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Order Of 20 December 2005 Fixing The Number Of Places Offered In Respect Of The Year 2006 For The Recruitment In The Technical And Administrative Service Of The Armed Forces Fuel Body

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 20 décembre 2005 fixant le nombre de places offertes au titre de l'année 2006 pour le recrutement dans le corps technique et administratif du service des essences des armées

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2006
Text N ° 6

Decree of 20 December 2005 fixing the number of places offered for recruitment in the technical and administrative body of the service of army species in 2006.

NOR: DEFP0501709A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence as of December 20, 2005, the number The maximum number of places offered in 2006 in the competitions provided for in Article 9 of Decree No. 76-1227 of 24 December 1976 as amended bearing in mind the special status of officers of the technical and administrative bodies of the armed forces shall be
follows: Tests, open to candidates holding a post-graduate degree in higher education or an equivalent recognized title (art. 9-I), in respect of the technical specialty: 4 places;
(b) Protests, open to career or contract non-commissioned officers, aspirants and contract officers with a bachelor's degree in secondary education or a title Recognized equivalent (s. 9 [II, a]), as part of the technical specialty (science competition): 7 places.
Seats that could not have been allocated under one of these competitions may be carried over to the other.

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