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Decision Of 19 December 2003 Write-In Status Boards (Labour Inspectorate)

Original Language Title: Décision du 19 décembre 2003 portant inscription à des tableaux d'avancement (inspection du travail)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2004 Page 302
Text #36

Decision of 19 December 2003 listing in tables d' progress (labour inspection)

NOR: SOCO0312089B ELI: Not available

By decision of the Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity in On December 19, 2003, the Assistant Directors of Work with the following names:
1 Cart (Bernard), DRAF Franche-Comté, are listed on the promotion board at the rank of Director of Work for the year 2004.
2 Bernie (Patrick), DDAF Tarn-et-Garonne.
3 Bruere (Alain), DDAF Lot-et-Garonne.
4 Noirot (Bernard), DDTEFP Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
5 Terlez (Didier), DDTEFP Hautes-Alpes.
6 Couralet (Miguel), DDTEFP Vaucluse.
7 Gautier (Muriel), DDTEFP Bouches-du-Rhône.
8 Lancelevee (Jean-Luc), DRTEFP Limousin.
9 Franc (Ginette), DDTEFP Landes.
10 Boillaud (Patricia), DDTEFP Allier.
11 Ledeme (Dominica), DDTEFP Marne.
12 Lenfant (Christiane), DDTEFP Orne.
13 Pomel (Jacques) DDTEFP Morbihan.
14 Guillon (Monique), DDTEFP Côte-d ' Or.
15 Amat (Hubert), DTEFP Guyana.
16 Joyeux (Jean-Marie), DGEFP.
17 Piolot, DDTEFP Loir-et-Cher.
18 Vimeux (Jean-Marie), DDTEFP Pas-de-Calais.
19 Alignol (Bernard), DDTEFP Gard.
20 Charrier (Yvon), DDTEFP Indre-et-Loire.
21 Vionnet (Georges), DDTEFP Aveyron.
22 Brethenoux (Marie-Claude), DRTEFP Limousin.
23 Buffet (Françoise), DDTEFP Isère.
24 Doppia (Dominica), DRIAF Ile-de-France.
25 Sailly (Anne), DRTEFP Poitou-Charentes.
26 Bahon (Dominica), DRAF Basse-Normandie.
27 Perron (Michel), DRTEFP Rhône-Alpes.
28 Garcia (Pierre), INTEFP.
29 Ines (Edouard), DDTEFP Yvelines.
30 Le Gac (Françoise), DRT.
31 Thefioux (Dominica), DRTEFP Pays de la Loire.
32 Vet (Patrick), DDTEFP Haut-Rhin.
33 Robinet (José), DDAF Marne.
34 Bellemere-Bast (Martine), DDTEFP Seine-et-Marne.
35 Leycuras (Guy), DRAF Limousin.
36 Espinasse (John), Detached.
37 Cristoforetti (Jean-Daniel), DDTEFP Drôme.
38 Nicolas (Christiane), DDTEFP Hautes-Pyrénées.
39 Randon (Christian), DDAF Hérault.
40 Le Poupon (Alain), DDTEFP Val d' Oise.
41 Angeli (Nicole), DDAF Gard.
42 Dufau (Marc) Detached.
43 Franco-Millet (Elisabeth), DRTEFP Auvergne.
44 Balas (Dominica), DDAF Vienna.
45 Tillet (Didier), DRTEFP Ile-de-France.
46 Paolacci (Jacques), DRTEFP Corse.
47 Triomphe (Claude), DRTEFP Ile-de-France.
48 Lassort (Jean), DRTEFP Aquitaine.
49 Estimated (Christian), DDTEFP Moselle.
50 Varenne (Luc), DRTEFP Aquitaine (MAD SGAR).

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