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Arrested December 15, 2006, Taken For The Application Of Decree No. 2006-781 Of July 3, 2006 And Wearing Political Journeys Of Personal Health And Social Administration

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 15 décembre 2006 pris pour l'application du décret n° 2006-781 du 3 juillet 2006 et portant politique des voyages des personnels de l'administration sanitaire et sociale

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JORF No. 1 of 2 January 2007
Text No. 33

Decree of 15 December 2006 for the application of Decree No. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 on the policy of travel of personnel of health and social administration

NOR: SANG0625049A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister of Health and Solidarity,
In light of Decree No. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 laying down the conditions and conditions for Regulation of the costs of the movement of civil personnel of the State;
Having regard to the Order of 3 July 2006, as amended fixing the rate of mission allowances provided for in Article 3 of the aforementioned decree;
In view of the decree of 3 July 2006 fixing The rate of the kilometric allowances provided for in Article 10 of the aforementioned decree
Having regard to the decree of 3 July 2006 fixing the rate of traineeships provided for in Article 3 of the aforementioned decree;
On the proposal of the Director of Administration General, staff, and budget,

I. General Principles

Article 1

This Order sets out the rules for the settlement of costs incurred during the missions or training courses of the staff of the health and social administration and of their employees Occasional public or private agents.
It covers all movements in metropolitan France, overseas and abroad.
Subject to the following items:
-use of tour operator is mandatory For the issuance of transport titles for services with a contract;
-the use of the travel agent for the organization of the travel of the agents on mission or on probation constitutes a benefit purchase that relieves the agent The advance of transportation costs. This exemption can be extended to accommodation and catering costs;
-transportation is carried out in 2nd class for rail routes, economy class for the air route.

II. -Missions in metropolitan
A. -Transport

Article 2

The airway is authorized when the journey time by rail is greater than 4 hours. However, for journeys of less than 4 hours, the use of the air route may be authorised by the authority ordering the movement, where the conditions of the mission or the tariff conditions so warrant.

Article 3

The use of the 1st class for the railway track may be authorized by the authority ordering the movement, when the conditions of the mission or The tariff conditions justify it.

Item 4

In cases where it is authorized for service, use by The agent of his personal vehicle shall give rise to compensation on the basis of the kilometric allowances fixed by the Order of 3 July 2006 fixing the kilometric allowance rate.
In cases where it is authorized by the authority that Orders travel, the use by the agent of his or her personal vehicle for his/her own convenience shall result in compensation on the basis of the lowest-cost public passenger transport tariff.

Article 5

The holders of a reduction card are required to report them when preparing the mission. The reduction card may be reimbursed as long as it is economically justified. Where an agent makes the choice of transport conditions different from those selected by the administration, the possible complement shall be borne by him.

Article 6

Outside the unpredictability of the mission, it is possible not to use the tour operator in the following cases:
-when the service does not hold a travel market;
-when the agency of the Tour operator is too far from the place of the order or in the event of an urgent change in the transport title following a change in the mission;
-when carriers offer more advantageous and non-accessible tariff conditions to the Tour operator (purchase via internet for example or group purchase by the organiser of a mission);
The use of the tour operator is not permitted in the context of a shift in advisory administrative commissions, except where Conditions for the conduct of this committee justify it.
In all these cases, the agent makes the advance of the charge and is refunded upon presentation of the transport voucher.

Article 7

When an agent makes the choice of transport conditions different from those selected by the administration, the possible complement is dependent on it.

B.-Living expenses (accommodation, meals)

Item 8

Living expenses (accommodation and meals) can result in an advance payment.
The overnight allowance is set at 48. In Paris and in the neighbouring departments of the Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne and, in general, throughout the metropolitan territory, on the assessment of the authority which orders the movement when the offer Hotel accommodation is saturated for cyclical or permanent reasons, the overnight allowance is fixed at EUR 60.
In derogation from Article 1 of the Order of 3 July 2006 fixing the rates of allowances for Mission, the ceiling rate is set at EUR 65 for all missions carried out in metropolitan France for the members of the general inspection of social affairs. The reimbursement shall be made on the basis of the costs actually incurred within the limit of the ceiling rate.
To claim a refund of this allowance, the agent must be on a mission for the entire period between 0 hours and 5 hours and provide proof of payment.
No compensation is due if the agent is hosted for free.

Item 9

The agent collects the meal allowance for additional meal expenses, set at EUR 15.25, if he or she is on a mission for the entire 12-hour period and 14 hours for lunch and between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. For the evening meal and if meals are not provided free of charge.

Article 10

For counting allowances, schedules The start and end of the mission correspond to the schedules on the transport titles. In order to take into account the time required to reach a station and to return, a one-half hour lump-sum period is taken into account in the duration of the mission before the departure time and after the time of return. This period shall be extended to 1 h 30 in the case of the use of the aeroplane or the vessel.

Article 11

When using the tour operator for the Providing accommodation, its cost must be within the limits of the rates set out in this Order.

