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Decree Of 27 August 2009 Amending The Decree Of October 19, 2006 Relating To The Use Of Processing Aids In The Production Of Certain Foodstuffs

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 27 août 2009 modifiant l'arrêté du 19 octobre 2006 relatif à l'emploi d'auxiliaires technologiques dans la fabrication de certaines denrées alimentaires

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Art modification. 4, annexes of the said decree and addition of an article 8-1 in it. The enzyme provisions of the above-mentioned Order 04-08-1986 are repealed.



JORF n°0240 of 16 October 2009 page 16935
text No. 11

Order of August 27, 2009 amending the Order of October 19, 2006 on the Use of Technological Auxiliaries in the Manufacture of Certain Foodstuffs

NOR: ECEC0911390A ELI:

The Minister of Health and Sports, the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Minister to the Minister of Economy, Industry and Employment, responsible for the industry, and the Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts, Small and Medium Enterprises, Tourism, Services and Consumer Affairs,
Having regard to Directive 98 / 34 / EC of the European Parliament and of the modified Council of 22 June 1998 providing for an information procedure in the field of technical standards and regulations and rules relating to the services of the information society, together the notification dated 30 January 2009 addressed to the European Commission;
Given the consumer code, including its article L. 214-1 ;
Vu le Decree No. 91-827 of 29 August 1991 modified for food intended for a particular diet;
Vu le Decree No. 2001-725 of 31 July 2001 amended on the technical auxiliaries that may be used in the manufacture of foodstuffs for human consumption, as amended by Decree No. 2004-187 of 26 February 2004, including Article 2;
See?arrested on 4 August 1986 modified on the use of additive substances in the manufacture of foods for a particular diet;
In view of the Order of October 19, 2006 on the Use of Technological Auxiliaries in the Manufacture of Certain Foodstuffs;
Considering the opinion of the French Food Safety Agency dated 21 April 2008,

Article 1 Learn more about this article...

In section 4 of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006, the first is replaced by the following:
“1. Enzymatic preparations for food use may be added to the following substances to ensure their conservation:
(a) For all enzymatic preparations in liquid form under this Order: sorbic acid, sodium sorbate, potassium sorbate and calcium sorbate;
(b) For enzyme preparations presented in liquid form, with the exception of those used in oenology:
benzic acid, sodium benzoate, potassium benzoate and calcium benzoate;
― methyl and ethyl esters of parahydroxybenzoic acid and their sodium derivatives;
(c) For papain presented in liquid form and non-sprouted barley beta-amylase: sulfurous anhydride.
(d) For enzyme preparations in liquid form: potassium chloride at the maximum dose of 250 grams per litre of preparation;
(e) For enzyme preparations in solid form: potassium chloride at the maximum dose of 50 grams per kilogram of preparation;
(f) For powdered papain: sodium metabisulfite at the maximum dose of 1 gram per 100 grams of preparation.
The use of the above-mentioned preservatives in enzyme preparations does not result in the residual content in Annex I C foods and beverages greater than 1 milligrams per kilogram.
The total proportion of preservatives quoted at points a, b and c does not exceed 5 grams per litre of preparation. »

Article 2 Learn more about this article...

After article 8 of the same order, an article 8-1 is inserted as follows:
"Art. 8-1. - The enzymes listed in Appendix I D are allowed in infant and child foods within the meaning of Decree of 29 August 1991. »

Article 3 Learn more about this article...

Annexes to the Order are amended in accordance with the provisions of the Appendix to this Order.

Article 4 Learn more about this article...

The enzyme provisions of the aforementioned Order of August 4, 1986 are repealed.

Article 5 Learn more about this article...

The Director General of Competition, Consumption and Suppression of Frauds, the Director General of Food, the Director General of Health and the Director General of Competitiveness, Industry and Services are responsible, each with respect to it, for the execution of this Order, to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

  • Annex

    A N N E X E

    1° The following provisions replace the provisions of Schedule I A of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006:


    Methyl acetate.

    Extraction solvents.

    Coffee and tea.

    Decafination or suppression of irritating and bitter matter of coffee or tea.

