on the authority to which the application is addressed.
Except in the cases referred to in Article 6b, only the person who applied for the post may be appointed. The appointment of a person who has agreed to the appointment shall also be appointed as provided for in Article 6b (1) to (3).
The appointing authority shall notify without delay the appointment of those who have applied for the post or the post. The notification shall mention the post or the post to be filled, the authority issuing the decision, the date of appointment and the appointment of the post or office.
The appointing authority may withdraw the appointment before the date of appointment, including the appointment of the person concerned. If the appointment has been withdrawn, the second post office may be appointed unannounced for re-appointment.
The ratio shall start from the date on which the person concerned has been appointed to the post or office.
Only Finnish citizens may be appointed to the following posts:
(1) the office of the Chancellor of Justice and the Assistant Attorney General, as well as the Chief of Staff and rapporteur for the Legal Service, as Head of Section;
(2) the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State, the Chief of Staff, the Head of Department and the office manager, and the corresponding or higher post; (28.2.2003/176)
(3) the post of diplomatic service;
(4) the post of Judge;
(5) the post of Head of the Agency, excluding the post of Head of the University;
(6) the post of head of the Civil Protection Agency and of the Head of the Responsible Region; (20.11.2009)
(7) a post involving the duties of a prosecutor or an enforcement officer; (13/05/2015)
(8) Police law (872/2011) The position of the police officer; (12/01/894)
(9) the post to which they belong to the prison board;
(10) the position of the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Forces and of the Border Guard;
11) the post of a police officer other than a police officer;
(12) Customs duties, including the right to arrest, and the post of Customs, which includes participation in the monitoring and safeguarding of the territorial integrity of Finland, or criminal investigations and surveillance tasks falling within the remit of the Customs Union; (22/05/2015)
(13) The posts of the Executive Director of the Traffic Safety Agency and of the Directors-General of the Transport Agency. (22.12.2009)
Paragraph 14 is repealed by the L 22.12.2009/1322 .
Paragraph 1 shall also apply to the appointment of an official pursuant to Article 9 (1) to carry out the functions of the post referred to in paragraph 1.
The appointment of an official shall be 18 years. However, an official may be appointed for a period of 15 years and a person who has completed his compulsory education if the appointment can be considered appropriate for the proper performance of the official's duties.
In addition to the general eligibility criteria, the posts referred to in Article 26 (3) and (4), with the exception of the Secretary of State, have a higher degree of qualification as a higher education qualification, Proven leadership and management experience.
Where appropriate, the examination or other specific eligibility criteria for the post referred to in paragraph 2 may be laid down separately in the Council's Regulation on the Agency.
Save as otherwise provided for in the law, the examinations and other specific eligibility criteria for the post of the State may be laid down by a decree of the Council of State, provided that it is justified in order to carry out the duties of the post concerned.
The State Council may dispense with the eligibility criteria laid down in paragraph 2 above for the applicant for the post of the power of the title. In addition, the State Council may, for special reasons, issue a derogation from the eligibility criteria laid down by the Council Regulation, but not for the purpose of obtaining a judge.
Before appointment, the person to whom the post referred to in Article 26 (1) to (4) is to be appointed shall, before appointment, provide an account of his business, holdings of undertakings and other assets, not covered by that office; Their activities, the activities referred to in Article 18 and other interests which may be relevant to the assessment of the conditions under which they are to be carried out. The notification shall include information on the revenue received in respect of the ancillary activities required by Article 18.
Paragraph 1 shall also apply to the appointment of a person under Article 9 (1) to carry out the functions of the post referred to in paragraph 1.
The officials appointed under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall communicate without delay the changes in the information referred to in paragraph 1 and the deficiencies found in the information referred to in paragraph 1, including the corresponding statement. When requested by the relevant authority. In addition, officials shall inform the relevant authority of any external duties and any income derived from them.
The information given to the authority on the person's financial position is confidential. However, notwithstanding the provisions of confidentiality, the Ministry of Finance shall have the right to receive, in the case of officials and appointed officials referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the information referred to in Article 18. And the result obtained from them and the resulting external tasks and any result obtained from them.
The decree of the Council of State lays down more detailed provisions for the notification provided for in this Article.
The appointment of a post shall be subject to the application by a person, at the request of the Authority, of information on the health conditions of the mission and, where appropriate, to investigate the matter; To carry out inspections and investigations. An applicant or registered office may be required to submit a report on the protection of privacy in the field of employment (759/2004) As a condition for the appointment of a post. The costs of inspections and investigations shall be valid, as provided for in Article 19 (2). (13.08.2004)
Paragraph 1 shall also apply to the appointment of a person with a fixed term of office under Article 9 (1).
The appointment of an office shall be subject to the appointment of a public authority, provided that such an appointment has been made in the Security Clearance Law (26/2014) Of the European Parliament and of the Council.
A State Council Regulation may provide for a requirement for a security clearance certificate, as referred to in paragraph 1, where the person to be appointed is entitled, otherwise than occasionally, to deal with hedges I or II Documents or if it is otherwise intended to function in a function where, by its very nature, particular reliability is required.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Law on Public Access Article 16 (2) of the ec Treaty (3), the relevant authority may publish the declarations of interest referred to in Article 8a (1) and (2), as well as by-licences and declarations through the general information network, subject to the provisions of confidentiality.
The Authority shall be responsible for the timeliness of the information referred to in paragraph 1. Details of the assets and of branches and declarations shall be erased from the general information network at the end of the untying or secondary activity.
The decree of the Council of State may provide for more detailed provisions on the publication of information on untying and on branches and declarations.
An official may be appointed for a limited period of time or for a limited period if the nature of the work, the replacement, the temporary organisation of an open post or the exercise of the duties of the vacant post necessitates a period of error. The official shall not be appointed to the post, but shall be appointed to the post office. In the cases referred to in this paragraph, the appointing authority and the appointment procedure shall be laid down separately.
An office may be appointed for a limited period or for a limited period if justified by the nature of the post or the legitimate reason for the operation of the Agency.
Where an official is appointed for a limited period under paragraphs 1 or 2, the appointment book shall be the subject of a fixed term. The official shall be appointed for the duration of the term as a whole, unless otherwise decided otherwise. (30.11.2007)
Paragraph 4 has been repealed by L 20.3.2015/283 .
In addition to the criteria laid down in Article 9 for a limited period of time, the posts referred to in Article 26 (3) and (4) shall be appointed for a fixed period of five years, unless there is a specific reason for the appointment of a shorter period.
The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply, however, to the posts of the diplomatic service, the border guards, the police, the State Secretary, the State Prosecutor, the High Representative of the Energy Agency and the National Assembly.
