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Temporary Addendum To The Game Called 'promotion Lottery 10 Grids' Regulation Of Games Of Lotto And Super Lotto Of The French Games

Original Language Title: Additif temporaire au règlement des jeux de Loto et Super Loto de La Française des jeux relatif au jeu dénommé « Promotion Loto 10 Grilles »

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2004 Page 72
Text No. 47

Temporary add-on to the regulation of the Loto and Super Loto games of La Française des jeux relating to the game known as "Promotion Loto 10 Grids"

NOR: ECOZ0399414X ELI:

From Sunday, January 4, 2004, the following Article 9a is added to the regulation of the games called Loto and Super Loto done on June 15, 2000 and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic of 2 July 2000, as well as in the Official Journal of French Polynesia, with amendments of 14 September 2000, of 25 June 2001 (22 November 2001 for French Polynesia), of 12 July 2002, of 7 October 2002, of 7 November 2002 2002 and 27 March 2003 published in the Official Journal of the French Republic of 22 September 2000, of 2 December 2001, of 3 September 2002, of 16 October 2002, of 16 November 2002 and of 20 April 2003 and also published in the Official Journal of the French Polynesia. This Article 9a will fall on 31 January 2004.

" Article 9a

9a. 1. In accordance with sub-section 9.2.2 of the Loto and Super Loto Regulations, it is organized under the following conditions, an operation called "Promotion Loto 10 Grids".
9a. 2. On the occasion of the games of Loto made during the period between Sunday, January 4, 2004 and Saturday, January 17, 2004 inclusive, for the prints of Wednesday, January 7, 2004, Saturday, January 10, 2004, Wednesday, January 14, 2004 and Saturday 17 January 2004, the players of Loto who validate a simple 10 grids or request a receipt by the Flash System of 10 simple combinations of 6 numbers with a value of 6 EUR (800 F PSC in French Polynesia) are offered immediately A reduction in the total price of their games equivalent to 0.60 EUR or 80 F PSC.
Loto's game catches made on Saturday, January 17, 2004, after the closing of the game play relative to the draw today until 23:59 PM Metropolitan), benefit from the operation "Promotion Loto 10 Grilles".
9a. 3. This reduction of € 0.6 (80 F PSC in French Polynesia) is neither modifiable, nor exchangeable, nor refundable, nor fractionable.
9a. 4. In the event of the cancellation of the game, it is paid back to the player only the amount he has paid.
9a. 5. The Promotion Loto 10 Grilles operation can be stopped prematurely by La Française des jeux, in the event of a technical incident making it impossible to pursue it in accordance with these provisions and those of the regulation of Loto and Super Loto. Only 4 million free grids are available. The Promotion Loto 10 Grilles operation can be stopped prematurely by La Française des jeux as soon as 4 million free grids have been issued.
9a. 6. Pursuant to sub-section 9.2.2 of the Loto and Super Loto Regulations, the cost of the Promotion Loto 10 Grilles operation is financed from the Loto reserve and carry-forward fund. The levy corresponds to the face value of the free grids multiplied by the percentage of the participants in the game of Loto which is allocated to the winners of this game by decree of the minister responsible for the budget.
9a. 7. In the absence of foreclosure, the postmark, all claims, in particular those relating to the taking of games, receipts, registration of games, prints, results or free grids, shall be addressed in writing to " La Française des jeux, Relations Players, Promotion Loto 10 Grilles, TSA 60 030, 92649 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex " (for French Polynesia, write to La Pacifique des jeux, Promotion Loto 10 Grilles, BP 20,730, corner of rue Colette et rue du 22 September-1914, Papeete, Tahiti), before January 30, 2004, at midnight (postmark). Beyond that date, no claim will be allowed.
9a. 8. Loto subscriptions registered prior to Operation Promotion Loto 10 Grids for Loto draws corresponding to the period of participation in this operation do not allow to participate in this operation.
Loto subscriptions that cover A period of participation in draws of the Loto in excess of the closing date of the Promotion Loto 10 Grids do not give any right to a participation in that operation beyond that date.
Immediate reduction on total price of Game taken between 4 January 2004 and 17 January 2004 may not be more than EUR 0.6 or 80 F, regardless of the number of participation prints covered by the subscription.
9a. 9. Participation in Operation Promotion Loto 10 Grids implies adherence to these provisions, as well as those of the Loto and Super Loto regulations.
9a. 10. These provisions shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic. "

Done at Paris, 11 December 2003.

The President and CEO

of the Pacific games,

R. de Villepin

The President and CEO General

de La Française des jeux,

C. Blanchard-Dignac

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