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In accordance with the decision of the Parliament:
The aim of this law is to promote the living conditions and livelihoods of haddock populations and regions, and to maintain and promote colt culture.
Measures under this law shall pay particular attention to:
(1) the promotion and diversification of the natural and other trades, as well as of culture, of haddock;
(2) improving housing conditions and the living and working environment;
(3) the development of premises and their preservation in the ownership and management of the coins;
(4) the sustainable use of natural resources, preservation of the traditional environment and other environmental aspects; and
(5) the development of the coin area.
Measures under this law shall be adopted for the development of the coin area.
For the purposes of this Act, the area referred to in this Act shall be defined as:
1) to the east of the kingdom;
2) in the south to the River Kattalakes, along with the west side of the Lake Kattajärvi, and the south-west of the lake, and the western part of the Lake of Mattojärvi, west of the Lake of Mattojärvi, to the west of the Lake of Kevijärvi. Including;
3) to the west of the north of the province of Nanguvuono, north of TSharminiseed and on the island of Palkis, and on the eastern part of the island, VarttaIsland, KoutukinIsland, Lcrush Islands, Load Island, Purity Island and Pisterini, and neighbouring Lake North of the holding of Lake Nut, the Lamma island of the Lake Nut, and the border between the municipalities of Rovaniemi and the Municipality of Inari and Utsjoki, on the border with Tsoalmmavar; and
4) In the north, the border between Inari and Utsjoki.
In this Act, the natural economy means small-scale agriculture and special agriculture, as well as fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry, as well as berry, fungal and other natural resource-based resources. Exploitation.
This law also applies to other small business activities which, in addition to the entrepreneur and his/her family members, employ other persons, including primary production, including not more than three years of work. When the activities of the company are of particular relevance to the livelihoods of the coins, the above activities can be lent and assisted.
In this law, a third means a person who considers himself a third, provided that he or his or her parents or grandparents at least have learnt the first language of the coltan or is a descendant of such a person, or That he is the birthmark of the previous legislation, or the offspring of such a coltan.
The loans, grants and other aid measures under this Act may benefit from a colt which is a permanent resident in the area of the coin, which is of a financial nature, circumstances and personal characteristics such as: Shall be considered appropriate. The same applies to the third half. The granting of the aid shall take account of the income, wealth and other circumstances of the applicant and his/her spouse.
For specific reasons, a minor may also be included in the measures under this Act.
The measures under this Act shall not be eligible for the benefit of a person whose own income, other than those provided for by this law, is higher than the amount laid down by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The business activities referred to in Article 3 may be granted in whole or in part to an undertaking operating in a choleta area, when the support may be considered appropriate for the subsistence of the coltan and the possibility of business activity Profitable activities.
Support under this Act may be granted:
(1) natural persons;
(2) a common person for several natural persons; and
(3) a Community of natural persons whose principal purpose is to carry out business under this law.
The grant of aid to the entity referred to in paragraph 1 (3) shall be conditional on the participation of more than half of the members or members of the group of persons who are themselves or whose family members are involved in the activities supported. For specific reasons, support may be granted to communities, even where there are other persons other than the coin.
Support under this law may be granted to local private associations and similar private entities which promote business or cultural activities under this law.
Support may be given to broad-based joint projects involving more than a quarter or local community. The State and the municipality may also become shareholders in a joint project.
Fireworks in the Kolt region are supported by the Law on the Structural Funds and the Structural Funds (2006) In accordance with Otherwise, the coins referred to in Article 4 of this Act shall be awarded the benefits equivalent to those provided for by the Law on the restructuring of the reindeer husbane and the nature industry. (26.08.2012)
L to 99/2012 (1) shall enter into force at the time of the adoption of the Council Regulation. The previous wording reads:
Fire congregations in the Koltt region shall be supported by the reindeer husbane and the nature of the financial (45/2000) In accordance with Otherwise, the coins referred to in Article 4 shall benefit from the benefits equivalent to those referred to in the Financial Law of the reindeer husbane and the nature industry. (21.1.2000/55)
The aid provided for in this Act shall not be granted for a project which has been awarded a grant, a State loan or a subsidised loan under other legislation.
In the area of the third area, the colonisation of the land and waters of the State in this area shall not be entitled:
(1) use a land tree and dry wood in the forests of the State for the purpose of firewood, but not wood suitable for construction wood;
(2) to meet the needs of the Forest Management Authority in accordance with the requirements of the Forest Management Authority, for construction, burning and other housework, and for building and other household goods, gravel and fillets;
(3) invests reindeer, hunting and fish irons, fish cellars and storage shelters, with the permission of the managing authorities, where necessary;
(4) keep boat-rolling and fishing gear drying places without a specific authorisation;
(5) grazing livestock and, with the permission of the Forestry Management Authority, to assemble hay, newspapers, lakes and articles, as well as lichen;
(6) to restore, with the permission of the managing authorities, arable land, meadow and pasture; and
(7) fishing in the waters of the State.
With the permission of the Forest Management Authority, the benefits referred to in paragraph 1, paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 7 may, for a specific reason, also be provided to the communities formed by the coins. The management authority may also award the benefit referred to in paragraph 3 to the fishing community and the benefit referred to in paragraph 6 to the local fire department.
The authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 (3) and (5) shall be granted only if the location of the building concerned or the collection of the waste must be considered justified by the livelihoods of the coltan and his or her family.
Under this Act, loans and grants may be granted as follows:
(1) Land loans for the purchase of a holding, its share or an additional area, in which case the holding is also considered to be (186/2015) , Nature Business Act, Porotilalah (50/50) And the facilities established and comparable under the law of the reindeer economy and of the earlier coin legislation;
(2) investment costs and grants:
(a) the acquisition of fixed and movable assets necessary for business and other small business activities;
(b) the construction of the production, storage, accommodation and service buildings necessary for the production, storage, accommodation and service activities of nature and other small business activities, as well as the construction of such installations, as well as other similar installations, Development and improvement work, improvement of the working environment, conservation of the traditional environment and investment in environmental protection;
(c) the cost of the arable land and the clearing and refurbation of arable land and pasture; and
(d) traction, water supply, drainage and electrification;
(3) housing loans and assistance for the construction, extension and renovation of residential building and related economic buildings, and improvement of the residential environment, including for the preservation of the traditional environment;
(4) the capital loan in the context of the launch and expansion of special farming, professional fishing and small business as referred to in Article 3 (2), as well as for the purpose of economic recovery; and
(5) start-up grants for wages and indirect labour costs, as a result of the initiation or extension of small business activities referred to in Article 3 (2) and the extension or extension of small businesses, as well as the self-employed; Wage costs.
The conditions for granting and granting loans and grants are laid down in a more detailed regulation.
The right to a grant under this law shall not be repossessed.
Subcontracting L 39/45 Has been repealed by L 359/1958 . See. Financing for rural areas 329/1999 . Porsoldier L 590/69 Has been repealed by L 161/1990 . See. Financing of reindeer husks and natural industries 45/2000 See also Koltta-A 133/1997 Chapter 2 And on the exemption from the obligation to arrest tax Hp 1458/2014 . The period of application of the aid referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 was completed by 16. 1 January 2015, see A 17/2015 .
The Fund for the Development of the Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (FRD) allows fish to be planted in the waters of the cholest area and other measures relating to the management of fisheries.
The measure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be decided by the Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment, which may adopt them for the purpose of carrying out the activities of the Forestry Board, the Natural Resources Agency or the sub-assemblers of the common water area.
Where necessary, the State may carry out the necessary road and water supplies for the colts. The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment will decide.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment shall ensure the maintenance of the road carried out in accordance with paragraph 1 until the road has been turned into a private road or a public road for use.
Grants from the Agricultural Development Fund may be awarded for projects to develop and maintain cultural, information and other services in the three regions.
The loan period shall not exceed 25 years. The interest rate is 3 %. (28.3.2001)
Loans for the construction, renovation and extension of the building, and land loans are the first two years of interest.
The first instalments of the loans shall be levied on the maturity date which, after two years, shall first be followed by an increase in the loan or its first instalment.
The loan may be granted up to a maximum of 85 % of the acquisition cost or eligible costs.
The grant may not exceed 60 % of the eligible costs. However, the restriction does not apply to aid under Article 13.
If both the grant and the loan are granted, the amount of the grant and the loan will cover the cost of the project as a whole.
Land loans shall not be granted in order to finance trade in which the transfer of the assets acquired apparently exceeds the fair price of the place.
The loan must be secured by mortgages. However, the loan can be provided with other acceptable collateral.
In the case of loans, loan abbreviations and interest rates, the date of payment of the charges, the granting of a deferral or sovereign debt, the execution of a minor amount receivable on a single or otherwise shorter basis; Time and other loan terms are laid down in more detail by the Regulation.
Loans and grants shall be granted by the Lapland Centre for Business, Transport and the Environment. The application shall be made in writing and signed.
Before deciding on the granting of a loan or grant, the Centre for Transport and the Environment may, upon application, obtain the opinion of the rural economy authority of the municipality and, where appropriate, other opinions. More detailed provisions may be laid down by the Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry may, where appropriate, adopt this law and the regulation adopted pursuant to this Act for the construction of this law.
For the purposes of monitoring and checking the use of grants and the conditions for the payment of loans, the construction site shall be subject to the checks provided for in the construction permit decision. The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may, when granting aid, impose any other checks it deems necessary. Inspections shall be carried out at the expense of the developer at the expense of the municipality's building inspector or the person prescribed in the construction permit decision. If no building permit is required, the inspection may also be carried out by another competent person, approved by the Centre for Business, Transport and the Environment. (22.12.2009/1474)
In cases other than those referred to in paragraph 2, the building inspector shall also be required to assist in the implementation of this law by carrying out the assessments, inspections and other tasks of the applicant at the expense of the applicant.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Rural Bureau and the Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment shall have the right to carry out unannounced payment, payment and use of grants, loans and other aids provided for in this Act. Inspections necessary to monitor compliance with the conditions and conditions attached.