The period referred to in paragraph 1 may be extended by a maximum of one year at the initiative of the Appointing Authority, where there is a legitimate reason for the Agency's activities.
The appointment of a temporary post as referred to in Article 9a may, after the expiry of the prescribed period, be appointed for the post of other public administration or a relationship of power, or for a period of no more than two years without the application procedure.
If a person cannot be appointed or taken to the post referred to in paragraph 1, the service shall cease to be in the State at the end of that period.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not apply to a civil servant who is vacant from another post in the State to which he has been appointed for the time being.
When the official is appointed, it may be stipulated that the term of office may not exceed six months during a period of probation, both on the part of the appointing authority and the official. However, the demolition shall not take place on grounds referred to in Article 11 or otherwise inappropriate.
Paragraph 1 shall not apply to an official appointed by the President of the Republic or the Council of State.
The authority shall treat the officials in its service equally, unless it is justified by the duties and the status of the officials.
Equality and the prohibition of discrimination are laid down in the law on equality. Equality and the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex are laid down in the Act on equality between women and men.
The Authority shall not prohibit a civil servant from joining or belonging to the association or put pressure on it to join any association or prohibit it from resigning.
The authority concerned shall ensure that the official is given the benefits and rights deriving from the relationship as they belong to him.
The authority shall, at the request of the official, provide an attestation without delay, indicating the size of the salary and the basis of its assessment. (13.6.1997/52)
The official shall carry out his duties properly and without delay. He has to comply with the rules of command and control.
The official shall behave in accordance with his position and duties.
An official shall not claim, accept or accept any economic or other advantage if it can undermine confidence in the official or the authority.
A civil servant whose job is to represent the State as an employer shall not be in a position to be in a position to act in a representative association representing the State in a position that is incompatible with the office of office.
The professional secrecy of the official is in force, as is the case in the law on public disclosure. (18/09/1999) And any other law.
The official shall not receive or maintain a secondary activity which requires the use of working time to carry out the functions of the branch, unless the relevant authority requests authorisation to do so. A secondary authorisation may also be granted for a limited period and limited. The secondary authorisation may be withdrawn when there is a reason. The secondary activities of the Judge and the Court's rapporteur are further specified in Article 18a.
When considering the granting of a sideline, account must be taken of the fact that a civil servant must not be prevented from office by an official. Furthermore, the branch must not compromise confidence in the management of the task or otherwise harm the proper performance of the task or, as a competitive activity, it appears to be damaging to the employer.
The official shall notify the authority concerned of a third party other than the one referred to in paragraph 1. The Authority may prohibit the taking of such a secondary activity on the basis of the criteria laid down in paragraph 2.
For the purposes of paragraphs 1 to 3, the secondary activity shall mean the post and the paid employment and function of which the official is entitled to refuse, as well as the profession, the industry and the movement. In addition to what is laid down in this Article, specific provisions adopted by law or regulation in the various administrative areas must be complied with.
The information submitted in connection with an application for an ancillary activity or an application for authorisation shall be kept confidential by the parties to the dispute.
The decree of the Council of State lays down more precise provisions on the granting authority.
The Judge and the rapporteur of the Court shall not accept or maintain a branch within the meaning of Article 18 unless the court or tribunal authorises the application. The side authorisation shall not be granted as an arbitrator designated by one of the parties in the dispute in arbitration. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 18 (5), the applicant shall, in the application for authorisation, inform the Chief Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Parties to the dispute.
The judge and the rapporteur of the Court of Justice shall inform the court every year of what has been paid to him if the total amount of revenue received exceeds eur 10 000. The notification shall state which side of the revenue has been paid. Other side actions other than intermediate tasks shall also be indicated by the payment service provider. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 24 (1) (23) of the Law on the Activities of the public authorities, the information provided by the judge on the revenue generated by the Judge's activities shall be public. The judge and the rapporteur of the Court of Justice shall also inform the court of the termination of the secondary activity.
The notification of the application for a sidebar, the granting authority and the notification of the secondary activity shall be further specified by the State Council Regulation. The entry in the register of the information on the side actions of the Judges and the Court of Justice shall be laid down in the law on the registrations and branch register of Judges (175/2015) .
L 52/2015 Shall enter into force at the date of adoption of the law.
In considering the official's mandate for the exercise of the authority or other guidance and supervision of the State, it shall be taken into account that the official shall not be allowed to become a Member for the purpose of a mandate other than occasionally or temporarily Aesthetical in key official missions.
The official shall be obliged, at the request of the authority concerned, to provide information on the health conditions for carrying out this task. The official may also be ordered to carry out checks and investigations in order to establish his state of health if it is necessary to establish the conditions for the performance of the task. The right to require an official to provide a certificate of a drug test is valid, as provided for in Article 8 of the Act on the protection of privacy in working life. (13.08.2004)
The necessary costs for inspections and investigations imposed by the authority referred to in paragraph 1 shall be borne by the State.
The official may be transferred to work at another agency and a civil servant other than the Judge referred to in Chapter 12 for a limited period of time, including in the case of an employer other than the State, where the transfer improves the conditions of the official for the performance of his duties; or Promote the continuation of the employment of the official or the employment of the official, and if the receiving employer and the official have given their consent. The official shall be in a relationship with the Agency from which he is transferred.
The delegation of the military and border guards is in force, as is expressly provided for.
The official who is appointed by the President of the Republic, the State Council or the Ministry, may be made available for a maximum period of two years to the State Council where there is a valid reason for the performance of the functions of the State. The two-year period may be extended under the same conditions for a maximum period of two years.
A seconded official shall be required to carry out the duties imposed by the Government or by the authority designated by it.
The official may interrupt his work if the relevant authority, on application, grants him a leave of absence or is legally vacant under the law. The suspension of the work on other grounds is valid, as is expressly provided for. Freedom of service may also be granted without an application where an official has not been able to apply for leave before work is interrupted or if there is a sufficient explanation of the reason for the interruption.
The official shall remain vacant as a Member of the Parliament, as a Member of the Council of State or as a representative of the European Parliament, as a Member of the State Council or as a Member of the European Parliament, or in the service of military service. Otherwise, the granting of freedom of office shall be at the discretion of the Authority, unless otherwise specified otherwise, or otherwise agreed in the framework of the contract. (13.6.1997/52)
Freedom of service may also be granted in part. In addition, a civil servant may, on the basis of his or her consent, be ordered to carry out certain duties.