C.-Miscellaneous Charges

Article 12

Taxi charges incurred as part of the mission may be reimbursed by authority of the authority ordering the Movement and production of evidence of expenditure.
The toll and parking charges within the 72-hour limit are refunded on the production of supporting documents.
When the agent uses his or her personal vehicle under conditions of Article 4 for personal convenience, it cannot claim any reimbursement of tolls or parking fees.
When public transit tickets are not provided by the administration on the occasion of the mission or internship, they May give rise to reimbursement upon presentation of the proof.

III. -Missions overseas and abroad
A. -Transport

Article 13

Transport standards are as follows:
(a) The use of 1st class for the route May be authorized by the authority ordering the movement, where the conditions of the mission or the tariff conditions so warrant;
(b) For the air route, the overclassification may be authorized by the authority which directs the Travel, where the duration of the journey exceeds 7 hours and the duration of the mission is less than seven days.

Item 14

When an agent makes the choice of different terms and conditions of carriage than those selected by the administration, the possible complement is at its expense.

Article 15

The provisions of Article 7 of this Order shall also apply to travel overseas and abroad. In such cases, the agent shall advance the costs and shall be reimbursed on presentation of the proof of transport.

B.-Charges Stay (accommodation, meals)

Article 16

All overseas and foreign travel is entitled to a daily allowance Accommodation, two meals and miscellaneous expenses (taxi, parking, telephone, airport shuttles) incurred by the agent for the performance of his or her mission.

Article 17

In derogation from Article 2 of the Order of 3 July 2006 fixing the rates of mission allowances, the daily allowance is allocated under conditions
-65 % for the overnight stay if the agent is on duty between 0 hours and 5 hours and on presentation of the hosting credential;
-12.5 % for lunch if the agent is on duty between 12 hours and 3 p.m.;
-12.5 % for evening meal if the agent is on duty between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.;
-10 % for miscellaneous charges.
When the agent is provided with a free allowance, be it accommodation or meals, he or she cannot claim the allowance Corresponding. The miscellaneous fees may be reimbursed by prior approval of the authority authorizing the movement and presentation of the supporting documents.
For purposes of calculating allowances, the Mission starts at the time of arrival at the community, port, or The airport of destination, and ends at the time of departure from that same place for the return.

Item 18

Any stop over 7 Hours in a country shall be entitled to a meal or night allowance according to the time ranges set out in Article 17.

Item 19

Daily allowances for overseas and overseas may be paid in advance to the officer under the conditions set out in section 17.
For missions overseas or abroad, when the agent advances Costs, the reimbursement shall be made on a flat-rate basis on the basis of the maxima laid down in Article 1 of the Order of 3 July 2006 fixing the rates of mission allowances and in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 17.
In both cases, the Reimbursement shall be subject to the production of the proof of payment of the accommodation and, where applicable, miscellaneous expenses. Loss of evidence or non-submission may result in a denial of compensation or, where applicable, the repayment of the perceived advance.
Allowances are payable only for the days of the mission. Compensation for additional days at the location of the mission may, however, be granted on an exceptional basis by authority of the authority that orders the mission when a more favourable airfare creates a net economy in the eye The additional cost generated by these additional days.

Article 20

Time spent on board ships or aircraft does not open any Meal allowance unless the ticket price does not include the benefit. The reimbursement shall be made on presentation of the proof of expenditure.

Item 21

The following charges may be incurred: Reimbursement upon presentation of supporting documents:
-fees for the issuance of a passport and visa;
-compulsory or recommended vaccination and prophylactic medical expenses.

Article 22

The provisions of Article 7 are also applicable to overseas and overseas travel. In such cases, the agent shall advance the costs and shall be reimbursed under the conditions of Article 17.

IV. -Internships. -Training

Article 23

An officer who is required to travel for an initial or continuous training course may claim the The charge d' un aller et retour entre sa résidence administrative ou familiale et le lieu de la formation, quelle que soit la duration du placement.
For initial or continuous training courses of at least four consecutive weeks, the officer may Receive additional support of its transportation costs every two weeks.

Item 24

When Agent Benefit from free accommodation or meals, he is not entitled to the corresponding allowance. When the initial or continuing training officer has had the opportunity to go to an administrative restaurant or to be accommodated in an administrative structure on a participating basis, the corresponding allowance is reduced by 50 %.

Article 25

The various costs incurred in connection with an initial or continuing training action (public transportation costs for To return from the station or the airport to the place of training or in the absence of public transport, taxi charges, parking fees within the 72 hours limit) may be reimbursed upon presentation of the evidence accepted by the The authority ordering the move.

Article 26

The provisions of this Order shall apply from November 1 2006. The derogations provided for in this Order shall apply for a period of four years.

Article 27 More about this Item ...

This Order will be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 15, 2006.

The Minister of Health and Solidarity,

Xavier Bertrand

The Minister of Employment,

Social Cohesion and Housing,

Jean-Louis Borloo

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