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To better recognize coaching functions, which respond, in a hospital setting, to increasing demands and responsibilities, as well as the involvement of nursing, re-education and In the institutional projects of the institutions and their role as animation and coordination, it is created a new corps of health professionals with a career progression and specific indicial grids. Agreement of 14 March 2001 signed by the Government with five trade union organisations in the professional fields in the hospital public service acted the creation of this body classified as a category A in which the supervisors are integrated And the supervisors of the sectors concerned. This body is created in 2 grades and with an active category for the professions currently benefiting from it. The decree, which deals with the special status of health professionals, provides for, in accordance with the trades of the executive, who Correspond to the different qualifications of the nursing, rehabilitation and medico-technical professions and an internal recruitment open to officials of the hospital public service and an external recruitment open to the health managers of the sector Private; in both cases candidates must hold the Health Framework Diploma or equivalent.The integration of current executives will be conducted, in the first year, for the chief supervisors, and in three years for supervisors, by list Whether or not they are holders of the health framework diploma or of the executive certificate, with the passing of all unreclassified executives in the first year in a provisional degree of waiting to an unchanged index in the new body classified in Category A. This text therefore defines the statutory provisions of the new body of health professionals. Article 1: defines the body of health care professionals, classified as Category A, according to the watermarks Article 2: defines the methods of recruitment by Competition on internal titles (90 %) and external (10 %) of health framesArticle 3: defines the career structure in two gradesArticle 4: defines the functions of the health framework under the 1st grade of the corpsArticle 5: defines the functions of the framework Of the second grade of the corpsArticles 6 and 7: define the conditions of the statutory traineeship and the appointment in the corpsArticle 8: defines the arrangements for the resumption of the seniority of the managers on the basis of the services performed Prior to their recruitmentArticle 9: defines the modalities for graduation in the level of health framework Article 10: establishes access to the second grade, by means of professional competition on titresArticle 11: defines the maximum durations And minimum in each installment Article 12: defines the modalities for the advancement of echelon in the grade of a higher health framework Article 13: specifies the non-taking into account of the seniority takeover for advanced Articles 14, 15 and 16: define The procedures for the opening and advertising of competitions and the conditions to be fulfilled in terms of age at the time of recruitment into the psArticle 17: specifies the arrangements for secondment in the body and the degree of health framework Article 18: Provision of health frameworks to an administration of the State Article 19: the establishment of an interim supervisory rank during the period from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003, establishes the average duration at each level Of this principal rank, the conditions of reclassification in this same gradeArticle 20: fixed for the supervisors-chiefs the correlation table for the reclassification in the 2nd grade of the corps of health professionals as from 1 January 2002.Article 21: fixed the correlation table allowing the holders of the provisional degree to be reclassified, by aptitude list, in the er1 grade of the health framework corps, the proportions of the staff to be reclassified and the following schedule Article 22: exempts officers who have passed the professional examination provided for in Decree 88-1077 of 30 November 1988 as amended (nurses) and decrees 59-609 (reeducators) and 89-613 (medico-technical) of the 1st September 1989 amended, from the holding of the health framework diploma to the competition on qualifications established by Article 2-1.Articles 23 and 24: provide for the revision of the pensions of repatriated officials belonging to the ranks of the Supervisors and Supervisors and their date of effect.Repeal of Orders in Council 91-1270, 91-1272 and 91-1274 dated December 18, 1991.
JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2002 Page 41
Text No. 19
Decree No. 2001-1376 of 31 December 2001 on the Index of Health Executives of the Hospital Public Service NOR: MESH0124159D ELI: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/decret/2001/12/31/MESH0124159D/jo/texte
Alias: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/decret/2001/12/31/2001-1376/jo/texte
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Employment and Solidarity,
In the light of Law No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 as amended bearing the rights and obligations of the Officials;
Given the amended Act No. 86-33 of 9 January 1986 laying down statutory provisions relating to the hospital public service;
Having regard to Decree No. 2001-1375 of 31 December 2001 on the special status of the body of executives of Health of the hospital public service;
In the opinion of the Hospital Public Service Board of Governors,
Item 1
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The index ranking for the health framers, effective January 1, 2002, is as follows:
" Raw indexes:
-health framework: 430-740;
Health Framework: 625-780. "
Item 2
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For a transitional period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003, the applicable index classification is
-to the Medical Supervisors, the Supervising Operating Block Nurses Medical services, nursing anaesthetists of the medical services and the supervising medical services, of the provisional degree of supervisor;
-the pedicures-podiatrists of the medical services, the Masseurs-physiotherapists for medical services, occupational therapists, medical services, psychomotricians supervision of medical services, speech therapists supervision of medical services, speech therapists Supervisors of medical services and dieticians of medical services, of the provisional degree of supervision;
-the preparers in hospital pharmacy supervisors, laboratory technicians and supervisors Supervisory electroradiology manipulators, of the provisional supervisor rank,
is fixed as follows:
" Raw indexes: 422-638. "
Item 3
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Decrees Nos. 91-1270, No. 91-1272, No. 91-1274 of December 18, 1991, respectively, relating to the index of nursing staff supervisors-heads of medical services, rehabilitation staff Supervisors of Medical Services and Medical Personnel Supervisors-Heads of the Hospital Public Service are repealed.
Item 4
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The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of Employment and Solidarity, the Minister of Health and the Secretary of State for the Budget are responsible for each The execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, 31 December 2001.
Lionel Jospin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Employment and Solidarity,
Élisabeth Guigou
Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Laurent Fabius
The Minister of Health,
Bernard Kouchner
Secretary of State at Budget,
Florence Parly
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