The decree of the Council of State lays down more precise rules on the authority granting the leave. (20/06/2015)
In the event of illness, the official shall, on the basis of an illness, certify the sickness insurance law of his illness. (1224/2004) By means of a medical certificate conforming to the formula laid down for the purpose of applying for a daily subsistence allowance, a certificate issued by the health care centre of the health centre, or by a certificate issued by the health nurse or nurse designated by the Agency. If the disease lasts for a maximum of three days, an official may also prove his illness in a reliable manner by another authority granting the right to leave. However, if the disease lasts for more than five days, it must be proved by the medical certificate referred to above.
In the case of a fixed period or region or otherwise restricted cases, the decree of the Council of State may provide for leniency in order to prove the illness of the official.
A civil servant who acts against or fails to carry out his duties may be given a written warning.
The debt ratio may be terminated on both sides after a certain period of notice or, if agreed or explicitly provided for by the law, without notice of notice.
The Authority shall not lay off the error rate for a reason attributable to the official, unless it is particularly heavy. This reason cannot be attributed at least to:
(1) the illness, defect or disability of the official, unless it has resulted in a substantial and permanent incapacity for work of an official and, on the basis of that, the official is entitled to a disability pension;
(2) the participation of the official in the work of the association in the light of the association's decision; and
(3) the political, religious or other opinions of the official, or his participation in social or union activities.
The denunciation shall be carried out within a reasonable period within the meaning of this Article, within a reasonable period of time when the grounds for dismissal are brought to the attention of the Authority.
Furthermore, the right to terminate the authority may be limited by the agreement, so that it may be used only on the grounds set out in the contract.
The official shall not dismiss an official as a result of pregnancy. If the authority terminates a pregnant official, it is considered that the dismissal is due to the pregnancy, unless the Authority does not provide any other reason. The official shall not dismiss an official during the period of special maternity leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, parental leave or parental leave, or whether the official is pregnant or is exercising the above right, The duration of the service to the end of the term of leave, or during or during the period of leave.
The term of office of the official appointed for the term of office shall be terminated without notice, after the expiry of the period until the date of termination of the post-employment relationship.
In addition to the provisions laid down in Article 25 (2), the following officials may be dismissed when, taking into account the nature of the post, the following officials may be dismissed:
1) the Chancellor of Justice and the Deputy Attorney General;
2) Commander of the Defence Force;
(3) State Secretary of State, Secretary of State, Chief of Staff, Under-Secretary of State, Head of State and Department, as well as those of the Ministry responsible for these posts, as specified by the Government Decree;
(4) the heads of the agencies provided for by the Government Decree; and
5) Special adviser to the Minister.
In addition to Article 25 (2) and Article 26 of the Treaty, the grounds for dismissal may be dismissed by the Secretary of State and the special adviser to the Minister if he loses the trust of the Minister for which he has been appointed.
The authority shall have the right to dismiss an official if:
(1) the Agency or the entity in which the official works shall cease; or
(2) the functions of the official or the ability of the Agency to provide the official with a substantial and non-interim reduction.
The grounds for dismissal referred to in paragraph 1 (2) shall not be deemed to be at least where:
(1) the termination has been preceded or followed by the taking of a new person for similar tasks and no changes in the performance of the Agency's operating conditions;
(2) the restructuring of the tasks declared as the reason for the dismissal does not de facto reduce the tasks or other quality of the tasks offered by the Agency;
(3) the reason for the dismissal is the purchase of machinery or equipment, but the official could or could be trained by the Agency for the use of such machinery and equipment; or
4) The reason for the dismissal is the cost saving resulting from the reduction of staff, but this saving is so small that it cannot be regarded as a real cause of dismissal, taking into account the circumstances of the Agency and the official.
Where the post established in the Office is located in another place and, for a reasoned reason, does not move to work in this place, the official may be dismissed pursuant to this Article.
However, the authority does not have the right to dismiss an official as provided for in paragraph 1, if the official may reasonably be relocated or trained in the same office in relation to his professional competence and ability to undertake new tasks or where the post 5 § transfer to another agency.
The provisions of Article 25 (4) and (5) on the limitation of the right to terminate shall apply mutatis mutandis, with the exception of those referred to in this Article, with the exception of situations in which the Agency is dissolved.
The authority and the official of the denunciation may agree to the termination of the post office immediately. However, at the end of the post office, the official shall immediately be entitled to compensation for the period of notice.
The authority which has terminated the official may, before the expiry of the period of notice, withdraw the termination if the official gives his consent. The official shall not withdraw his resignation unless the authority agrees to it.
Regardless of the period of notice to be followed, the suspended official shall have the right to terminate the post at any time in the event of a suspension, but not if the end of the holiday period is already in his file, Before the end of the layoffs.
If, before the end of the break-up, the official is made redundant by the official, the official shall also be entitled to the period of notice to be paid for the period of notice, except where the notice of termination has been revoked.
When the suspension has entered into force, the official has not taken advantage of the period of notice of termination of the relationship and the suspended sentence has lasted at least 200 calendar days, the suspended official Shall have the right to compensation for the loss of severance pay in the same way as when the authority terminating the employment relationship, unless the Authority within one week of the dismissal is employed by the official. (11.4.1999)
The transferor shall not terminate the employment relationship solely on the basis of the transfer of the movement referred to in Article 5e.
In the case of State aid, the official shall, in the manner laid down in Article 5 (e), be allowed to terminate the period of notice, irrespective of the duration of the period of notice, of the period of notice which otherwise applies, irrespective of the duration of the period of notice or of the duration of the period of notice, if he/she has obtained The transfer of information from the employer or the new holder of the movement no later than one month before the date of delivery. If he has been informed of the transfer later, he may terminate his service after the date of the surrender or, at the latest, within one month following receipt of the transfer.
The notice period may be fixed for a period not exceeding six months. If you have agreed on a longer period, then you have to follow the term 'notice'.
The notice period may be extended to the authority which the official has to comply with when he terminating the post office.
Where the official's employment relationship with the State has continued uninterrupted and no other has been agreed, the Authority may terminate the official's post-office relationship no earlier than:
1) after a period of one month, if the duration of the service is not more than one year;
(2) after two months, where the service has continued for more than one year but not more than five years;
(3) after three months, where the service has continued for more than five years but not more than nine years;
4) after a period of four months, if the service has continued for more than nine years but not more than 12 years;
(5) after five months, if the service has continued for more than 12 years but not more than 15 years; and
6) six months after the period of service of more than 15 years.
(15.3.1996/147)The resignation of the official shall be subject to one month's notice. However, in the event of a period of no more than one year of service to the State, the period of notice of 14 days shall be complied with, and where the period of employment of more than 10 years has persisted for more than 10 years. (15.3.1996/147)
The authority concerned may alter the ratio between the period of notice, including the termination of the period of notice, on the grounds on which the ratio may be terminated pursuant to Article 27 (1).
