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Decree Of 26 December 2005 Repealing Certain Provisions Of The Decree Of June 25, 1984, Laying Down The Scope Of Areas And Protection Easements Against Obstacles Applicable To The Neighbourhood Stations And On The Route Of The Relay...

Original Language Title: Décret du 26 décembre 2005 abrogeant certaines dispositions du décret du 25 juin 1984 fixant l'étendue des zones et les servitudes de protection contre les obstacles applicables au voisinage des stations et sur le parcours des faisceaux hertziens...

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2006 Page 28
Text #23

Decree of 26 December 2005 repealing certain provisions of the decree of 25 June 1984 laying down the scope of the zones and the easements of protection against the obstacles applicable in the vicinity of the stations and on the Route des beams hertziens Caudry-Cambrai, Cambrai-Valenciennes, Somain-Valenciennes and Fourmies-Valenciennes (section Fourmies-Locquignol) crossing the Nord department

NOR: INDI0506195D ELI:

By Order dated December 26, 2005, the provisions of the Order in Council Of 25 June 1984 laying down the scope of the zones and the easements of protection against the obstacles applicable in the vicinity of the stations and on the course of the radio beams Caudry-Cambrai, Cambrai-Valenciennes, Somain-Valenciennes and Formies-Valenciennes (Fourmies-Locquignol segment crossing the Nord Department) are repealed with respect to the secondary areas for the clearance of the Caudry, Anzin, Somain and Fourmies stations, as well as the special clearance zones between The stations of Caudry, Tilloy-lez-Cambrai, Anzin, on the one hand, Somain and Anzin, on the other hand, and between the stations of Fourmies and Locquignol (Nord).

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