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Decision Of 18 December 2002 Approving Funding For A Party Or A Political Organization Association

Original Language Title: Décision du 18 décembre 2002 portant agrément d'une association de financement d'un parti ou d'une organisation politique

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2003 Page 104
Text #100

Decision of 18 December 2002 approving a financing association d' party or political organization

NOR: CCCX0206209S ELI: Not available

By decision of the National Commission of Campaign Accounts and Funding On 18 December 2002, the Savoy First Finance Association, whose head office is 91, rue d' Angleterre, Chambéry (Savoie), is approved, at the request of the President of Savoy First, as an association of Financing of this political party to carry out its activities in the fourteen cantons composing the first electoral district of Savoy.

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