    20 mg/kg in coffee or tea.

    Ethylene acetate.

    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Acetic acid.


    Unprocessed brines and trouts.

    Aqueous pH solution less than 2, 8 for the removal of mucus by floculation followed by rinsing with drinking water.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Hydrochloric acid.


    Inverted sugar.

    At the strictly necessary dose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Orthophosphoric acid.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Peracetic acid in solution with hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid.


    Eggs shells for the manufacture of the "floating island" product.

    Aspersion of a 2.5% solution of a product containing 4.5% peracetic acid to balance and drying.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Adjuvants of chemically compliant adsorption with community provisions concerning materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs and used to reduce the naringin and lemonoid content of citrus juices without significantly altering the limonoid, acid, sugar (including oligosaccharides) or mineral content.


    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Filtration adjuvants and chemically inert precipitation adjuvants (e.g. perlites, washed diatomite, cellulose, insoluble polyamide, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polystyrene) complying with community provisions concerning materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.

    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Carbon anhydride.

    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sulphurous anhydride.


    Grape juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Residual content less than 10 mg/litre.

    Other filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants meeting the provisions of the above-mentioned decree of 8 July 1992.

    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Magnesium carbonate.



    At the strictly necessary dose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Ammonium carbonates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Calcium carbonates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Magnesium carbonates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Potassium carbonates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sodium carbonates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    Use as filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.



    Fruits and vegetables and mushrooms for canning and freezing and raw fruits and vegetables and mushrooms, ready to use (since the fourth range).

    Free chlorine concentration of chlorination bath: not more than 80 ppm Requiring.

    Organochlorinated residue content: less than 100 micrograms per kilogram (expressed as adsorbable organo-halogen AOX).

    Magnesium chloride.



    At the strictly necessary dose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Calcium citrates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Citrates of magnesium.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Potassium citrates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sodium citrates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Washed diatomy.

    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    Use as filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Extraction solvents.

    Coffee and tea.

    Decafination or suppression of irritating and bitter matter of coffee or tea.

    2 mg/kg in roasted coffee and 5 mg/kg in tea.



    Levain destined for the manufacture of industrial breads.

    7 mg/kg of leaven.

    1 mg / kg of bread.




    At the strictly necessary dose.

    2 mg/kg.


    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Hop extract in aqueous solution containing about 10% beta acids.



    At the maximum dose of 50 mg/kg beet. The job must be done in substitution of the formol.

    20 μg/kg sugar.

    Aqueous solution hops extract containing about 9% of isomerized alpha acids and then hydrogenated.


    Ethanol obtained by fermentation, especially by fermentation of sugar-based products.

    At the maximum dose of 100 mg of active substance per kg of must.

    Technically inevitable dose. (lower than 1 mg per litre).

    Cooling and refrigerants: nitrogen, air and carbon dioxide.


    Frozen and frozen food and ingredients.

    Enlargement of food and food ingredients.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Silica gel.

    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Food aid.

    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Extraction solvents.

    Cacao wrath.

    Production of cocoa butter. The commercial product is mainly composed of saturated acyclic hydrocarbons containing 6 carbon atoms and distilling between 64 and 70° C.The combined use of hexane and methyl-ethyl-ketone is prohibited.

    1 mg/kg.


    Extraction solvents.

    Decreased cereal germs.

    Preparations for deciduous cereals.

    5 mg/kg in degenerated cereal germs.


    Extraction solvents.

    Fats and food oils (except butter).

    Production or fractionation of fats and oils. The commercial product is mainly composed of saturated acyclic hydrocarbons containing 6 carbon atoms and distilling between 64 and 70° C.The combined use of hexane and methyl-ethyl-ketone is prohibited.

    1 mg/kg.


    Extraction solvents.

    Products based on dehydrated proteins and dehydrated flours.

    Preparations for products based on dewed protein and dewed flour. The combined use of hexane and methyl-ethyl-ketone is prohibited.

    10 mg/kg in the food denrée containing the product based on de-raised proteins and de-raised flours.
    30 mg/kg in soybean degreasing products as sold to the end user.