If the official has been dismissed for reasons other than that of the civil servant and the office of which the official was dismissed, within 24 months of the termination of the period of notice, the staff shall be required to do the same or similar tasks. The Agency shall inquire from the local employment authority whether former officials are working through this authority. In a positive case, the Agency shall provide a function or post to be appointed by an authority other than the President of the Republic, the General Assembly of the Government, the Supreme Court or the Supreme Administrative Court, first and foremost for those former For officials meeting the eligibility criteria. In this case, the office shall be filled in unannounced.
The obligation referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply for a period of nine months following the termination of the period of notice, as referred to in Article 5 (e), where the transferor has been dismissed by the transferor before the release date.
An employer who, intentionally or negligently, fails to fulfil an obligation under paragraphs 1 or 2, shall compensate the official for the damage he has caused.
An official may be terminated immediately if the official is grossly contravened or fails to fulfil his duties.
The right of unloading shall lapse, unless the cause has already been lost in the past, two weeks after the authority was informed of the matter of the landing or, if the cause is continuous, when the information was obtained to stop it. If the landing meets a valid obstacle, the landing shall be delivered within two weeks of cessation of the barrier.
If the landing has been deferred for the purpose of obtaining a preliminary investigation or any other claim required by the case, it shall be submitted within two weeks of the date of the preliminary investigation or the completion of the investigation, but no later than six months From the time of the outbreak.
The general retirement age for civil servants is 68 years.
Paragraph 2 has been repealed by L 18.1.2013/48 .
The official position of the official shall end without the termination or any other measure for the termination of the post office at the end of the month during which the official reaches the age of resignation.
When an official has been granted a full disability pension on the basis of a relationship, the term of office shall cease without the termination or any other measure for the termination of the post office period at the end of the calendar month in which the official The entitlement to sickness benefit has been terminated or, if the employer has been informed of the invalidity pension decision at a later date, at the end of the month. (30.11.2007)
If, pursuant to Article 27 (1), the Authority could terminate the official, the official may, in accordance with the 14-day notification period, be suspended in such a way as to suspend the official and the payment of the salary for a fixed period or otherwise. Stay in force.
The official may, as provided for in paragraph 1, be suspended for a maximum period of 90 days if the duties of the official or the ability of the Agency to provide services have been temporarily reduced and the authority concerned may not reasonably: Provide an official with other tasks or training appropriate to the needs of the employer in the same office.
At the initiative of a public authority or official, a civil servant or an official may, on the initiative of an official or official, agree to leave. The Civil Service Contract and the Agreement referred to in Article 9 of the Act on Joint Action in the State Department and Institutions may, as provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2, be agreed upon. (30.3.2007/3)
L joint action on government agencies and institutions 651/1988 Has been repealed by L 123/2013 , see L joint action on government agencies and institutions 1233/2013 ARTICLE 27 .
It does not prevent a civil servant from taking up other work during the layoffs.
The official shall retain the right to live in an apartment given to him by the employment service. Where appropriate, the authority may issue to the official whose office is suspended due to the layoffs, for use in another suitable place. The resulting migration costs will be reimbursed from State resources.
As a result of the need for a suspension, the Authority shall be informed immediately and, if possible, at the latest three months before the commencement of the suspension, a prior notification to the trusty Shall also apply to at least 10 officials, including the employment service. The statement of reasons shall include the reason for the layoffs, the estimated start time and the duration and the estimated number of officials to be dented by professional groups.
The notice referred to in Article 36 (1) shall be sent to the official in person, unless otherwise agreed between the authority and the person concerned. The notification should mention the cause of the layoffs, its inception and the duration of the temporary suspension, as well as the estimated duration of the suspension. At the request of the official, a written certificate shall be issued by the official. In addition, the notification shall be notified to the confidence man concerned and, in the case of the layoffs, to at least 10 officials, including the employment service.
The notification obligation referred to in paragraph 1 shall not, however, be in cases where the public authority is not required to pay compensation in respect of any other reason other than the holiday allowance.
The official may, with the agreement of the official, amend the start or end of the layoffs or cancel the layoff. If the official has been suspended for the time being, the starting point shall be at least one week before the start of work.
The official shall be suspended in the event of termination on the basis of Articles 25, 26 or 26a, if the decision on termination has not received the force of the law when the period of notice has expired. On the basis of Article 27 of the notice, he shall be suspended from duty at the end of the period of notice until the decision to terminate has been taken. The administrative court or, if the decision of the administrative court has been appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court, the Council of State may, for a special reason, order otherwise. If the official has been suspended or the office has been wound up, he shall immediately be suspended from duty, even if the decision has not been lawful. (20/06/2015)
The official may also be suspended from duty:
(1) during criminal proceedings and for the duration of the investigations required, where these may have an impact on the conditions of the official;
(2) where the official refuses the controls or investigations referred to in Article 19, or if he refuses access to information relating to his health status in accordance with Article 19;
(3) where the official has a medical condition which constitutes an essential obstacle to the management of the post; and
(4) immediately after termination, if the act or omission on the basis of the notice of dismissal proves to the extent that the official is unfit to carry on his duties, or if the continuation of the service period may be continued; Endanger the safety of the citizen.
However, under paragraph 2 (4) of the suspension, the official shall be entitled to compensation for the period of notice.
The authority that decides to hold a suspension shall, where necessary, follow the grounds of suspension and, where necessary, take a new decision. Any extension of the suspension shall be taken without delay, if the official so requests. (30.11.2007)
10 LUKU has been repealed by L 30.12.2002/1307 .
The Agency may conclude a written agreement with the official on the conditions to be followed. However, in conjunction with the officials referred to in Article 26 of this Act, the agreement is made by the Council of State.
The contract referred to in paragraph 1 shall not agree on a matter for which Article 2 (2) and (3) of the Law on civil service contracts may not be agreed. Furthermore, the agreement may not agree on the conditions of the conditions of employment laid down in the terms of employment.
The termination of a civil servant or termination of a post shall be considered to be at the same time as termination of the contract.
Subject to the agreement, or subject to the agreement, the conditions to be followed shall be in force, as laid down or laid down, or agreed under the law of the State.
This law shall also apply to the post of judicial office and the judge, except where the law provides otherwise.
The appointment of a judge shall be governed by the law on the appointment of Judges (2011) .
Articles 9, 10 and 22, Article 23 (4), Articles 25, 26, 26a and 27 to 34, Article 35 (2), Chapter 8, Article 40 (1), Article 44 and Article 66 (3) shall not apply to a Judge or a Judge. (24.4.2009/288)
By way of derogation from Article 35 (3), a judge may not be authorised to continue in office after the age of resignation.
