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Decree Of 30 December 2002 Extending The Effects Of The Declaration Of Public Utility Of Acquisitions And Work Necessary For The Creation Of The Ring Road Is The Town Of Angoulême, On The Territory Of The Communes Of Ango...

Original Language Title: Décret du 30 décembre 2002 prorogeant les effets de la déclaration d'utilité publique des acquisitions et travaux nécessaires à la création de la voie de contournement est de l'agglomération d'Angoulême, sur le territoire des communes d'Ango...

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2003 Page 24
Text #8

Decree of 30 December 2002 extending the effects of the declaration of public utility of the acquisitions and works necessary for the creation of the bypass road is the agglomeration of Angoulême, on the Territory of the municipalities of Angoulême, Puyaverage, Dirac, Soyaux, Magnac-sur-Touvre, L' Isle-d ' Espagnac, Ruelle-sur-Touvre and Gond-Pontouvre (Charente)

NOR: INTB0200310D ELI:

The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms,
Given the general code of territorial communities, In particular Articles L. 3211-1 and L. 3211-2;
Given the code of expropriation for reasons of public utility, in particular Article L. 11-5;
Having regard to the Decree of 2 January 1998 on the public utility of acquisitions and works Necessary for the creation of the bypass east of the agglomeration of Angoulême, on the territory of the communes of Angoulême, Puyplea, Dirac, Soyaux, Magnac-sur-Touvre, L' Isle-d ' Espagnac, Ruelle-sur-Touvre and Gond-Pontouvre (Charente), Attributing to this road the status of deviation, between the intersection of RD 104 (Boulevard de Bigorre) and the road of Europe and its intersection with RD 12, and taking modification of the land use plans of the said communes;
Seen the Deliberation of the Standing Committee of the General Council of the Charente of 5 July 2002 requesting an extension for a period of five years from the effects of the declaration of public utility of 2 January 1998;
The Council of State (section of Inside) heard,

Article 1

The effects of the declaration of public utility delivered by decree of 2 January 1998 referred to above are extended for Five years from 3 January 2003.

Article 2

The Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Liberties Local authorities and the Minister responsible for local freedoms shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, 30 December 2002.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin

By the Prime Minister:

Minister of The inside,

of internal security

and local freedoms,

Nicolas Sarkozy

The minister delegate to local freedoms,

Patrick Devedjian

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