The beneficiary of the aid shall be obliged, without compensation, to provide all necessary account and other documents for the carrying out of the checks, including any other material, whether or not created by automated data processing or by other means; and Otherwise, to assist in the inspection. Inspections shall be carried out to the extent required by the supervisory function to verify the recipient's livestock buildings, plantations, production and processing establishments, stocks, sales and marketing facilities and other granting and payment of the aid. Conditions required. The inspection may cover both the beneficiary and the intermediary. However, the inspection shall not be carried out on the premises of domestic peace.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may purchase premises, space, rights and shares for the purposes of this law. The purchase price shall not exceed the fair price.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may also use the farm sector for the purposes of this law. (188/1977) , the Nature Business Act, the reindeer economy law and the Rural Business Act (1295/1990) For purposes other than the right to acquire land and forestry land (391/1978) Of the country.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment shall have the right to change the country under control to a country owned or controlled by other State agencies. If the areas to be exchanged are not equal to each other, the difference is replaced by the difference in money.
The forestry government transfers, the industry, the Transport and the Environment Agency, the areas necessary for the purposes of this Act for the purposes of this Act for the purposes of this law, for the management of the industry, transport and environment. The land under the management of the forestry government can also be transferred in advance to the management of the means of life, transport and the environment, mainly for the purpose of building suitable housing. If the Forest Board and the Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment do not agree on the area to be transferred, the matter of the transfer of the area must be referred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
MaatilaL 188/77 Has been repealed by L 1295/1990 , see Financing for rural areas 329/1999 . On the right to obtain agricultural and forestry land 391/1978 Has been repealed by L 1394/1997 .
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7 of the Law on the redemption of real estate sold by the State, the holding of foreclosure and other property owned by the State or part thereof may be And, in this case, shall give it to the previously owned coin or to his or her spouse, or their or any of them, In Chapter 2 of the arc Or to the spouse of such a person, even if this does not satisfy the conditions laid down in Article 5 of this Law. Article 7 (4) of the Law on the redemption of real estate to the State may, where applicable, comply with the provisions of Article 7 (4) of the Law on the redemption of real estate. The cashed space may also be given jointly to two or more persons referred to in this Article.
§ 23 has been repealed by L 30.12.1996/1289 .
The coin referred to in Article 4 may be given a space of up to five hectares, which is intended primarily for the land required to live. Without a particular emphasis, it must not be placed in a place other than the previous settlement. For specific reasons, however, the above state of affairs may be described above.
A space which is already owned by the Kolta may be given an additional area, a share and rights if they can be regarded as necessary for the exercise of a natural economy, but no more than is provided for in the reindeer-economic law and the Nature Business Act. The companies referred to in Articles 3 and 6 may also be given land for small business activities.
The space referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be shared between two or more persons. However, it can be given to the spouses.
In the case of a holding, there may be (15,4/51) The intended burden.
Jakob 604/1951 Has been repealed by the Real Estate 554/1995 . PoroeconomicL 161/1990 And Nature Business 610/1984 Has been repealed by the Financial L of the Poroeconomy and the Nature Industry 45/2000 . See also the restructuring of the reindeer economy and the natural economy 986/2011 , which shall enter into force at the time provided for by the Council Regulation.
The right to water of the holding and of an additional area where it is constituted by a State forestry country is in force, the provisions of which are governed by the law, the provisions of Article 5 and Article 9 (2) of the division of the river basin. When a number of holdings or additional areas are formed at the same time, they can be separated from a suitable common water area. As a justification for qualifying holdings in the common water area, the mantle of farms and additional areas will be used. However, the right to justice is not given.
When acquired property is not required for the purposes of this Act, it may be used for the purposes of the Nature Business Act, the Rural Business Act or the reindeer husbane law, or used for other purposes, in respect of which the right to dispose of the State Law on land and income generating rights (687/78) Provides.
The rural economy 1295/1990 Has been repealed by the EAFRD: 329/1999 . On the right to release state property and income-generating rights 687/1978 Has been repealed by L for the right to release state property assets 973/2002 .
A specific plan for the use of a land acquired or otherwise received must be drawn up by the Agency for Food, Transport and the Environment, unless the question is at the same time for the formation of only one or a few holdings or other areas within the meaning of Article 24 Or the property referred to in Article 25.
When the property is used for purposes other than the purposes of this law, and the Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment does not have the right to surrender the property of the State, it shall be obliged to transfer the land to the To the Ministry of Forestry.
The substance of the plan, the procedure to be drawn up and the procedure to be followed, is laid down by a Council regulation.
The country is requested in writing from the Centre for Business, Transport and the Environment. The application shall be accompanied by the opinion of the rural economy authority of the municipality and, where appropriate, the opinion of the village meeting of the relevant quarters.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment shall decide on the sale of the holding, territory or any other benefit to the applicant, as well as payment and other supply conditions.
The selling price of the holding, territory or other benefit is determined by a fair price for its intended use.
The period of payment of the selling price of the holding and the additional area shall not exceed 25 years and the annual rate shall be 4 %. The sale price is an interest rate two years from the date of signature of the deed. The levying of the abbreviations shall begin on the due date which, after two years, shall first be followed by the signature of the deed. For the sales prices of the other regions and shares referred to in Article 24, the period of payment shall not exceed 10 years and the annual rate shall be 8 %.
