Key Benefits:
The Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of Health, Family and Industry Persons with disabilities, the Minister of the Public Service, State Reform and Spatial Planning and the Minister Delegate to the Budget and Budget Reform,
In view of Decree No. 2002-1625 of 30 December 2002 on the allocation From a job allowance to the Secretary General of the National School of Public Health,
The average annual amount of the duty allowance provided for in Article 2 of the decree of 30 December 2002 is set at EUR 15 118.
The Director of the National School of Public Health is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, 30 December 2002.
The Minister of Health, the
Family, and People with Disabilities,
Jean-François Mattei
The Minister of Business Social,
du travail et de la solidarité,
François Fillon
Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Francis Mer
The Minister of the Public Service,
of the Reform
and Spatial Planning,
For the Minister and delegation:
The Chief of Staff,
C. Roux
Delegate Minister for Budget
and Budget Reform,
Alain Lambert