Upon application, the Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Member and the rapporteur, shall be given the resignation of the Court of Justice. The resignation of the Judge of the Judge shall be given by the Ministry of Justice, unless otherwise specified otherwise.
The judge is obliged to resign from the service of the State if he/she has lost his or her ability to work due to illness, defect or disability. If the judge in the General Court or the Court of Justice is not seeking a distinction, the court where he or she should be charged with a malpractice shall be given a distinction. The Supreme Administrative Court gives a distinction between administrative law, market law and the right to insurance. The rapporteur for the Supreme Court gives the Helsinki Court of Appeal and the rapporteur of the Supreme Administrative Court the Helsinki Administrative Court. However, the Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, and the Member of the Supreme Administrative Court, will be given a divorce by the court of which he is a member. The matter of resignation shall be initiated upon application by the court or tribunal concerned and shall be dealt with by the court of origin.
The Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court and the members of the Supreme Administrative Court are suspended by the court of which he is employed. The other judge shall be suspended from office by the court in which he or she is to be charged with a malpractice.
Written warning gives:
(1) the district court and law engineer of the district court;
(2) the President of the District Court and the President of the Court of Appeal;
(3) the President of the Court of Justice;
(4) the President of the Court of Appeal, the President of the Labour Court and the Member of the Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Court;
(5) the Administrative Court of Justice;
(6) a market law judge and a market-law engineer, a market-law supermodel; (31.1.2013/122)
(7) an overseer of the right of insurance to the judge;
(8) the overseer of administrative law, market law and insurance, and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court and the rapporteur of the Supreme Administrative Court.
The grounds on which a judge may be transferred to another post shall be governed by the Constitution. (17/03/2000)
The appointing authority shall be decided by the appointing authority. The Judge may be transferred only to a post whose qualification he satisfies and which may be considered appropriate to him. Priority shall be given to the appointment of a Judge at the same location.
If, in the case referred to in paragraph 2, there is no valid reason for refusing to accept another post, the appointing authority shall give him a distinction.
Pursuant to Article 20 of the Supreme Administrative Court and of the Court of First Instance, the Supreme Court of State and the Supreme Court of Justice shall decide to act for a limited period of time in another office.
What this law provides for a judge and a judge also applies to the office of the Supreme Court and the rapporteur of the Supreme Administrative Court and to the rapporteur.
Chapter 13 has been repealed by L 1.3.2013/177 .
The official who considers that the Authority has not provided him with an economic benefit as a result of the relationship, as it would have been the case, may, unless otherwise provided for by law, request a correction in writing Authority. The authority shall issue a decision.
The decision of the authority given to the request for adjustment shall be subject to appeal in the form of a law on administrative law (18/06/1996) Provides.
The decision of the Council of State, in which the State Council has terminated the civil servant, suspended the post office, suspended the official or decided to maintain the suspension of his duties, may appeal against the decision The Supreme Administrative Court, as provided for in the Administrative Law. (30.11.2007)
A decision that has been issued by an authority other than the State Council with a warning to a civil servant or a judge or dismissed or terminated a civil servant relationship, or changed the relationship between a civil servant or a civil servant, who has arrested the official In the case of officials, who have decided to suspend or temporarily suspend the suspension of their duties, shall be subject to appeal by the administrative court as laid down in the administrative law. (1.3.2013/177)
Paragraph 2 shall not apply to the decision by which the President of the Republic has been dismissed by the President of the Republic, or by the Supreme Court or the Council of State, by the Supreme Court or by the Supreme Administrative Court; Dismissed the official or suspended his/her relationship or suspended his post or suspended his/her duties.
The decision to give a written warning to the judge shall be appealed against. Appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal against the Court of Appeal. The decision of the President of the Court of Appeal and the President of the Court of Justice shall be appealed to the Supreme Court. An appeal is lodged against the Supreme Administrative Court for the decision of the overseer of administrative law, market law and insurance rights. The decision of the Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court is appealed to the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice.
The appeal shall be submitted to the office of the court for which the judge is employed within 30 days of the notification of the decision. The court or tribunal shall forward without delay the appeal, together with the annexes, and a copy of the contested decision and the opinion of the judge who issued the warning to the Court of Appeal.
Appeals shall be dealt with by a court of law. When dealing with the matter, the appellant and the issuing judge shall be given the opportunity to be heard as a result of the appeal and, if necessary, to provide evidence and other explanations.
§ 54 has been repealed by L 1.3.2013/177 .
Where, pursuant to Article 46 (2) of the Court of Appeal, the Court of Justice has decided to make a distinction between the judge or the Court of Appeal of the Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeal shall appeal against the decision of the Supreme Court. The decision of the Court of Appeal shall be followed despite the appeal, unless the Supreme Court decides otherwise.
When, pursuant to Article 46 (2) of the Helsinki Administrative Court, the Court of Justice has decided to give a distinction to the rapporteur of the Supreme Administrative Court, the Court of Appeal shall appeal against the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. The decision on administrative law shall be complied with, notwithstanding the appeal, unless the Supreme Administrative Court decides otherwise.
The case referred to in Article 53 shall be dealt with as a matter of urgency by the Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court.
The decision to lay off a civil servant should be respected, regardless of the complaint. A decision on the suspension of the official of the official and the decision to suspend the official on a temporary basis shall be respected, in spite of the complaints lodged, unless the administrative court or the Supreme Administrative Court decides otherwise.
The official status of the official shall continue uninterrupted if the dismissal of the official or the termination of the post-relationship has taken place without any legal basis provided for by the law.
Where, in the cases referred to in Article 55 (3), the decision on the termination of the relationship has been effectively resolved and the employer has received the report referred to in paragraph 2 below, the official shall be paid without undue delay to the In the case of termination of the regular working time, minus the amount of the regular working time which was deducted from the same period in other service, self-employed or self-employed earnings, which the official would not have obtained in the performance of the post. In the same way, the sickness benefit allowance and the amount of the maternity allowance paid to him by the sickness insurance institution in respect of which he was paid, in so far as the employer would have been entitled to that benefit in accordance with Section 4 of Chapter 7 of the Health Insurance Act, Basis.
The official shall, without delay, be required to provide the employer with a reliable report on the other gainful income referred to in paragraph 1 and the daily allowances under the Health Insurance Act.
An official who, without having been appointed for a fixed period without a specific reason as provided for in Article 9 (1) or (2), or without the special reason provided for in Article 9 (3), has been appointed for a limited period of time pursuant to Article 9 (1) or (2), Shall be entitled to the office of the Agency at the end of the period due to the fact that he is no longer appointed to the Office of the Agency, to receive at least 6 months or a maximum of 24 months' salary from the Agency. The requirements for such compensation are dealt with by administrative law in the administrative court.