That part of the selling price of the holding or of the additional territory, which has not been granted on a regular basis, shall be paid for signing the contract or within a period not exceeding five years from the trade date. If the sales price is not paid at the time of signature, an annual interest rate of 8 % shall be paid. The first instalments of this part of the transaction and the interest shall be charged on the maturity date which, after three months, shall first be followed by the signature of the deed.
The imposition of sales prices, deferrals and the granting of interest rate exemptions are laid down in a more detailed regulation.
A surveyor of a land measurement engineer or a surveyor of the Agency or of a surveyor technician may carry out a surveying of the implementation of this law in accordance with the provisions of the real estate formation law (554/1995) Provides. The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may also provide for the bringing of land measurements under this law.
The cost of delivery of land measurement related to the implementation of this law shall be borne by the State.
The establishment and signature of the trade books and the reimposition of a price as a result of an essential change in the value of a mistake or property shall be regulated by the Regulation.
In accordance with this law, in accordance with this law, farms and regions, as well as shares in common areas or rights to specific benefits are not respected, as provided for in Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the Act on the Certificate of Surrender. The handbook shall state that the status of the holding or territory is based on this law.
When applying the law to those authorised in this Act where the State is the donor of the holding or territory, it is not necessary to submit a report on the ownership of the previous owner. When the state of the law is applied for the recovery of a property which is linked to an already existing condition, either with respect to the mantle of the mantle or to be taken into account when imposing its manatee, an explicit declaration containing the almonial calculation shall be carried out A certified copy of the initial recovery document.
Articles 33 to 34 have been repealed by L 30.12.1996/1289 .
Where the State has carried out or commissioned a road and water service for premises in accordance with this law, the cost of the work shall be charged to the owner of the holding for the amount at which the value of the holding may be considered as an increase in the value of the holding, Up to 10 % of the total cost of the holding. The repayment period shall be 10 years and the annual rate shall be 4 %. The collection of costs is decided by the Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment.
Where applicable, the cost recovery, payment facilities, redundancy and other aspects shall apply mutatis mutandis as regards sales prices.
A legal action without the authorisation of a means of life, transport and the Agency to be delivered under this law, or part thereof, shall be null and void. A donor authorisation shall be granted by the means of transport, transport and the environment where the transferor is a sovereign property living in the municipality of Inari, which does not already own the property referred to in this law, or where the donation is: The kind of person who could inherit the donor. Any other person may be granted an authorisation for only specific reasons.
The restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 shall be valid for a period of 20 years from the date of signature of the trade book for the holding or territory. Notwithstanding the restrictions, the affixing of a column with a right other than the right to rent and any other mobilisation as collateral for the payment of the debt, as well as foreclosure and foreclosure, shall be permitted. The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may, when taking into account the circumstances, provide for specific reasons, release the holding or part thereof from the restrictions provided for in this Article. The registration of restrictions in the real estate register and the notifications concerning them are laid down by a decree of the Council of State.
The Centre for Enterprise, Transport and the Environment may include in the decision on the authorisation and exemption provided for in this Article, that the loan or sale price incurred under this Act is wholly or partly repaid. With interest. If, pursuant to this law, a grant has been granted under this Act for a period of 10 years, it may also be concluded that the said grant or part of it must be repaid immediately to the State.
When, pursuant to this Act, a person has been granted a country, a credit or a grant, or the person to whom the property or holding of his/her condition has been transferred, or if there are several of them, none of them has been resident for three years On the holding concerned, the Centre for Economic Affairs, Transport and the Environment may order the amount of the State or the State loan or the grant to be repaid or repayable in full. However, the grant may not be repayable if it has been 10 years since it was granted.
The trade and debt securities and the award decisions shall be subject to the condition laid down in paragraph 1. Trade and debt securities may be subject to other conditions to be met in the event of termination of an amount receivable, on the basis of the terms of the contract or in the terms of the loan or in the terms of the loan, in respect of the recovery of the holding or of an area. And the use of the loan as well as any other conditions deemed necessary.
In addition to the provisions laid down in Articles 36 and 37, the Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 36 and subject to the provisions laid down in the Council Regulation, order the sale of the State's sale price under this Act and the repayment of the State loan in full. In one or more instalments, where the debtor, when purchasing the country from the State, or when applying for a loan, has provided, in an essential respects, incorrect information or acted fraudulently, relinquished or failed to comply fully with the property The plan referred to in Article 61 or where the condition is By means of exit measures. The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may, on the basis of the stricter criteria laid down by the Government Decree, order the sale price and the loan to be repaid immediately, even where the debtor has not complied with the trade or debt instrument Other conditions. However, in the event of a delay in the repayment of a sovereign debt or of a sale price, the repayment of the State loan and the termination of the sale price shall be decided by the State Treasury.
State loans referred to in paragraph 1 may be recovered by means of enforcement, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the eea, in accordance with the laws of the Member States relating to the enforcement of taxes and charges. (20/2007) Provides. The outstanding amounts of the State loans referred to in this Act may be charged in the said order without a different decision.
The Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment may provide prior information as to whether the measure constitutes a loss or recovery of a State loan or a sale price.
The decree of the Council of State provides for a more precise procedure in the event of a loan or receipt.
