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Decision Of 20 December 2005, Signature Delegation (Joint Management Infrastructure And Defense Information Systems Network)

Original Language Title: Décision du 20 décembre 2005 portant délégation de signature (direction interarmées des réseaux d'infrastructure et des systèmes d'information de la défense)

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2006
Text No. 10

Decision of 20 December 2005 with delegation of signature (joint leadership of infrastructure networks and defence information systems)

NOR: DEFD0501742S ELI:

The Central Director of the Joint Directorate for Infrastructure and Defence Information Systems,
In light of Decree No. 2000-1178 of 4 December 2000 Amended to organise the central administration of the Ministry of Defence;
In light of Decree No. 2003-1382 of 31 December 2003 laying down the duties of the joint management of the infrastructure networks and information systems of the Defence;
Given the decree n ° 2005-850 of 27 July 2005 on the signature delegations of the members of the Government, in particular Article 3;
In view of the decree of 31 December 2003 on the organisation of the joint management of networks Defence information systems and infrastructure, as amended by the Order of 3 January 2005,

Article 1

Delegation is given the effect of signing, on behalf of the Minister of Defence, all acts, orders and decisions, to Excluding Orders in Council, to:
1. Colonel Bertrand Lahogue, Assistant Director, Operations and Logistics Branch, within the authority of the sub-directorate;
2. Colonel Yves Malinowski, who is responsible for the duties of the Deputy Director of the "plan and studies" sub-directorate, within the limits of the sub-directorate's duties;
3. Mr. Colonel Bruno Le Du, responsible for the duties of Deputy Director of the Finance and Contracting Branch, within the limits of the sub-directorate's duties.

Article 2

Delegation is given to the following persons to sign, within the scope of the duties of the service, all supporting documents relating to expenditure, to revenue And to regularization operations, including all accounting documents relating to commitment, liquidation, scheduling and all orders of revenue:
1. Lieutenant-Colonel Yves Le Marhadour, Head of Office Finance;
2. Ms. Nancelle Morant, Administrative Service Attaché;
3. H.E. Mr. Philippe Gerlier.

Article 3

This decision will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic and Enter into force on 1 January 2006.

Done at Paris, 20 December 2005.


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