The claim for compensation shall be submitted to the administrative court within six months of the end of the relationship.
An official shall appeal against the decision of the State Council or the Office to appeal against the decision of the official as provided for in the administrative law. However, an appeal is made to the decision by the Court of Justice to appeal against the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. However, the withdrawal period from the decision on termination referred to in Article 27 (1) shall begin to run only after the termination of the period of notice. The decision shall be complied with, notwithstanding the complaint lodged, unless the appeal authority decides otherwise. The case referred to in Article 53 shall be dealt with as a matter of urgency by the Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court. (20/06/2015)
The authority shall also apply for an appeal against a decision of the administrative court which has settled the appeal against a decision taken by the authority under this law, or which has settled the administrative matter referred to in Article 56.
Decisions concerning the following official or applicant shall not be subject to appeal, unless otherwise provided for by law:
1) appointment of a post or office relationship;
(2) the establishment of a joint office of the Agency within the Agency;
(3) the granting or refusal of discretionary leave; and
4), if the official has given his consent to the task.
Where the decision referred to in paragraph 3 (2) or (4) means a change in the place of investment, the decision shall be subject to appeal as laid down in the administrative law. However, if the appeal authority decides otherwise, the decision shall be taken in spite of the complaint.
The official shall not make an appeal pursuant to Article 52 or appeal against the decision as provided for in Article 57, or refer the matter to the administrator if the official or the Civil Service Association has the right to initiate the procedure. Before the Court of Justice, unless the Court of Labour (646/1974) (2) has decided not to resolve the matter. The provisions of this Article shall apply only to the official who is a member of a civil service association with the right to bring proceedings before the Court of Justice or its sub-association.
§ 59 has been repealed by L 1.3.2013/177 .
The amount of the unpaid salary or other financial benefit resulting from a service relationship shall also be recovered in such a way that it is deducted from the salary of the official in the following or subsequent payments where this is still the same Employed by the Agency.
On the basis of Article 1 (1), the salary shall not be charged more than the amount of the salary required by the law. In the case of recovery, the justification and the amount to be recovered shall be notified to the official.
Recovery of undue pay or any other financial advantage resulting from a service relationship shall be initiated, as provided for in Article 60, or instituted in another order within three years of the end of the calendar year of which: During which no undue wage or other financial benefit has been paid. If recovery is not initiated or initiated within the prescribed period, the right to it shall be lost.
If the objection referred to in Article 52 has not been made within three years of the end of the calendar year during which the performance should have taken place, or within 60 days of notification of the decision referred to in Article 52 of the Court of Justice The right to benefit is lost.
If the action in the case of an economic advantage deriving from a relationship with an office which falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice has not been brought before the Court of Justice within three years of the end of the calendar year in which The performance should have been carried out, the right to benefit was lost. Where, in the cases referred to in Article 11 (2) of the Labour Court, the case is first to be negotiated, the entitlement to the benefit is lost, unless the negotiations have, as agreed, been requested within the period referred to above.
If the official fails to comply with the provisions of the Health Insurance Act (164/63) For the purpose of applying a daily or maternity allowance or any other legal benefit to the employer, the salary paid to him during the period of leave or of maternity or other benefit may be recovered by the following or In the case of payment of the following salaries.
In the event of a delay in the performance of an error-based claim, which in the interest of the interest (163/1982) Is provided for in the interest rate.
In the case of a loan, there is Articles 6 and 7 of the Korkolai , no later than the date on which the debtor is deemed to have received the information on the payment of the debt or the result of the application, or where the claim is made during the proceedings, Including the presentation.
In the cases referred to in Article 55a (1), interest on late payment shall be payable from the date of 30 days from the date on which the official provided the employer with the report referred to in paragraph 2 of that Article.
The compensation for the damage caused by the relationship is valid, as is expressly provided for.
The official shall not be required to pay the State and the State shall not compensate the official for the damage caused by the interruption of work resulting from a work-fighting measure, unless there has been any failure to comply with the The provisions relating to mediation, or the measure, contrary to the provisions of the law of the State, or the provisions of the contract of law, and the absence of any disruption caused by the interruption. In addition, the official shall not be obliged to pay the State compensation for the loss of work resulting from a work-fighting measure if, on the basis of the decision of the association agreement, he has participated in the proceedings of the association A work-fighting measure, even if the work-fighting measure is contrary to the abovementioned provisions and regulations.
The official shall be deemed to have been divorced from the previous post from which he or she has been appointed for a period other than a temporary post. However, if a second State position is a branch within the meaning of Article 18 (3), the official shall not be deemed to have resigned from the previous post for the appointment of such a branch. (30.11.2007)
However, the official shall be deemed to be divorced from the previous post from the date on which he or she has been appointed for a period of time as referred to in Article 9a (1), unless the authority decides otherwise. (20/06/2015)
The official shall also be regarded as divorced from the State office from the date on which he was appointed to the office of the office of the office of the Ombudsman of the Parliament, the office of the Ombudsman or the National Audit Office. (25.5.2007)
Where an official appointed for a post is appointed for the post of office of another State and this office is subject to a trial period, the official shall be deemed to have resigned from the previous post when the trial period has expired, unless the new term of office has been dissolved during the trial period. The official is out of office until the trial period ends in the new post. (30.11.2007)
The termination and termination of the debt ratio shall be made in writing.
Before the official is suspended or terminated pursuant to Sections 25 or 26, the office of office shall be wound up, the official shall be given a warning or a decision to transfer the post referred to in Article 5 (1) shall be reserved for the official To be consulted.
A public authority issuing a warning, suspending or terminating a civil servant, terminating the post office, suspending or transferring an official pursuant to Article 20 or 21 is regulated by a decree of the Council of State. (30.11.2007)
A hearing on the hearing of the Head of State or of the Confidence Officer concerned before a decision is taken on the suspension of the official, the dismissal or the suspension of his duties, or the termination of the post office, shall be governed by a decree of the Council of State. (30.11.2007)
The official shall have the right to free work for the purpose of managing a municipal trust, as in the case of: (410/2015) and Articles 80 and 81 Provides.
The official shall be entitled, upon request, to obtain a certificate from the authority concerned of the duration of the service and the quality of his duties. (performance certificate) . In addition, if the official so requests, the certificate of employment shall state the reason for the termination of the service and the statement of professional skills, diligence and behaviour shown by the official. When the official dies, it is the right to obtain a certificate of employment.
If a work certificate is requested later than 10 years after the termination of service, the authority shall be obliged to issue a certificate of work only if it does not give rise to undue disadvantage. At the same time, a new certificate shall be issued on request to replace the missing or depraved employment certificate.
