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Opinion On The Extension Of Amendments To The National Collective Agreement Of Hotels, Cafes, Restaurants

Original Language Title: Avis relatif à l'extension d'avenants à la convention collective nationale des hôtels, cafés, restaurants

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JORF no.0255 of 3 November 2009
text No. 61

Notice relating to the extension of amendments to the national collective agreement of hotels, cafes, restaurants

NOR: MTST0925245V ELI: Not available

In application of theArticle L. 2261-15 of the Labour Code, the Minister of Labour, Social Relations, the Family, Solidarity and the City envisages taking an order to make mandatory, for all employers and employees entering their scope, the provisions of the following amendments.
The texts of these amendments can be consulted in the departmental direction of work, employment and vocational training.
Within fifteen days, professional organizations and all interested persons are requested to communicate their comments and opinions on the proposed generalization.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Labour, Social Relations, Family, Solidarity and the City (DGT, RT 2), 39-43, Quai André-Citroën, 75902 Paris Cedex 15.
Texts whose extension is envisaged:
―Acts 7, 8 and 9 of June 22, 2009.
– General Directorate of Labour, Ministry of Labour, Social Relations, Family, Solidarity and the City.
―becoming #7: maintaining guarantees in the event of suspension of the work contract;
―becoming #8: foresight;
―becoming #9: portability of rights.
― professional confederation of hotel independents ― hotels, restaurants, cafes, discos (CPIH);
― general autonomous federation of the hotel and tourist industry (FAGIHT);
- national grouping of hotel chains (CNG);
– National union of hoteliers, restaurateurs, cafeterias and caterers (SYNHORCAT);
― union of hotel industry trades (UMIH).
Trade union organizations of interested employees associated with the CGT, CGT-FO, CFDT, CFTC and CFE-CGC.

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