    Refined food oil containing not more than 100 mg of BHT per litre.


    Cereals and peas in silos.

    At the maximum dose of 260 g of oil per ton used as dust products.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Paraffine oil.

    Demolition agent.

    Potage pasta obtained by recycling of the crosses.

    At the strictly necessary dose.

    20 mg/kg.

    Paraffine oil.

    Demolition agent.

    Fine bakery products.
    Cheese with the exception of those enjoying an original name.

    At the strictly necessary dose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    High molecular weight mineral oils.

    Demolition agent.


    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect. Mineral oil is used in mixture with bee wax.

    Residual content less than 2 g/kg for mineral oil.
    Technically inevitable dose for bee wax.

    Ammonium hydroxide.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Calcium hydroxyde.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Magnesium hydroxide.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Potassium hydroxide.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sodium hydroxide.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Mixture of monoester copolymers (CAS n° 9009-36-6) and diester (CAS n° 67167-17-3) of oleic acid and free oleic acid (5-10 %) whose base copolymer is identified by CAS n° 9003-11-6 (PM 1990-2250).



    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    100 mg/kg in dry yeast matter.


    Extraction solvents.

    Raw materials, foodstuffs or food components or their ingredients.

    Treatment of raw materials, foodstuffs or food components or their ingredients.

    10 mg/kg.


    Extraction solvents.

    Coffee and tea.

    Decafination or suppression of irritating and bitter matter of coffee or tea. The combined use of hexane and methyl-ethyl-ketone is prohibited.

    20 mg/kg in coffee or tea. The n-hexane content of this solvent should not exceed 50 mg/kg.


    Extraction solvents.

    Fats and food oils (except butter).

    Fraction of fats and oils. The combined use of hexane and methyl-ethyl-ketone is prohibited.

    5 mg/kg, in oils and fats.

    Sorbitane polyoxyethylene monoolate (polysorbate 80).


    Silos cereals.

    At the maximum dose of 12 g per ton used as dust products.

    Technically inevitable dose.



    Blé avant mouture for the manufacture of flour entering the composition of pastry products containing simple added sugars to the height of 7 to 50% of the dry weight.

    At the maximum dose of 12 g of ozone per kg of grains.
    The pre-treatment wheat kernels shall comply with the provisions of European Commission Regulation 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 establishing maximum content for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, with respect to maximum mycotoxin content.

    Residual content below 10 micrograms per kg.



    Blé avant mouture for the manufacture of flour entering the composition of bread and panification products containing up to 7% added sugars, excluding French tradition bread.

    At the maximum dose of 8 g of ozone per kg of grains.
    The pre-treatment wheat kernels shall comply with the provisions of European Commission Regulation 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 establishing maximum content for certain contaminants in foodstuffs, with respect to maximum mycotoxin content.

    Residual content below 10 micrograms per kg.

    Ammonium phosphates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    calcium phosphates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Magnesium phosphates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Potassium phosphates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sodium phosphates.

    Agent de neutralisation.

    Caseinates and dietary cases.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Polyamide 11.

    filtration adjuvant.


    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    0, 2 mg / l.

    Insoluble polyamide.

    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    Use as filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    Use as filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    filtration adjuvant.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    Use as filtration and/or chemically inert precipitation adjuvants.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Propanol 2.

    Extraction solvents.

    Raw materials, foodstuffs or food components or their ingredients.

    Treatment of raw materials, foodstuffs or food components or their ingredients.

    10 mg/kg.

    Propanol 2.

    Extraction solvents.

    Sugar obtained from melasses.

    Production of sugars from melasses.

    1 mg/kg in sugar.

    Nitrogen oxide.

    Extraction solvents.

    All food.

    This solvent should not leave residues in foodstuffs that could pose risks to human health.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Magnesium silicate.

    filtration agent.

    Friction oil used by professionals.

    At the maximum dose of 15 g per kg of filtered oil.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Solution based on peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid.


    Crude Salads ready to use (called fourth-range).

    The washing must be followed by a rinse.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sulphurous anhydride.