The certificate shall not be labelled or issued in a form intended to provide the official with information other than the wording of the work certificate.
§ 68 has been repealed by L 10.11.2006/985 .
What this law provides for by the Ministry, including the Office of the Council of Ministers, and what this law provides for the agency, also applies to the State Department.
Penalties for breach of Article 6 (1) and Article 11 Article 3 of Chapter 47 of the Penal Code .
Punishment for breach of Article 12 by preventing the official's professional or political activity or the compulsory affiliation of an official to a professional or political association Article 5 of Chapter 47 of the Penal Code .
The decree of the Council of State lays down more precise rules on official and official insurance.
This Act shall enter into force on 1 December 1994.
This law repeals the Civil Service Act of 24 October 1986 (1999) And the entry into force of the Civil Service Act (186/86) With their subsequent modifications.
However, Article 35 (1) of this Law shall enter into force on 1 January 1996. Article 50 (1) of the State Civil Service Act shall apply until the entry into force of Article 35 (1).
Before the law enters into force, measures may be taken to implement it.
Upon the entry into force of this Act, a provisional official of the State and a civil servant shall pass on to the post-office relationship provided for in Article 9 (1) of this Law for a limited period or for a limited period of time for which he or she has been taken as a temporary official or For a post-office civil servant.
The official who, before the entry into force of this Act, was taken into office as a probationary period, is governed by Article 14 (2) of the Civil Service Law of the repealed State.
Before the entry into force of this Act, an agreement with a contract-hire official shall remain in force as provided for in the contract.
Before the entry into force of this Act, the freedom of civil service pursuant to Article 43 of the Act of Civil Service Tribunal, which has been repealed by this Act, shall continue to be carried out by a civil servant who is an official in that office.
Regulation of the State Civil Service Tribunal, Article 28 (1) of the Civil Service Act, concerning the oath of office and the oath of office and the oath of the Judge and the Judges (163/87) And the decisions of the Council of State pursuant to Article 9a (2) and Article 26 (2) remain in force.
Articles 5 and 8 of the Act on the entry into force of the annulled State Civil Service Act continue to apply. Article 15 (3), Article 16 (2) and (3), Articles 25 and 35 and Article 36 (3) and (4) of that law shall continue to apply to the officials to whom those provisions apply at the time of entry into force of this Act. The provisions of these provisions on the application of the provisions of the Civil Service Act shall apply to the entry into force of this law.
The provisions on repetitive compensation of the State Civil Service Act repealed by this Act shall continue to apply for a period of five years from the date of entry into force of the law, including those officials who are dismissed pursuant to Article 27 of this Law before the five-year period. The expiry of the deadline. The application shall be submitted no later than six months after the end of the five-year period.
If the official is granted repetitive damages pursuant to paragraph 1, or if, at the time of entry into force of this law, a repetitive allowance is paid, or if under the provisions of the annulled law, when this Act enters into force, the right to repetitive damages shall be granted, His right to receive repeated compensation will continue to be subject to the provisions of the repealed Law and of the Regulation adopted pursuant to it. The activities of the Advisory Board shall extend beyond the period referred to in this paragraph.
Disciplinary proceedings brought before the entry into force of this Act shall be treated in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act, save as otherwise provided for in Article 78.
Upon the entry into force of this Act, the Civil Service Tribunal imposed by this Act shall cease to exist. Cases pending before the Civil Service Tribunal shall be passed on to the Civil Service Tribunal set up under this Act.
THEY 291/93 , HaVM 5/94This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 1995.
THEY 94/93 , LaVM 22/94, SuVM 10/94
This Act shall enter into force on 1 April 1996. Article 30 (3) and (4) of the Law applies to the post-law relationships which have started since the law entered into force.
THEY 205/95 , HaVM 1/96, EV 9/96
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1997.
THEY 97/96 , HaVM 12/96, EV 115/96
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1997.
THEY 18/1996 , Havin 20/1996, EV 155/1996
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1998.
THEY 26/1997 , HaVM 5/1997, EV 46/1997
This Act shall enter into force on 1 July 1997.
THEY 201/1996 , HaVM 6/1997, EV 51/1997
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 1997.
Before the entry into force of this Act, officials appointed for posts within the meaning of Article 26 of the Civil Service Act or the corresponding temporary posts shall issue the notification referred to in Article 8a of this Act within six months of that date. From the entry into force of the law to the authority which is more specific.
THEY 236/1996 , HaVM 8/1997, EV 52/1997
This Act shall enter into force on 1 June 1999.
Article 29 (3) shall also apply in the case of layoffs initiated before the entry into force of the law. However, the calculation of the calendar days referred to in the Moment shall take into account only the days after the entry into force of the law.
THEY 174/1998 , HaVM 21/1998, EV 255/1998
This Act shall enter into force on 1 December 1999.
30/1998 , Case 31/1998, EV 303/1998
The entry into force of this Act shall be regulated by law.
THEY 84/1999 , YmVM 4/1999, LaVL 15/1999, HVL 11/1999, MmVL 18/1999, EV 100/1999
This Act shall enter into force on 1 March 2000.
THEY 109/1999 , PLN 13/1999, LaVM 1/2000, EV 21/2000
This Act shall enter into force on 20 March 2000.
By this law, the State Council Decision of 16 February 1995 on the eligibility of foreign nationals to take office (192/1995) .
THEY 189/1999 , HVM 5/2000, EV 17/2000
This Act shall enter into force on 1 June 2001.
THEY 26/1999 , LaVM 5/2001, EV 29/2001
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2003.
The provisions on severance payments in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall apply to the person whose employment relationship was terminated before the entry into force of this Act. Prior to the entry into force of this Act, prior to the entry into force of this Act, the award of an adult education allowance shall be complied with, before the entry into force of this Act, in the period laid down in the severance package of the civil servants (1999) Is provided for in the adult education allowance and the conditions for granting it.
THEY 219/2002 , N ° 210/2002,
This Act shall enter into force on 1 April 2003.
THEY 270/2002 , No 13/2002, No 287/2002
This Act shall enter into force on 1 February 2004.
THEY 44/2003 , TyVM 7/2003, EV 95/2003, Council Directive 2000 /43/EC (32000L0043); OJ L 180, 19.7.2000, p. 22, Council Directive 2000 /78/EC (32000L0078); OJ L 303, 2.12.2000, p. 16
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2005, however, so that the right of the judge to remain in office in which the period of withdrawal is higher than 68 years is valid, as provided for in Article 75 of the Civil Service Act.
THEY 46/2004 , StVM 15/2004, No 112/2004
This Act shall enter into force on 1 October 2004.
