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Decree On The Appointment Of Accounting Officers (Decentralized Services Of The Treasury)

Original Language Title: Arrêté portant nomination d'agents comptables (services déconcentrés du Trésor)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2006
Text No. 43

Order appointing accounting officers (treasury deconcentrated services)

NOR: BUDR0501394A ELI: Not available

By Order of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Minister Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce, Handicrafts and Professions and the Minister Delegate to the Budget and State Reform, Government Spokesperson, 6 December 2005, Ms. Sandrine Loridan, Inspector of the Public Treasury, is named accounting officer for the National Arts and Crafts Promotion and Communication Fund, replacing Mr. Jean-Louis Sanguinetti.

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