    Ready-to-use raw mushrooms (those in the fourth range).

    At the dose strictly necessary to stabilize the color.

    Residual content expressed in sulphurous anhydride less than 10 mg/kg.

    Sulphites (E 221 to E 224, E 226 to E 228).
    Sulphurous anhydride (E 220).


    Sweet maize spices.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Residual content less than 10 mg/kg.


    Clarification officer.

    Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, dehydrated fruit juice, nectars.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    2° The following provisions are added to Schedule I B of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006:



    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Carbon anhydride.


    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Sulphurous anhydride (E 220).


    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Residual content less than 10 mg/kg.

    Other filtration adjuvants and chemically precipitation adjuvants complying with Community provisions concerning materials and objects intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. The filtration can be carried out under pressure from an inert gas.

    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Silica gel.

    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Food aid.

    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.


    Clarification officer.

    Vegetable juice.

    At the dose strictly necessary to get the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    3° In Appendix I B of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006, the line for sodium hypochlorite in fruits and vegetables and mushrooms for canning and freezing and fourth-range vegetables is replaced by the following line:


    Sodium Hypochlorite.


    Fruits and vegetables and mushrooms for canning and freezing and ready-to-use raw vegetables and mushrooms (since the fourth range).

    Free chlorine concentration of chlorination bath: not more than 80 ppm

    Organochlorinated residue content: less than 100 micrograms per kilogram (expressed as adsorbable organo-halogen AOX).

    4° In Appendix I C of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006, the terms: "magnetwork" or "amidontics industry" are replaced by the following: "magnetwork, glucose syrup production".
    5° The following provisions are added to Schedule I C of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006:


    Alpha amylase of Bacillus licheniformis SJ7199 containing the gene coding an alpha amylase of Bacillus stearothermophilus.


    Brewery, amigo, alcohol and sugar industry.

    Hydrolysis of endo-alpha-1-4 ― glycosidics of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Alpha amylase d'aspergillus niger, A. oryzae.


    Special dressing.

    Hydrolysis of endo-alpha-1-4 ― glycosidics of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Alpha-amylase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens autoclone EBA1-H2A.
    Alpha-amylase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens autoclone.


    Biscuitry, pastries, pastries, panification (with the exception of French tradition bread) and special panification.
    Alcohol industry.
    Amidonnerie, glucose production.

    Hydrolysis of endo-alpha-1, 4-D-glucosidic connections of oligo-saccharides and polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Alpha-amylase of Bacillus licheniformis autoclone.



    Hydrolysis of endo-alpha-1, 4-D-glucosidic connections of oligo-saccharides and polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Alpha-amylase of Pseudomonas fluorescens DC 88 carrier of a hybrid gene of Thermococcus / coding alpha-amylase.


    Amidonnerie, glucose production
    Alcohol industry.

    Hydrolysis of endo-alpha-1, 4-D-glucosidic connections of oligo-saccharides and polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Asparaginase of Aspergillus niger autoclone.


    Cereal products (excluding French tradition breads) including cereals for breakfasts, fried products based on potatoes, yeast extracts.

    Use for preparation of foods containing L-asparagine and carbohydrates, cooked at temperatures above 120° C to decrease the levels of L-asparagine (main precursor of acrylamide formation).

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Asparaginase of Aspergillus oryzae genetically modified (pCaHj621 / BECh2) containing the coding gene for Aspergillus oryzae asparaginase.


    Cereal products (excluding French tradition breads) including cereals for breakfasts, fried products based on potatoes, yeast extracts

    Use for preparation of foods containing L-asparagine and carbohydrates, cooked at temperatures above 120° C to decrease the levels of L-asparagine (main precursor of acrylamide formation).

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Beta-glucanase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens autocloné.



    Hydrolysis of beta 1-3 and beta 1-6 of glucanes.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Glucose-isomerase, from the strain of Streptomyces rubiginosus SYC5406 genetically modified immobilized on a gltaraldehyde / polyethylene-imine medium.


    High fructose syrups.

    Isomerization of D-glucose in D-fructose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Beta-galactosidase de Kluyveromyces lactis n° 013-2 (FERM P-3513).