The grant awarded under this Act may, in addition to the provisions of Articles 36 and 37, be recovered in full or fully recovered to the State if:
(1) the grant was wrongly awarded;
(2) the beneficiary has provided incorrect information which has materially affected the grant or payment of the grant or has otherwise acted fraudulently;
(3) within five years of the grant of the grant, the beneficiary has been assisted by the beneficiary;
(4) the beneficiary of the grant, without any compelling reason, has ceased the activity on which the aid was granted or reduced it within five years of the date of the last payment or, where the grant has not been paid in full, the payment of the latter instalment;
(5) the beneficiary has sold the subsidised property within five years of the grant or, where the grant has not been paid in full, for the payment of the latter instalment; or
(6) the beneficiary has not complied with the other conditions laid down in the grant decision.
In addition, the grant grant may be recovered in part or in full if the accommodation concerned has not been the beneficiary of the grant or his/her right-owner for a period of at least 10 years Granting.
The grant shall be recovered within a reasonable period, taking into account the underlying criterion and the person's ability to pay. The decree of the Council of State may provide for a more precise date for the recovery of the grant. The grant shall not be ordered to be recovered after 10 years of payment of the last instalment of the grant. Permission may be carried out in the order of the tax revenue. (16.4.2004)
The interest rate on the amount of the grants, sale price receivables and loans, as well as the interest on late payment, and their collection, shall be governed by the Regulation.
The annual rate of sale of the holding, additional area or contribution and the annual interest rate on loans may be revised at the earliest of the sixth year of the loan, by up to two percentage points of changes in the general interest rate after the creation of the credit Respectively. The Council of State will decide on the revision of the selling price and the interest rate.
By 31 December 2007 at the latest, the sale price obtained under this Act shall apply from 1 January 2008, as regards the transfer of loans and receivables from the administrative branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to the Treasury. Of the law (2006) Provides.
However, Article 27 (3) and (4) of the Law referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply from 1 May 2007.
A decree of the Council of State may adopt provisions derogating from the legislation referred to in Article 1 (1) of the Law referred to in Article 1 (1).
In the areas of Lake Nellimino and Lake-Spring, a regular village meeting is held in each region once per calendar year. In addition, additional village meetings may be held on the basis of the decision taken by the regular village council or by the Council of Ministers or the Confidence Man Party, or, if the voting rights of at least 10 villages are entitled to vote, For the purposes of the proceedings.
The convening of a village meeting is regulated in more detail by a regulation.
The decision-making power of the village meeting shall be exercised by the members of the assembly who are of permanent residence in the village and their spouses. If the matter dealt with concerns the interests and rights of another person, he or she shall have the right to participate in the meeting and to exercise the right to speak.
There is a quorum when there are 10 permanent residents in the village or their spouse. (28.3.2001)
The meeting will address:
(1) proposals and opinions on broad-based or principled cases relating to the means of life and living conditions of the coins;
(2) the election of members and alternate members of the council; and
3) Election of the Election Commission for the election of a common shop of confidence.
The Assembly may also refer the issues referred to in paragraph 1 (1) to the Council of Ministers.
Village meetings may also meet in a joint meeting to discuss and decide on common issues for each of the villages referred to in paragraph 1.
The election committee shall be elected at least six months before the start of the new term of office of the shop of confidence.
The preparation of the issues to be discussed at the village meeting and the implementation of the decisions of the village meeting will be carried out by the three Councils of the Näätämö and the Nellimino Lake District. It is up to the three Councils to deliver opinions to the authorities in the cases referred to in Article 44 (1) (1), where the matter is urgent and the meeting cannot be convened in time to discuss it. In addition, it is up to the Council of Ministers to deliver opinions:
1) applications for reindeer, hunting and calamity;
(2) applications for land use;
3) on the release of the property of the coins;
4. The use of the pleasure zone; and
5) related matters directly affecting the circumstances of the coins.
Four members and two alternates shall be elected for three calendar years at a time of three calendar years. Members and alternates shall be persons referred to in the first sentence of Article 43. Both members of the Council Presidency will be chaired by the representatives of the cards.
The three Councils may also meet in a joint meeting on the common issues of the coins.
There shall be a quorum when there are two members or alternates, in addition to the President.
In order to deal with the common issues and to control the interests of the coins, the election may be elected by the elected representatives of the coins whose term of office is the same as those of the members of the Fifth Council. The joint meeting of the three Councils shall elect a trusty officer to carry out the duties of a trusty officer in the event of a vote of confidence or an obstacle. The mandate of the Trusting Officer shall be further specified by the Regulation.
The trust man and his/her alternate shall be the person who is capable of the task, as referred to in Article 4, who lives in the coin area.
In order to submit a vote of confidence, the village meetings shall be elected by three members to the electoral commission and to all members of their personal deputies. The members and alternate members of the Board of Elections shall be elected only by the person who has consented to the post in the village in question. The members of the Electoral Commission shall meet together to elect a chairman and a deputy chairman from among their number. The election committee may also act as divisions which are quorum in three Member States.
The role of the Electoral Commission is laid down in a more detailed regulation.
The elected representatives of the coins will be elected by the election of the majority voting system. There is a need for a more detailed regulation.
The elections are entitled to vote in the municipality of Inari and their spouses. The election committee shall draw up a list of the voting rights. The delegation and the Sami delegation shall, as appropriate, assist in the preparation of the electoral register by providing the necessary information. Every coin in the municipality of Inari and his spouse have the right to check the electoral register.
