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Decree Of 5 December 2005, Of The National Patent Of First Aid Instructor

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 5 décembre 2005 portant délivrance du brevet national d'instructeur de secourisme

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2006 Page 91
Text No. 27

Decree of 5 December 2005 for the grant of the national patent d' first aid instructor

NOR: INTE0500924A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of State, Minister of Interior and Planning of the Territory, on December 5, 2005, the national patent of first aid instructor is issued to persons whose names follow, in alphabetical order (place of residence):
M. Franck Abadie (Val-de-Marne);
M. Denis Allard (Val d' Oise);
M. Alexandre Alonso (Seine-Saint-Denis);
M. Nicolas Behocaray (Seine-Saint-Denis);
M. Emmanuel Beignon (Seine-Saint-Denis);
M. Frédéric Blaise (Moselle);
M. Damien Dentinger (Ain);
M. Alexander Falconnet (Yvelines);
M. Ludovic Feller (Val d' Oise);
M. Pierrick Garriou (Paris);
M. Hervé Lecollinet (Paris);
Miss Sandrine Lecompte (Hérault);
M. Vincent Lecomte (Val-de-Marne);
M. Thibaud Malie (Paris);
Miss Ariane Monchablon (Paris);
M. Frédéric Paris (Essonne);
M. Franck Pechoutre (Seine-Saint-Denis);
M. Frédéric Pinson (Seine-et-Marne);
M. David Raffy (Cantal).

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