Key Benefits:
By a decision of the Prefect of Isère on November 21, 2003, the Convention Constitutive of the public interest group "GIP FIPAG (group of public interest training and professional integration of the academy of Grenoble)" is approved.
The constituent agreement of the grouping can be consulted by any Interested in the seat of the group and the minister responsible for national education.
Extracts from the constitutive agreement are published in the Official Journal of the French Republic in accordance with Article 3 of Decree No. 2001-757 Of 28 August 2001 on public interest groups established pursuant to Article L. 423-1 of the Education Code.
Excerpts from the
constitutive agreement of a public interest group
The name of the group is "GIP FIPAG (group of public interest training and professional integration of the Grenoble Academy").
Grouping is for :
-the implementation and development of adult continuing education, vocational training and integration, including:
-research and development and engineering activities;
-actions Training of trainers and services;
-information, guidance and support activities for candidates and validation sessions as part of the validation of the experience gained;
-actions International engineering and training;
-regulatory positions;
-academic actions to promote and animate insertion devices;
-educational activities related to training Working with young people under contract of employment;
-the organisation and promotion of actions to develop and enhance the eco-business relationship;
-the implementation of actions, within the framework of the European strategy for The employment and programming of European funds;
-the management of equipment and services of common interest, necessary for those activities;
-the management of the financing of operations relating to this object.
The grouping consists of:
-the state, represented by the rector of the Grenoble Academy;
-the Lycée Aristide-Bergès of Seyssinet-Pariset;
-the Lycée Les Catalins de Montélimar ;
-the Lycée Jules-Algoud in Valencia;
-the Lycée Ferdinand-Buisson de Voiron;
-the Collège Pierre-Grange d' Albertville;
-the Lycée Berthollet d' Annecy;
-Lycée Guillaume-Fichet de Bonneville;
-the Lycée des Glières D' Annemasse;
-the Lycée La Versilk de Thonon-les-Bains;
-the Lycée Vaucanson de Grenoble;
-the Lycée Thomas-Edison d' Echirolles;
-the university institute for the training of the masters of Grenoble.
Siege of Grouping
Group seat is 7, place Bir-Hakeim, BP 1065, 38021 Grenoble.
Convention Duration
The grouping is for a period of six years.
Management Mode
Clustering accounting is maintained and managed according to the rules of public law, in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962 relating to Public industrial and commercial establishments, by a public accounting officer appointed by a joint decree of the minister responsible for national education and the minister responsible for the budget.
Member Responsibility
In their dealings with each other, members are bound by the obligations of the group in the same proportion as their statutory rights. In respect of third parties, they are liable for the debts of the group as a proportion of their statutory rights. They are not in solidarity.