    Milk with reduced content of lactose, lactoserum, fermented dairy products and cheeses except those enjoying a controlled label of origin.

    Hydrolysis of lactose.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Lactoperoxydase extracted from immobilized lacetoserum, potassium or sodium isothiocyanates and hydrogen peroxide.


    Ready-to-use raw wages (fourth range)

    Lactoperoxydase at the strictly necessary dose to get the desired effect.
    Hydrogen peroxide at the maximum concentration of 2mM (or 68 ppm).
    Ion isothiocyanate at a maximum concentration of 2 mM (or 175 ppm for potassium thiocyanate).
    The process must result in a concentration of isothiocyanate of 0, 6 mM in the washing water.

    Residual thiocyanate content in rinsed salads less than 0, 5 mg/kg.

    Lysophospholipase of Aspergillus niger genetically modified Lp-1.


    Alcohol industry.

    Hydrolysis of lysophospholipids.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Phospholipase A2 by Aspergillus niger genetically modified PLA 54.


    Yellow eggs for making sauces.

    Hydrolysis of the ester function in position 2 of phospholipids for the treatment of egg yolks for the manufacture of mayonnaise and other emulsified sauces.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Protease of Geobacillus caldoproteolyticus Rokko not processed AZ 3173s.


    Production of protein hydrolysates.

    Hydrolysis of protein peptide bonds with preferential segmentation for Leu 1 Phe.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Protease of Aspergillus niger recombined genetically GEP 44.


    Hydrolysats of protein.

    Hydrolysis of the peptide bond at the carboxyl group of proline residues.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Protease of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens autocloné.


    Beers, bakery products and fine bakery with the exception of French tradition bread.

    Hydrolysis of protein peptide bonds.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Penicillium citrinum Ribonuclease in granular and powder forms.


    Hydrolyzed yeast extracts.

    Treatment of yeast extracts.
    Polyribonucleotide hydrolysis.

    Technically inevitable dose. The absence of citrinin in enzymatic preparation and in the finished product must be checked regularly.

    Xylanase of Bacillus genetically modified XAS-3.


    Bakery and fine bakery products with the exception of French tradition bread.

    Hydrolysis of the osidic bonds of xylanes which are hemicelluloses.At the strictly necessary dose to obtain the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Xylanase de Bacillus subtilis Giza 3508 porteuse d'un dant une xylanase de Pseudoalteromonas haloplankis.


    Biscuitry, pastries, pastries, panification (with the exception of French tradition bread) and special panification.

    Hydrolysis of the osidic bonds of xylanes which are hemicelluloses.At the strictly necessary dose to obtain the desired effect.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    6° In Appendix I C of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006, the lines relating to "Enzymes disconnecting the amidon of Bacillus acido-pullulyticus" are supplemented as follows:


    Enzymes disconnecting Bacillus acido-pullulyticus starch (e.g. pullulanase).


    Amidonnerie, glucose production. Beers.

    Hydrolysis of alpha 1-6 glycosidic connections of polysaccharides.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    7° An Annex I D is added after Appendix I C as follows:


    Amylolytic enzymes cited in Appendix I C.


    Foods specifically intended for infants and children under the above-mentioned Decree of 29 August 1991.

    In accordance with the requirements of Annex I C.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Proteolytic enzymes listed in Appendix I C.


    Foods specifically intended for infants and children under the above-mentioned Decree of 29 August 1991.

    In accordance with the requirements of Annex I C.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    Pectical enzymes listed in Appendix I C.


    Foods specifically intended for infants and children under the meaning of the decree of 29 August 1991 referred to above.

    In accordance with the requirements of Annex I C.

    Technically inevitable dose.

    8° In Appendix II, the provisions relating to glutaraldehyde and mineral oils are replaced by the following:



    Methaneol: no more than 10 g/kg.

    Mineral oils.

    The term "mineral hyukes and paraffine and vaseline oils" is defined as follows: "All mineral oils of low molecular weight (BPM) and low viscosity and mineral oils of high molecular weight (HPM) and high viscosity".