The election of a man who has received the most votes on the election results of both villages will be elected. In the event of a tie, the case shall be settled between the same number of votes. At its meeting after the end of the election, the election committee shall confirm the outcome of the elections on the basis of the electoral protocols.
The person referred to in Article 48 (2) may appeal to the decision of the Electoral Commission by appeal to the Administrative Court of Northern Finland within 30 days of the date of publication of the election, on the grounds that the decision is an infringement of his right Or is born in an incorrect order or is otherwise unlawful. The appeal shall otherwise respect the provisions of the law on administrative law (18/06/1996) Provides.
The Koltan shall be deemed to have received a meeting of the village meeting or the three-party council or of the result of the election when the record containing the result of the decision or election has been displayed on the bulletin board of the municipality of Inari and the In the office. In addition, decisions and the results of the elections can also be made public in a publicly dispersed newspaper, if the village meeting so decides. However, when the decision relates only to a single colt, the information chain shall be deemed to have taken place where the decision has been duly notified to the person concerned.
In the case of a third village meeting and a decision of the Third Council, a member of the Council of Ministers or of his or her spouse, or a member of the council, shall appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland on the ground that the decision was In an incorrect order or otherwise unlawful. It is the same right for which the right to judgment is violated.
However, an appeal shall not be brought to a decision containing an opinion to the Authority unless the opinion is binding on the authority.
The application must be submitted within 30 days of notification of the decision. Otherwise, the appeal shall comply with the provisions of the Administrative Loan Act.
§ 52 has been repealed by L 16.4.2004 .
The owner of the holding or territory surrendered under this law shall not be entitled to compensation for any damage caused by reindeer.
The State shall be free from the municipal and church tax on the income of the holding or territory acquired under this law from the calendar year in which the property has become under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, EAFRD, Lapland's Business, Transport and Environment Centre, the Rural Development Authority of the municipality of Inari and the Forestry Board are responsible for implementing this law. Details of the procedure to be followed for the implementation of this law may be laid down by a decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
In accordance with this law, the Law of the Government of Lapland and other State authorities may be used to assist in the activities of the Government of the Child.
In the cases referred to in Article 44 (1) (1) to the State and the municipal authorities, the authorities shall reserve the opportunity to make a statement to the village meeting and the three councils. A request for a declaration may be sent to the shop steward, who shall invite the three Councils to discuss the matter. If the meeting has not been delegated by the village council, the elected representatives shall also convene a meeting of the village assembly.
The Association of Palisades and local palities must be given an opportunity to make an opinion on reindeer-related matters that may be of general interest for the purposes of reindeer husbanding.
The fees, travel expenses and other costs of the KolttanCouncil shall be reimbursed to the President, members and secretaries of the coin council from the funds of the FRF, as specified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
The fees and the reimbursement of expenses from the Fund for the development of the FRF shall be remunerated at the level specified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. (16.4.2004)
The fees, travel expenses and other costs of the Board of Elections will be reimbursed from the Fund for the Development Fund, as specified by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
In addition, the resources of the farm finance development fund may be used for the following expenditure arising from the use of these funds:
1) the purchase of land and other assets;
(2) the management and repair of acquired assets;
(3) the borrowing and related expenditure;
(4) grants;
(5) work carried out by the State;
(6) maintenance of roads carried out by the State;
(7) the participation of the State referred to in Article 7 (2);
(8) carrying out studies and studies on the development of the haddock area;
(9) training of small entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs; and
10) costs related to translation.
In order to facilitate the economic situation of a borrower who has fallen into permanent financial difficulties, a voluntary debt arrangement for sovereign debt and government sales price claims may be carried out if there are reasonable grounds to expect the debt arrangement to be An essential improvement in the economic situation of the borrower. Where a third country has been granted a State loan for economic activity within the meaning of this law or under the laws of nature and the laws of the trade and reindeer-economy law, the debt arrangement may only be undertaken if: The maintenance of the residence of a borrower cannot be secured in any other way. The above provisions do not preclude the granting of consent under the law of the company (47/93) Article 97 Or by a private person's debt regime (57/93) Article 78 In accordance with the procedure.
The voluntary debt facility may relate to State loans and assets under Article 68 of this Act, the laws, nature and trade laws, reindeer-economic law, reindeer law, rural business law and farm law.
The changes to the terms of the debt ratio agreed in the voluntary debt arrangement also apply to the guarantor and the other person responsible for the debt, as well as to the third person, in so far as it relates to the collateral held by him as collateral. Property as specified in the Regulation.
The other conditions for the debt regime are laid down in more detail by the Regulation.
In the case of a voluntary debt arrangement, the period of repayment of sovereign loans and receivables may be extended, the interest rate shall be reduced as well as the granting of exemptions and deferrals in the execution of payments and deferrals as laid down by the Regulation. However, the exemption from the payment of a loan shall not be granted in so far as the guarantee provided by the loan in the form of an asset or a loan to the loan is secured by the payment of that repayment. Only for a very strong reason can the maturity of the loan be extended beyond the period specified in Article 14 (1) in the voluntary debt arrangement. (28.3.2001)
Where creditors who have granted interest subsidies or other loans to the same borrower do not contribute to the debt arrangement, the voluntary arrangement of sovereign loans and receivables may only be undertaken if there are specific reasons for it, and The proportion of all debts owed by the applicant exceeds the amount laid down by the Regulation.
