Key Benefits:
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry,
In view of Organic Law No. 2001-692 of 1 August 2001 on the Laws of Finance, as amended by Organic Law No. 2005-779 of 12 July 2005;
In view of the financial law for 2002 (No. 2001-1275 of 28 December 2001), in particular Article 136;
In view of Decree No. 87-389 of 15 June 1987 on the organisation of the Central administrative services, as amended by Decree No. 2005-124 of 14 February 2005;
In the light of Decree No. 92-604 of 1 July 1992 on the Charter of Disconcentration, as amended by Decree No. 95-1007 of 13 September 1995, Decree No. 97-463 of the 9 May 1997 and Decree No. 99-896 of 20 October 1999;
Having regard to Decree No. 95-1007 of 13 September 1995 on the inter-ministerial committee for the reform of the State, as amended by Decree No. 98-573 of 8 July 1998 and Decree No 2003-141 of 21 February 2003;
In view of Decree No. 2005-333 of 7 April 2005 on the National Statistical Information Council and the Statistical Committee;
In view of the opinion of the Central Administration Joint Technical Committee of the Ministry of The economy, finance and industry as of October 20, 2005;
In view of the opinion of the Joint Special Joint Technical Committee to the General Secretariat of the Government, to the management of the administrative and financial services of the First Minister and interdepartmental services for the reform of the State as of 7 November 2005;
The Council of State (finance section) heard,
It is created, in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry, a branch of state modernization.
The mission of the State Modernisation Directorate-General is to coordinate, assist and encourage, at the inter-ministerial level, the administrations to modernise The modes of operation and management of the state to improve service to users, contribute to a more efficient use of public funds and mobilise public officials.
I.-The Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State coordinates the work to improve the quality of government action for the benefit of users. To this end:
1 ° It promotes actions designed to better take account of users' expectations, improve service and evaluate quality of service;
2 ° coordinates actions to simplify law and relief Administrative formalities
3 ° It is associated with the work carried out to improve the quality of the regulation and the clarity of the administrative language.
II. -The Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State is responsible for the modernisation of public management.
A. -It assists departments in developing their modernization strategy. It follows and assesses its implementation. It coordinates modernisation audits conducted in the state administrations, in particular with a view to the preparation and implementation of multi-annual performance contracts.
B.-It contributes to the adaptation of the organization State administrations in order to take account of the evolution of their missions and their modes of management.
C.-With the budget directorate, the Public Accounting Directorate and the Directorate-General for Administration and Public service, each as far as it is concerned:
1 ° It participates in the design and promotion of the new modes of management of the State and of the bodies benefiting from a subsidy for public service charges, within the framework of the Implementation of the Organic Law on Finance Laws of 1 August 2001 mentioned above. It coordinates the work on the analysis of the cost of equities. It animates the work on the development of management control within the State and the aforementioned bodies and promotes the optimisation of the support functions of the administrations;
2 ° facilitates the work on the recasting of the Management processes and participates in the definition of inter-ministerial functionalities to be ensured by the State information systems in the budgetary, financial and accounting fields as well as in the field of resources
3 ° participates in the development and monitoring of public accounting standards for the application of Article 136 of the Finance Law for 2002.
III. -The Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State promotes the development of e-government. To this end:
1 ° It encourages the development of information and communication systems by providing support to administrations for the identification of needs, knowledge of supply, design of projects and evaluation of the Results;
2 ° It proposes measures for the dematerialisation of administrative procedures and the interoperability of information systems;
3 ° Ensures the control of work of operational interdepartmental services Interconnection and resource sharing.
IV. -The Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State coordinates and facilitates, in liaison with the administrations of the State, the communication and training activities in the field of state modernisation.
For the facilitation of interministerial work on the modernisation of the state, the Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State relies, in particular, on the Secretaries-General of the ministries, the managing directors. Financial affairs, human resources, legal affairs and information systems, program and program operational budgets, and departmental inspection and control bodies.
In all regulatory provisions, the words: "direction of budgetary reform", "delegation to users and administrative simplifications", " delegation to modernization of the Public administration and the structures of the state "and" agency for the development of electronic administration "are replaced by the words" Directorate-General for Modernisation of the State "and the words:" Director of budgetary reform "," "Delegated to users and administrative simplifications", "delegated to the modernisation of public administration and state structures" and "director of the agency for the development of electronic administration", are replaced by the Words: "the Director General of the modernisation of the State or its representative".
I.-Decree n ° 2003-202 of 10 March 2003 establishing a Directorate for budgetary reform in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and Decree n ° 2003-141 of 21 February 2003 Establishment of inter-ministerial services for the reform of the State are repealed.
II. -In Article 2 of the Decree of 7 April 2005 referred to above, the words "the Director of the Development Agency of the Electronic Administration" shall be deleted.
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of the Public Service and the Minister Delegate to the Budget and Reform of the State, Spokesperson for the Government, shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, 30 December 2005.
Dominique de Villepin
By the Prime Minister:
Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Thierry Breton
The Minister of the Public Service,
Christian Jacob
The minister delegated to the
budget and state reform,
spokesman for the Government,
Jean-François Copé