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Decree Of 14 December 2001 Fixing The Maximum Number Of Seats Available Under The 2002

Original Language Title: Decree of 14 December 2001 fixing the maximum number of seats available under the 2002

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2002 Page 57
Text No. 50

Decree of 14 December 2001 fixing the maximum number of places offered for the year 2002 at admission by competition to the Ecole nationale supérieure de l' Aeronautics et de l' espace

NOR: DEFA0102439A ELI:

By order of the Minister of Defence dated December 14, 2001, The maximum number of places offered for the year 2002 on admission by competition (joint competition provided for in Article 1 of the Decree of 6 February 1996, as amended, defining the routes of recruitment by competition for admission to the School Top of aeronautics and space) is set as follows:
Filière MP: 50;
PSI: 37;
PC Filière: 33;
PT: 10;
TSI Filière: 2.

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