However, notwithstanding the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph 1, the exemption may be granted for particularly weighty reasons as laid down in the Council Regulation. Notwithstanding the provisions of the second sentence of paragraph 1, where the borrower has ceased to pursue a subsidised business, an exemption from the second sentence may be granted if:
(1) the borrower has been sold by the beneficiary, with the exception of the residential and related land;
(2) the borrower is not considered to be reasonably able to repay the loan due to permanent incapacity, long-term unemployment, maintenance or any other comparable cause; and
(3) the full amount of the exemption will be made fully in favour of the borrower without improving the right of other creditors to receive payment of their claims.
(28.3.2001)Prior to the voluntary liability arrangement, the financial situation of the borrower shall be provided with a reliable explanation and shall draw up a plan of measures to enable the borrower to operate, in so far as such activities are subject to a State loan. Supported, and the economic situation is put on a sustainable footing. The debt facility shall be subject to the signature of the Agreement by the State, the borrower and the credit institution in respect of the implementation of the measures contained in that plan. The agreement supersedes the terms and conditions of the debt securities bond and the State loan, in so far as it is otherwise agreed. The amounts due under the contract for the sale price of the State included in the contract shall be recovered without a different decision as provided for in Article 38 (2).
If the beneficiary does not comply with the plan or contract referred to in Article 61, the voluntary debt arrangement in accordance with them may be imposed by the Regulation in a more precise manner and with effect.
If the borrower is established in accordance with the law on the restructuring of the company under the law on the restructuring of the company or a payment programme in accordance with the law on the debt regime of a private person, the voluntary debt arrangement in accordance with Article 61 shall lapse. When establishing the programme, the court shall take into account the loans and liabilities included in the voluntary debt facility without the impact of the debt arrangement.
The decision of the Centre for Food, Transport and the Environment shall be subject to appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court of Northern Finland as provided for in the Administrative Law.
The statement of appeal may also be forwarded to the authority which made the decision, which shall, without delay, send a letter of appeal, together with the documents collected in the case and the statement of appeal to the administrative court.
In the case referred to in Articles 36 to 39 of the Administrative Court, or in a case concerning the expiry of a voluntary debt arrangement or any other relief relief, an appeal may be lodged by the appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court as The Administrative Loan Act. Otherwise, the decision of the Administrative Court shall be subject to appeal only if the Supreme Administrative Court grants an appeal.
The decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry shall be subject to appeal by the appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court as provided for in the Administrative Law.
The decision on the application for assistance or any other aid or for payment relief may be communicated to the applicant by post as an ordinary letter. Unless otherwise shown, the applicant shall be deemed to have received the information on the decision on the seventh day after the decision has been made for the carriage of the mail.
Any decision taken under this law shall be subject to a fee, as provided for by the recovery of the fees. However, the decisions on debt and other forms of credit for credit and for the granting of grants and other forms of assistance are free of charge.
The State Council Regulation may provide for more specific forms of aid, the criteria for granting aid, the maximum amounts of aid and the general terms of the aid based on the contract, and the way in which the aid can be differentiated by region.
The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry may lay down the law and the regulation on the allocation of aid and aid levels. The EAFRD shall lay down provisions on the formulae, application and decision-making formulae and other formulae necessary for the implementation of this law. (13.4.2007)
The provisions of this law, or pursuant to it, or are laid down in respect of the rural industry and its territory, shall concern the Centre for Business, Transport and the Environment and its territory.
This Act shall enter into force on 1 May 1995.
This law repeals the third law of 24 August 1984. (10,16) With its subsequent modifications.
Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement it.
Any property acquired under the repealed coin law and other previous legislation under the legislation on the use of which, before the entry into force of this Act, has not been imposed, or which is released from the intended use of the legislation, shall be deemed to have been acquired in accordance with Purposes.
Law on the settlement of certain coins (193/1955) , the Fifth Column Act (593/1969) And the repayment period and interest of the State and the credit institution under the repealed coin law, and other conditions, shall be subject to the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act and the contractual terms and conditions thereof. At the time of the repayment of the amount receivable in accordance with the repeal of this law, the repayment period and the interest rate and other conditions shall also be subject to the provisions of the repealed coin law. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, or the provisions of this Act, or in the terms of the terms of the deed, the sale price claims under the above laws shall, however, be subject to the following provisions: The Law on the transfer of loans and receivables to the State Treasury. (2) (2)
The provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall also apply to matters relating to the implementation of the legislation referred to in paragraph 1 and which are not otherwise provided for in this Chapter. This also applies to state tax exemptions and payment facilities, work by the State and restrictions on premises. However, in accordance with the criteria laid down in Article 36 and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 36, the authorisations and limits for the release of holdings may, by way of derogation from the above legislation, be granted. The appeal shall apply mutatis mutandis, as provided for in Article 63. The regulation may also provide for procedural rules which derogate from the legislation.