    BPM mineral oils must meet the following specifications:
    - paraffin oils treated with high pressure hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst and naphthenic oils treated with high pressure hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst or treated with oleum;
    – viscosity at 100° C between 3, 5 and 8, 5 centiStokes (sSt) (ASTM D. 445);
    - boiling point between 300 and 400° C, corresponding to the distillation of not more than 5% of the total mass of the product (ASTM D. 2887);
    - average molecular mass between 350 and 480 (ASTM D. 2502);
    - flashpoint between 180 and 250° C (ISO 2592);
    sulphur content below 100 mg/kg (DIN 51400 T 7);
    - nitrogen content below 1 mg/kg.

    Mineral oils.

    Content in total heavy metals below 1 mg/kg (so-called plasma method).
    Gas chromatography of the following polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs):
    Benzo (b) fluoranthenene; benzo (k) fluoranthenene; benzo (j) fluoranthenene; chrysene; benzo (a) pyrene; indeno (1, 2, 3-d-) pyrene; 1, 2 : 5, 6, dibenzo-(a, h) anthracene; benzo (a) anthracene and fluoranthenene. The sum of PAH content should be as low as possible, if applicable, less than 3 μ/kg by weight. PAH content should be expressed using the toxic equivalence factor (FTE) for benzo (a) pyrene.
    The following TEF values will be retained: 1 for benzo (a) pyrene and 1, 2 : 5, 6, dibenzo-(a, h) anthracene; 0, 1 for benzo (a) anthracene, benzo (b) fluoranthenene, benzo-(j) fluoranthenene, benzo (k) fluoranthenene and indenno (1, 2, 3-c, d)-pyrene and 0, 01 for chrysene and fluoranthenene.

    The HPM mineral oils must meet the following specifications:
    – raw paraffin oils and paraffin oils treated with high pressure hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst;
    – viscosity at 100° Between 8, 5 and 11 cSt (ASTM D. 445).

    Mineral oils.

    Boiling point between 400 and 430° C, corresponding to the distillation of not more than 5% of the total mass of the product (ASTM D. 2887).

    Average molecular mass between 480 and 510° C (ASTM D. 2502).
    Flashpoint between 250 and 265° C (ISO 2592).
    Naphthenic carbon ratio / paraffinic carbon, less than 1 / 2 (ASTM D. 2140).
    Sulphur content below 2 mg/kg (DIN 51400 T7).
    Nitrogen content below 1 mg/kg.
    Content in total heavy metals below 1 mg/kg (plasma method).
    Purity requirements according to European Pharmacopoeia.

    Gas chromatography of the following PAHs:
    benzo (b) fluoranthenene; benzo (k) fluoranthenene; benzo (j) fluoranthenene; chrysene; benzo (a) pyrene; indeno (1, 2, 3,-c, d-) pyrene; 1, 2 : 5, 6, didenzo-(a, h) anthracene; benzo (a) anthracene and fluoranthenene. The sum of PAH content should be as low as possible, if applicable, less than 3 μ/kg by weight. PAH content should be expressed using TEF values for benzo (a) pyrene, as described above for BPM oils.

    9° The following provisions are added to Schedule II of the above-mentioned Order of October 19, 2006:


    Amylolytic enzymes permitted in foods specifically for infants and children under the above-mentioned Decree of 29 August 1991.

    By derogation from the enzyme purity criteria set out in Part I of Appendix II to this Order, the maximum arsenic content is 2 mg/kg.

Done in Paris, August 27, 2009.

Minister to the Minister of Economy,

industry and employment,

responsible for the industry,

For the Minister and by delegation:

Deputy Executive Director,

C. Gras

Minister of Health and Sports,

For the Minister and by delegation:

Deputy Director of Prevention

environmental risks

and the food,

J. Boudot

Minister of Food,

agriculture and fisheries,

For the Minister and by delegation:

The Executive Director of Food,

P. Briand

Secretary of State

responsible for trade, crafts,

small and medium-sized enterprises,

tourism, services and consumption,

For the State Secretary

and by delegation:

Chief of Service

of regulation and security,

F. Amand

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