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Order Of 28 December 2004 Amending Orders Of March 22, 1995, With Approval Of Joint Institutional Of Contributions From Employers To The Development Of Vocational Training In Respect Of The Contributions Of Articles L....

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 28 décembre 2004 modifiant les arrêtés du 22 mars 1995 portant agrément d'organismes collecteurs paritaires des contributions des employeurs au développement de la formation professionnelle au titre des contributions des articles L. ...

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2005 Page 52
Text No. 25

Decree of 28 December 2004 amending the decrees of 22 March 1995 on the approval of joint collecting bodies for employers' contributions to the development of vocational training in the field The contributions of Articles L. 961-9, L. 952-1 of the Labour Code and 30 of the Financial Act for 1985 (No 84-1208 of 29 December 1984) and for individual training leave

NOR: SOCF0412583A ELI:

The Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion,
In view of Book IX of the Labour Code, and in particular Articles L. 961-12, R. 964-1 and R. 964-1-2;
Seen Decree n ° 2004-356 of 23 April 2004 relating to powers delegated to the Minister responsible for labour relations;
Given the decree of 30 April 2004 on the delegation of signature;
In view of the decree of 22 March 1995 on the approval of bodies Joint training leave collectors;
In the light of the decree of 22 March 1995 on the approval of joint collecting bodies for employers' contributions to the development of vocational training Articles L. 961-9 and L. 952-1 of the Labour Code and 30 of the Finance Act, 1985 (No. 84-1208 of 29 December 1984);
In view of the Order of 23 April 2004 on the delegation of signature;
In view of the Order of 16 December 2004 on the approval of The joint collecting body for the contributions of employers to the development of vocational training, known as UNIFAF, for the contributions referred to in Articles L. 951-1, L. 952-1 and L. 931-20 of the Labour Code,

Article 1

Approvals granted by the abovementioned decrees of 22 March 1995 to the Joint Association PROMOFAF, funds D' assurance formation du secteur sanitaire, social et medico-medico-social nonprofit, sis 9, rue Maryse-Hilsz, 92309 Levallois-Perret Cedex, are withdrawn effective January 1, 2005.

Article 2

This Order will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 28, 2004.

For the minister and delegation:

By preventing the

general delegate from employment and vocational training:

The head of mission

"tracking funding",


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