From the beginning of 2002, the interest rate may generally be revised by up to two percentage points following the granting of the loan in the general interest rate. A general review of the sale price and interest rate will be decided by the Council of State. (28.3.2001)
State responsibility for loans granted under the legislation referred to in Article 68 granted before the entry into force of this Act and the reimbursement of the cost of servicing of loans shall be governed by the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act and on the basis thereof. And the terms and conditions of the contract.
The holding or territory sold under the legislation referred to in Article 68, which is, at the time of entry into force of this Act, the payment of the State's trade or selling price and the interest thereon until the completion of the claim is still Under the same conditions as collateral for payment of this amount.
In accordance with the legislation in force at the time of entry into force of this Act, the holding or territory shall also pay, in accordance with the legislation referred to in paragraph 1, the payment of a trade and sale price, with interest resulting from the entry into force of this Act. Or whose lien has not been subject to a prior notification to the judge concerned.
The payment of costs and interest in accordance with the legislation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the holding or territory concerned as laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2.
When, as laid down in paragraph 2, the space or area is the subject of a holding, the Agency shall send a notification to the judge concerned for the purposes of the registration of the lien on the lien. Once fully paid, the means of life, transport and the Agency shall be sent to the judge concerned for the release of the holding or territory from the liability. (22.12.2009/1474)
The funds from the Agricultural Development Fund may also be used for the purposes of implementing the legislation referred to in Article 68 before the entry into force of this Act.
The first village meeting referred to in Article 42 shall be held within six months of the date of entry into force of this Act and shall be transmitted within one year of the entry into force of this Act. The three Councils will start operations immediately after they have been elected in the village meeting. The first term of office of the three Councils and elected representatives will last until the end of 1996. The provisions of Article 56 shall apply only after the election of the three Councils and the elected representatives. The duties of the Council of Ministers and of the Confidence Officer shall not apply until the election of the Council of Ministers and the Confidence Man.
At the time of entry into force of this Act, the loan and grant applications pending under the repealed Law and the Act on reindeer Finance Act and the Nature Business Act, as well as the operational plans for the areas and territories to be transferred to the coin, shall be processed In accordance with the provisions of those laws.
Where the law refers to the repealed coin law, the reference shall be deemed to refer to the corresponding provision of this law, unless otherwise provided for in this Act.
THEY 243/94 , MmVM 35/94This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1997.
Before the entry into force of this Act, the sale price of the State resulting from the entry into force of this Act and the interest on its interest shall be valid, (541/95) § 14 Provides.
Until 31 December 2006, before the entry into force of this Act, the levying of the sale price of the State, its interest and exit costs shall be governed by the provisions of the law in force at the time of entry into force of this Act.
NO 215/1996 , LaVM 21/1996, EV 244/1996
This Act shall enter into force on 1 September 1997.
THEY 148/1996 , HVM 25/1996, SuVM 2/1996 EV 242/1996
This Act shall enter into force on 25 June 1997.
The provisions of Article 68 (1) shall apply to the interest payable on the sale price of the State and the State loans for the period from 1 November 1996 to 30 April 1997, in so far as interest was calculated on 30 April 1997. The capital of the debt not due. The interest rate charged shall be credited to the debtor on the October 1997 position. The provisions of this article shall apply from 1 May 1997.
THEY 54/1997 , MmVM 7/1997, EV 80/1997
This Act shall enter into force at the time laid down by the Regulation. L 55/2000 entered into force on 6 September 2000 in accordance with A 780/2000.
THEY 104/1999 , MmVM 16/1999, EV 128/1999
This Act shall enter into force at the time of the Council Regulation. Article 43 (2) of L 296/2001 entered into force on 1 September 2001 and Article 14 (1), Article 60 (1) and (3) and Article 68 (3) entered into force on 1 April 2002.)
THEY 205/2000 , MmVM 4/2001, EV 14/2001
This Act shall enter into force on 10 April 2002.
THEY 243/2001 , MmVM 2/2002, EV 11/2002
This Act shall enter into force on 1 May 2004.
However, the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall apply for the time being.
THEY 176/2003 , MmVM 1/2004, EV 26/2004
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2005.
THEY 154/2004 , THEY 248/2004 , MmVM 13/2004, EV 233/2004
This Act shall enter into force on 15 February 2007.
This law shall apply from 1 January 2008. However, Article 41a (2) shall apply from 1 May 2007.
This law shall not apply to the sale price of a State under the legislation referred to in Article 68 (1) or the law referred to in Article 68 (1) which is pending before 31 December 2007.
THEY 148/2006 , MmVM 12/2006, OJ 39/2006, EV 191/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 May 2007.
Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.
THEY 218/2006 , MmVM 20/2006, EV 282/2006
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2010.
Before the entry into force of this Act, measures may be taken to implement the law.
THEY 161/2009 , HVM 18/2009, EV 205/2009
This Act shall enter into force at the time of the Council Regulation.
Upon entry into force of this Act, the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this Act shall apply.
THEY 247/2010 , MmVM 34/2010, EV 353/2010
The entry into force of this Act shall be regulated by law.
THEY 121/2013 , MmVM 17/2013, EV 186/2013
This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 2015.
THEY 33/2014 , MmVM 11/2014, EV 66/2014