THEY 162/2003 , No 8/2004, EV 114/2004
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2005.
THEY 142/2004 , No 5/2004, EV 208/2004
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2005.
THEY 6/2005 , 12/2005, EV 92/2005
This Act shall enter into force on 1 August 2006.
THEY 8/2006 , HaVM 6/2006, EV 58/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2006.
THEY 4/2006 , HaVM 5/2006, EV 56/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2007.
This law will repeal:
1) Law of 8 August 1969 on the Orthodox Church (1922/1969) With its subsequent modifications;
2) Law of 10 February 1984 on the Committee of the Orthodox Church of the Finnish Orthodox Church (158/1984) ;
(3) the Civil Service Law of 19 August 1994; ARTICLE 68 OF THE EC TREATY , as amended by Law 939/1996;
(4) the State Pension Act of 6 November 1970 (664/1970) Article 2, as amended by Law 940/1996; and
(5) The State Treasury Regulation of 23 December 1987 (1203/1987) Paragraph 4, paragraph 31, as amended by Law 878/1992.
Before the law enters into force, measures may be taken to implement the law.
The maintenance of the Orthodox Church Government, the diocese administration and the Orthodox Seminary is transferred from the State to the Orthodox Church at the time of entry into force of this Act. The costs of salaries and travel allowances for officials of the church government, the diocese administration and the seminar, as well as other operating expenses, will be transferred to the Orthodox Church.
The State budget shall be charged annually for the use of the State aid to the Orthodox Church for the reasonable cost of its activities. The measure shall be measured before the entry into force of this Act in respect of the institutions of the church, the diocese and the Orthodox Church, and the Orthodox Church, The amount of State aid and the estimated change in the cost level. The change in the cost level shall be calculated, unless otherwise justified, on the basis of a change in the general price level. State aid is otherwise applicable under the State Aid Act (2002) Provides.
The succession of churches and churches will change when this law comes into effect as contracts of employment, and the posts will cease automatically. Workers and the conditions of employment shall be governed by or laid down by law or laid down in a collective agreement and employment contract.
At the time of entry into force of this Act, the probationary period shall be completed four months after the date of entry into force of this Act or, if the probation period comes to an end in accordance with the provisions in force upon entry into force of this Act. Earlier, at this earlier date.
If, before 1 January 1993, the period of employment of a worker who transferred from a church relationship to a contractual relationship under Article 120 has commenced before 1 January 1993, his pension entitlement shall be valid in respect of the right to a pension for a person in the post office. Provides.
Under Article 21 (2) (1) of the Law referred to in Article 21 (1) of the Act, a worker who moves into a contractual relationship with the employment contract is entitled to pay for old age, invalidity, unemployment and The partial pension and the survivor's pension, where applicable, according to the same provisions as in the case of a person in a relationship with the State.
The employees referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be obliged to participate in the publishing of pension security, mutatis mutandis, according to the same provisions as a person in a post-State relationship.
Before the entry into force of this Act, administrative matters brought before the authorities of the Church or of the congregation shall be governed by the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act. However, the provisions of this Act shall be governed by the provisions of this Act.
The term of office of the Board of Directors and of the Court of Appeal shall expire upon the entry into force of this Act and the cases pending shall lapse. The cases being prepared by the Finnish Orthodox Church Committee and the Preparatory Committee for the clerical meeting of the Finnish Orthodox Church are transferred to the Church Government. Before the date of entry into force of this Act, the term of office of the governing boards of the monastery selected shall expire five years after the date of entry into force of this Act.
Other Church and Church institutions selected before the entry into force of this Act shall continue until the end of their term of office in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Before the entry into force of this Act, the eligibility of elected representatives shall be subject to the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act.
The rules and governing rules in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall remain in force. Where there is a breach of the rule of law or rule of law or of the Rules of Procedure, this law or the church order shall be governed.
THEY 59/2006 , HaVM 20/2006, EV 131/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 July 2007.
THEY 254/2006 , TyVM 15/2006, EV 286/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 July 2007.
THEY 71/2006 , PNE 2/2006, PLN 10/2006, EV 202/2006, LJL 2/2007, EK 9/2007
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2008.
This Act repeals the Civil Service Regulation of 14 November 1994 (971/1994) Articles 22 and 42a , as amended by Regulation (ec) No 793/1997.
THEY 63/2007 , HaVM 7/2007, EV 67/2007
This Act shall enter into force on 15 May 2009.
THEY 33/2008 , LaVM 1/2009, EV 27/2009
The entry into force of this Act is regulated by law.
THEY 59/2009 , HVM 13/2009, EV 150/2009
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2010.
Before the law enters into force, action can be taken to enforce the law.
THEY 208/2009 , No 23/2009, EV 203/2009
This Act shall enter into force on 17 May 2011.
THEY 286/2010 , LaVM 34/2010, EV 311/2010
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2014.
THEY 224/2010 , HVM 42/2010, EV 371/2010
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.
Upon entry into force of this Act, the breakdown of the posts referred to in Article 4 (2) (2), (3) and (5) shall cease.
THEY 95/2011 , HaVM 8/2011, EV 109/2011
This Act shall enter into force on 1 February 2013.
THEY 64/2012 , HaVM 19/2012, EV 143/2012
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2013.
THEY 124/2012 , LaVM 15/2012, EV 158/2012
This Act shall enter into force on 1 April 2013.
The Tribunal shall close the proceedings pending before the date of entry into force of this Act. The Civil Service Board shall cease to operate at the end of the month in which it has closed the cases referred to above.
The competent administrative law is governed by administrative law (18/06/1996) .
THEY 61/2011 , HaVM 25/2012, EV 6/2013
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 2014.
Pending the entry into force of this Act, the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall apply.
THEY 209/2013 , HVM 1/2014, EV 5/2014
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2015.
THEY 57/2013 , HVM 16/2014, EV 79/2014
The entry into force of this Act shall be regulated by law.
This law is valid for L 1347/2014 From 1 January 2015.
THEY 19/2014 , THEY 111/2014 , TyVM 11/2014, EV 223/2014
This Act shall enter into force on 1 May 2015.
The posts corresponding to the posts vacant before the entry into force of this Act shall be filled in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act.
THEY 298/2014 , HVM 50/2014, EV 323/2014
This Act shall enter into force on 1 May 2015.
THEY 268/2014 , HVM 55/2014, EV 348/2014
This Act shall enter into force on 1 October 2015.
THEY 224/2014 , LaVM 28/2014, EV 328/2014
This Act shall enter into force on 1 June 2015.
THEY 174/2014 , HVM 53/2014, EV 339/2014