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Order Of December 14, 2005 Giving A Grade To An Officer Recruited To The Title Of Article 29 Of The General Status Of The Military And Kept In His Job

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 14 décembre 2005 conférant un grade à un officier recruté au titre de l'article 29 du statut général des militaires et maintenu dans son emploi

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JORF No. 1 of January 1, 2006
Text No. 50

Decree of 14 December 2005 conferring a rank on an officer recruited under article 29 of the general status of members of the military and maintained in his employment

NOR: DEFK0501721A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence dated December 14, 2005, Mr. Gayout (Serge, Elie, François) is promoted to the rank of chief medical officer, as an officer recruited under Article 29 of the General Staff Regulations, and maintained in his employment as a medical practitioner qualified in general medicine for a period of one year As from 1 January 2006.
The person concerned remains attached to the corps of the Army Medical Officers.

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